The event is sponsored by the Va. Department of Veterans Services, Eastern Shore Community College,and the Virginia Employment Commission, and work with representatives from a half-dozen state and federal agencies, and will be held from 10 AM until 1 PM at the Legion Post at 21210 Bayside Road in Cheriton.
During the three hour workshop, veterans and their family members will be able to complete more than half a dozen processes:
Begin claims process for VA benefits.
File the VA Health Benefits Enrollment Eligibility From 1010 EZ.
Sign up for free counseling and referral services from the Norfolk Vet Center.
Get help from the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program for combat stress and traumatic brain injuries.
Enroll with the Virginia Employment Commission and begin the job search process.
Order a copy of their DD214.
Remember this date:
August 7, 2010 at the American Legion Post in Cheriton.
Call Wendy Ainsworth at 787-5862 for more information.