Those of us traveling to Chincoteague, beginning today, will have new traffic lights to obey. Keep this in mind and please take your time. Stay alert.
On Thursday, March 25, the traffic signal will change to flashing yellow for Maddox Boulevard and red for Main Street. Motorists traveling on Maddox Boulevard are to yield and then proceed with caution, while traffic on Main Street will be required to stop and then proceed with caution.
On April 2, the traffic signal will be completely activated with green (go), yellow (caution), and red (stop) functionality for motorists traveling on both Maddox Boulevard and Main Street.
The signal has been installed as part of the Chincoteague Bridge Project. The new mainline Chincoteague Bridge is scheduled for completion by April 2. The Marsh Island connector bridge is scheduled for completion by September of 2010. The entire project, including demolition of the existing bridges, is scheduled for completion by December 2010. Currently, the project is within budget.
On Thursday, March 25, the traffic signal will change to flashing yellow for Maddox Boulevard and red for Main Street. Motorists traveling on Maddox Boulevard are to yield and then proceed with caution, while traffic on Main Street will be required to stop and then proceed with caution.
On April 2, the traffic signal will be completely activated with green (go), yellow (caution), and red (stop) functionality for motorists traveling on both Maddox Boulevard and Main Street.
The signal has been installed as part of the Chincoteague Bridge Project. The new mainline Chincoteague Bridge is scheduled for completion by April 2. The Marsh Island connector bridge is scheduled for completion by September of 2010. The entire project, including demolition of the existing bridges, is scheduled for completion by December 2010. Currently, the project is within budget.