Sunday, September 8, 2013

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

  • Gun Bill Update-One More Problem
September 7th, 2013

Now...One More Thing to Worry About!
by Delegate Mike McDermott

Today, the Maryland State Police announced a new policy which is currently allowing non-certified personnel from a several statewide organizations to have complete access to  the MSP Form 77’s filed by individuals seeking to purchase a Regulated Firearm. The decision to allow non-vetted, non police personnel to access these forms is unprecedented and is part of a plan to help the MSP get caught up with the tremendous backlog they currently face with applications.

The Form 77 contains an incredible amount of identity information including: name, birthdate, address, Social Security number, Drivers License number, and information relevant to the firearm being purchased. With so many issues surrounding identity theft and compromised personal information, citizens filling out these forms do so with the idea that the only people visiting and accessing the information are law enforcement personnel. Law enforcement personnel must have background checks completed, polygraph exams, drug testing, psychological evaluations, etc. before they are considered for employment. This type of extensive vetting insures, to the best of the governments ability, that the individual is trustworthy and can be trusted with various types of sensitive information and access to confidential information. Vetting of this nature is important.

Cutting corners by allowing non law enforcement personnel to provide clerical support to an overwhelmed MSP may appear to be a good idea, but the risk cannot be overlooked. Many folks are expressing various degrees of outrage that this is taking place. They already feel threatened with the loss of liberty by the current implementation of SB-281, now they feel violated by a process that they have submitted to as law abiding folks.

To be sure, the criminals are not submitting their information for review. Their identities will remain secure.
This wave of applications should have been seen as it was approaching more than a year ago. The increase in firearms purchases was a sign of things to come and should have clued in the governor and MSP to prepare to hire and expand the Firearm’s Section. Having failed to take this type of action doomed the state to find itself in the current predicament. Any business in the private sector that failed in such a way would already have gone out of business.

Perhaps, if this use of personnel from various state agencies was seen as a possible means of getting caught up, those assigned should have been vetted and had background checks performed on them many months ago. At least this would have provided some degree of reassurance to the folks who are submitting these applications. As it sits, citizens can only wonder if this action will come back to haunt them and their families in the future.

Since it appears these outside agency personnel are being utilized in an overtime capacity, would it not have been prudent to simply utilize overtime to have other MSP personnel do the same duty? Or perhaps the other state law enforcement agencies (and there are many) could have been tasked as well over the past several months to insure that only vetted, certified staff would be accessing these records. Had these options been utilized over the past 6 months, we would have avoided this massive use of non law enforcement staff in the “ ninth” hour.

I have contacted the MSP Legislative Liaison and shared my concerns and those of the thousands of firearms applicants across Maryland who, once again, feel betrayed by their state. The reasoning behind their decision is included in their press release from today.

I join with the vast number of those who have contacted my office on this matter and express my great concern over these actions. A failure to plan on the part of those who should have known better is not a good reason to compromise our standards and process.

I will be contacting Colonel Marcus Brown and Governor Martin O’Malley to give voice to these concerns and I urge all firearms owners in Maryland to contact their offices as well and voice your concerns over this practice.

"Marylanders Take Back Your State!"


Charles Michael  Reynolds
(September 6, 2013) – On September 5, 2013, at approximately 2 p.m. an Ocean City officer on patrol conducted a traffic stop in the area of 3rd Street and Philadelphia Avenue for a seatbelt violation. As the officer approached the vehicle, the officer noticed numerous used shotgun shell cartridges throughout the inside of the vehicle and a large folding knife attached to the driver’s pocket. The smell of burnt marijuana was emanating from inside of the vehicle, as well.

When the officer spoke to the driver, later identified as Charles Michael Reynolds, 22, of Bristow, VA, he stated that there was a loaded semi-automatic .45 caliber handgun in the vehicle and that he did nothave a handgun permit in the State of Maryland. The officer then  requested that Reynolds and the passenger, Ryan Zachary Pritchard, 21, also of Bristow, exit the vehicle while officers conducted a search. During the search of the vehicle, officers located the handgun that Reynolds mentioned, loaded magazines, two other large fixed blade knives and a metal throwing 
Ryan Zachary Pritchard

Reynolds has been charged by Ocean City police with two counts of possession of a concealed deadly weapon, two counts of possession of a handgun on his person and possession of a handgun in a vehicle. Pritchard has been charged with two counts of possession of a concealed deadly weapon, possession of a handgun on his person and possession of a handgun in a vehicle. 

Both were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released without bond.

