Nineteen-year-old Rachel Stieringer was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. A Texas resident called Florida's abuse hot line after seeing the picture online of the baby posing with his face in the bong.
Two weeks ago the mom had defended her actions , claiming there were no drugs or tobacco in the bowl, and her child was not breathing in smoke.
But child protection officers from the Florida Department of Children and Families launched an inquiry into her actions.
"We are alarmed that any parent would take pictures of their child next to what is obviously drug paraphernalia," said spokesman John Harrell.

She said: "If u look at the picture u can see that there is no bowl in the TABACCO pipe.
"And i took a pic to show one (expletive) person and it was a mistake. I would never ever ever let him get high."
The mom said that as part of the investigation she was ordered to take a drugs test, and her son was being checked by doctors.
She added: "Do you realize how serious this is? i can go to jail and he can be taken away from me. WHY would you do something so (expletive) stupid?
"i know what i did was stupid but i would NEVER put by baby in harm. im so nice to everyone idk (I don't know) why you would do this to me."
Clay County Sheriff's deputies say Stieringer turned herself in July 29 and was released on $502 bond.
A spokesman for the Department of Children and Families said Monday the baby had no injuries and drug tests came back negative.
A message could not be left at Stieringer's home Tuesday morning. The phone number was busy on several attempts.
(The grandparents are now caring for the child.)