Friday, April 11, 2014



Delmarva Discovery Center

TOMORROW is Pocomoke City's Downtown Spring Festival from 11 am - 4 pm.
  Stop in the Delmarva Discovery Center and get 50% off your admission. 
Children can get their passport stamped and also receive a free gift.

Shop the Museum Store ...
for Mother's Day cards from Leanin' Tree, education books and toys for children, and cookbooks, jewelry, sea glass, artwork, and much more by local artists.

Information on summer camp and upcoming events will also be available.

Farmer's Market in Downtown Pocomoke

Farmer's Market in Downtown Pocomoke
Fri, April 11, & Sat, April 12
 7am - 12pm
See or call 410-957-1333 for more information.

Chamber Challenge Voting ~ VOTE Everyday!!

 Voting has been extended to April 15


Click here and vote daily through March for the Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce to win the Maryland Small Business Week Awards Chamber Challenge.

Soles for Souls at Taylor Bank

The Maryland Banker's Association's Council of Professional Women in Banking and Finance announced that their 2014 philanthropic initiative will be to support Soles4Souls (  

The website gives you an idea of why this is a worthwhile cause. 

 Taylor Bank is supporting this drive with collection boxes in 
ALL  branches.

The condition of the shoes can be new to very used.  The only shoes not acceptable are those that have mold or mildew on them.

Shoe collection continues up to the end of April. 
 NOW is a GREAT time to clean out the closet and make a great donation at the same time. 
 PLEASE be sure that shoes with laces are tied together, shoes without be rubber banded together.

Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce- Facebook

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Convicted Accomack Arsonist Tonya Bundick Back In Court For Motions Hearings and More

Bundick's motion for venue change approved, motion for 62 separate trials continued

ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va.-  A judge has approved a change of venue request for convicted Accomack County arsonist Tonya S. Bundick if she goes to trial on the additional 62 charges filed against her.

During a motions hearing held in Accomack County Circuit Court, Bundick's defense appeared before a judge to discuss their a change of venue request, her request to wear makeup in court and her request for 62 separate trials for all 62 additional arson charges she is facing.

During Thursday's action, judge approved Bundick's request for a change of venue to Virginia Beach and also granted her request to wear makeup in court if she ends up going before a jury again.

However, the judge held off on making a ruling on Bundick's request for 62 separate trials on the additional charges. He said he wanted to reread the testimony Bundick and her co-defendant and fiance, Charlie R. Smith III, gave during their last trial. In addition, the judge said he wants to read statements Smith gave police during his recorded confessions.

Bundick was indicted by a grand jury for an arson spree that occurred between November 2012 and April 2013 in Accomack County.


TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1969.. Recalling Annie Oakley's Eastern Shore connection; 1973.. Reports of meteor streaking over Delmarva; 1954.. When Major League baseball found a Maryland home; 1920.. Veteran admits assault charge to Princess Anne jury. What's their verdict? 1907.. Pocomoke City loses a young leader of its business community; 1903.. Chincoteague Island is home to a one-of-a-kind wildlife farm.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mayor and New District 3 Councilman Sworn In at Monday Night Meeting

7:30 PM, Monday, April 7, 2014

Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison ran unopposed in the Pocomoke City election.  This is Mayor Morrison's second term as Mayor of Pocomoke City.

Worcester County Clerk of Court Steve Hales conducts the swearing  in of Mayor Bruce Morrison for a new three-year term with the Mayor's wife Laura by his side. Photo Lori Trotter

The new  voice in Pocomoke City Hall, District 3
Councilman R. Dale Trotter
Mayor Morrison handles the  swearing  in of R. Dale Trotter for a three-year term as District 3 City  Councilmember.  Wife Lori is also beside the Councilman. Photo/Lori Trotter

In a special statement before the election Trotter explained what some of his concerns for District 3 and Pocomoke City were.  This is just part of the his statement:

Photo Lori Trotter

"I am well aware of concerns within our district; and I, like you; realize that our district desires far exceed "downtown revitalization". Although much work is needed to continue in a forward motion, we must not forget what binds this community together, our citizens."

