Wednesday, April 2, 2014

From The Desk of Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell


Pocomoke Police Department
1500 Market Street
Pocomoke, Maryland   21851

March 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014

3-5-14   Benjamin Jackson, age 25 of Oxford, GA was arrested by the  Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less
Than $100.00. 
3-6-14    Tremayne Rogers, age 32 of Pocomoke was arrested by the  Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Disorderly Conduct and CDS: Possession – Marijuana.
3-6-14    Linda Kartak, age 57 of Delaware, OH was arrested by the  Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft Scheme Plus $500.00.

3-8-14 Tacola Austin, age 36 of Wilmington, DE was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $100.00.

3-8-14 Ethel Encarnacion, age 52 of Wilmington, DE was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $100.00.

 3-8-14 Michael Blake, age 23 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for
 Failure to Appear thru Worcester County.

 3-8-14 Jennifer Baylis, age 33 of Wilmington, DE was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Driving on a suspended license and driving on a revoked license thru Hartford County Sheriff’s Office.

 3-9-14 Megan Bowden, age 28 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with CDS Possession – not Marijuana and Assault – 2nd Degree.

 3-10-14 Renee Knox, age 54 of New Church, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $100.00.

 3-11-14 Tremaine Giddens, age 36 of Belle Haven, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for a Parole Violation thru the Maryland Parole Commission.

 3-11-14 Francis Crippen, age 33 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for two counts of Failure to Appear thru the Pocomoke City Police Department.

 3-11-14 Michael Acevedo, age 29 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Escape in the 2nd Degree thru the Baltimore City Police Department.
 3-14-14 Timothy Finstad, age 22 of New Church, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $100.00.

 3-14-14 Megan Bowden, age 28 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with CDS Possession – not Marijuana.

 3-15-14 Kristy Godwin, age 24 of New Church, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $500.00 value and on a warrant for Theft less than $100.00 thru Worcester County.

 3-15-14 Jonathan Nelson, age 32 of Crisfield, MD was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft Scheme Plus $500.00.

 3-15-14 Patrick Richards, age 25 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with DUI.

 3-16-14 Terrence Gale, age 31 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Theft under $1,000.00 thru Worcester County.
 3-18-14 Jocelyn Hurley, age 19 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with CDS Possession: Marijuana.

 3-18-14 Keydrick White, age 23 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Violation of Probation thru Worcester County.

 3-18-14 Tyrone Nixon, age 34 of Pocomoke was arrested by the
 Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for
 CDS: Possession with intent to Distribute and three counts of CDS
 Possession – not Marijuana thru Worcester County.

 3-19-14 Bryant Kellam, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Disturbing the Peace.

 3-19-14 Valisceya Pugh, age 43 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Interfering with Arrest.

 3-19-14 Kevin Taylor, age 37 of Pocomoke was arrested by the
 Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for
 Failure to Appear thru Worcester County.

 3-19-14 Terrence Snowden, age 23 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft under $1,000.00 and Rogue and Vagabond.

 3-20-14 Robin Johnson, age 20 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Assault 2nd Degree, Malicious Destruction of Property, and Trespassing thru the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Police Department.

 3-21-14 Yakema McBride, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for CDS Possession: Marijuana thru the Pocomoke City Police Department.

 3-23-14 Bonnie Bishop, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested by the
 Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $500.00 value.

3-23-14 Derek Hairston, age 43 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for being a Fugitive from Justice thru the Accomac County Sheriff’s Office.

 3-25-14 Thomas Abbott, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Malicious Destruction of Property.

 3-26-14 Claude Treherne, age 61 of Oak Hall, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Assault thru Worcester County.

 3-26-14 Heather Sturgis, age 18 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Tobacco Purchase Selling to Minors.

 3-26-14 Keonne Laws, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested by the
 Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Assault 2nd Degree and Driving on the Highway without a Required License thru Worcester County.

 3-27-14 Ali Qaza, age 23 of Brooklyn, NY was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Transportation of Unstamped Cigarettes and Driving a rented Motor Vehicle in Violation of a Rental Agreement and seized from person $8,500.00.

 3-27-14 Frederick Hall, age 53of Pocomoke was arrested by the
 Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $500.00.

3-28-14 Arthur Robinson, age 42 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Disorderly Conduct.

 3-28-14 Tavon Watson, age 31 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged on a Warrant for Failure to Appear thru the Pocomoke City Police Department.

 3-29-14 Daquan Collins, age 22 of Exmore, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with DUI.

 3-30-14 Albert Shillingford, age 37 of Norfolk, VA was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with False Statement to an Officer.

 3-30-14 Cecelia Briddell, age 52 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Theft less than $100.00.

 3-31-14 Cecelia Briddell, age 52 of Pocomoke was arrested by the Pocomoke City Police Department and charged with Failure to Obey.

