Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Antares Rocket Launch from Wallops Island Postponed

The Antares Rocket Launch from Wallops Island scheduled for this afternoon has been Postponed due to solar activity.

Early this morning the Antares launch team decided to scrub today's launch attempt due to an unusually high level of space radiation that exceeded by a considerable margin the constraints imposed on the mission to ensure the rocket's electronic systems are not impacted by a harsh radiation environment. The solar flux activity that occurred late yesterday afternoon has had the result of increasing the level of radiation beyond what the Antares engineering team was monitoring earlier in the day. 

Overnight, Orbital engineers,  who are experts in the field,  ran numerous models to ensure that all possibilities to preserve the launch were examined. 

However, due to significantly elevated flux levels, the Antares team decided to postpone the launch to spend the day further examining the potential effects of the space radiation on the rocket's avionics suite.

Today, in consultation with NASA and outside experts in the field of "space weather," Orbital will continue to monitor the levels of space radiation with a goal of setting a new launch date as soon as possible. If we are able to launch on Thursday, the launch targeted launch time would be 1:10 p.m. (EST), with Cygnus arriving at the ISS Sunday morning, January 12.


Motion Hearing Thursday For Tonya S. Bundick

Tonya S. Bundick may be in court twice this week.

 On Thursday there will be a motion hearing in Accomack County court where Bundick's lawyer made a motion to exclude evidence from the majority of the other cases for which she was indicted during Mondays trial in Virginia Beach. Bundick will face those charges at a later date.

The trial, currently scheduled for Monday will be for two charges resulting from the apprehension of Bundick and her partner Charles Smith on April 1, 2013 after they set a fire in Melfa. Since then the Commonwealths Attorneys office has charged Bundick in the other 67 arson cases attributed to she and Smith.

 The trial for the additional charges hasn't been scheduled.

Bundick and Smith were apprehended after being observed setting a fire just before midnight on March 31, 2013 at a home in Melfa. Bundick and Smith were arrested after Bundick picked Smith up at the scene and proceeded to Melfa where the pair was stopped by the Accomack County Sheriff's Department.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"The Current Problem of Heroin Abuse Is Apparently Much Worse...."

Emily Lampa and Channel 47 WMDT news station did a wonderful job with the 5 part series of interviewing the State's Attorney for Worcester County,  Beau Oglesby. 

A huge thank you to Beau Oglesby - and all others involved-  for keeping the people informed and continuing in the interest of  protecting the public and Worcester County!

Emily Lampa
Stopping The Scourge Of Heroin On Delmarva: Part 1

WMDT 47 NEWS - Heroin abuse is an escalating issue on Delmarva, a reflection of what's happening all over the country.
"This is a horrific drug," states Beau Oglesby, State's Attorney for Worcester County, Maryland. "It's something that destroys your life, the lives of your family, it affects your entire community."
Oglesby invited WMDT to a roundtable meeting with state prosecutors, health experts, law makers, narcotics officers and undercover detectives to warn the public about this scourge on local communities and to explain where it's coming from...prescription drug abuse.

Assistant State's Attorney, Ajene Turnbull, prosecutes felony narcotics cases in Worcester County, "You always hear the story of, you know, 'I had a legitimate injury. I had a legitimate issue. I learned about another doctor. I began getting other pills, and then once those pills became unavailable, I moved to heroin."

Tracy Simpson, coordinator of the Worcester County Drug Court Program, tells WMDT, "I've never worked with a person, yet, that started with heroin, that has a heroin addiction. They have all started with some prescription medication and it has led them down this path."

Simpson tells us she sees about 80 people cycle through the program each year. On average, 65 percent of those people are addicted to opioids, like painkillers and heroin. But a percentage of their most recent clients shows that number escalated to 83 percent, and the majority of those people are now heroin addicts. "Really understanding what prescription drugs do, how addictive they are," stresses Simpson, "I think those messages need to come more. So that parents and kids, and everyone knows how quickly you can move from taking a prescription opiate, to end up intravenously using heroin."

But the current problem of heroin abuse is apparently much worse than originally thought because more of the addicts being arrested for using and dealing this drug are young adults.



David Craig: Federal Government Exchange is no Remedy for Troubled Maryland Exchange

Zip Code Glitch Affects Health Care Consumers in all 14 States with Exchanges

Contact: Jim Pettit

The David Craig campaign addressed two issues today regarding the federal health care exchange which has become part of the debate over how to solve problems with Maryland’s troubled state exchange.

The first issue stems from yesterday’s announcement in which the campaign discovered a software glitch that directs people seeking in-person assistance with Obamacare to surrounding states instead of to organizations near where they live.   Originally assumed to be a problem isolated to Maryland, the “local help” feature on the federal government’s site is directing people in 14 states which operate their own exchange to other states.  It appears the software is not coded correctly and nobody thought to integrate federal and state information, so the website is incorrectly defaulting to send consumers to other states that opted to use the federal exchange.   The misleading data in Baltimore, for example, would cause people to believe they must drive to Virginia or Pennsylvania to seek the assistance of so-called navigators. Even more logistically challenging, people in Denver, Colorado are shown listings of navigator resources in Kansas and Wyoming.

