Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rocket Launch From Wallops - December 14th

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – A Terrier-Lynx suborbital rocket is scheduled between 9 and 9:30 p.m. EST December 14 for the Department of Defense from NASA’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

The backup launch day is December 18 between 8 and 8:30 p.m. The rocket may be visible to residents in the mid-Atlantic region.

Launch updates and a map showing the area in which the rocket launch may be visible are available at: http://www.nasa.gov/wallops
NASA Photo

The launch will not be shown live on the Internet nor will launch status updates be provided on social media once the countdown begins.

The NASA Visitor Center at Wallops will not be open for viewing the launch.

Tuesday Specials ~ Riverside Grill Pocomoke

**Don't forget to purchase your gift certificates  - They make  great Christmas gifts! **

Photo BW

-Seafood Gumbo w/ 1/2 tuna salad sandwich 6.99
-Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes and green beans 6.99
-Apple Cranberry Salad 7.99
-Buffalo Shrimp Platter w/ cole slaw, carrots, and celery 8.99

4PM ~ 99 cent kids meals

4  to  7 ~ $1 OFF appetizers

.50 cent wings

Navy To Conduct Aircraft Sound Tests At Wallops Beginning Dec. 17th

C-2 Greyhound
In response to a request from the Accomack County Board of Supervisors, the Navy will conduct a Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) demonstration using E-2 Hawkeye and C-2 Greyhound aircraft at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) during the week of December 17-21.

The demonstration will begin sometime between 3-4 p.m., and conclude about three hours later. The Navy will determine the specific date to conduct the flight demonstration during this window based on operational and training requirements, aircraft availability and forecasted and observed weather conditions.

In September, the Navy released a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the potential environmental effects that could result from the Navy's proposal to conduct regular, scheduled E-2 and C-2 FCLP operations at either Emporia-Greensville Regional Airport or WFF. Under the proposal, these aircraft would conduct up to 20,000 FCLP passes annually at the selected field. These twin-engine, turboprop aircraft are considerably quieter than jet aircraft.

The Navy expects to complete the EA in January and announce a decision shortly thereafter.


ESO School of Dance Presents "Nutcracker"

Low-Interest Disaster Recovery Loans For Lower Eastern Shore


Governor McDonnell Announces Low-Interest Disaster Recovery Loans for Eastern Shore
– Available to Help Residents Rebuild from Hurricane Sandy 

RICHMOND-In response to a request from Governor Bob McDonnell, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has made low-interest disaster loans available to individuals, renters and businesses on Virginia's Eastern Shore to help them recover from Hurricane Sandy.

The governor asked for a federal SBA disaster declaration following the denial by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of his request for the Individual Assistance Program. "Unfortunately, the damage we had in Virginia was not of the severity or widespread enough for us to qualify for Individual Assistance," said Governor McDonnell. "Although we considered an appeal of the FEMA decision, it is very unlikely it would be successful, and waiting for another decision would only delay assistance that can be provided through disaster recovery loans."

SBA loans are available to individuals, renters and businesses in Accomack and Northampton counties. An SBA office will open Tuesday, Dec. 11, and be open through Thursday, Dec. 20, except for Sunday, Dec. 16, when it will be closed. Office hours are 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily. The SBA office will be located at the Eastern Shore Fire Training Center, 28598 Beacon Road, Melfa, Va., 23410. SBA customer service representatives will be on hand at the center to answer questions about the disaster loan program, explain the process and help individuals complete their applications.

Loans up to $200,000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. Both homeowners and renters are eligible for loans up to $40,000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property. Businesses and nonprofit organizations of any size may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets.

"We appreciate the SBA low-interest disaster recovery loan program very much, yet there is a need for additional assistance to help people rebuild," said Governor McDonnell. "I encourage all Virginians, especially on this holiday season, to make a tax-deductible donation to the Virginia Disaster Relief Fund to help our fellow citizens get back on their feet."

The Virginia Disaster Relief Fund is a state-managed fund to financially aid Virginia residents impacted by disasters. Proceeds of the fund are distributed as grants to Local Disaster Recovery Groups. Grants also can be made to charities and faith-based organizations associated with the Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters. To donate to the fund, visit https://payments.vi.virginia.gov/donatenow.