Special recognition was also given to  outgoing City Council member Don Malloy.

Delegate Mike McDermott's End of Session Letter

End of Session Wrap Up
 By Delegate Mike McDermott
Dear Fellow Citizen and Patriot of the Eastern Shore,
I wish I could report to you that Annapolis had changed its way of thinking this year. I had hoped beyond hope that the majority party that rules the General Assembly would wake up to the economic realities facing our great state and move us in the appropriate direction. Sadly, the days of reckless spending, tax and fee increases, and overly burdensome regulations have not yet ended for Maryland. I truly wanted to report to you that the legislature resisted robbing from teachers’ pensions, the Chesapeake Bay Trust, and the Transportation Trust Fund, but that is not the case. I wanted a health care fix that would work for our people and an energy policy that made sense, but we continue to throw millions down a dark hole and refuse to seek natural gas reserves that would make us energy independent.
Instead of fiscal restraint and smart initiatives, the General Assembly has left us with:
Budgeting Fiasco

Increased spending by $2 Billion over last year’s budget

$4.5 billion robbed from “Trust Funds”

$200 million robbed from Teacher Pensions ($200 million more in 2015)

Rejected efforts to cut spending by hundreds of millions

Bond Bill/Earmark debt that outpaces revenue by  $300 million, leading to higher   Property Tax rates statewide.
Obamacare Debacle

$150 million spent on a computer system that will never work

Presented the governor with a blank check to pay for medical services for people who simply claim they could not get on the website

Added 400 employees to take calls and then abandoned the whole system!

The governor is now switching to another system, and we just gave him an additional $50 million to start that process with no idea on the total cost to operate the system.
Transgender Rights

Instead of truly facing the issues surrounding transgender rights, the House passed incoherent legislation that will allow for the following:

 A man can use the women’s restroom if he simply thinks he should be a woman.

A woman’s day spa must allow a man access to their disrobing areas and dressing rooms if the man claims he is really a woman at heart.

A YMCA or local gym will need to provide alternative facilities for a transgender or they must allow a man to use the women’s locker room if he so desires.

These actions will cost businesses and nonprofit organizations money as they seek to preserve the integrity of their establishments from these changes.
Marijuana Decriminalization

Possession of marijuana is not a crime in Maryland anymore. The Democrats have given a green light and a destructive message to our young people

While we struggle with our students being competitive on a global scale, we will now have  to address increasing drug use among our children

While seeking to deliver people from potential criminal records, they have now ensured a limited future for our young people who get caught in the cycle of drug abuse.
Yet again, the actions taken by the Democratic majority have clearly damaged our state and demonstrated a reckless disregard for our  Eastern Shore values.

Despite these egregious actions by the General Assembly, I continue to stand and fight for values that matter to you:
Victim Rights
I was able to see Alex’s Law pass this year. It guarantees the right for any victim or their representative to make a Victim Impact Statement in court. This will provide an outlet for many victims and their families to truly have “their day in court.”
This year I offered bills to reduce the state income tax by 10%. I also fought for bills to eliminate the death tax and was happy to see the House finally accept reductions in the estate tax, which will help many Maryland families.
Fighting for Open Government
Government transparency and allowing our citizens to actively participate should be a top priority. Currently, the Senate, unlike the House of Delegates, has failed to offer online video recordings of their committee proceedings. I believe that citizens deserve to have all of the necessities required to make informed decisions regarding their government, which is why I co-sponsored a bill (HB177) requiring Senate proceedings to be available through online video. Another important issue in this state involves the redistricting process, which is currently controlled solely by the Governor. HB1327, which I also co-sponsored, would make gerrymandering a more open process. Lastly, to help cut down on voter fraud, I also co-sponsored HB1094 which would require proof of identity at polling places.  Although these bills garnered my full support, they did not pass through the legislature this session.

