Even if you have never owned a dog in your entire life you must read this..........
And if you have owned a dog you will know just how much fun this must be for a four-legged best friend.

MIAMI (AP) - The yellow school bus makes its rounds, picking up one eager passenger after another en route to day camp. Small legs quickly climb the stairs, heads pop out of bus windows and excitement rises.
Each of these day campers has four legs and a tail and many wag those tails rapidly as the "Doggie Bus" pulls up at a southwest Miami camp created just for canines _ Totally Dog.
Dog trainer Elena Sweet says she opened Totally Dog in 1999 as a peaceful getaway for dogs to run free, socialize and beat urban stress. Husband Jeremy drives the bus and dogs bound off into a bone-shaped wading pool, then romp at play.
Owners pay about $45 a day for camp. Kenny Reich says his three pooches go right to sleep after camp _ a sure sign they had a doggone "great time."