A Pocomoke juvenile, age 12 was arrested for Burglary 3rd Degree, Malicious Destruction of Property less than $1,000.00, and Malicious Burning 2nd Degree.

 A Pocomoke juvenile, age 15 was arrested for Burglary 3rd Degree, Malicious Destruction of Property less than $1,000.00, and Malicious Burning 2nd Degree.

 Thirteen (13) additional arrests were made for various traffic violations during the month of March 2014.

Kelvin D. Sewell
 Chief of Police
 April 2, 2014

Field Notes By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Michael A. McDermott
Week 12 March 21-25, 2014
Wednesday Morning Voting Session: Bills on Third Reader
Thursday Morning Voting Session: Bills on Third Reader

This week the House debated the budget (SB-170) and transgender rights (SB-212) for two entire days, and I saw nothing that reflected on the nature or scope of these bills. The reporters wrap up for the week did not even mention it! So allow me to provide a few details that apparently were not “fit to print”.
Overall, the proposed budget, SB-170, will increase total spending by over 4%. Unfortunately, our revenues will only increase, optimistically, by 1%. They had to get the money from somewhere, so they robbed the Teachers and Employee Retirement Trust Fund of another $200 million this year with another $200 million to be taken next year (along with $700 million in the next few additional years out). This gamble will cost us a boatload of money. Delegate Conway told us they would replace the money in the coming 20 years, but this includes a $600 million balloon payment. Now tell me this, if we are a state that cannot even stick to a plan for 12-months to return $100 million…what odds would you give me on us replacing $600 million?
They also raided all of the other, so called, “trust funds” in order to balance out their spending increases to the tune of $4.5 billion transfers. This included the Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Transportation Trust Fund and a host of lesser funds collected for a variety of set aside issues. The Republicans take exception to the robbing of these established funds and diversion to non-specified purposes. When the government takes money from the public for a specific issue, it is a violation of trust not to use those funds for their stated and intended purpose.  I co-sponsored bills to keep this from happening, but the ruling party simply cannot live with access to the kitty on every account.
Further, we do not return the Highway User Money to local governments. Instead, we are totally funding the Red and Purple Transit Lines that are used by only 6% of our population. 94% of our people rely on roads and bridges and pay fuel taxes to cover their upkeep and maintenance, and yet they fail to direct funding back to those who pay the bill. In a word, shameful!
The budget increase in spending since O’Malley took office will come close to 40% this year. It would be easy to blame the governor for his part in this reckless package, but he finds willful accomplices in the Democrat controlled General Assembly. On the lower shore both Senator Mathias and Delegate Conway voted in favor of the budget and spending bill.
Republicans offered 15 Floor Amendments aimed at controlling spending or doing away with funding for non-existent program areas which were all rejected. For the fourth year in a row, we also offered up an alternative budget that would have eliminated the pension theft and restored some financial integrity to the budget, but they would have none of it. (there were a few of us who refused to even vote for this increase on principle).
TRANSGENDER RIGHTS (aka “The Bathroom Bill”)
Granting specified “Civil Rights” to those who are physically one sex but believe themselves to be another is something we could debate. For instance, John Hopkins University Hospital has discontinued sex change surgery following years of many of their patients wanting to be changed back…and then back again. The American Medical Association classifies these individuals as “mentally ill.” Having said that, if the debate were simply about fair housing or not being denied service at a business, most would probably not stand in the way of adopting these changes; however, “public accommodations” goes a lot further.
Senate President Miller made it clear that SB-212 had to pass with no amendments or it would die in the Senate. Sadly, the House leadership acquiesced to these demands. We went from a deliberative body to a rubber stamp for the Senate in short order. That did not stop the Republicans from offering some great amendments; they were amendments that the bill desperately needed to even have a chance of being operationally effective. All attempts at change were rejected, even when glaring problems were pointed out.
When the governor signs this nonsense, here is what you could face or will face in the future:
  By definition of law, a person is a “transgender” if they simply feel or desire to be of the opposite sex. There are no precursors and somebody who has never dressed differently or expressed themselves in such a way in the past could simply decide, “today, I am a woman” and have the power of law to allow them full access to facilities dedicated as a women’s bathroom.
·         By definition, the same is true for any private facilities such as YMCA, spa, or gym facilities that have separate locker rooms for men and women. There are simply no barriers and the action revolves around the state of someone’s mind and how they see themselves today.

·         There is an exception when it comes to bathroom and private facilities: if the owner/operator provide facilities that are substantially equivalent to those available to women or men, those who consider themselves to be transgender could be required to utilize those facilities. (How long before we hear the “separate but equal” argument on this legislation?)