Striving to Make Maryland “Business Friendly”
For the third consecutive year, the Maryland Business for Responsive Government   honored me with an award for my efforts in defending business freedom across the state. My “Truth in Permitting” bill (HB213) would have made the building permit process fair for contractors and carpenters. Other bills, like my “Fiscal Impact Requirement” bill (HB26), would have required an agency to provide a fiscal impact statement before any regulatory changes could be made to the code. My “Corporate Income Tax Rate Reduction” (HB199) bill would have reduced taxes on businesses and made Maryland more competitive with neighboring states.
Reducing Our Tax Burden   
Some of my other bills, like HB75, would have eased the income tax burden on retirees by exempting $50,000 from taxable income; and HB326 which would have reduced income taxes by 10% on all Marylanders. In our economy’s current state, every effort must be made to reduce the financial tax burdens on our families. It is far better for our people to decide where to invest and spend their money than for government to make decisions for them.
Standing Up for Shore Values
This year I fought to repeal the “Rain Tax” and prevent it from being levied on Eastern Shore citizens. Sadly, some of our local governments have opted to tax their citizens after receiving the state’s blessing. The repeal was not adopted, but it is fast becoming a bipartisan effort. I also co-sponsored bills to address concerns over the new “Common Core” standards being applied in our public schools. While Common Core was not repealed, our concerns were too numerous to simply ignore. As a result, testing is being delayed and a significant overview has not been legislated.
Farming and Poultry Operations
The Phosphorous Management Tool, as the O’Malley administration would like to see it applied, would be disastrous for our grain and poultry farmers. Although we were able to garner an impact study on the effect these regulations will have on our economy and postpone implementation, I fear the tool will move forward by the end of this year. The damage has already been done as companies and banks are taking a hard look before expanding or loaning money on land that has an uncertain future. This is a devastating hit to our state or local economy. 
Choptank Electric Ratepayers
A bill that would have resulted in Choptank customers being forced to supplement a questionable “manure to energy” project with higher rates was changed into a study. If the project is successful, it can be revisited, but taxpayers should not be asked to subsidize a venture the private sector considers too risky for investment. Our energy policy should make every effort to deliver cheap, dependable energy to the citizens, businesses and industry of our state.
Moving Forward
Over last four years, I have fought to represent your values on the floor of the House. I have not kept silent, and I have not held back. There remain many walls that need to fall before our state can thrive again. The “liberal way” has not brought us closer to prosperity, yet I remain ever hopeful that Maryland will rise once again.  The Maryland legislature desperately needs representatives who will truly fight for the concerns and values of the Eastern Shore.
We are a state with incredible wealth in natural resources that we refuse to develop. We offer institutions of higher learning where our children receive an education only to seek employment in neighboring states. Our history tells we can do better, and our people still believe if you work hard enough, you can achieve great things.  I still believe in our great country and this blessed state we all call home. With your help, Maryland’s best days lie ahead.
Please feel free to visit my website or Facebook page to learn more about the events that took place in Annapolis during the 2014 Session.  It is a privilege to serve as your representative in a legislature that often fails to share our values. I will continue to argue, speak out, and vote on your behalf.  I appreciate and thank you for your support and interest.
With Warmest Regards, Godspeed,
   Mike McDermott

Crewmember from Royal Canadian Navy Frigate Rescued By Coast Guard

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — The Coast Guard medevaced a 26-year-old crewmember Monday from a 440-foot Royal Canadian Navy frigate approximately 30 miles east of Wachapreague.

Personnel aboard the HMCS Halifax contacted Coast Guard 5th District Command Center watchstanders at approximately 3:40 p.m. Sunday requesting a medevac for a crewmember experiencing abdominal pain.

Since the crewmember's condition was not life threatening, the Coast Guard and the Halifax agreed to conduct the medevac the following morning.

"Working with our partner agencies and the Halifax, we were able to coordinate the frigate altering course toward shore to minimize the crew's flight time and risk involved during the medevac," said Thomas Botzenhart, a search and rescue coordinator in the 5th District Command Center.

District watchstanders dispatched a crew aboard an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C., at approximately 9 a.m. to assist.