“If misleading data is produced on the front end, then I shudder to think what this thing looks like on the back end,“ said Maryland candidate for Governor and Harford County Executive Craig, referring to the federal exchange.

The issue takes on greater importance as U.S. Rep. John Delaney (MD 06) recently called on the O’Malley –Brown Administration to consider eliminating the under-performing Maryland state exchange and divert consumers to the federal exchange.  Gov. Martin O’Malley and healthcare point man and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown have not ruled out migrating to the federal exchange.  They are submitting emergency legislation to deal with thousands of people who believe they properly enrolled for insurance, but may not have actual coverage due to data transfer problems between the state exchange and insurance carriers.

The second issue is that the federal exchange, like Maryland,  is experiencing back-end enrollment problems, and the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services does not disclose the number of people who paid their first month’s premium and received a health insurance card.  This could mean that Marylanders will again experience the same problem of thinking they have insurance when they do not.

In remarks similar to those he made to the Daily Record newspaper in Baltimore yesterday, Craig said,  “Nobody can be confident in critical back-end procedures with the federal health care site until the federal government discloses how many people actually get insurance.  The Congressman’s proposal only kicks problems up to the federal government, increases the mass confusion already surrounding Obamacare and empowers bureaucracy, not consumers.”

Craig has previously called on the Administration to re-allocate up to $150 million in taxpayer funds for the marketing and outreach of Maryland Health Connection and instead launch a public awareness campaign letting consumers know they can sign up for coverage directly through insurance carriers or brokers.

On the matter of the software glitch on the federal site, the Craig campaign entered zip codes for the largest cities in the 14 states running their own exchanges. Entering a place name, i.e. “Baltimore,” directs a person to the state exchange.  Yet, when a Baltimore zip code is entered the search results lists only out-of-state organizations.   Actually, a non-profit organization serves Baltimore with health care navigators, and if the site worked similar to a basic web-based store finder application the listing would appear however search terms are entered.

In some states, listings show no search results.  In most large cities, however, ranging from Boston to Las Vegas, users are directed across state lines.  HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promoted the “local help” feature to Marylanders seeking  “in-person assistance” in a Baltimore Sun op ed January 1,  and identical versions ran in other newspapers across the country.


Background: yesterday's release:

Craig calls on Sebelius, O’Malley and Brown to Work Together to Fix Zip Code Bug

Worcester County Sheriff's Office - Identity Theft

Greetings Citizens of Worcester County;

This is the best method I have found for you to combat Identity Theft. Take a few minutes and get the free report so that “you” can insure your identity has not been stolen. This is undoubtedly the best protection against becoming a victim; that is to keep your Credit Report up to date and insure it is accurate.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide credit reporting companies — Equifax, Experian, and Trans-Union — to provide you with a FREE copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. The FCRA promotes the accuracy and privacy of information in the files of the nation’s credit reporting companies. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces the FCRA with respect to credit reporting companies.

 A credit report includes information on where you live, how you pay your bills, and whether you’ve been sued or have filed for bankruptcy. Nationwide credit reporting companies sell the information in your report to creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use it to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, employment, or renting a home.

 Here are the details about your rights under the FCRA, which established the free annual credit report program.

Q: How do I order my free report?
 The three nationwide credit reporting companies have set up a central website, a toll-free telephone number, and a mailing address through which you can order your free annual report.

 To order, visit, call 1-877-322-8228. Or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. Do not contact the three nationwide credit reporting companies individually. They are providing free annual credit reports only through, 1-877-322-8228 or mailing to Annual Credit Report Request Service.

 You may order your reports from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies at the same time, or you can order your report from each of the companies one at a time. The law allows you to order one free copy of your report from each of the nationwide credit reporting companies every 12 months. And if you have attended my seminar, you will recall that I suggest you use the service once every four months, to maintain a constant vigilance on your credit and Identity Theft prevention. For example, January 2014 use Experian, May 2014 use Equifax and then September use Trans-Union and repeat it afterwards. 

 **Also, please mark your calendar for the Identity Theft Prevention seminar, a very informal fun presentation; that will be show cased at the Knights of Columbus Lodge facility at 100th Street in Ocean City on February 13, 2014 at 10 a.m. Presented by Taylor Bank, Bank of Ocean City and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. I hope that you can attend. **

Report all suspicious activity and show you care by watching out for your neighbor.

Citizens and Government Working Together

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Facebook

PLEASE Remember Your Animals Outside!

And another reminder:
Check on your elderly neighbors!

REMINDER: Antares Launch Scheduled Jan. 8, 2014

NASA Photo
The NASA Wallops Flight Facility and Virginia’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport
are set to support the launch of Orbital Sciences’ Corp. Antares rocket at 1:32 p.m. EST, Jan. 8.