We fought this bill for hours, but the Democrats prevailed. The costs to the business community could be significant if they elect to put in a separate facility. Most simply cannot afford to do so which assures us that somewhere along the way, there will be a conflict. I think I summed it up best in my closing remarks on the floor: “We are in serious trouble when a confused state offers up confused legislation on behalf of some very confused individuals."
Thursday Afternoon Judiciary Hearings:
 SB 223    Sen Muse          Crimes - Threat of Mass Violence SB 272    Sen Jacobs, et    Sentencing Procedures - Statement by Victim or
           al                Victim's Representative (Alex's Law)
 SB 283    Sen Jennings,     Public Safety - Handgun Permit Background
           et al             Investigation - Armored Car Company Employees
 SB 476    Sen Colburn       Criminal Procedure - Limited Immunity - Alcohol-
                             or Drug-Related Medical Emergencies
 SB 512    Sens Gladden      Criminal Injuries Compensation Board - Membership
           and Muse          - Family Member of Homicide Victim
 SB 542    Sen Muse, et      Law Enforc Offcrs - Entrance-Level and In-Service
           al                Training Requirements (Christopher's Law)
 SB 558    Carroll County    Carroll County - Local Government Tort Claims Act
           Senators          - Industrial Development Authority
 SB 659    Sen Gladden       Crimes Relating to Animals - Surgery on Dogs -
 SB 660    Sens Gladden      Crimes Relating to Animals - Unauthorized Surgical
           and Brochin       Devocalization of Cat or Dog - Penalties
 SB 815    Montgomery        Crim Law - Telecomm Dvcs in Place of Confinement -
           County Senators   Montgomery Co Work Release and Prerelease Pgms
 SB 867    Sen Benson        Correctional Services - Revocation of Parole -
                             Repeal of Sunset
 SB 897    Sens Brinkley     Frederick County - Orphans' Court Judges - Salary and Young

Friday Morning Voting Session: Bills on Third Reader



Pocomoke City Police Department ~ Annual Easter Egg Hunt ~

Don't miss out on this fun time for the children of Pocomoke City!

The Easter Bunny will be there!!!

 Feel free to take pictures!

Pocomoke City Police Department

Today Is ARBOR Day In Maryland

Today  is Arbor Day in Maryland
Celebrate Arbor Day and plant a native tree in honor of a loved one! Your Gift of Trees is actually three gifts --- one to someone you care for, one to future generations, and one to the environment. TREE-MENDOUS MARYLAND will arrange for the trees to be planted in Maryland in the county in which the recipient of the certificate lives. Receive a coupon for $25 off and register every tree you plant at
Give the gift of trees in Honor or Memory of family or friends

Hogan: Continuing wth Maryland Health Benefit Exchange is Martin O’Malley’s second worst business decision

Hogan: Continuing wth Maryland Health Benefit Exchange is Martin O’Malley’s second worst business decision

Annapolis, MD - APRIL 1 - Maryland Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan this evening issued the following statement regarding the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange’s decision to continue operations and pay an estimated $40 to 50 million for a new IT platform.

“Even with new technology, continuing to operate the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange is Martin O’Malley’s second worst business decision.  Paying tens of millions of dollars for another state’s platform won’t cure the hopeless mismanagement by Anthony Brown and the leadership of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, the very people who have already wasted more than 125 million of our hard-earned tax dollars.

A better approach would be to immediately shut down the Maryland Exchange, saving tens of millions of dollars which could be used jumpstart our economy and help uninsured residents and small businesses obtain coverage through private insurance or the federal exchange.”  Hogan also noted that states such as Virginia opted not to spend any money developing an exchange yet boast enrollment rates far greater than those of Maryland.

FBI - Kahlil Tatum Found Dead - $25,000 Reward Offered

FBI Baltimore

Kahlil Tatum Found Dead
Search Continues for Relisha Rudd

The Metropolitan Police Department confirmed on April 1, 2014 that Kahlil Tatum was found deceased in the area of the Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens in Northeast Washington, D.C. An arrest warrant had been issued in Prince George’s County, Maryland for 51-year-old Tatum, for the murder of his wife, 51-year-old Andrea Denise Tatum, also of N Street Southeast, Washington, D.C. The victim was discovered in a motel room in the 6100 block of Oxon Hill Road, Oxon Hill, Maryland, on Thursday, March 20, 2014.

Law enforcement authorities are still searching for 8-year-old Relisha Tenau Rudd. The FBI is offering a reward of up to $25,000 for information leading to her location and return.

The FBI’s Baltimore and Washington Field Offices, Prince George’s County (Maryland) Police Department, and the Metropolitan Police Department are investigating the case.
Anyone with information is asked to call their local law enforcement or the FBI. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Election Results For Pocomoke City Mayor and Council, District 3

Photo/ B. Wise
The  election results for Pocomoke City Mayor and Council, District 3 election  have been counted and the votes are as follows...