The Jayhawk crew arrived on scene, landed on the ship, transferred the crewmember and a nurse into the helicopter and took them to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk.

Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team Conclude Marijuana Distribution Investigation

On April 4, 2014, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team concluded a two month marijuana distribution investigation.

As a result of this investigation, a search and seizure warrant was authored and executed for a residence in the Newark, Maryland.

During the execution of this search and seizure warrant members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team were assisted by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office STAR Team and the Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit.

 Investigators recovered 7.5 lbs of marijuana.

An individual identified as Jerome McKay, Age 26, of Newark, Maryland was located at the residence. McKay was the focus of this investigation and was subsequently charged with possession of marijuana, possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, and possession of paraphernalia.

McKay was subsequently committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $7,000.00 bond.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Snow Hill This Weekend !

Hogan Details Shortcomings of O'Malley-Brown Era Following Final General Assembly

Wed. April 9, 2014 

Final General Assembly of O’Malley-Brown Administration marks seven-year legacy of squandered opportunities and broken promises at the expense of Maryland families and employers.

Annapolis, MD - April 9 - The final General Assembly of the O’Malley-Brown era adjourned and according to gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan, it couldn’t have come soon enough.  Hogan, a business leader and founder of Maryland’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, says despite spending nearly $10 billion more in FY2014 than in FY2008, Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown achieved not only fewer but worse results in the key areas of cost of living, health insurance, job creation, business retention, education, poverty and energy.

Hogan said, “In nearly every quality of life measurement our state is worse off than it was seven years ago.  And even areas that showed modest improvement came at a horrendous financial cost due Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown’s mismanagement and one-party rule in Annapolis.
Among the failures and shortcomings of the O’Malley-Brown era:
             They broke promises to state workers’ by diverting $200,000,000 from pension funds to plug their budget gap.
        They’ve eviscerated local arts funding to hike the film tax credit for Hollywood millionaires.
        They raided the Transportation Trust Fund then raised gas taxes to pay for mass transit.
        They hiked income taxes on families, small business and large employers.
        They blew $125,000,000 of our tax dollars on a health exchange website that still doesn’t work and was never needed in the first place; today, more Marylanders lack health insurance than when O’Malley-Brown took office. 
        More than 73,000 residents have had their health insurance policies cancelled and tens of thousands more have seen massive increases in their premiums and deductibles.
        They put the teacher union bosses that bankroll their political machine ahead of students, parents and classroom teachers. 
        They’ve badly mismanaged the education budget, as a result inner city schools are falling farther behind, state SAT scores are down and elementary school reading aptitude is flat.  And, even the teacher union said their rollout of Common Core was a mismanaged “train wreck.”   
        Their job-destroying tax hikes on the so-called rich and small businesses - those individuals earning $100k or more - backfired, missing revenue projections.
        Some entry level jobs will pay a little more but there will be fewer of them.
        There’s a federal investigation into the Anthony Brown Health Exchange but state lawmakers aren’t issuing their findings until well after the primaries.
        Thousands of employers are now “paying their fair share” in taxes albeit to Virginia and the Carolinas; about 6,500 companies have left Maryland taking with them more than 100,000 jobs.
        Likewise, more than 31,000 Maryland residents left for more affordable states, taking $1.7 billion each year out of our economy; among these were thousands of seniors on fixed incomes who can no longer afford to retire near their families.
        It costs you more when it rains and more again when you drive to the beach.
In sum, Martin O’Malley, Anthony Brown and their allies in Annapolis have made it more expensive to be born, work, hire, shop, drive, fill up your tank, fish, hunt, shoot, buy a house, sell a house, buy a car or sell a car or heat your home.  On the plus side, thanks to an election year reduction in the Estate Tax it will be a little less expensive when we die.
Authority: Larry Hogan for Governor. John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility ~ "Cosmic Highlights"

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility

Plenty of cosmic highlights over the next several days: tonight, the Sun, Earth, and Mars are in alignment, which occurs about every 26 months.