Ocean City Police Department

Stay Alert On Roadways For Ocean City BikeFest


 Next weekend, September 12 – 15, 2013, Ocean City will see an increased number of motorcyclists as bikers make their way to Ocean City for this year’s OC BikeFest Motorcycle Rally.  OC BikeFest will take place at various locations throughout Ocean City. The Ocean City Police Department is reminding citizens of a few important safety tips to keep in mind during this weekend’s event:

◾Be aware of motorcycle traffic. Often time’s people cannot see motorcycles because of blind spots in their mirror.  Be extra cautious of this when driving, especially when changing lanes.

◾If you see any criminal activity including racing or dangerous driving, try to get a good description of the vehicle and person. If you are not driving, try to write down the tag number and call the police.

In addition to safe driving tips, the Ocean City Police Department also reminds citizens of the importance of pedestrian, bicycle and scooter safety.  For individuals who are traveling on foot, on a bicycle or scooter, here are some important safety tips to remember:

Cross the street at a marked crosswalk or intersection.

◾Make eye contact with drivers when crossing busy intersections.

◾Continue to watch for traffic the entire time you are in the crosswalk.

◾It is illegal to wear headphones in both ears at the same time while operating any vehicle.

◾Vehicle operators should to be extremely vigilant while driving, keeping consistently aware of pedestrians, bicycles, mopeds and scooters.

◾Avoid making quick, un-signaled turns or abrupt stops. If you can’t make the turn safely, proceed past the turn and turn around when safe.

◾Allow plenty of time to stop or proceed through intersections.
◾Pedestrians should not take unnecessary risks crossing busy streets against traffic lights.

◾Parents are reminded to pay extra attention to children when crossing busy roads. Keep hold of small children’s hands while waiting for traffic lights to change and while crossing.

◾Bicyclists are encouraged to wear helmets and must ride in the bus lane. In addition, bicyclists must abide by all traffic laws, including stopping at red lights and stop signs.

◾Moped/scooter operators and passengers are encouraged to wear helmets and footwear. If you are renting a scooter you are required to wear a helmet and footwear.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1916.. Two very different views on results of Worcester County's liquor prohibition; 1956.. Pocomoke fire claims race horses; 1930.. Stockton auto dealership; 1914.. Attractive salaries for House Of Correction employees; 1967.. Pocomoke's Pony Ranch drive-in. 

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting! 


On September 3, 2013, at approximately 8:00 p.m. Ocean City police responded to the Ocean Voyager Motel at 3201 Baltimore Avenue for a report of a breaking and entering in progress.

Officers observed two males exiting a unit in the motel and placed them under arrest for burglary. The Ocean Voyager was recently vacated as it is slated to be demolished in the coming weeks. The two males were identified as Patrick Michael Herrmann, 25, of Lutherville, MD, and Jonathan McGovern Boeri, 18, of Phoenix, MD.

During the investigation, officers learned that the men broke into at least five other units and attempted to steal a small amount of items with an approximate value of $35.

Ocean City police have charged Herrmann with second degree burglary. He was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and transferred to Worcester County Jail on $5,000 bond. Boeri was charged with second and fourth degree burglary. He was also seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and was transferred to Worcester County Jail on $10,000 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Two More Arrests Made In Sanford Home Invasion (Marsh Market Road)

Leon O. Crippen
SANFORD, Va. - Police say they have made two additional arrests in connection with a Sanford home invasion that happened last month.

The Accomack County Sheriff's Office says on Thursday, they arrested 22-year-old Leon Crippen, of Temperanceville, and charged him with armed burglary, robbery, and used of a firearm during the commission of a robbery. On Friday, the sheriff's office says they arrested 20-year-old Titus Floyd, Jr., of Mappsville, and charged him with armed burglary, robbery, and brandishing a machete. Both men are being held at the Accomack County Jail without bond.
Titus Floyd, Jr.

The arrests stem from an August 28th home invasion where Police say went into a Marsh Market Road home in a reported attempt to rob the home, where several people were inside. Police say multiple gunshots were fired during the incident. During the investigation two people were found at a Temperanceville convenience store with gunshot wounds, one was pronounced dead.

26-year-old Lamesha Cropper, of Salisbury, was arrested on Wednesday, in connection with the incident.

The investigation is still on-going, according to authorities, and further charges could be pending. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666. Tips can also be submitted through

Keeping Worcester County Students Safe

Worcester Co. Sheriff's Office
From Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason:

As your Sheriff, and being the top Law Enforcement Official in our County, it is my job to keep the citizens in Worcester County Safe. I feel that we have one of the safest counties in our state. We have the best group of Chief's of Police, MSP Berlin Barrack Commanders, States Attorney, Police Officers, Troopers and Deputy Sheriff's. Their combined work is outstanding.

When the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut occurred, my Chief Deputy Dale Smack and I were on the phone to each Chief and the MSP Barrack Commander asking them to assist us in making patrol checks and foot patrols at our schools for their opening and closing of each day and to conduct random spot checks throughout the day when they could. I have nothing but praise for all of the law enforcement agencies in this county. We have all put our resources together to help make our schools as safe as possible; however we all felt that we could do a better job of protecting our schools.