The Antares rocket will carry Orbital’s Cygnus cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

The cargo craft will be filled with 2,780 pounds of supplies for the station, including vital science experiments to expand the research capability of the Expedition 38 crew members aboard the orbiting laboratory, crew provisions, spare parts and experiment hardware. Also aboard the flight are 23 student experiments that will involve more than 10,000 students on the ground. These experiments will involve life sciences topics ranging from amoeba reproduction to calcium in the bones to salamanders.

The launch may be visible, weather permitting, to residents throughout the mid-Atlantic region from New York City to North Carolina.

Public viewing of the launch will be available at the NASA Visitor Center at Wallops and at the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge/Assateague National Seashore.

Visitors are reminded that alcohol and pets are not allowed on the Visitor Center grounds.

For more information about the Visitors Center, including directions, see:

Live coverage of the mission is scheduled to begin at 8:45 a.m. on the Wallops Ustream site at:

Launch updates also are available via the Wallops Facebook and Twitter sites:

Android users have the option of downloading the “What’s Up at Wallops” app, which contains information on the launch as well as a compass showing the precise direction for launch viewing. The app is available for download at:

Launch coverage on NASA TV will begin at 1 p.m. For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and scheduling information, visit:

For more information about International Space Station, visit:


Maryland State Police ~ TROOPERS URGE CAUTION....


(Pikesville, MD) – Maryland State Police are urging drivers to use caution and to think twice before heading out during the expected blast of cold weather from ‘old man winter’.

Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police has directed all personnel to be on high alert for disabled vehicles with the anticipated record low temperatures. Troopers will be working with the State Highway Administration’s, Coordinated Highway Action Response Team, to assist disabled motorists as quickly as possible.

With cold weather advisories across the state and weather forecasters predicting bone chilling temperatures, state troopers are encouraging motorists to make sure they and their vehicles are prepared and properly equipped. Motorists ought to keep a survival bag in their car which should include a blanket, a flashlight (with batteries) or flares, jumper cables, and an extra bottle of antifreeze and windshield washer fluid.

The cold weather can wreck havoc on a vehicle, so check the following before traveling:
o Check the tire pressure and tread
o Check the battery
o Check the car fluid levels
o Make sure you have a good spare tire

Drivers are reminded their cell phones can be used to call 9-1-1 in emergencies or #77. Additional personnel have been reassigned to assist with road patrol duties to supplement regular patrol forces across the state.

Submitted:  Maryland State Police

VIRGNIA ~ Tuesday Delays ~ UPDATE

Accomack Schools and Broadwater Academy will be 2 hours late.

Northampton Co. Schools will open 2 hours late Tuesday.

Eastern Shore Community College will open at 10:30.

Head Start in both counties will be 2 hrs. late.

The Ag conference at Eastern Shore Community College will be held as scheduled.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Tuesday Delays ~ Virginia

Delays For Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Accomack Schools         2 hrs. late
Northampton Schools    2 hrs. late
Broadwater Academy    2 hrs. late

Ag Conference at ESCC will be held as scheduled

Change Maryland Releases Findings on Investigation of Unethical Relationship Between O’Malley-Brown Administration and State Contractors

January 6, 2014
Steve Crim
ANNAPOLIS – Change Maryland today released the final report on their independent investigation into allegations of unethical relationships between state contractors and the O’Malley-Brown administration during the Governor’s leadership of the Democratic Governors Association (DGA).
Change Maryland identified over five million dollars worth of questionable donations to the DGA from 28 state contractors in multiple industries including healthcare, energy, gambling, transportation, and communications between 2011 and 2013. It was during this time that Governor O'Malley led the fundraising efforts of the national political organization.
"Our research reveals a disturbing pattern from this administration that is at the very least unethical and inappropriate," said Larry Hogan, founder and Chairman of Change Maryland.  "The people of Maryland deserve to know the truth about these donations and the state decisions that may have been influenced. Did the Governor solicit large contributions to help further his national aspirations and reward those donors with huge state contracts and favorable decisions?”
Recognizing the inappropriate and unethical nature of these relationships, state law prohibits state contractors from making contributions to an elected officials campaign account.  The evidence in this report indicates the possibility of a deliberate, coordinated effort by this administration to to circumvent the intent of the law by soliciting unlimited contributions to a federal, rather than state account.
"Allowing a 'pay-to-play' culture of corruption to take a stronghold in our state government threatens every business and individual in Maryland," Hogan said.  "Even the perception of this practice prevents an honest and fair bidding process for all job creators who may wish to contract with the state. It allows complicit politicians to hijack millions, and even billions in taxpayer dollars that could serve a greater purpose, both in the government and in the wallets of struggling Maryland families.”
“Unfortunately, this culture of corruption is enabled when you have a political monopoly with no checks and balances," Hogan continued.  "For almost eight years, this administration has run amuck without any accountability, and it's Maryland's working families who have paid the price.  This is just the tip of the iceberg – we believe these allegations seriously warrant further investigation."
Change Maryland was founded by Hogan in 2011 to advocate for fiscally responsible government and provide an opportunity for average Marylanders to hold their elected officials accountable. The organization gained national recognition in 2012 for its Tax Migration Study that showed 31,000 Marylanders leaving the state following the O’Malley-Brown administration’s historic tax increases. The group has released several other investigative studies detailing the economic decline in Maryland, including a comprehensive report of 40 consecutive tax increases, 6,500 lost small businesses, and a 100% increase in unemployment.


