Did you know that on Wednesday the presidential plane made an appearance over the Hampton Roads area?
Sometime during the afternoon on February 3 the plane made a touch and go landing at the Newport News/Williamsburg Airport. According to a spokesman this happens at least once a month. It's called "training".
Training? Hmmm...... Well, I'm going to show some stupidity here and tell you I don't know if I would be comfortable flying with a pilot that needed practice once a month with one of my many presidential planes. And I'm going to further my stupidity today and ask why?
Also, how much does this cost the American taxpayers?
Does this hamper Hampton Roads in any way for the few minutes the presidential plane makes contact with a runway and then flies off?
Do the major airline pilots get practice with the jets before they fly hundreds of people all around the world 24/7?
And here's something I didn't know: The presidential plane is only referred to Air Force One when the president is on board. So?