An already dire budget situation for Accomack County schools has just gotten worse. While Accomack County School officials have been preparing their budget based on the Governors proposed budget, a $2.7 million dollar shortfall for our school system, the House announced yesterday in its budget that Accomack County would lose $5.1 million in State funding for fiscal year 2011.
Last year, Accomack County Schools were prepared to cut 65 jobs but because of the Federal Stimulus package, the jobs were saved. According to Accomack County School officials, if the House budget is passed, the number of jobs that would be cut will be "significantly higher than last years considered cuts," said Accomack County Schools Superintendent Rick Bull.
However, the Senate and Governors version do not have the draconian cuts the House version does. The Senates cuts are still quite a bit higher than the cuts proposed by Governor McDonnell. Accomack County Schools will "prepare for the worst and hope for the best."
The final budget for FY 2011 will be reached through a combining of the three budgets. None of these cuts are yet final.