Dr. Wilson and I met in my office to address security issues and together, we formed a school security committee, comprised of School Administrators, Principals, Health Department Officials and my staff. Each school was visited and a site assessment was conducted by Col. Dods and Steve Price from the Board of Education. New measures have already been put in place and we will continue to review each school to make more improvements for the teachers and students so they can feel safe while at their schools.

Dr. Wilson and I came to the conclusion that the schools in our county needed a Deputy Sheriff's presence at all of the 13 public schools. At a cost of less than $600,000, we have been able to place part-time deputies and two full time deputies at these schools. They have been trained in Active Shooter Response and how to deal with an immediate threat and quickly end it. We concluded that it takes time to assemble tactical trained teams and in the event of an Active Shooter, significant damage can occur in seconds. These seconds count. Just ask those parents and communities of Newtown, Virginia Tech and Columbine. My Active Shooter Trainers have also trained your local police in our program. This was done so everyone would be on the same page and would know what to do should such an incident occur. As with anything, our plans are not 100%. However, if we chose to do nothing, we would have not created a viable deterrent should and incident occur. I feel our children deserve our best protection we can offer. I am concerned for our children as they are so precious and innocent. As a member of this community, if I had a child or grandchild in our schools, I would want our schools protected by a Deputy Sheriff.

My Job as your Sheriff is to face these problems such as School Security or anything that pertains to law enforcement and solve it before it escalates.

Sheriff Reggie Mason

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Ocean City Police ~ Drug Arrests Over Labor Day Weekend


On September 1, 2013, at approximately 2:05 a.m. an Ocean City police officer on uniformed bicycle patrol observed a male acting suspiciously and talking on two cell phones simultaneously in the area of 8th Street and Philadelphia Avenue. When the subject, later identified as Darnell Defate Harris, 25, of Wilmington, DE, noticed the officer observing him, he quickly walked out into traffic crossing east to west causing two vehicles to quickly brake to avoid Harris.

The officer then approached Harris and issued a traffic warning for illegally crossing Philadelphia Avenue and told Harris that he was free to leave; however, Harris did not leave and become increasingly nervous and continued talking on two cell phones, behavior consistent with possible criminal activity. Officers requested to search Harris and he consented. During the search, officers located 24 small plastic bags containing heroin. Officers also seized $135 in US currency. Harris was then placed under arrest.

While officers were arresting Harris, a female, later identified as Clovise Frances Evans, 29, also of Wilmington, approached officers asking about her cell phone that Harris had been using. Soon after, Evans opened the door to her vehicle closeby and officers clearly saw a stun gun.  Officers later found a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia after she consented that officers search her vehicle.

Harris was charged by Ocean City Police with possession of heroin, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession with intent to distribute. Evans has been charged with possession of a weapon with in the corporate limits of Ocean City, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Both were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner. Harris was transferred to the Worcester County Jail on $5,000 bond and Evans was released on her own recognizance.

The next morning, on September 2, at approximately 7 a.m. an Ocean City officer was on patrol in the Inlet Lot when the officer noticed two individuals sleeping in a vehicle in violation of an Ocean City ordinance. The officer made contact with the individuals and they appeared extremely nervous. A K-9 completed a scan of the vehicle and the K-9 gave an alert for possible drugs. During a search of the vehicle, officers located 20 baggies of heroin, syringes, marijuana and other drug paraphernalia. The two suspects were identified as Jeffrey Lee Foard, 24, and Aubrey Marie Sieracki, 31, both from Jarrettsville, MD.
Foard and Sierack were charged by Ocean City Police with possession of heroin, possession of marijuana, two counts of manufacturing and distribution, possession with intent to distribute and other drug charges. Both were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner. Foard was transferred to the Worcester County Jail on $7,500 bond. Sieracki was released on $10,000 bond.
Ocean City Police Dept.

Cherished Ocean City Mounted Patrol Horse To Be Retired

Photo/ OC Police Dept
(September 4, 2013) – The Ocean City Police is bidding farewell to one of its cherished mounted patrol horses.  “Goodnight” a 4-year veteran police horse was officially retired last week.  In 2011 "Goodnight" was diagnosed with Lyme disease.  "Goodnight" underwent treatment for the infection and was cured, unfortunately the effects of the disease left him with a diminished capacity for his police duties and as a result the OCPD has opted to retire him.

"Goodnight" came to the OCPD in 2011 at the age of 7.  During his service with the department he has had one primary rider. "Goodnight" has been involved in numerous arrests, several hundred enforcement actions and participated in special details including the car cruises, Delmarva Bike Week and Winterfest of Lights as well as all of the annual parades and festivals that Ocean City hosts.