Pet Pictures With Santa !

Last Meteor Shower of 2012

Photo Science.NASA.gov
The last meteor shower of 2012 will be the Geminids, peaking late night December 13 until dawn December 14.

The final major meteor shower of every year (unless one surprises us!) is always the December Geminid shower, often producing 50 or more meteors per hour. It is a beloved shower, because, as a general rule, it’s either the August Perseids or the December Geminids that give us the most prolific display of the year. Best of all, the new moon guarantees a dark sky on the peak night of the Geminid shower (mid-evening December 13 until dawn December 14). But the nights on either side of the peak date should be good as well.

Unlike many meteor showers, you can start watching the Geminids by 9 or 10 p.m. local time. The peak might be around 2 a.m. local time on these nights, because that’s when the shower’s radiant point is highest in the sky as seen around the world.

With no moon to ruin the show, 2012 presents a most favorable year for watching the grand finale of the meteor showers. Best viewing of the Geminids will probably be from about 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. on December 14.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Riverside Grill = Monday Specials

DECEMBER 10, 2012

-Meatball Veggie Soup w/ 1/2 turkey sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Open-Face Roast Beef w/ mashed potatoes and green beans 6.99
-Apple-Cranberry Salad 7.99
-Ale Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99

4  TO  7
$1 OFF appetizers

@8 pm
 $1 tacos and quesadillas
 $3 margaritas
 1/2 price appetizers and import bottles

Santa Claus Downtown Pocomoke on Saturdays

If you missed seeing Santa Clause this Saturday like I did he will be back on Saturday, Dec.15th from
 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM

The Pocomoke Junior Women's Club will take your picture with Santa Claus for $5.00 that day

But you can tell him what's on your Christmas list for FREE!

Santa is located at the corner of Market and Second Streets.  Be sure to browse through the stores and do some Christmas shopping while downtown and take a glance at the store windows painted with the Christmas themes.

An Excellant Reason To Eat At Ruby Tuesday !

If you are planning on eating at Ruby Tuesday's this week here's an excellant way to support the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company!

On Tues Dec 11th and Thurs Dec 13th
If you print out the flyer and give it to your server at Ruby Tuesday's, 20% of your check will benefit the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Co.**

**you must have flyer.

Thanks for your support!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Specials ~ Riverside Grill ~ Pocomoke



-Tomato Soup or White Bean and Kielbasa Soup w/ 1/2 deli sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Open-Face Roast Beef w/ mashed potatoes and green beans
-Single Fried Oysters 10.99
-1 Chili Cheese Dog w/ fries 4.99 or 2 dogs 6.99

-Taco Salad  6.99

Crab pizza  9.99
Chili Nachos  5.99

$1 off appetizers
$2.50 Bloody Mary's and Mimosas
$1.50 domestic drafts
$5 bombs

TIME MACHINE ... He was a "local landmark" of Pocomoke City's Market Street.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)
February, 1976
(The Salisbury Times)
Pocomoke Man At Soda Parlor For Four Decades

By Dick Fleming
Of The Times Staff

POCOMOKE CITY- George Reid sauntered down the length of the counter in the small soda parlor and newsstand to greet the customer coming in the front door. Leaning forward across the counter between the fountain and the candy displays, the ever-present unlit cigarette dangling from one corner of his mouth, he inquired, "Can I help ya?" 

"How much are them gloves up there?"

"Ninety cents . . . isn't that somethin' . . . I sold many' a pair of them at fifteen cents."

With the obvious exception of prices, few things have changed at the Marva Soda Parlor in the 41 years Mr. Reid has been there, including Mr. Reid himself, known in Pocomoke as something of a "local landmark."

And well he should be. For the first few years after he bought the soda parlor, which is located on Main St. (Market Street), next door to the Marva movie theater, he kept the place open 6a.m. until midnight daily. In the following years, he continued operating the business from 6a.m. to 11p.m. seven days a week. In 37 years of owning the parlor, he closed early only twice.

Mr. Reid sold out the business in 1972. It was "on account of my age," he insisted, "not the business. I hated to get out, but when a man gets to be 70, he don't feel like all that foolishness."

Mr. Reid is now 74.