April 14—Mars makes its closest approach toward Earth.

 April 15—lunar eclipse across the United States (set your clocks early—first views start around 1:20 a.m. on the East Coast).

 And, here's a bonus for those in the Wallops area: the International Space Station will fly overhead tonight starting at 7:51 p.m. EDT—visible for 6 minutes.

Look for a very bright dot speeding across the sky appearing southwest and disappearing northeast with a max height of 88 degrees.

SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia Neuter Scooter To Visit

For the month of April, the Neuter Scooter will visit  the SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia   4 times.

April 10 & 11 and 24 & 25.

There are full for spays/neuters but can provide low-cost shots, microchipping, testing and medications from 10am - noon.

The SPCA Eastern Shore is a no-kill shelter located in Onley, Virginia. We provide lots of love, food, shelter and medical care for cats and dogs on the Eastern Shore as we search for adoptive homes.

More Info:
26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164
Onley, VA 23418

Delmarva Discovery Center Easter Egg Hunt

Downtown Pocomoke Spring Festival ~ SATURDAY APRIL 12th

The Downtown Pocomoke Association is hosting a Spring Festival!
Passport to Pocomoke Game, Horse Rides, Bounce House, Face Painting, Kids Easter Crafts, Sidewalk Chalk Art, Entertainment, Food, Antique Car Cruise-In, Artist/Vendors, and so much more!
The Delmarva Discovery Center will be offering 50% off admission during festival hours.

For More Details Visit

Entertainment Line-up:
11am-11:30am Music by DJ Kay
11:30am-12pm Music by Matt Watson
12pm-12:30pm Music by Brittany Lewis
12:30pm-1pm Performance by the Mar-Va Theater
1pm-1:30pm Captain Capitano comedy/kids show
1:30pm-2pm Music by DJ Kay
2pm-2:30pm Performance by the Dance Loft
2:30pm-3pm Music by DJ Kay
3pm-3:30pm Captain Capitano comedy/kids show
3:30pm-4pm Music by DJ Kay

There will be no rain date for this event.


Ocean City Police Department

(April 7, 2014) – On February 24, 2014, a Worcester County Grand Jury indicted two suspects, Wade William Korvin, 21, of Odenton, MD, and Terrance James Webster, 20, of Odenton, MD on multiple charges stemming from an incident that occurred in Ocean City last summer. The suspects are each being charged with first degree assault, second degree assault and reckless endangerment, for a serious assault that occurred on August 18, 2013.

Officers responded to the area of 17th Street and St. Louis Avenue at approximately 1:45 a.m. and located the male victim suffering from serious injuries. During the subsequent investigation, officers determined the victim had gotten into a physical altercation with a group of unknown males who then fled the scene.  Although police quickly arrived on scene and searched the area, officers were unable to locate the suspects.

Over the next several months, detectives from the Criminal Investigation Division’s Major Crimes Unit were able to identify Korvin and Webster as the two suspects involved in the assault. Detectives presented the case to the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, who secured Grand Jury indictments on both individuals. Korvin and Webster were both released from custody on $100,000.00 bond pending their cases being heard in the Circuit Court for Worcester County.

Immediately following the incident, the victim was admitted to Johns Hopkins Medical Center Surgical Intensive Care Unit in Baltimore, MD.  The victim has since been released from the hospital, however is still suffering from the long term effects of the assault.

Please note: The Ocean City Police Department does not have photos or imagines of the suspects available.

Wednesday At The Delmarva Discovery Center

WEDNESDAY is Mommy and Me; Daddy too!
Preschool time from 10:30-11:00
Our program this week is all about HANDS!
Come learn sign language and how to sign the names of different animals. During craft time, we will use our hands again to make this adorable baby chick craft.

Come and join us for this fun and interactive weekly program. 

$5 for one adult and one child. 
Each additional child is $2. 
After the program enjoy some time in the museum playing with our train table, touch tanks, steamship, and don't forget to stop in the Delmarva Discovery Museum Store.