Photo/ OC Police Dept.

During his career "Goodnight" has assisted other agencies including Pocomoke City Police, Maryland State Police and the Worcester and Wicomico County Sheriff’s Departments with crowd control functions as well as search and recovery details. "Goodnight" has also served as the lead horse to train new police horses and new mounted officers.

"Goodnight" retires at the age 11 and will be spending his retirement on a farm in Western Maryland.  He is in good health and spirits, and is enjoying the company of his new family.  As for "Goodnights" replacement, the OCPD has begun to search to select a suitable replacement.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Public Viewing Sites For Ladee Launch



NASA Photo

Residents and visitors for the launch of NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), scheduled to lift-off at 11:27 p.m. EDT, Sept. 6, from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceports Pad-0B at the Wallops Flight Facility, will have two prime viewing locations.

In partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Accomack County Board of Supervisors and the Town of Chincoteague, visitors to the area may view the launch from Robert Reed Park on Chincoteague or Beach Road spanning the area between Chincoteague and Assateague Islands.

The two sites will feature the LADEE launch countdown live and NASA personnel will be on hand to discuss the LADEE mission. In addition, a live broadcast of the launch operations will be shown on a big-screen projector in Robert Reed Park beginning at 9:30 p.m. on the day of launch.

"We're excited about this partnership with the community in providing an enhanced launch experience to members of the public," said Jeremy Eggers, public information officer for Wallops. "The live countdown and launch broadcast will place people in mission control on launch night for what is already a historic mission for Wallops and the Eastern Shore."

The Robert Reed Park and Beach Road viewing sites are the official viewing sites for the LADEE launch. Area residents and visitors to the area should note that the beach on Assateague Island (Va.) will close at 7 p.m. on day of launch and will not be open for launch viewing given the safety area required for LADEEs launch trajectory.

The LADEE mission has many firsts, including the first flight of the Minotaur V rocket, testing of a high-data-rate laser communication system, and the first lunar launch from Wallops.
LADEE also is the first spacecraft designed, developed, built, integrated and tested at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. Ames manages the overall LADEE mission. The probe will launch on a U.S. Air Force Minotaur V rocket, an excess ballistic missile converted into a space launch vehicle and operated by Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles, Va.

For more information about the LADEE mission and launch, visit:
For more information about our nearest celestial neighbor, visit:

In addition, the site contains a map showing different viewing locations available for launch viewing.

Organizations interested in hosting a launch viewing event may submit the event information at:

Android users have the option of downloading the new Whats Up at Wallops app, which contains information on the launch as well as a compass showing the precise direction for launch viewing. The app is available for download at:

A live broadcast of the launch will air on NASA TV; a television schedule as well as a live webcast of the launch will be available here:

WESR FM will broadcast the audio of the countdown so be sure to take a portable radio with you when you view the launch.

Finally, NASAs web and social media resources will carry the latest information on the LADEE launch. For more information, see:

Saxis Island Museum OPENS Saturday

Written by
Carol Vaughn
SAXIS — The town of Saxis will hold a celebration Saturday to mark the opening of a new museum created to preserve the history of the remote Chesapeake Bay community.

When the tiny Saxis Island Museum, housed in a single, 13-by-27 foot room, opens its doors it will mean the culmination of a dream long held by former Saxis mayor Charles Tull, who died in 2010 at age 62.

Tull served as mayor from 1996 until his death and was widely known as an advocate for his native town.

“He always wanted to have a little museum on Saxis,” said historian M. K. Miles, himself a Saxis native and Tull’s former schoolmate.

After Tull died, his sister, Hannah Tull Glisson, approached Miles and others about making her brother’s dream a reality.

The museum’s opening is a milestone for Miles as well — its creation along with the 2011 publication of Kirk Mariner’s history of Saxis, “Almost an Island,” fulfilled the top two items on his own post-retirement bucket list, he said.

The first six months museum organizers spent a lot of time on paperwork, including making application with the state to become incorporated and filing with the federal government for tax-exempt status — both of which have been achieved.

The group also set up a window display at the future museum site and installed a sign on the side of the building.

The Saxis Island Museum is located in the heart of town, in one half of a 1950s building also occupied by the town’s post office.

Virtually the entire town is turning out to support and celebrate the museum.

“We’re just trying to help them get kicked off on the right foot,” said Saxis Mayor Denise Drewer.

Events Saturday start at 7 a.m. with a town-wide yard sale that includes more than 30 participants.

Carroll Lee Marshall/ Egret carving
Additionally, two local decoy carvers have provided works that will be raffled, with proceeds going to support the museum.