When he sold the business four years ago, his announced plan for retirement was to "sit home evenings and enjoy myself like other folks."

But when you've been running a business for 37 years, as he had at the time, you apparently don't just sit home and enjoy yourself. It didn't take him long to realize that and he was soon back to work under the new management. He is putting in 28 hours a week now.

"I've been around people all my life," he said. "That's why I come in and work with these boys. You take everything away from a man and he'll just sit down and die."

Mr. Reid grew up in the small milling community of Welbourne, near Stockton, about a mile away from his wife of 55 years, Virgie. The couple has three children now, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

Welbourne is little more now than a memory in the back of Mr. Reid's mind, although he said the milling operations once there put the community on the map, "no buts or maybe's about it."
"It's not what it was when I was a boy." he said. "There used to be quite a little town there. There was a steam mill and a lot of little huts and houses and even a post office."

There was also a little county store. Mr. Reid's father ran the now extinct business and it was there that he got his first taste of the business.

He worked in the store with his father until he got married, Mr. Reid recalled, then he took up farming for the next 15 years. After finding that "I wasn't a farmer," he sold the farm and bought into the soda parlor business. 

The Marva (soda parlor) had first been opened in 1927, and had seen "four or five or six" owners come and go before Mr. Reid. When he came to the business in April of 1935, it was at the height of the depression and it was generally assumed that "I wouldn't last 30 days."

Forty-one years later the memory brings a wide grin to the old man's face.

"It was a bad time to get into a business," he recalled. "At home we never bought nothing we didn't need. I've been lucky enough to have a wife who didn't nag you for things. She just saved her money and bought the things we had to have."

Meanwhile, in the store, she helped out during the heavy times, as she would continue to do over the years. When their children grew up, they too helped out in the soda parlor.

It was a struggle for the first five years or so of the business, but the Reids managed to stick it out. Years later, he said, "I took in as much on a Saturday as I did the first thirty days I was here."
"If you didn't see the depression," he concluded, "you can't imagine what it was like." 

"Do you ever watch the Waltons? That's typical . . . it's really typical."

Meeting people is one of the things Mr. Reid recalls most fondly about his many years at the soda parlor. And in Pocomoke City, the Marva (soda parlor) has always been as good a place as any to do that.

"I've met thousands and thousands of people here . . . can't remember their first names . . . I'm good on faces, not names."

After the first five years, he said, it was seldom that there wasn't somebody around in the store.

Over the years there were countless people who gathered daily at the little Main St. (Market St.) business. ". . . like old Grover Powell. He was retired and used to come to town every day and walk the streets. He'd stay in here a good part of his time."

The soda shop, he said, "was a place to come and find out what's going on around town. Sometimes it wasn't always told true, but there was always a lot told."

One of the people Mr. Reid best remembers is Melvin Merritt, who still lives in Pocomoke. Mr. Merritt worked with Mr. Reid for nearly 25 years. "If we ever had an argument or a cross word between us, I never knew it."

"I guess we've all got a few enemies," he added. "But I couldn't name either one." 

If there is one thing about Mr. Reid that could be considered his trademark, it is that unlit cigarette. He quit smoking back in 1946 following a doctor's warning about cancer. He said he was later told he could resume, but didn't want to. He had no taste for cigars, so he took up "chewing cigarettes."

He regularly pulls out a non-filter cigarette, pops it into his mouth and lets it dangle there as he slowly chews it down.

"Lord knows, I've chewed up many a pack. Why? I don't know," he said.

He figured he chews up about five packs a week.

Despite his being privy to the town's scuttlebutt and a firsthand witness to the coming and going of businesses in the community, he never took much interest in local politics, at least as far as becoming involved himself. 

" I never thought about politics because I didn't have the education," he explained. "I quit school in the eighth grade."

"My father told me he'd send me to any school in the country, and he was able to do it. I just didn't want to go."

However, he has never regretted discontinuing his education, he said.

"I can't see the sense in regretting or worrying about something you didn't do. It's my own fault, and nobody elses."

Running his soda fountain, he said, required some business savvy and a lot of common sense. He paid somebody else to maintain the books.

Despite quitting school when he did, however, Mr. Reid said he has been an avid reader all his life.