Craig calls on Sebelius, O’Malley and Brown to Work Together to Fix Zip Code Bug

Contact: Jim Pettit

Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David Craig urged U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Administration healthcare point man and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown to solve a problem on the federal health care website which sends Marylanders to other states to seek in-person assistance.  The so-called navigator program and other iterations such as application assisters are provisions of the Affordable Care Act intended to help people sign up for health insurance coverage.

Sebelius wrote in the op-ed, “A happy, healthy New Year,” which ran in the Baltimore Sun January 1, that people could seek “in person” assistance by consulting a local help section on health

The section allows consumers to enter a zip code to get assistance in person if they are having difficulty with the Maryland exchange.  Entering a Baltimore zip code, however, sends consumers to distant areas including York, Pennsylvania and Alexandria, Virginia.

“This should be a relatively easy fix for the two Administrations to work together on to incrementally reduce mass confusion over the Affordable Care Act,” said Craig. “The federal and state government should be directing people to the correct resources in a consistent and accurate manner, and the misleading data on the federal website only makes matters worse for people already having trouble getting health insurance in Maryland.”

It turns out Baltimore zip code 21201 is served by an organization on 201 E. Baltimore St within that same zip code.  The non-profit has received 30 major grants, $23 million in cumulative funding and $8 million in taxpayer funds from the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange which administers Maryland Health Connection.  Maryland is one of 14 states administering their own exchange.

It appears a software glitch causes zip code searches to direct people to neighboring states that opted to use the federal exchange.   The David Craig campaign used a live chat customer service feature on the federal site attempting to clarify if it is the government’s intention to send Maryland consumers to Virginia to seek in-person assistance. When asked if it was required to go to Virginia to seek assistance, the federal government’s live chat representative said, “Yes that is correct.”

“This is unacceptable,“said Craig. “Federal and state information need to be integrated at least on a basic level, or they need to disable the zip code search function.”

Typing in “Baltimore” on some computers directs consumers to a link to Maryland Health Connection, where ultimately resources can be found within the state.   Many individuals, however, are accustomed to providing zip codes in daily transactions, which in this case, will either send people across state lines or cause them to give up on seeking assistance.



Sebelius Op Ed:,0,2355924.story “local help:”

In-person assistance in Baltimore City:

Live chat session transcript:

[4:25:44 pm]: Thanks for contacting Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat. Please wait while we connect you to someone who can help.

[4:25:49 pm]:  Please be patient while we're helping other people.

[4:26:19 pm]: Welcome! You're now connected to Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat.

Thanks for contacting us. My name is (redacted) To protect your privacy, please don't provide any personal information, like Social Security Number, or any other sensitive medical or personal information.

[4:27:06 pm]: CALLER

It says when I type in a Baltimore zip code for local help with my insurance application that I should go to Alexandria, VA - is that correct?

[4:28:14 pm]: (redacted)

Yes that is correct

[4:30:30 pm]: '(redacted)' has left the chat session.

Craig and Haddaway Release Plan to Bypass Problem-Plagued Maryland Exchange

Up to $150 million would be re-allocated to promote alternative enrollment options

Contact: Jim Pettit

Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David Craig released today a plan to avoid the under-performing state health exchange and enable people to obtain health insurance through other means.   The plan consists of ending the current emphasis on Maryland Health Connection and instead diverts marketing and outreach resources to promoting direct enrollment options through insurance carriers or utilizing the assistance of Maryland-based insurance brokers.

“The O’Malley-Brown Administration needs to understand what everyone else does - that the cure is worse than the disease,” said Craig.  “The task before us is how to mitigate this situation so people can get health care, because Maryland citizens are still having trouble with the website.  The state exchange enrollment numbers are simply not holding up and continue to lag behind other states. The Administration is also not able to give a precise number of how many people are not getting coverage even after they believe they have enrolled in a plan.”

Maryland’s latest enrollment numbers on private Affordable Care Act-compliant plans are 18,257.   Maryland is in a group of state-led exchanges experiencing chronic under-enrollment figures which includes Minnesota, Hawaii and Oregon.  On the other hand, California, Connecticut, Kentucky, New York,  Rhode Island and Vermont are enrolling people at far higher rates than Maryland among the 14 states in all running their own exchanges.  For example, Kentucky, which has a population significantly less than Maryland, reports enrollment numbers of 33,289 in private plans.

According to the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, people may directly enroll through insurance carriers or seek the assistance of brokers.  The problem is there is no public awareness campaign to inform individuals of these other options.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Maryland has received over $123 million in what the federal government deems “level II” grants.   In the grant solicitation Gov. Martin O’Malley submitted to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, the funds will in part support advertising and public relations of the exchange. Additionally, the O’Malley – Brown Administration has allocated $24 million in state funds in part to promote exchange outreach efforts according to a Maryland analysis.  And the price tag is increasing as up to $14 million in taxpayer dollars are needed to hire a contractor to fix the web site and address enrollment problems.