Dale Trotter........   62

J. D.Ervin .............49

Kim Jackson ........19

David Craig: Time for new Leadership on Maryland Health Exchange Board

For release: 4.01.14
Contact: Jim Pettit

As the oversight board charged with implementing Obamacare is expected to formally announce ditching the existing website today, Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David Craig said much-needed reforms are still missing. Craig called on the Governor to appoint a new chair of the Board and replace others with individuals who have IT, healthcare and insurance-industry experience.

"For starters, the state health secretary needs to be replaced as Chair of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Board," said Craig, referring to Joshua Sharfstein. "His responses to the botched roll out of Maryland's exchange have been feeble and his leadership weak, and the Governor needs to take action that acknowledges this serious shortcoming."

The nine-member Exchange Board, which administers the Maryland Health Connection website, is weighted heavily towards government officials and university professors.   
"When an organization is failing, leadership is replaced," said Craig.  "I am deeply troubled that O'Malley believes people aren't the problem here - of course they are.  The health secretary admits he couldn't control the contractors, so how is he going to control the new ones?  The Governor would be doing everyone a favor by appointing an individual with experience in taking over troubled ventures.” 

The state's top elected officials have been dropping hints for nearly a month that Maryland's exchange will switch to Deloitte Consulting in an attempt to replicate the success that Kentucky and Connecticut have had in utilizing a firm that has developed a functioning website.

"I am concerned that this new firm is in the driver's seat because they have a desperate and dysfunctional client," said Craig. "With taxpayers having spent a quarter of a billion dollars already, the state needs a board that has the experience for this complicated undertaking."

Craig also said Administration health care point man and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown needs to define his role.  

“The Governor recently said that fixing the Maryland exchange is similar to changing a flat tire in addition to other poor analogies that attempt to dumb-down the serious problem of people being denied health care. If that’s how the Governor feels, then he should boot out the Lt. Governor from the backseat and make him assist those changing the tires.”

Craig released a plan at the beginning of this year to avoid the under-performing state health exchange and enable consumers to obtain health insurance through other means.   The plan consists of ending the current emphasis on Maryland Health Connection and instead diverts marketing and outreach resources to promoting direct enrollment options through insurance carriers or utilizing the assistance of Maryland-based insurance brokers.

Soroptimist Of Pocomoke~ 1st Annual Scavenger Hunt


Voting Window Extended In the Chamber Challenge

There’s still time to participate in the Chamber Challenge and VOTE
for the state’s most small business friendly
Chamber of Commerce.
Maryland Small Business Week Awards Program, Inc. has extended the voting window through April 15th.
Chamber Challenge voting starts today! Go to
and vote for the 


Edwin L. Fletcher
Maryland State Police

(SALISBURY, MD) – As the search continues for a Wicomico County fugitive wanted in connection with the attempted murder of three police officers, a reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest.

Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of Edwin L. Fletcher, 32, of Salisbury, Md. Anyone with information about Fletcher and his current location is urged to contact Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776. Callers may remain anonymous. 

Fletcher is wanted on an arrest warrant charging him with the attempted murder of three police officers who were attempting to arrest him on March 26, 2014 in Salisbury. Police were trying to arrest him on a warrant for drug distribution when the assault occurred.

The search for Fletcher continues within the Lower Eastern Shore. Police throughout Maryland and Delaware have been notified and are on the alert for him. The warrants and wanted information for Fletcher has also been entered into the National Crime Information Center database that notifies police nationwide of his fugitive status. 

VOTE TODAY - Pocomoke City


Today Pocomoke City residents in District 3 have the opportunity to vote for the one person they would like to have represent them on the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council.

Those names are:
Kim Jackson
Dale Trotter
J.D. Ervin

Registered, District 3 residents can cast their vote at the
Pocomoke City Library on Market Street
Voting hours:
7:00AM - 7:00 PM

Monday, March 31, 2014

A & N Electric Cooperative - BEAT THE PEAK -

A & N Electric Cooperative
Tuesday April 1st, 6-8 a.m.
Why: We're "beating the peak" tomorrow morning because of the cold! During times of peak energy use your co-op pays a premium price for energy. By reducing how much energy you are using in your home, you can lower your co-op's energy costs.
 What To Do During a Fall/Winter "Beat the Peak"

 What Should I do? To lower your energy consumption during the alert period, please turn off any unnecessary lights and delay using appliances like your dishwasher or washing machine. Turning the thermostat down a few degrees can also significantly lower how much energy you are using.


