According to a letter signed from Brenda Payne, Senior Vice President of Hampton Roads Bankshares, criminals are sending text messages under the pretense that the messages are being sent from the Bank. The text message incorrectly states that the person's debit card has been deactivated and instructs the customer to call the Bank at the provided number. But the number is not the Bank's phone and is actually a number established by the scammers. If the number is dialed, callers hear what seems to be a legitimate call center and they are asked to enter their card number, followed by a request for their pin number. Once the scammers have this information, they are able to create fake cards and make ATM withdrawals.
If you receive this text, do not respond by text or call any phone numbers provided. Payne's letter reminds customers not to share debit card numbers or PINs with anyone.
Shore Bank will never ask for your PIN or any password used to access accounts because the information is personal.
You are encouraged report the incident with your bank, including the phone number you were asked to call.
If you have already shared this information with someone as a result of a text message, call 1-800-523-4175 immediately.