“Up to $150 million dollars is going towards promoting a failing exchange, and throwing good money after bad needs to end now,” said Craig.  “The Administration must realize that their intended solutions are only causing more problems, creating mass confusion, ruining credibility in government and harming our quality of life.”

Craig’s proposal would seek an HHS waiver to re-program funds to launch a public awareness campaign informing consumers of their right to obtain health insurance directly through carriers.   A complimentary awareness campaign would inform people of their rights to utilize Maryland insurance brokers who are licensed and experienced in helping individuals with health insurance.  Utilizing call centers for those needing assistance with the website would remain in place. Craig, however, would re-examine the navigator model in which people having problems with the website must set appointments with temporary workers disbursed among several organizations.

As for the vexing issue of low-income individuals seeking subsidies, Craig supports U.S. Sens. Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski’s proposal to HHS to enable a direct data hub allowing people to obtain financial assistance without going through an exchange.

O’Malley recently committed more money to re-double a marketing campaign to direct more consumers to the online exchange after numerous technical failures of the website caused a delay in these plans.

Last Friday, the O-Malley-Brown Administration acknowledged systemic problems with transmitting enrollment data to insurers but did not give a precise number of how many are affected which means among the over 18,000 the state counts as having enrolled,  a significant number of those may not have health insurance. The Administration will submit emergency legislation to the General Assembly to shuffle those people to another state program, the Maryland Health Insurance Plan.

Lt. Governor candidate and Maryland Delegate Jeannie Haddaway expressed concerns about adding yet more bureaucratic complexity under this approach.

“By simply re-allocating resources, state leaders have the power to mitigate the botched roll-out of Obamacare in Maryland,” said Haddaway.  “It will not be successful in doing so, however, by adding more bureaucratic complexity as the Administration's latest proposal does.  The priority needs to be enabling consumers not bureaucracy by ensuring that our citizens have access to health insurance as well as access to quality, affordable care.”



Maryland enrollment:

Kentucky enrollment:

Federal Funds:

O’Malley grant application:

State Funds:

Additional Funds:

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Minutes ~ November 2013

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, November 4, 2013. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Rob Clarke,
Tracey Cottman, Diane Downing
Don Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Sullivan
Review Minutes:
         In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed), to approve the minutes of October 7, 2013
Review Bills:
         In a motion (Cottman, Tasker passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).
Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Native American Heritage Month:
        Mayor Morrison read the Proclamation declaring November as Native American Month and November 29, 2013 as Native American Heritage Day. He presented it to Valerie Miller, of the Assateague Peoples tribe.
Representative of PKS, Inc. to present annual audit report for year ended June 30, 2013:
        Mr. Kleger stated that the purpose of their attendance was to make a formal presentation to highlight the annual audit findings. He added that the firm’s audit opinion was “a clean or unqualified opinion”, which is the highest opinion that they can render regarding the City’s audit.
         Ms. Michalik stated that there was an error reconciling the bank statements from July last year. She stated that is looked as if it was balanced but it was not. It took extra time to find the error which was that several numbers were lumped into one posting transaction. She then discussed the General Fund Revenues by source, stating that total revenues were $4,595,067. Property taxes accounted for 69% of the total revenue, followed by intergovernmental revenues of 23%. Mr. Kleger stated that the City’s financial position remains stable.
       City Manager Blake stated that the City has enjoyed working with Ms. Michalik and the staff of PKS, Inc.
       Mayor Morrison thanked them for coming and going over the financial report.

Reappoint Councilwoman Tracey Cottman as representative to Tri-County Council:
        Mayor Morrison stated that Councilwoman Cottman is no longer able to attend the meetings and asked if anyone else would like to be appointed to this very important committee.
        In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to appoint Councilman Clarke to represent Worcester County towns on this council for two years.

City Manager to recommend purchase of new tasers for police officers:
        City Manager Blake presented a summary that describes the Tasers, stating that Taser International is the sole source for the Tasers. The Tasers will be utilized by officers as a safety measure to keep the officers and community safe from harm. The budget was approved for $8,500, and the cost of the Tasers will be $8,537.46.
        In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to approve to purchase of eight (8) Tasers in the amount of $8,537.46, and waiving the bidding process.
        City Manager Blake stated that Chief Sewell did a TV interview this afternoon.
        Councilman Clarke thanked the Chief for solving several cases in a short period of time, and he stated that he was very pleased with his efforts.
        Chief Sewell thanked the Mayor and Council.

Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Dysautonomia Awareness Month:
        City Council Vice President Clarke read the proclamation for the record and presented it to JoEllen Gladding on behalf of Brittney Lewis.
        In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to authorize Mayor Morrison to sign proclamation for Dysautonomia Awareness month.