Being raffled are a wood duck carved by Kefford Linton and an egret carved by Carroll Lee Marshall. The raffle winners will be announced at noon Saturday at the museum and ticket purchasers do not have to be present to win.
Kefford Linton/ Wood Duck Carving

Raffle tickets are $5 each or five for $20 and are being sold at Martha’s Kitchen, Sherrye’s Snack Shack, Tall Pines Campground, T’s Corner and the Book Bin in Onley, as well as by calling Mayor Denise Drewer, 757-710-4747.

Linton also will be selling his carvings and Chesapeake Bay work boat models at the Saxis dock.
Works by three local authors also are part of the celebration.

Mariner’s book, “Almost an Island” will be on sale at the museum.

Glenn Linton will be selling his books at Sherrye’s Snack Shack at 20051 Saxis Road and poet Michael Marshall will be selling his new book at his house at 20117 Saxis Road.

The museum itself will offer free admission for the day and will have museum T-shirts for sale. Museum memberships also are available and donations will be gladly accepted.

Visitors to the museum and the town Saturday will have several eateries to choose from if they get hungry.

Martha’s Kitchen at the Saxis dock will sell seafood sandwiches, hamburgers and hot dogs, sodas and more.

Sherrye’s Snack Shack at 20051 Saxis Road will sell ice cream, snow cones and other treats.

Capt. E’s Kitchen, Saxis’ newest restaurant, located at 9104 Starling Creek Road, will be selling cheese steak subs, cream of crab and vegetable beef soup and home made baked goods.

Restroom facilities will be available at the Saxis firehouse during the event.

The rain date for the celebration is Sept. 14.

Drewer said she has heard from lots of people planning to attend Saturday’s events. She said, “I think it’s going to be good — it’s going to be a nice day.”

Directions: Turn west off Route 13 onto Saxis Road at Temperanceville and drive about 12 miles into the town of Saxis. The museum is located near the Saxis firehouse.

To see the museum by appointment, call Miles at 703-328-2898.

For more information, go the the museum’s website, The museum also is on Facebook at


Oceanway Convenience Store In Tasley Robbed

According to Sheriff Todd Godwin, on August 31, 2013 at approximately 09:19 p.m., the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report of a robbery that had occurred at the Oceanway convenience store in Tasley. 

Upon the arrival of deputies, it was determined that an armed subject dressed in dark clothing entered the store and robbed the clerk of an undisclosed amount of money. The suspect was described as a black male, approximately 60 with a thin build.

Assisting the Sheriffs Office in this incident were the Virginia State Police, Onley Police Department and Onancock Police Department.

Anyone with information on this or any other incident is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriffs Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666. 

Tips may also be submitted through the website at 


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Calling all Grandparents To "FURNACE TOWN"

Free Day for Grandparents
Photo/Jo-Ann Rasmussen
Calling all Grandmothers & Grandfathers !
Sunday, September 8, 2013
"National Grandparents Day"
& to honor that Furnace Town is offering FREE Admission to all the wonderful Grandmothers & Grandfathers out there!!
12:00pm - 05:00pm
Photo/Jo-Ann Rasmussen

Ladies Night Out!! ~ Don't Forget To R.S.V.P.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1916.. Two very different views on results of Worcester County's liquor prohibition; 1956.. Pocomoke fire claims race horses; 1930.. Stockton auto dealership; 1914.. Attractive salaries for House Of Correction employees; 1967.. Pocomoke's Pony Ranch drive-in. 

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting! 

Mar-Va Theater This Weekend ~ TURBO

A freak accident might just help an everyday garden snail achieve his biggest dream: winning the Indy 500.

Friday, September 6th
Saturday, September 7th
7 PM
Tickets:  $5

Pocomoke Fall Festival ~ SAVE THE DATE

Suspect Held At Gunpoint By Victim Until Police Arrive


Joshua Luke Delp
(September 3, 2013) – On August 30, 2013, at approximately 11:45 a.m. Ocean City police responded to the 1700 block of Baltimore Avenue for a report of a burglary in progress. When officers arrived on scene, Ocean City Police Communications advised that the victim was actively holding the suspect down on the floor at gunpoint. The suspect, later identified as Joshua Luke Delp, 31, of Sinking Springs, PA, was quickly placed under arrest.

The victim, who is not being identified, stated that Delp entered through the unlocked front door of the unit then walked into the victims bedroom where he assaulted the victim. The victim then struck Delp, grabbed a shotgun which was hidden nearby and asked a roommate to call the police. The victim was able to hold Delp until police arrived.

Delp has been charged by Ocean City police with fourth degree burglary, third degree burglary and second degree assault. He was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released on $10,000 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept.

This Friday... Going To The Moon....