NOTE: If your family joins The Delmarva Discovery Center the cost is $40.00 for a year and all of these fun activities are free with the Membership! As a non-profit 5013c organization your donations help fund these activities and enrich the heritage of this area. Donations of $1.00 or more make all of the difference.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hogan slams General Assembly For Diverting Local Arts Funding To Hollywood Millionaires

Annapolis, MD - April 7 - Gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan today slammed the Maryland General Assembly for its plan to divert millions from a local arts fund to pay for the film tax credit.  
According to Hogan, “It is outrageous that Annapolis elites would loot the Special Fund for the Preservation of Cultural Arts and give it to Hollywood millionaires to produce subscriber-only TV shows.  As a supporter of Maryland arts and the husband of a local artist and art teacher, I know firsthand how important the Fund is to Maryland.  I am deeply troubled that politicians are putting out-of-state special interests ahead of Maryland’s art community,” Hogan said.  
At issue is the Maryland General Assembly’s decision to divert $2,500,000 from the Special Fund for the Preservation of Cultural Arts to fund an increase in the film tax credit.  The increase follows threats and high-pressure lobbying by Hollywood producers and an invite-only Annapolis cocktail party with Kevin Spacey for state legislators.  

A better approach to creating jobs and keeping existing employers, says Hogan, a business leader and former state cabinet secretary, is to bring Maryland’s tax rates in line with those of competing states.

SAVE THE DATE ~ Worcester Tech Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show


Maryland State Police
Press Release


(WALKERSVILLE, MD) – Maryland State Police are searching for a suspect wanted for attempted sexual assaults on two women who were assaulted as they jogged on a park path this afternoon in Frederick County.

The suspect is described as an African American male, about 18-20 years old, 5’6” to 5’ 8” tall, 150 pounds, with a thin build. He has a dark complexion with a very short, even-cut hair style and little to no facial hair. He was wearing light khaki cargo shorts, with a long-sleeved gray shirt with black block-style lettering on it. 
The victims are a 37-year-old and a 50-year-old woman. The Maryland State Police does not publicly identify victims of sexual assault.

Shortly after 3:30 p.m. today, Maryland State Police from the Frederick Barrack were dispatched to a reported sexual assault that had just occurred at the Walkersville Community Park, on Kenneth Drive in Walkersville. Upon arrival, troopers learned the two victims had been jogging on the path within the park when the younger woman was grabbed from behind by the suspect. She fought back, as the suspect attempted to pull down her running pants.

Troopers were told the older victim came to the aid of the younger victim and fought to get the suspect off her. The older victim also used a cell phone to call 911 and then she was assaulted by the suspect. After a brief altercation with her, the suspect ran off in the direction of the Walkersville High School.   

State troopers and deputies from the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office surrounded the area and conducted an intense search on foot, with a K-9 unit, and in patrol cars. The suspect was not located, but the search continues.

Neither victim complained of any pain or serious injury from the assault. Both refused medical treatment.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation is urged to contact TFC Josh White of the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division at 301-600-4175. Callers may remain anonymous.   

Sex Offender Found On School Property Arrested

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Press Release

On 03-21-2014 at approximately 1400 hrs., A Worcester County School Deputy contacted the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Unit in regards to a sex offender on the property of Snow Hill Elementary School.

The Deputy advised that the suspect Darryle Dennis Jr., 22 of Pocomoke Md., had entered the school that day, in an attempt to deliver his daughter balloons for her birthday. Dennis`s daughter is a kindergarten student.

When Dennis`s Identification was scanned thru security, it revealed he was a known registered sex offender. The ice Principal confronted Mr. Dennis along with the Deputy and Mr. Dennis was told to leave the property, which Mr. Dennis did. This was the third time that Mr. Dennis had entered the school during the current school year, which Mr. Dennis is prohibited from doing.

Mr. Dennis was convicted of a 4th. degree sex offense on 01-02-2011 in the Worcester County court system. Since that time Dennis has been a registered sex offender and has reported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office as required by law.