City Manager to present three-month budget summary report:
        City Manager Blake presented a summary of revenues and expenses. It appears that we are doing as we expected at this time. General Fund Revenues for the first quarter are more than expected at 49.54%. Ambulance Fund revenues are low because we have not received $367,000 in County funds yet. With all three funds we have received about 39% of projected revenues. City Manager Blake stated that the City budget is in good shape for the first 90 days.
Comments from audience:
         Mr. Gary McLhiney from Schlachman Belsky & Weiner stated that he was a labor consultant who was approached by some police officers to open a dialogue between the them and the Council concerning certain “working conditions” in the Police Department. 
        Mayor Morrison stated that personnel issues would not be discussed during an open meeting. He stated that we would be interested in speaking with Mr. McLhiney about the concerns in a closed work session and that the City would contact him.
        Ms. Leona Hill asked the City for property to be donated for a science playground near the Discovery Center. She stated that the playground would go hand in hand with the Discovery Center. It would take up all City owned property between Clarke Ave. and Riverside Drive and between Willow Street and Maple Street.
Councilwoman Cottman asked if she had applied for grants to help with this project.
        Ms. Hill stated that she needed the land before she could apply for grants.
        Councilman Clarke asked how much property she would need. He stated that it sounded like a good project but not sure about the location of the property.
         Ms. Hill stated that the playground would belong to the City but she had set up a foundation to maintain the equipment, so the City would not be out any monies just the property for the equipment.
        Councilwoman Cottman asked if the property was currently being used.
        City Manager Blake stated that it is used for the football practices, fall festival and over flow parking for the restaurant, as well as a community garden providing educational opportunities and produce for the Samaritan Shelter. It has been operating there for two years.
       Mayor Morrison stated that the Council would have a work session and would have an answer for Ms. Hill in the near future.

Comments from Council:
        Councilman Tasker stated that there is a leaking water valve near Fifteen Street and Linden Drive. He also mentioned that there are some potholes in Lynnhaven Drive.
        Councilwoman Downing stated that the Mayor and Council are invited to the MLK Banquet January 20, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. at the Wicomico Youth Center.
        Councilman Clarke suggested that the City send a letter to Donnie Drewer concerning the condition of Market Street. City Manager Blake offered to call Mr. Drewer.
        With no further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Malloy and seconded by Councilwoman Cottman to adjourn at 8:17 PM.

Carol L. Sullivan
City Clerk


Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Tonight


7:30 p.m., Monday, January 6, 2014
City Hall
  1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of December 9, 2013.
  3. Review and approval of bills to be paid.
  4. Opportunity for hearing regarding repair/demolish orders.
  5. Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Scout Week in Pocomoke City (February 2-8-2014).
  6. Police Chief Kelvin Sewell to present summary report of police activities for calendar year 2013.
  7. City Manager to present summary of bids received for downtown sidewalks repairs. (Phase 2, CDBG Grant, $25,000), (Bid opening 11:00 A.M, 1/6/14).
  8. Appoint members of the City’s Board of Elections Supervisors for two-year term beginning February 2014.

  9. City Manager to present five-month budget summary.
  10. Comments from the Audience
  11. Mayor and Council items.
  12. Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, real estate, and legal matters as permitted under the provisions of Sec. 10-508 (A), (1), (7), (8) of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and perform executive actions.


Virginia ~ Senate Election Held Tuesday

Voters of Virginia's sixth Senate District will go to the polls tomorrow (Tuesday, January 7, 2014) to help decide which party will control the Virginia Senate for 2014.

 The Senate  is currently divided at 20 Republicans and 20 Democrats.

If Democratic Delegate Lynwood Lewis is elected, that will maintain the even split, but Ralph Northam's election to the Lt. Governors office would make the Democrats control the tie breaking vote.

Another special election will be held to replace Democratic Senator Mark Herring of Northern Virginia who was narrowly elected to the Attorney General's seat. Northern Virginia usually votes Democratic so the Republicans best shot at gaining anything out of the 2013-14 political season would be to win the election Tuesday.

This is an official election and voters usual polling places will be open from 6 AM to 7 PM.

For election news and results:  WESR

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Antares Launch Moved To Wednesday

NASA Photo
Mission Updates

Orbital, in consultation with NASA, has decided to reschedule the Antares CRS Orb-1 Space Station Resupply Mission launch for no earlier than Wednesday, January 8, 2014. The new target date was set due to the extreme cold temperatures that are forecasted for early next week, coupled with likely precipitation events predicted for Sunday night and Monday morning. While we are preserving the option to launch on January 8, it is more likely that the launch will take place on Thursday, January 9 because of a much improved weather forecast for later in the week.

The launch window on Wednesday is 1:32 - 1:37 pm EST (18:32 - 18:37 GMT). If weather conditions on Wednesday do not prove favorable, the launch window for Thursday, January 9 is 1:10 - 1:15 pm EST (18:10 - 18:15 GMT).