"I can remember when I was a little boy reading continued stories in the Saturday Evening Post. It would come on Thursday and I thought Thursday would never come."

Now, he said, he still reads up to seven books a week, mostly westerns. "I spect I've got 500 books at home."

"I've read about everything on Maryland and the Eastern Shore I could get," he added.

There have been very few changes in the soda parlor over the years, Mr. Reid said. The most notable one is prices, which have at least doubled, he said.

He also noted the great changes in the type of magazine materials distributors send down to the news stand now. "Like those nudes and stuff over by the door," he gestured. "It was against the law to sell all that stuff in those days."

The Reids have lived in Pocomoke now since 1937, having moved from Stockton after deciding the business was going to make it.

On the few occasions the Reids were ever away from their business (it) was to travel, the couples favorite pastime. They have visited "up and down the East Coast," into the midwest and to Florida for the first opening of Disney World. 

Mrs. Reid now has arthritis and the couple is unable to travel he said.

Except for reading, Mr. Reid said he has no hobbies. "If I did, he said, it wouldn't be so bad. But I don't." 

"It's like an old fellow told me once. 'I got time to play but I don't know how.' "

All in all, he said, meeting people has been the greatest part of his experience at the soda parlor.

"Yesser," he concluded, "I really do enjoy being here." 

FOOTNOTE: Recalling other soda counters in Pocomoke City (1950's): Pocomoke Pharmacy and Clarke's Drug Store..side by side on the east side of Market Street between Clarke Avenue and Second Street; the new J.J. Newberry's at the northeast corner of Market Street and Second Street; Flax's confectionary on the east side of Willow Street between Clarke Avenue and Front Street; Sam's (Roth) Market on the north side of Clarke Avenue, near Walnut Street. -tk
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about, a Holiday memory? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... He was a "local landmark" of Pocomoke City's Market Street.

For four decades of the mid 1900's, George Reid was associated with the soda parlor next to the Marva Theater. A 1976 newspaper article featured an interview with Mr. Reid.

You can read the article in it's entirety this Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

  Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about, a Holiday memory? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Low-Interest Disaster Recovery Loans For Eastern Shore Virginia

Governor McDonnell Announces Low-Interest Disaster Recovery Loans for Eastern Shore

– Available to Help Residents Rebuild from
 Hurricane Sandy –

Loan Office to Open Tuesday in Melfa

RICHMOND-In response to a request from Governor Bob McDonnell, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has made low-interest disaster loans available to individuals, renters and businesses on Virginia's Eastern Shore to help them recover from Hurricane Sandy.

The governor asked for a federal SBA disaster declaration following the denial by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of his request for the Individual Assistance Program. "Unfortunately, the damage we had in Virginia was not of the severity or widespread enough for us to qualify for Individual Assistance," said Governor McDonnell. "Although we considered an appeal of the FEMA decision, it is very unlikely it would be successful, and waiting for another decision would only delay assistance that can be provided through disaster recovery loans."

SBA loans are available to individuals, renters and businesses in Accomack and Northampton counties. An SBA office will open Tuesday, Dec. 11, and be open through Thursday, Dec. 20, except for Sunday, Dec. 16, when it will be closed. Office hours are 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily. The SBA office will be located at the Eastern Shore Fire Training Center, 28598 Beacon Road, Melfa, Va., 23410. SBA customer service representatives will be on hand at the center to answer questions about the disaster loan program, explain the process and help individuals complete their applications.

Loans up to $200,000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. Both homeowners and renters are eligible for loans up to $40,000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property. Businesses and nonprofit organizations of any size may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets.

"We appreciate the SBA low-interest disaster recovery loan program very much, yet there is a need for additional assistance to help people rebuild," said Governor McDonnell. "I encourage all Virginians, especially on this holiday season, to make a tax-deductible donation to the Virginia Disaster Relief Fund to help our fellow citizens get back on their feet."

The Virginia Disaster Relief Fund is a state-managed fund to financially aid Virginia residents impacted by disasters. Proceeds of the fund are distributed as grants to Local Disaster Recovery Groups. Grants also can be made to charities and faith-based organizations associated with the Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters. To donate to the fund, visit https://payments.vi.virginia.gov/donatenow.