Mr. Dennis may not knowingly enter onto real property that is used for public or nonpublic elementary or secondary education; or on which is located: a registered child care home or child care institution.
Mr. Dennis was arrested and charged on April 4th and held without bond at the Worcester County Jail.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

CC# 1400000293 Date: 04/05/2014

 Incident: DUI Arrest

 Location of Crime: US Route 113 @ MD Rt 12 Snow Hill, MD

 Suspects: Miguel Zamudio 38 of Selbyville, DE

 Charges: DUI, DWI, Driving without License

Narrative: On April 5, 2014 at 4:15 am a Deputy on patrol observed a vehicle stopped in the turn lane of US Route 113 near MD Route 12 in Snow Hill.

As the Deputy neared the vehicle he noticed a male urinating on the road behind the vehicle. The Deputy then observed the male enter the driver’s seat of the running vehicle but not leave.

The Deputy made contact with the operator, Miguel Zamudio.

Zamudio appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and submitted to field sobriety tests.

 Zamudio performed poorly on the test and was arrested.

 Zamudio refused to take a breath test and was issued 3 citations and released pending a trial date.

TIME MACHINE... 1958, 1977, 1894, 1905, 1943

(Reader Friendly Viewing Of Newspaper Archive Material)

January, 1958
Salisbury Times


POCOMOKE CITY — Win Pendleton, Washington, D. C. newspaperman and public relations consultant, will be the principal speaker at the inter-city 35th anniversary meeting of the Pocomoke City Rotary Club here Monday at the Pocomoke Fire Hall. The date marks the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Pocomoke club. Members of the Rotary clubs of Snow Hill, Ocean City, Princess Anne, Crisfield and Salisbury have been invited to attend.

The Pocomoke Rotary Club received its official charter on Jan. 13, 1923. The late Dr. A. A. Parker served as the first president, being in office until June, 1923. At that time, Dr. N. E. Sartorius Sr. was elected as president to serve the first full term. Besides Dr. Sartorius, Godfrey Child and Roger W. Lankford are the remaining charter members still active in the club. The Rev. Paul H. Walenta is now president and will preside at the anniversary meeting.

March, 1977
The News (Frederick, Md)

Report recommends new hospital in Worcester

SNOW HILL, Md. (AP) - A long-awaited report on Worcester County hospital needs concludes that the needs of the county are not being adequately served.

The study concluded that "the quality of treatment is jeopardized by the lack of a local facility that is reliably open and adequately staffed throughout the year."

The study was based on data collected by the state health department under the direction of a local advisory committee established by last year's General Assembly.

The Price Waterhouse accounting firm report was ordered by the General Assembly in response to a request by private developers who want to build a 75-bed hospital in Worcester.

The developers' proposal to build a hospital in Berlin, just west of Ocean City, was turned down last year by the Maryland Health Resources Planning Commission.

The denial came after the commission adopted a plan designed to reduce the number of unused hospital beds in the state.

Peninsula General Hospital in Salisbury, which now serves many Worcester Comity residents, argued in hearings before the commission that there was no need for another hospital in the area.

July, 1894
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

Examination Of Public School Teachers

The examination for white public school teachers will be held on July 31st and August 1st, at Parksley and Keller; for colored, August 7th and 8th, at Keller.

Two days are given for the examinations and the whole examinations cannot, as in the past, be taken in one day- hence teachers are hereby notified to be present on both days.

All teachers whose certificates have expired are by the law required to take the examination, unless holding State Normal Diplomas, and no exceptions will be made.

Those expecting to teach next session are therefore warned to be present, as private examinations are not allowed.

Jno. E. Mapp, Supt. Schools

June, 1905 (Time Machine archive)

Changes in some Maryland postmaster salaries were to be implemented based on post office business during the past fiscal year. The annual salary would go from $1,600 to $1,700 in Pocomoke; $1,500 to $1,600 in Snow Hill, and from $1,700 to $1,800 in Crisfield.