Rollout of the rocket to the pad will occur as previously scheduled tomorrow night, January 4, due to the relatively favorable weather, and the fact that the cargo has already been loaded onto the Cygnus. The team will execute on-pad preparations (mating the rocket to the pad, rotating the rocket to its vertical position, connecting umbilicals, etc.) immediately after rollout.

The Launch Readiness Review is currently scheduled to take place on Monday January 6. If the launch occurs on either Wednesday, January 8 or Thursday, January 9, Cygnus rendezvous and berthing with the space station will occur early in the morning of Sunday, January 12.


TIME MACHINE ... 1948, 1895, 1969, 1861, 1881.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1948
(The Sunday Morning Star- Wilmington, De.)

Princess Anne Now Md. State College

Special to The Sunday Star

Maryland State College is now the official name of the Eastern Shore School that formerly was known as Princess Anne College, according to a recent announcement by Dr. J.T. Williams, president of the institution. In a brief interview Dr. Williams observed that such a recommendation had been before State authorities for some time, and that the recent official approval was fitting inasmuch as the College derives its support from state funds.


February, 1895

The state of Maryland was snowbound with 16 inches reported in Pocomoke City. Waterways were icebound. The New York Times reported "The eastern shore of Maryland is almost entirely cut off from the outside world." 

August, 1969 (Time Machine archive)

Some available properties being advertised by an Ocean City real estate firm included the following:

Oceanfront- Four 2-bedroom apartment buildings, facing directly on the ocean. Knotty pine wall, wall to wall carpet, completely furnished. Each with tile bath, modern kitchens. These apartments are completely rented for 1969. $65,000 complete. 

Bayside- Modern 2-bedroom home. Suitable for year around living. Hot water, baseboard heat. All tiled bath. Spacious lawns. Residential neighborhood. Completely furnished. Lots of closet space. $21,000.

Oceanfront- Condominium apartment. 1-bedroom. Wall to wall carpet. Paneled walls. All electric heat and air conditioning. All electric kitchen. Full tile bath. Sun deck. Directly on the ocean. No ground rent to pay. $19,950. 

  August, 1861
(The Banner Of Liberty- Middletown, N.Y.)


You were advised last week that a movement of a rebel force from the Eastern Shore of Virginia into Maryland was on foot. This maneuvre of the enemy begins to assume formidable proportions and considerable importance.

The lower part of Delaware is filled with rebels. There are companies of rebels already organized and armed there, as well as in the lower counties of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Rebels from all the other parts of Maryland have been recently flooding that section. Numbers have come across in open boats from the western shore of Virginia to Eastville, Northampton County, Virginia. Quantities of arms and munitions of war have been carried into the Eastern Shore of Virginia from Philadelphia, either by the railroad running through Delaware to Salisbury, Md., near the Virginia line, or by vessels seaward and landed on the coast of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, convenient to Drummondtown, Accomac county. It is estimated that there is now in that section of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware a large force of rebels, partially armed and equipped, and ready to be thrown forward by way of the railroad from Salisbury, upon the lines of the Philadelphia and Baltimore and Newcastle and Frenchtown railroads, and the Chesapeake And Delaware Canal, so as effectually to cut off communication from Philadelphia, at the moment of the greatest need, and to aid another uprising by the rebels in Baltimore and the secession counties of southern Maryland along the Potomac. Washington thus would be completely begirt with rebel forces, and if compelled to surrender or stand a siege, it would take weeks for a new Union army to be concentrated on the banks of the Susquehanna, and force its way through Maryland to the relief of the capital.

  November, 1881
(Reno Evening Gazette- Reno, Nevada)

An island thirty miles away was beautifully brought to view to the people of Accomac county, Virginia recently, as a mirage. The sun rose behind a thick fog bank which soon grew thinner, and suddenly Chincoteague Island appeared with its tall white tower, its dwellings, its trees and shrubbery. A little boy was seen driving a flock of sheep along the shore, and even a little girl in the door of the lighthouse keeper's home, fondling a doll. It lasted but a moment. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1948.. A new name for Princess Anne College; 1895.. Pocomoke City snowbound; 1969.. Ocean City real estate prices; 1861.. Rebel activity on Eastern Shore is concern; 1881.. Mirage of Chincoteague reported.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Surf Dog Ricochet, the SURFice™ Dog celebrated New Year’s Eve with a special ocean therapy tandem surf session for members of our military and people/kids with disabilities. Ricochet is the only dog in the world that surfs as an assistive aid and SURFice dog™ to those with physical, emotional and psychiatric challenges including kids with special needs, adults with disabilities, wounded warriors and veterans with PTSD.
Ricochet surfed with retired Staff Sergeant Randall Dexter who served two tours in Iraq and now suffers with PTSD. “Ricochet has given me a new lease on life. PTSD makes it very difficult to go out, but now that I’ve met Ricochet I get to enjoy the things I used to love. To me she’s a guardian angel”, said Dexter. Ricochet and Dexter have also created the PTSD Battle Buddy Initiative to help other active duty service members and veterans with PTSD. Every 65 minutes a veteran with PTSD dies by suicide. Ricochet and Dexter are committed to changing that alarming statistic through their efforts at
Also on board was Gina, the 9 year old daughter of Bradley Gill, a Marine who just returned home from Afghanistan after 11 months. Gina has autism and when asked what it’s like to surf with Ricochet she said, “She helps me have the courage for popping up and being brave.”
As Gill watched his daughter with Ricochet, he brushed away a tear and said “It’s really special for me today because it’s the first time I’ve actually gotten to see Gina surf with Ricochet and it was amazing. It makes me feel proud and gives her more confidence. This is a child who is afraid to try and ride a bike without training wheels, but has no problem going out in this cold water and hopping on a surfboard with Ricochet”.
Also carving waves with Ricochet at this celebratory session was 7 year old West who has autism and was afraid of the water until he met and surfed with Ricochet and Jacob Benarth who has Ataxia-Telangiectasia.
  Ricochet instinctively adjusts her surfing style based on the individual’s disability. You can learn more at and see more videos and news segments of this special surf session on Facebook “When you put the healing power of the ocean and the healing power of a dog together, you can’t match it! Judy Fridono, Ricochet’s guardian said.
Happy New Year from Surf Dog Ricochet!
Watch news segments at these links…