Ocean City Police Department

(March 31, 2014) – The Ocean City Police Department is joining the U.S. Department of Transportation in the effort to stop distracted driving by celebrating Distracted Driving Awareness Month.  The initiative, which takes place during the month of April, reminds citizens to park the phone while on the road.

“Ocean City citizens need to know that we are serious about stopping this dangerous behavior of texting and driving,” commented Chief Ross Buzzuro. “When you text while driving, you take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel and mind off the task of driving putting yourself and others at risk.”

In 2012, there were 3,328 people killed and 421,000 injured nationwide in distraction-affected crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute reports that a quarter of teens nationwide respond to a text message once or more every time they drive. The Institute also reports that 20 percent of teens and 10 percent of parents admit that they have extended multi-message text conversations while driving.

The Ocean City Police Department reminds citizens that One Text Could Wreck It All. When drivers engage in distracted driving behaviors, they are not only a danger to themselves but to other motorists on the road as well.

For more information about distracted driving and to take the pledge to drive phone free, visit

Winter Quarters Municipal Golf Course ~ FREE GOLF WEEKEND

Area golfers:  Play one round of 18 holes
on Saturday OR Sunday...

5th Annual Frank Voss Memorial Spaghetti Dinner

Furnace Town Benefit "Barks In the Park"

Hogan Avail on MD Health Exchange, Says stop all work until costs and influence disclosed; bar Brown from involvement

For Release:  March 31, 2014


Hogan:  Stop all work on Anthony Brown Health Exchange until costs, influences, and management failures are made public; Says Lt. Governor Brown should be barred from further involvement.

Annapolis, MD - MAR 31 - Available for comment on the imminent decision by the O’Malley/Brown Administration on whether to abandon the state’s disastrous $125 million Health Benefits Exchange or use Connecticut’s insurance platform is Maryland GOP gubernatorial frontrunner Larry Hogan.

A twenty-five year business veteran, former state cabinet member and founder of Maryland’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, Hogan today called upon Governor O’Malley to take the following steps to prevent further waste of tax dollars:

1) Delay any decision on whether to abandon the failed $125 million Anthony Brown Health Exchange altogether and use the federal exchange, license Connecticut’s health exchange technology or take a hybrid approach until all the costs and benefits associated with the various options are presented for public review and comment.

2) Disclose all campaign contributions from any vendors involved with the construction, repair or maintenance of the Exchange to the Governor, Lt. Governor, their campaigns, or their campaign committees including the Democratic Governors’ Association while chaired by Martin O’Malley and since he became the DGA’s finance chair.

3) Disclose and make public all communications from any vendors involved with the construction, repair or maintenance of the Exchange with the Administration.

4) Under no circumstances allow Anthony Brown to have any further involvement with Maryland’s health exchange, healthcare services or health insurance policies.

For information and interviews contact


Maryland State Police


(ELKTON, MD) – Maryland State Police recovered more than 50 guns in a Cecil County home late last week and are investigating further to determine if the guns were part of an illegal fencing operation that supplied money for drugs in exchange for the stolen property.

The accused is identified as Stephen Molitor, 63, of the 200-block of Locust Lane, Elkton, Md. He is charged with illegal transfer of a regulated firearm, illegal possession of a regulated firearm while prohibited, theft over $1,000, possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance, two counts of drug possession, and possession of drug paraphernalia. A court commissioner set bail at $50,000, which Molitor later posted.

Also charged is Alyssa Schneider, 24, of the 300-block of Kirk Road, Elkton, Md. She is charged with theft between $1,000 and $10,000. She was released on personal recognizance.

The investigation began on the evening of March 27, 2014, when a victim in the 300-block of Kirk Road, Elkton, called Maryland State Police to report three firearms had been stolen from his residence. The victim told troopers a Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, a Bushmaster M4 rifle, and a Sig Sauer RM 400 rifle had been stolen from a gun locker in his home.

Members of the State Police Criminal Enforcement Division were called in to conduct the investigation. The investigation revealed the victim’s daughter, Alyssa Schneider, had obtained the keys to his gun locker and had taken the firearms. Further investigation determined the guns had been sold to Molitor for $500, which the seller used to buy heroin.

State Police worked throughout the night and obtained a search warrant for Molitor’s home, which was served on the morning of March 28th. Inside, troopers found a total of 53 firearms, including 39 long guns and 14 regulated handguns and rifles. Found among the guns were the three firearms reported stolen by the victim. Troopers also recovered more than 450 oxycodone pills that appeared packaged for street level sales.

Investigators learned Molitor was apparently involved in ‘loaning’ individuals cash for items they would bring to him. He charged interest on the loan and, if the loan was not repaid, he would keep the items. Investigators determined Molitor is not a licensed firearms dealer, nor is he licensed to operate a pawn shop.