Hebron Volunteer Fire Company ~ GUN BASH

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


One Arrested/ Searching For Another in Home Invasion On Marsh Market Road

Master Caine Wesley, Jr.
ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - Deputies have arrested one person and are searching for another after a home invasion where one of the suspects was killed.

On Aug. 28, deputies in Accomack County responded to a report of shots fired at a home on Marsh Market Road near Sanford. While en route, deputies received a second call about two gunshot victims at a convenient store. One of the victims died.

Leon O'Bryan Crippen

Lt. Gerald Goga with the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office said further investigation revealed four suspects entered the home on Marsh Market Road and gunshots were fired during a robbery attempt by an occupant of the home. Two of the suspects were struck.

The deceased suspect was identified as 23-year-old Master Caine Wesley, Jr. of Nelsonia.

Warrants were issued for 26-year-old Lamesha Cropper of Salisbury, Md. and 22-year-old Leon O’Bryan Crippen of Temperanceville for robbery, use of a firearm in the commission of a robbery and armed burglary.

Goga said Cropper was arrested Wednesday by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and is being held pending an extradition hearing. Crippen remains on at large.

Anyone with information ask to call the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666.


Ariel Castro Found Hanging in Cell ~ Pronounced Dead

Ariel Castro, 53, the Ohio man found guilty for the kidnapping and rape of three girls and holding them captive in his home for nearly a decade was found hanging in his cell Tuesday around 9:20 p.m.

Castro was housed at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, OH, serving a life term without parole. He was in protective custody, in a cell by himself where rounds were required every 30 minutes.

Upon finding Castro hanging in his cell, prison medical staff began performing life saving measures. 

Castro was transported to OSUMC shortly after and pronounced dead at 10:52 p.m. 

"A thorough review of this incident is underway and more information can be provided as it becomes available pending the status of the investigation," a spokesperson from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction said in a statement.

Castro was sentenced to life in prison without parole plus 1,000 years on August 1 for the kidnapping and rape of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus.

He plead guilty to 937 counts including aggravated murder, kidnapping, rape and assault.
The women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old. They escaped from Castro's home on May 6 when Berry broke through a door and yelled for help.


Watercolor Art Class


**Proceeds from this month's Pizza Night will be donated to a local firefighter whose house was burned down last month.**
$10 a pizza and donations will be accepted.


LADEE Rocket On Rocket Pad ~ Launch On Friday

NASA Photo

LADEE in the Fully-Stacked Minotaur V Fairing
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft sits in the nose-cone at the top of the full Minotaur V launch vehicle stack. LADEE is the first spacecraft designed, developed, built, integrated and tested at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. The probe will launch on a U.S. Air Force Minotaur V rocket, an excess ballistic missile converted into a space launch vehicle and operated by Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles, Va., from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. Image credit: NASA Ames/ Zion Young.


On Friday, September 6, 2013 NASA is planning a LADEE Rocket Launch.
The launch will take place at 11:27 in the evening.  As many of you know Arbuckle Road is a VERY popular area for watching the launches from the base.
HOWEVER:  Due to the "DANGER AREA" projected for this launch Arbuckle Road will be CLOSED to the general public.
The roadway will closed at 8 P.M. and not reopen until after the the rocket launch/area is considered safe.
Persons residing on Arbuckle Road will be permitted to travel to their homes but must have proper identification.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


 From Midway Chevrolet

This is open to ANY teachers of our local schools, public or private. All of us here at Midway want to show our appreciation to our teachers! Stop by for some good food, free school supplies, and chat with your fellow teachers!

 (No sales pitches, we promise!)

"Feathered Fiesta" !!

NASA Prepares for First Virginia Coast Launch to Moon

Image credit: NASA Ames / Dana Berry
In an attempt to answer prevailing questions about our moon, NASA is making final preparations to launch a probe at 11:27 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 6, from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va.

The small car-sized Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is a robotic mission that will orbit the moon to gather detailed information about the structure and composition of the thin lunar atmosphere and determine whether dust is being lofted into the lunar sky. A thorough understanding of these characteristics of our nearest celestial neighbor will help researchers understand other bodies in the solar system, such as large asteroids, Mercury, and the moons of outer planets.

"The moon's tenuous atmosphere may be more common in the solar system than we thought," said John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administrator for science in Washington. "Further understanding of the moon's atmosphere may also help us better understand our diverse solar system and its evolution."

The mission has many firsts, including the first flight of the Minotaur V rocket, testing of a high-data-rate laser communication system, and the first launch beyond Earth orbit from the agency's Virginia Space Coast launch facility.

LADEE also is the first spacecraft designed, developed, built, integrated and tested at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. The probe will launch on a U.S. Air Force Minotaur V rocket, an excess ballistic missile converted into a space launch vehicle and operated by Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles, Va.