Two Fires Reported Overnight In Accomack County

Two fires were reported overnight. At 10:05 a fire in an unoccupied structure was reported on Redwood Road near Onley. Onley, Onancock,Melfa,Tasley, Wachapreague and Painter were dispatched to the scene.

Then at 1:09 a fire was reported in an operational chicken house on Seaside Road. Wachapreague, Painter, Melfa and Onley responded.

The Virginia State Police and the Accomack County Sheriff's Department are investigating.

The Virginia State Police and the Accomack County Sheriff's Department are again asking anyone who sees something out of the ordinary no mater how insignificant it may seem, to contact them.

A $5000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the party responsible for setting the fires.

To report a tip, call: 1-800-582-8350 or (757) 424-6820; or call the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at (757) 787-1131.


Donations Needed For The Animals With No Homes For Christmas

Please leave a donation for the animals that will still be waiting at the Somerset Animal Control facility for their forever homes during the holidays.
They need to be remembered too.
Thank you.

Tractor Supply in Pocomoke has a box set up in the front of the store for anyone who wants to make a donation to The Somerset Animal Control shelter for the animals there during the holiday season.

Somerset Animal Control is  accepting donations of
Dog food (dry and wet)
Dog treats
 Dat food (dry and wet)
 Cat litter
Toys (Tennis balls, rope toys etc) for dogs and cats
 Treats for both dogs and cats!!

Please stop by today and put your donation in the box.

Former Navy Sailor In VA. Charged With Attempted Espionage

Robert Patrick Hoffman II
NORFOLK, VA—Robert Patrick Hoffman, II, 39, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for attempting to provide classified information to individuals who he believed to be representatives of the Russian Federation.

Neil H. MacBride, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; Lisa Monaco, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s National Security Division; Juan C. Molina, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office; and Charles T. May, Special Agent in Charge of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Norfolk Field Office, made the announcement after the indictment was unsealed.

Hoffman was charged in an indictment returned yesterday with attempted espionage, which carries the penalty of imprisonment for any term up to life, if convicted. Hoffman was arrested this morning without incident and is scheduled to make his initial appearance at 2:30 p.m. in federal court in Norfolk before U.S. Magistrate Judge Tommy Miller.

According to the indictment, Hoffman is a U.S. citizen born in Buffalo, New York, who served for 20 years in the U.S. Navy until his retirement on November 1, 2011. While serving in the navy, Hoffman held security clearances that granted him access to classified and national defense information relating to programs and operations in which he participated, and he repeatedly signed agreements to not disclose that sensitive information.

The indictment alleges that on October 21, 2012, Hoffman attempted to deliver to the Russian Federation classified documents that revealed national security information. He is alleged to have carried out this activity with the intent to cause injury to the United States and to give an advantage to the Russian Federation. In fact, Hoffman delivered the information to the FBI, which was conducting an undercover operation, according to the indictment.

The indictment does not allege that the Russian Federation committed any offense under U.S. laws in this case.

This case was investigated by the FBI and NCIS. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Robert J. Krask and Alan M. Salsbury and Trial Attorney Heather M. Schmidt of the Counterespionage Section of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, are prosecuting the case on behalf of the United States.

Criminal indictments are only charges and not evidence of guilt. A defendant is presumed to be innocent until and unless proven guilty.

FBI/Norfolk Division

Friday, December 7, 2012

Pocomoke City EMS Has New Ambulance

From Pocomoke City Emergency Medical Services

A new ambulance - 100 A-4 - has been put into service in Pocomoke City.  This brings the of in service life support units to a total of four.

All four units serve the Pocomoke City, and lower Worcester/Somerset Counties

Pocomoke 100 A-4
Pocomoke EMS Photo

To see more photos of the state-of-the art ambulance

3rd Annual Winter Watermen's Festival

Virginia residents!  This year The Saxis Island Museum has been added !  Don't miss the featured presentation (time listed below)

And in case you didn't know ( CL  says he knew) The Saxis Island Museum is on FACEBOOK.  Please check there for the most recent photos from Hurricane Sandy.

The Saxis Island Museum has a wonderful website -   http://saxisislandmuseum.org/index.html devoted to the islands' history of people and life on the water and land.  Please take time to see the many photos made available.