State Police investigators immediately began a search to determine if any of the other weapons found are stolen. That search is ongoing. The investigation is continuing.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Elderly Man Found Dead

Mar 29, 2014
Elderly Man Found Dead in Federalsburg Stream

FEDERALSBURG, Md. (WBOC) - The body of an elderly man was found in a stream in Federalsburg Saturday morning. Police have identified the body as 74-year-old David Williams.

Federalsburg Police say around 5:30 Saturday morning, a caregiver and a friend of Williams woke up to find Williams was missing from their home in the 300 block of East Central Avenue. Police say the friend noticed the back door was ajar. Police say she looked around outside for Williams and called 911 to report him missing. Police say the woman told dispatchers she thought she saw Williams' body in the area of a nearby stream.

Police say they found Williams face down in the stream less than a minute after arriving on the scene. Williams was taken to Easton Memorial Hospital. His body was then sent to the medical examiner's office in Baltimore for an autopsy. Police say foul play is not suspected at this time.

Federalsburg Mayor Bill Beall released a statement Saturday afternoon saying, "I am saddened by the loss of Mr. David Williams, one of our truly respected residents here in Federalsburg.

 Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends in their time of sorrow. We, as a community are here to support them and their needs."

Coast Guard Medevacs Man From Tanker Ship

Coast Guard medevacs man, 54, from tanker ship off NC Coast

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — The Coast Guard medevaced a 54-year-old crewmember Sunday from a tanker ship approximately 20 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C.

The master of the 576-foot Pennsylvania notified Coast Guard Sector North Carolina watchstanders at 9:17 p.m. Saturday stating a crewmember was suffering from chest pain and needed medical attention.

Sector watchstanders launched a crew aboard an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C., to assist.

The helicopter crew arrived on scene at approximately 12:30 a.m. Sunday, hoisted the man and took him back to the air station.

The man was transferred to an ambulance crew and taken to Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City.

TIME MACHINE ... 1939, 2002, 1975, 1967, 1898, 1953

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

May, 1939
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Md.)


Princess Anne, Md., May 15 (AP).—Thirty-four ministers, all but one of Somerset county's clergymen, signed a lengthy advertisement against the establishment of liquor dispensaries in the county, a proposal to be voted on June 6.

The lone non-signer was the Rev. J. Randolph Field, of the St. Andrews Episcopal church. He had this to say about the ministers' advice on the proposal, which has given Somerset a red-hot controversy:

"I thoroughly respect the opinions of the other ministers  and all men must be accorded the right to their own convictions and beliefs. If the premises of the petition are sound—if, for instance, the liquor business as they say does damn souls—then their argument is very good. For myself, I find other social, moral and religious questions of much more pressing importance."

December, 2002

Outpatient clinics operated by McCready Hospital in Pocomoke City and downtown Crisfield were to be discontinued by the hospital. As part of a cost-saving measure the McCready Board Of Directors announced that its salaried physicians would be transitioning to private practice, with hospital privileges. The outpatient clinic located at the hospital would remain open. It was uncertain if the hospital would continue to operate its Princess Anne clinic.

March, 1975 (Time Machine archive)

Pocomoke City merchants were promoting Pocomoke Spring Festival Days.."Put Pocomoke Power In Your Shopping Dollars." Participants in the campaign included: Scher's...Schoolfield & Ham...Modern Office Supply...Miller's Dress Shop...H. Merrill Walters Insurance...Eastern Shore National Bank...The Adkins Company Of Pocomoke...Vincent Jewelers...Sears...Maryland National Bank.

June, 1967
The Daily Times (Salisbury)


Work On Salisbury Mall Slated To Begin Monday

Heavy equipment will swing into action Monday on the site of the $5,000,000 regional shopping center to be known as Salisbury Mall across the street from the Civic Center.

Ground-breaking ceremonies were held on the 75-acre suburban Salisbury building site at midday Friday. First District Congressman Rogers C. B. Morton, former Gov. J. Millard Tawes, Mayor Dallas G. Truitt, City Council President W. Paul Martin Jr., State Sen. Mary L. Nock and a host of other officials took part in the ceremonies.

They helped Scott S. Bair of Westminster, president of Salisbury Mall, wield a gold-plated shovel to signal the start of work on the colonial-type regional shopping center, which will contain 350,000 square feet of merchandising space. It is expected to contain at least 40 stores or other businesses.

A target date for completion of the mall has been set for next April 15.

Officials of the Hecht Co. and Sears, Roebuck — who will have two of the biggest stores in the mall — were on hand for the ceremonies.

August, 1898
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

Quick Route To Chincoteague Isl.

Passengers bound for Chincoteague Island can stop off at New Church Station from either train and connect with steamboat at Sinnicksen, Va. Time between station and Chincoteague, 2 hours. Fare $1.00.