LADEE was built using an Ames-developed Modular Common Spacecraft Bus architecture, a general purpose spacecraft design that allows NASA to develop, assemble and test multiple modules at the same time. The LADEE bus structure is made of a lightweight carbon composite with a mass of 547.2 pounds -- 844.4 pounds when fully fueled.

"This mission will put the common bus design to the test," said Ames Director S. Pete Worden. "This same common bus can be used on future missions to explore other destinations, including voyages to orbit and land on the moon, low-Earth orbit, and near-Earth objects."

Butler Hine, LADEE project manager at Ames, said the innovative common bus concept brings NASA a step closer to multi-use designs and assembly line production and away from custom design.

 "The LADEE mission demonstrates how it is possible to build a first class spacecraft at a reduced cost while using a more efficient manufacturing and assembly process," Hine said.

Approximately one month after launch, LADEE will begin its 40-day commissioning phase, the first 30 days of which the spacecraft will be performing activities high above the moon's surface. These activities include testing a high-data-rate laser communication system that will enable higher rates of satellite communications similar in capability to high-speed fiber optic networks on Earth.

After commissioning, LADEE will begin a 100-day science phase to collect data using three instruments to determine the composition of the thin lunar atmosphere and remotely sense lofted dust, measure variations in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, and collect and analyze samples of any lunar dust particles in the atmosphere. Using this set of instruments, scientists hope to address a long-standing question: Was lunar dust, electrically charged by sunlight, responsible for the pre-sunrise glow above the lunar horizon detected during several Apollo missions?

After launch, Ames will serve as a base for mission operations and real-time control of the probe. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., will catalogue and distribute data to a science team located across the country.

NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington funds the LADEE mission. Ames manages the overall mission. Goddard manages the science instruments and technology demonstration payload, the science operations center and provides overall mission support. Wallops is responsible for launch vehicle integration, launch services and operations. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages LADEE within the Lunar Quest Program Office.

For more information about the LADEE mission, visit:

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Hogan's Group Grows to 55,000

Inline image 1

For Immediate Release
September 3, 2013

Contact: Steve Crim

Hogan's Group Grows to 55,000

ANNAPOLIS – Change Maryland, the state's largest and fastest-growing, independent, nonpartisan, grassroots movement, has surged to 55,000 members, from every single county and jurisdiction in Maryland. Founded in 2011 by successful business leader and former Maryland Cabinet Secretary Larry Hogan, the organization's primary mission is to increase the state's economic performance and job growth.

The group has built a dominating presence on social media with more people engaged online than the Maryland Democratic Party, the Maryland Republican Party and all of the potential statewide candidates of either party, added together. Change Maryland's Facebook page has a total weekly reach of over 376,534 people. No other citizen group in the state has ever accomplished what Change Maryland has, in just over two years.

Nearly half the organization's members are Democrats and Independents. The only way to bring about real change in Maryland is to build a coalition of Republicans, Independents, and fiscally conservative Democrats to work together. That is exactly what Change Maryland has been doing so effectively.

"We are uniting people of all parties to work together to bring reform, fiscal responsibility, and common-sense to Annapolis. This isn't just another fight between Democrats and Republicans, it’s more important than that. This is a fight for Maryland’s economic future, and it’s a fight worth fighting!" Hogan said.

Change Maryland gained national prominence with the production of numerous economic studies that have shown the impact of 40 consecutive O'Malley-Brown tax increases that take an additional $3.1 billion annually out of the pockets of struggling Maryland families and small businesses.

The group has highlighted the fact that Maryland is no longer competitive with other states in the region, that we have lost 6,500 businesses and that our unemployment rate has nearly doubled under the O'Malley-Brown Administration. A well-publicized taxpayer migration study by Change Maryland showed that the state had the largest mass exodus of any state in the region, and one of the worst in the nation.

Change Maryland hosted an Economic Summit on Improving Maryland’s Economic Competitiveness, which brought together economists, think-tanks, Federal, State and local government officials, and over 400 top business leaders, to focus on finding solutions to the state’s serious economic problems.

Change Maryland founder and Chairman Larry Hogan is also the founder, President and CEO of the Hogan Companies, leaders in economic development who have brought hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs to Maryland, and have done over $2 billion in business in the state.

Hogan left his business for public service as a State Cabinet Secretary from 2003-2007, helping to run the state government. He was responsible for appointing over 7,000 people to all three branches of state government and worked with every agency in the state.

In 2010, Hogan was the only serious challenger willing to take on Martin O'Malley, and was considered by many to be the presumed Republican nominee for Governor, until former Governor Bob Ehrlich decided to enter the race. Since then, there has been much speculation about Hogan as a leading potential candidate in for governor in 2014.