Check the Educational Links and read how to build a crab pot......I'm thinking that if you're going to build just one  crab pot it might be better to just use a piece of string and chicken back! 

And please don't miss reading the story written by Patrick Hendrickson about the Harvey A. Drewer Oyster Boat.
http://highcamera.com/drewer-article.php  If you are familiar with Saxis you have seen the oyster boat. Patrick even mentions Martha Jane's Kitchen.

 (Patrick is the one responsible for wooing so many of us with his aerial photos of the ocean and the bay recently). 
Wonderful website and look forward to seeing more of it in the future.  Good luck on your new venture with the museum.

Friday Specials / Riverside Grill ~ Pocomoke

Don't forget to purchse some Riverside Grill or Back Street Grill  gift certificates for those on your shopping list.  They make great stocking stuffers!


-Seafood Gumbo w/ 1/2 ham sandwich or side salad 6.99
-Crabby Chicken- a grilled chicken breast topped w/ crab dip, served w/ fries 11.99
-Blackened Shrimp Caesar Salad 10.99
-Cold Plate- Chicken, Tuna, and Pasta salads 6.99


4 to 7
$1 OFF Appetizers


@8 pm 
 $3.50 Bacardi drinks
$1.50 domestic drafts

"Walk Through Bethlehem" OPENS TONIGHT!

Pearl Harbor Day

DECEMBER 7, 1941


From Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

WHEREAS, December 7, 2012 marks the 71st anniversary of the attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; and

WHEREAS, early on the morning of December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was ambushed in a surprise attack by the Japanese Imperial Navy, and 2,403 American military personnel, including 44 Virginians, were killed while 1,178 others were wounded; and

WHEREAS, the attack on Pearl Harbor, a day that has since lived in infamy, is among the most destructive and unwarranted acts of war to take place on American soil, and its anniversary serves as a reminder of the vigilance and preparedness which our nation must always maintain; and

WHEREAS, Virginians and Americans everywhere owe a debt of gratitude to the members of the United States Armed Forces who died at Pearl Harbor, as well as to those who survived and fought with great honor and bravery in the Second World War while defending the people and principles of our nation; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting to observe a day in honor of everyone who served in the United States Armed Forces at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and to reflect upon their sacrifices and on the losses endured by their families and loved ones;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert F. McDonnell, do hereby recognize December 7, 2012 as PEARL HARBOR REMEMBRANCE DAY in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.

Remembering those who served and continue to serve.

And remembering my Mother on this day and her stories of how she saw this day as a child.  Remembering Mr. Mac and his pride as he told me the heroic stories while we sat on his front porch so many summers ago.  And remembering my boss for so many years who always spoke with great pride but  never spoke of Pearl Harbor without tears for America and Americans. 

Don't Forget To Make New Year's Eve Reservations

Coat and Toy Drive Underway In Accomack County

The Accomack County Parks and Recreation Department, WESR, and the Saxis and Parksley Fire Departments are having their annual Coat, Toy and Bicycle Drive again this year. You can donate a new or slightly used coat, toy or bicycle.

 Items can be dropped off at Roses, Four Corner Plaza, Giddens Do Drop Inn in Weirwood and Accomack County Parks and Recreation.

Applications for bicycles are being accepted at the Parks and Recreation Office at 23337 Cross Street in Accomac. The application deadline is Friday, December 14th. Bicycles will be distributed at 9:00 A.M. on December 22.

Coats will be available at the Accomack Parks and Recreation office, Monday thru Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

For more information, call 787-3900 or 824-0314.

This Weekend at the Mar-Va Theater

Two neighbors have it out after one of them decorates his house so brightly that it can be seen from space!
Rated PG 

Friday and Saturday
December 7th & 8th
7 PM
Tickets:  $5

More Reasons To Visit Downtown Pocomoke !


Photo BW
Pocomoke City – 5 December 2012 – Mayor Bruce Morrison and his wife, Laura, have introduced a new tradition this year to add to the growing list of Christmas festivities in Pocomoke: Christmas river cruises.  It is their intention to capitalize on the area’s greatest asset, the Pocomoke River.  The effort began when they requested the owners of riverfront properties participate by decorating their home for the holidays.