Steamer will be at Red Hills each Picnic Days.

For special rates for excursions to Wallops Beach and Chincoteague Island, also from Chincoteague Island to Red Hills and Sinnicksen by steamer, address Raymond S. Stant, Sinnicksen, Va.

July, 1953
Salisbury Times



Footnote: The squab ranch was operated by former major league pitcher Vic Keen, who played for the St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago Cubs.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!




Saturday, March 29, 2014

Man Charged With Inappropriately Touching Child & Kidnapping

In all the years my husband has been mudbog racing I have  never given a thought towards something like this happening!  I have always feared that children, because of being small in size, would go unnoticed by the driver of the truck and be run over, lost in the woods or even abducted.

These ARE family/community events and bring spectator families and racers with their families together for a day of racing.  Most of us have made close lifetime friendships with many and it would cause great devastation were something like this to occur again.

KUDOS to those who were able to intervene and rescue that child from the monster at Morgan’s Corner in Elizabeth City, N.C.

Too bad they couldn't throw the creep into the bog during the Unlimited Class or X Class races!

Man charged with inappropriately touching child, kidnapping in Pasquotank

A man has been arrested and charged with kidnapping and taking indecent liberties with a child, among other charges, according to Sheriff Randy Cartwright of Pasquotank County.

On Saturday an event was being held at Morgan’s Corner Proving Ground about 8:00 p.m. Two Pasquotank County Sheriff’s Deputies were on assignment there when they observed a confrontation.

Sheriff’s Cartwright says that confrontation was a group of people stopping 43-year-old Edward Imwald Jr. from inappropriately touching a young child.

Officers say that the suspect inappropriately removed the child without permission from the parents and inappropriately touched the child behind a bus that was parked at the event.

The owner of the motocross park, Chris Smith, says while many people were watching trucks mud bogging, others saw Imwald’s every move and intervened.

“It just goes to show the people that attend these types of events are not just rednecks that don’t care about anything but to drink beers,” Smith said. “The people that were attending the event were smart enough and aware enough that they saw something they didn’t like and gave this person, I guess you would say, ‘country justice’ out here in Elizabeth City.”
Edward Imwald Jr.

People at the event intervened, which caught the attention of a deputy.

Imwald was arrested and charged with Simple Assault, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, Indecent Liberties with a Minor, and Kidnapping. He is being held on a $22,000 bond.

This case is still under investigation. Anyone with additional information regarding this incident may contact the Sheriff’s Office at 252-338-2191 or the Hotline at 252-335-5555.


APRIL Is "National Distracted Driving Awareness Month"

FROM:  Somerset County (MD) Sheriff's Office

The Somerset County Sheriff’s Office announces that April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

 Through the Maryland Department Of Highway Safety, the Sheriff’s Office has received a mini grant that will allow deputies to work overtime enforcing Distractive Driving throughout the county.

 Deputies will be patrolling the counties roadways, focusing on Distractive Driving in an attempt to lower vehicle crashes by enforcing the use of cell phones, texting, eating while driving, and any other distractions within the vehicle that would distract a driver while operating a motor vehicle.

Somerset County Sheriff’s Office

Somerset County (MD) Sheriff's Office  Most Recent Arrests

Charles Edward Collins, Princess Anne was arrested 2-28-14 for driving on a revoked driver’s license, driving on a suspended driver’s license, and driving without a license. Collins was released on signatures pending court actions.

 Leslie Lynn Benton, Wenona was arrested 3-2-14 for driving on a suspended driver’s license, and a stop lamp violation. Benton was released on signatures pending court actions.

 Shaneka Carlisa Woolridge, Glenn Dale Maryland was arrested 3-2-14 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, and driving in violation of license restrictions. Woolridge was released on citations pending court actions. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies in the area of UMES Blvd, Princess Anne.

 Everett James Williams Sr., Crisfield was arrested 3-5-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Williams was held on a $ 500.00 bond.
 Danyal Dnote Dashiell, Salisbury was arrested 3-6-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Dashiell was held on a $ 35,000 bond.
 Keshana Shaqcanda Miller, Berlin was arrested 3-9-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Miller was released on a $ 1,000 unsecured bond.

 Two female juveniles were arrested on 3-9-14 for fighting in public. During patrols, deputies witnessed a fight in progress in the area of Antioch Ave, Princess Anne between two females. Deputies arrested and charged both females with 2nd degree assault. Both females were later released to parents pending juvenile court actions.

 Terry Alonzo Milbourne Jr., Princess Anne was arrested 3-10-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Milbourne was held without bond.

Keshana Shaqcanda Miller,  Berlin, arrested 3-9-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Miller was released on personal recognizance.

