~~Strawberry Season Has Begun In Virginia~~
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services says growers in Tidewater and Southside already report berries ripe for the picking. Central Virginia growers say their strawberries will be ripe for Mother's Day weekend, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.
Growers say a relatively cool spring has been good for their berries. The recent hot spell has been the finishing touch on what they're calling a sweet berry season.
Strawberry season usually lasts through June in cooler parts of Virginia.
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services says growers in Tidewater and Southside already report berries ripe for the picking. Central Virginia growers say their strawberries will be ripe for Mother's Day weekend, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.
Growers say a relatively cool spring has been good for their berries. The recent hot spell has been the finishing touch on what they're calling a sweet berry season.
Strawberry season usually lasts through June in cooler parts of Virginia.