 Bay Queen Cruises will take guests on an evening tour of these homes, via the Pocomoke River.  Cruises require advance reservations and occur at 7:00pm on Thursdays and Fridays throughout December, beginning December 6.  Captain John Riggi and First Mate Mary Ann take guests on a 40-minute tour that includes live Christmas music and hot cocoa along the way. The cost is $10 per person.  Reservations are required and can be made by calling: 443-437-7235 or 410-632-1415.

Photo BW
On Saturdays throughout December, Santa Claus will visit with children from 11:00am – 1:00pm in his cabin downtown.  Our Santa house sits in the new downtown mini-park, at the corner of Market & Second Streets.  There is no charge.  The Junior Women’s Club of Pocomoke will be offering a picture with Santa for $5.00. 

Folks are encouraged to cross the street to A Second Time Around (125 Market Street), vintage and collectibles shop, for some special treats.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Riverside Grill Specials


-Beer-Cheese Soup w/ 1/2 shrimp salad sandwich or side salad 6.99
-Apple Cranberry Salad 7.99
-Ale-Batter Fried Shrimp Platter 9.99
-Crabby Chicken- a grilled chicken breast topped w/ crab dip and served w/ fries 11.99

$4 burgers starting @ 4PM

4 to 7
w/$1 OFF appetizers

$3.50 Bacardi drinks at 8 pm till close

TIME MACHINE Preview ... He was a "local landmark" of Pocomoke City's Market Street.

For four decades of the mid 1900's, George Reid was associated with the soda parlor next to the Marva Theater. A 1976 newspaper article featured an interview with Mr. Reid.

You can read the article in it's entirety this Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

  Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about, a Holiday memory? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Brunch Fundraiser To Support Delegate Mike McDermott

More To Do At the Worcester County Library !

Woman Pleads Guilty To Aggravated Sexual Battery

By Connie Morrison

Kimberly Dawn Kenney pled guilty in Accomack County Circuit Court on December 5 to aggravated sexual battery. She was originally charged with rape, but agreed to plead guilty to aggravated sexual battery as part of a plea agreement. The agreement did not contain provisions for sentencing.

Listeners might remember a November case in which Frank Piliro, Jr. of Wattsville was convicted of aggravated sexual battery. In that case, the victims aunt forced her to endure the sexual assault by Mr. Piliro. Ms. Kenney is the aunt from that case, which occurred in May 2010.

Ms. Kenney has other felony convictions in Accomack County Circuit Court for which she has not yet been sentenced. Judge W. Revell Lewis III remanded Ms. Kenney to the custody of the sheriff to await sentencing in this case and on her previous convictions.


Pet Pictures With Santa

Is This Your Dog?


Do you know who this yellow Lab belongs to?
Dog walked to a house in Atlantic just off  Greta Road yesterday- Dec. 5, 2012
Dog is wearing a pink collar
Is well taken care of and very friendly.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Saxis Display At the Delmarva Discovery Center

WOW!! Who knew??!!
The history of the way of life on Saxis is on display at the
Delmarva Discovery Center!

Riverside Grill ~ Downtown

**Gift cards make great holiday presents!
You can use them here in Pocomoke or at Back Street Grill in Salisbury, or both!**

DECEMBER 5, 2012

-Beer-Cheese Soup w/ 1/2 roast beef sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Cold Plate- Chicken, tuna, and pasta salads 6.99
-NC Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich w/ cole slaw and hush puppies 6.99
-Apple Cranberry Salad 7.99
-Ale-Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99

4  TO  7
$1 OFF  appetizers


$5 crab dip
$2 house wines
$2 Coors lt drafts
 $5 cosmos (pink or white)

~Take A Bay Queen Christmas Cruise ~

Coast Guard Officer Wins 250K

Photo/ WAVY-TV
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) - Although it took him a few weeks to return from sea, Jason Egnotovich was able to claim his $250,000 prize from the Virginia Lottery recently.

Egnotovich, a petty officer first class in the U.S. Coast Guard matched five numbers in the Oct. 26 Mega Millions lottery. He bought the ticket at a Portsmouth convenience story.

"I'm still in shock," Egnotovich said.

Egnotovich's ticket was one of four nationwide to match the first five numbers.
