Shere Khan was the advanced age of 18 years.
The zoo also revealed that Shere Khan's sister Shaka Khan was diagnosed with a different cancer.
“The entire Zoo family is grief-stricken,” Executive Director Greg Bockheim said.
A lesion on Shere was biopsied on April 16 and the zoo veterinarian determined she had a form of skin cancer, called squamous cell carcinomas . Veterinarian Dr. John Sanginario did not recommend surgergy because of Shere's age and condition.
“Shere Khan and Shaka Khan were among the most popular animals at the Zoo,” Bockheim said. But the tigers have been off exhibit to Zoo visitors since June 2008 for the construction of the Asia – Trail of the Tiger expansion .
Also in April, keepers noticed a growth on Shaka Khan's left elbow. The biopsy determind she had a malignant, slow-growing, low grade fibrosarcoma . The zoo says she is expected to live another 10-12 months.
“We knew the tigers were elderly cats and could only be expected to live a few more years, but no one was prepared to lose them before the Asia exhibit opens,” says Bockheim. “Tigers are an important, highly endangered species native to Asia and are one of the centerpieces of this new exhibit.