Just recently, Hogan stated that later this year he would give serious consideration to entering the race in 2014. Maryland's most powerful Democrat, Congressman Steny Hoyer called Hogan the toughest opponent he has ever faced in his entire career. Former Governor Bob Ehrlich called Hogan the only Republican in Maryland with a chance to win.

Accomack County Circuit Court / Thursday

By Wesley Edwards

Accomack County Circuit Court 
Thursday August 29, 2013

Marshall Handy was charged with possession of cocaine on November 17th 2012. Deputy Taylor in a routine traffic stop saw a razor blade with a white substance lying on the center console. The traffic stop was on Mason Road near Bloxom. Ms. Janice Jones was a passenger when the stop occurred. Mr. Hardy told the deputy that he would take the blame for everything. With a guilty plea Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Hardy to five years suspended all but 30 days along with a suspended drivers license for 6 months.

Janice Jones was charged with possession of cocaine with a guilty plea as in the Marshall Handy case. However Ms. Jones had a smoking devise in her purse. She also plead guilty to this charge but stating she put it in her purse to try to help Mr. Handy at the time of the stop.. Both guilty pleas were with the understanding that they were being given under the first offender statute. Sentencing was handed down for probation for one year, a program of education, and with her drivers license suspended for six months with a provision for work + 100 hours of community service.


Jonathan Tykot was charged with indecent liberties with a child (minor) . He was arraigned under a not guilty plea with a trial date set for 2/3/14. Mr. Tykot asked for a jury trial.

A hearing on a Capias for Aaisha White was scheduled but as she didn't show up for court today no hearing was held. Ms. White was sentenced to four weekends more than a year ago of two days each, of which only one weekend was served. Judge Lewis told her attorney she would be in court on 9/12/13 or well provide transportation for her.

Robert Johnson, charged with Larceny on or about June 29th 2013 waived his right to a preliminary hearing and his grand jury hearing while entering a guilty plea. His case was continued for a pre-sentencing report.


Brian Clayton convicted on 2/21/13 of distribution of heroin has been in jail for nine months. Mr. Clayton on other charges owes approximately $9,000 dollars in restitution. The defendant read a lengthy letter of apology into the record while breaking down from time to time. Stating in the letter that he had a job when he was released from jail and would be rejoining his family which included two children. Judge Lewis told Mr. Clayton that his life was a mess but he was sentencing him to 10 years with all but one year suspended. His drivers license was also suspended except for work.

Isaac Scarborough convicted of grand larceny after a bench trial with a long record including over $24,000 dollars in delinquent child support payments was sentenced to 10 years with all but one year suspended.

Motion to Suppress

Donald Brown was in court for Marijuana charges going back to November 30th 2011. In the afternoon at approximately 3:15 PM ten to 12 officers including a swat team exploded into Mr. Brown's home to serve a state police search warrant. After his testimony and the testimony of a Northampton deputy and the state police Judge Lewis granted the motion to suppress under how the warrant was served.     

Monday, September 2, 2013

Got $3,000? Accused Arsonist Still Behind Bars

By Linda Cicoira
www.Eastern Shore Post
Accused arsonist Tonya Susan Bundick has been unable to come up with the cash she needs to get out of Accomack Jail.

About two weeks ago, Judge Glen Tyler of Accomack Circuit Court, set bond at $30,000 for the 40-year-old Hopeton woman. Bonding companies require 10 percent of the post. But
Bundick, who is accused of arson and conspiracy to commit the crime in connection with an April 1 fire in a house on Airport Drive near Melfa, is still behind bars.

Nearly 80 arsons were reported in Accomack from November 2012 to April2013. Bundick’s fiancé, Charles Robert Smith III, also known as Charlie Applegate,38, of Hopeton, confessed to a majorityof the fires. He told police Bundick set 15 unoccupied buildings on fire.

Bond was denied for Smith in Accomack General District Court. His lawyer filed papers to appeal the decision, but a date was never set for a hearing.

Both defendants have been in the county jail for about five months. In May, Tyler denied Bundick’s request for freedom after Commonwealth’s Attorney Gary Agar said he intended to
seek up to 70 indictments against her. That didn’t happen when a Grand Jury met in early August. The panel did indict Smith on 67 counts of arson and a count of conspiracy.

Tyler ordered bond arrangements for Bundick be made through a professional bond company. He did not favor a house being put up as collateral and ordered she be prohibited from leaving Accomack or Northampton County unless there is a medical necessity.

Agar argued against bond. He said while “two charges are more appropriate” at this time, “we don’t know how this case may proceed. There is a likelihood of her running … she is very
aware of the circumstances of her codefendant… a major threat of additional charges is over her like a dark cloud.”

Defense lawyer Shannon Dunham, said Bundick is not a flight risk since she is a lifelong resident of the shore.