 July, 1943
The Salisbury Times


Bahaman Laborers At Pocomoke Will Stage Native Fire Dance

Pocomoke City, July 3- A native "fire dance" performed around a huge tom-tom drum by a group of 50, will be given for the public by the Bahaman inhabitants of the FSA operated emergency farm labor camp near here on July 12.

Brought from Aftrica to their British West Indies homes, and now to the Eastern Shore of Maryland, the dance is a traditional one in which the participants circle around the big drum, dancing to the throb of a tom tom's rhythm and clapping their hands with the tempo of the drum.

February, 1890
(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)

The canners of Worcester County refuse the demands of the farmers to pledge themselves to pay $5.50 per ton for the next crop of tomatoes.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Photography Class At The Delmarva Discovery Center

Body Found In Northampton County On Barrier Island

According to Sheriff David Doughty on Wednesday April 2, 2014 at approximately 2:09 PM the Northampton County Sheriff's office received a 911 call regarding the discovery of a body on one of the barrier islands.

 Sheriff's Office investigators and the Virginia Marine Police responded to the area, located near the south end of Raccoon Island, for the recovery.

 The body was then transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Norfolk for autopsy and identification.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Motorcyclist Killed In Crash In Temperanceville

Driver charged in crash that killed motorcyclist on Eastern Shore

TEMPERANCEVILLE -- Virginia State Police said a motorcyclist died Saturday after an SUV driver failed to yield the right of way.

Sergeant Michelle Anaya said troopers got a call about a crash on Route 13 at Saxis Road at about 2:50 p.m.

52-year-old Corlas Dorel Dennis was heading south on a 1999 Suzuki Intruder. Troopers determined 81-year-old Freddie Ray Fair, Sr. who was driving a a 2003 Chevrolet Suburban, turned onto the highway from Saxis Road and into the path of Dennis.

Dennis was thrown from his motorcycle. A medical crew flew him to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he died..

Dennis lived in the 6700 block of Basket Switch Road in Newark, Maryland.

Fair, who lives in the 1500 block of Old Virginia Road, Pocomoke City, Maryland, faces a charge of Failure to Yield Right of Way.


Community Crime Watch Meeting

Community Crime Watch Meeting
Stockton Area

Community Crime Watch Meeting on April 8th at 6 p.m. at the Stockton Fire Department.

Special guest will be from the Worcester County Health Department.

Cygnus Cargo Spacecraft Readies For Launch

( Photo-Patrick Black/NASA)
Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles, Va., mated the Cygnus Service Module to the Pressurized Cargo Module Friday, April 4, in Bldg. H-100, payload processing facility, at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, Va.

The Service Module for the Orb-2 mission, which will deliver approximately 1,650 kg of supplies to the International Space Station (ISS), arrived at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility March 31, 2014.

The Pressurized Cargo Module, which arrived at Wallops in late January, was loaded with initial cargo the last weekend of March.

The fully-fueled Cygnus spacecraft will be integrated with the Antares rocket in late April in anticipation of launch, scheduled for May 6 at 3:44 p.m. EDT, from Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport Pad 0A at NASA Wallops.


TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1958.. Pocomoke Rotary Club marks 35 years of service; 1977.. Study recommends a hospital for Worcester County; 1894.. Exams for teaching are scheduled on Eastern Shore of Virginia; 1905.. Lower shore postmasters to receive $100 annual salary increase; 1943.. Bahaman laborers in Pocomoke to give native Fire Dance performance; 1890.. Worcester County tomato canners refuse farmers price demand. 

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Locals Appreciation Weekend At The Delmarva Discovery Center

This weekend is
 Locals Appreciation Weekend at

 50% off admission to all residents of Sussex, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, and Accomack Counties!

 Also, make sure you stop by and say "Hi" to our staff and animals at the Tortoise and Hare Dare 5K Run/Walk at Shad Landing on Saturday!

Brochures with discount coupons, as well as information on upcoming events, summer camp, and volunteer opportunity will be available!

Come enjoy "NASA Wallops Flight Facility Through The Ages" now at the Delmarva Discovery Center through April 2014.