Our town's website doesn't tell you as of 2/23; so here's info. onvoter registration & absentee ballots.
If you aren't certain you are registered to vote, call 410-632-3031.
Google 'Worcester County, Maryland', click on 'Voter" at top of page, click on "Voter Information' and another window pops open. Then, click on the link on the left of Information for 'Link for Voter Registration'. Deadline to register: March 7 th
If you need an application for absentee ballot, stop by City Hall or call 410-957-1333 and this must be returned by March 31 st if you don't wish to have to WALK into the voting polls. If aren't going to be in town April 5th, please call for an absentee ballot. As of Feb. 23 rd, they still don't have a link on the city's website!
"Remember, this candidate values and demonstrates true transparency and openness in her campaign,
and will do so once elected!"
or if you welcome a visit, or a chat in my office,
or even chat by telephone,
CALL 410-957-4200.
My campaign team is now delivering flyers and informing the community of this website. Due to inclement weather and demonstrating respect to individual property, this candidate will NOT show up 'uninvited', loitering, or trespassing on any property,
we respect your property!
We believe government should, too.
This upcoming Pocomoke City election for Mayor is a chance and who you decide as Pocomoke Mayor is important! "Revitalizing Pocomoke" - is our goal, with a vision for our youth! This is important for our community and our future!
The time is now as "Real People NEED Real Solutions!" for such a time as this!
Entire website is a paid political endorsement by authority of Edean Bundick, Treasurer, for Mayoral Candidate Dr. Lynn Duffy. Site activity is monitored and analyzed daily.