MISSING:  Lisa Kolarik
As of this morning, 1/4/14,  Lisa Kolarik has been LOCATED and found unharmed.

MISSING:  Lisa Kolarik

Missing since the morning of January 2, 2014.

Last seen in Newark, MD leaving her home driving a blue Toyota FJ Cruiser with Maryland plates.

Kolarik is 5'3" and approximately 120lbs.

If you think you might have seen her or her vehicle, please contact  443-513-1196 or the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1111.

No Sewage Or Contaminants Released Into the Groundwater Or Pocomoke River

State Asks City To Finish Cleanup By Jan. 31
Written by:  Ted Shockley
Staff Writer

POCOMOKE CITY — The state environmental department alleges Pocomoke City broke the law by operating an “open dump” at the site and seeks a cleanup plan by Jan. 31.

Municipal officials say they were following a state recommendation to solidify a berm at the city’s wastewater treatment plant. The resulting construction debris hadn’t been removed.

Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce A. Morrison said the town likely will submit the plan to the state Department of the Environment by Friday.

“We are in the process of correcting the problems, in the process of getting the plan together,” he said.

An environmental department spokesman said inspectors found “piles of soil containing sewage sludge, concrete, asphalt and solid waste” at the city wastewater plant.

The department ordered the refuse removed in accordance with a cleanup plan, but Morrison said removal was the idea all along. He said the city moved concrete and soil to stabilize a berm on an asphalt-lined retention lagoon. The state asked that the berm be reinforced.

But the state also asked that the grass on the berm be mowed, and the rocky surface left no way to keep the grass down, Morrison said.


Virginia ~ Lowcost Rabies Vaccination Clinics for 2014

Worcester County Public Works Collecting Christmas Trees

Worcester County Public Works Collecting Christmas Trees For Recycling

Worcester County residents can bring their Christmas trees in for recycling through much of this month.

The Worcester County Public Works Department’s Solid Waste Division will be collecting Christmas trees through January 25.

Residents can drop off their trees at the Homeowners Convenience Centers in Berlin and Pocomoke, free of charge. Decorations need to be removed from the trees.

Businesses and organizations that sell trees can’t drop off trees at the Homeowners Convenience Centers, but can bring them to the Central Landfill in Newark for a disposal fee of $70 per ton.

The trees will be recycled by being turned into mulch.

Friday, January 3, 2014

PIZZA NIGHT ~ New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue

Here's a GREAT idea for dinner on a cold, snowy evening!!

You don't even have to get out of your vehicle!!

FIRST Robotics Season Opens At Wallops Visitor's Center

FIRST Robotics competition seasons kicks off Saturday, January 4 as high school students from across Delmarva will learn about the 2014 challenge that will pit them in competition with other students from the mid-Atlantic, to across the nation, and around the world.

From 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m., January 4, at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitors Center, students from several Eastern Shore teams will gather to learn what task befalls them in the 2014 FIRST Robotics competition. The public is invited to attend.

Amy Davis, FIRST Robotics coordinator at NASA Wallops, said, Every year there are more and more students and adults on the Eastern Shore interested in robotics programs. There is a lot of excitement when these students get together and use their ingenuity to solve the challenges placed before them. Its a lot of fun!

This years kick-off day will include check-in from 8:45 to 9:15 a.m. An engineering challenge will be conducted from 9:30 to 10:15am. This will lead up to the live announcement of the 2014 game challenge from FIRST headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire,
Davis said, "The kick-off day is open to the public to encourage more students in elementary, middle, and high school to take part in the robotics programs in their schools and across the Shore. You don't have to be a member of an established robotics team to attend."


Reception for Delegate Mike McDermott

Restrictions at Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel reports Level 3 restrictions now in place with winds gusting over 55 mph.

All but passenger cars and pickups will not be allowed to cross.