 Richard Nathanial Armstrong,  Salisbury, arrested 3-12-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Armstrong was held on a $ 500.00 bond.

 Jeremiah Alexander Irwin,  Ocean City, arrested 3-12-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Irwin was held without bond.

 Keshawn Lovell Wright,  Charlestown West Virginia, arrested 3-14-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Wright was held without bond.

 Gabriele Janeen Heath, Westover, arrested 3-14-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Heath was held on a $25,000 bond.

Don's Seafood ~ Deer & Beer Night

Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce

TIME MACINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1939.. What's the issue? It's opposed by 34 of 35 Somerset County ministers; 2002.. Pocomoke and Crisfield facing loss of outpatient clinics; 1967.. Construction of Salisbury Mall to begin; 1975.. Spring Festival Days in Pocomoke City; 1898.. 2-hour "Quick Route" to Chincoteague Island; 1953.. Pocomoke's squab ranch.
Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

“2014 Annual Vietnam Veterans “Welcome Home” Day

Vietnam Veterans “Welcome Home” Day

"Recognized around the country as a moment of reflection, a day of commemoration and a time to pay due respect to Veterans who sacrificed so much during the Vietnam War."
Other links you may like:

Presidential Proclamation -- Vietnam Veterans Day

On January 12, 1962, United States Army pilots lifted more than 1,000 South Vietnamese service members over jungle and underbrush to capture a National Liberation Front stronghold near Saigon.  Operation Chopper marked America's first combat mission against the Viet Cong, and the beginning of one of our longest and most challenging wars.  Through more than a decade of conflict that tested the fabric of our Nation, the service of our men and women in uniform stood true.  Fifty years after that fateful mission, we honor the more than 3 million Americans who served, we pay tribute to those we have laid to rest, and we reaffirm our dedication to showing a generation of veterans the respect and support of a grateful Nation.
The Vietnam War is a story of service members of different backgrounds, colors, and creeds who came together to complete a daunting mission.  It is a story of Americans from every corner of our Nation who left the warmth of family to serve the country they loved.  It is a story of patriots who braved the line of fire, who cast themselves into harm's way to save a friend, who fought hour after hour, day after day to preserve the liberties we hold dear.  From Ia Drang to Hue, they won every major battle of the war and upheld the highest traditions of our Armed Forces.
Eleven years of combat left their imprint on a generation.  Thousands returned home bearing shrapnel and scars; still more were burdened by the invisible wounds of post-traumatic stress, of Agent Orange, of memories that would never fade.  More than 58,000 laid down their lives in service to our Nation.  Now and forever, their names are etched into two faces of black granite, a lasting memorial to those who bore conflict's greatest cost.


Worcester County Recreation & Parks ~ ZUMBA GOLD

Zumba Gold is the newest Fitness class offered by WCRP. This easy to follow program lets participants move to the beat at their own speed.
 It's an invigorating, community-oriented, dance-fitness class that feels fresh, and most of all, exhilarating!
 Zumba Gold classes provide modified, low-impact moves for active older adults.
 When: Mondays & Fridays April 7 - June 27, 10:00 - 11:00 am Who: Ages 45+
 Where: Worcester County Recreation Center
 Instructor: Lea Cataggio
 Cost: $35/participant
 For more information contact Lea Cataggio 410-632-2144 x109

Friday, March 28, 2014

Arrests ~ Worcester County Sheriff's Office


March 27, 2014 at 12:20 am Deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff Office were on patrol in the area of 51st Street and Coastal Highway in Ocean City, when they observed a vehicle traveling with no headlights on. A traffic stop was made. Deputies met with the driver and observed her to be nervous. Deputies requested a K-9 from the Ocean City Police Department.

 A Ocean City K-9 Officer conducted a scan of the vehicle which lead to a positive alert. While searching the vehicle Deputies found a large amount of Marijuana, a large amount of Prescription Pills Adderall, Molly (a powder form of MDMA), and other drug related items.
The driver was 19 year old Jessica Lynn Gerz of Strasburg, PA, and the passenger was 20 year old Derrick Logan Scamuffa of Strasburg, PA. Both were arrested and charged with a list of drug related charges. Scamuffa was held on $25,000.00 bond at the Worcester County Jail and Gerz was released on Personal Recognizance.
March 27, 2014 at approximately 2345 hours, Deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff’s office responded to Elm Street in West Ocean City, Maryland to investigate a malicious destruction of property.
During the investigation, a vehicle driven by Selma Elizabeth Kolb (DOB 12-01-1948) of Ocean City, MD pulled into the parking lot at this location. The driver of the vehicle had been acting strangely and deputies approached the vehicle to question the driver.
Upon contact with the driver, Deputies detected the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage about the driver’s breath and person. Kolb submitted to field sobriety testing and was subsequently arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.