Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company ~ ANNUAL BREAKFAST WITH SANTA

Saturday, December 21, 2013
7:00 am until 11:00 am
Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company
10071 Atlantic Road
Atlantic, Virginia 

Eggs, Scrapple, Sausage,
Pancakes, Coffee, Juice, Milk

$7 Adult (Carry Outs Available)
$3 Kids 6 and Under

Digital color photos available for $3

For information call:
Dawn Joyce 757 824 0505

Accomack Sheriff's Office Annual Toy Drive ~ LAST DAY ~

Sheriff Todd E. Godwin wishes to announce 
The Annual Toy Drive
of the Accomack County Sheriff's Office.

Our annual toy drive is underway and we need your help to put a smile on the faces of some less fortunate youngsters in Accomack County. The struggling economy makes it difficult for families to purchase toys for their children and this is where you can make a huge difference. To donate a new toy (unwrapped), please drop it off at the:

Accomack County Sheriffs Office
23323 Wise Court
Accomac, VA 23301
(Donations will be accepted through December 17, 2013)

Additionally, please feel free to contact our office at (757) 787-1131 with the names of families who may be in need of assistance. Together we can make a positive impact upon the less fortunate children within our community.

On behalf of the Accomack County Sheriffs Office, I want to thank you in advance for your contributions and wish you and your families a Happy Holiday Season.

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Respond To Burglary In Progress

On December 14, 2013 at approximately 2247 hours, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies responded to a residence on George Island Landing Rd, Stockton, Maryland, for a burglary in progress.

Upon arrival a Deputy made contact with the complainant who advised their door had been kicked in by a white male, The suspect was identified as Eric Todd Apgar of Stockton, Maryland, and he had left the scene on foot. 

The Deputy was able to direct other responding Deputies in the direction Mr. Apgar was walking where Deputies located Mr. Apgar. Mr. Apgar allegedly attempted unsuccessfully to enter the residence at the back door. He then proceeded to the front door where he was able to kick in the door, destroying it.

Mr. Apgar was placed under arrest for 4th degree burglary and malicious destruction of property. Mr. Apgar was taken before the District court Commissioner where he was released on his own recognizance.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Monday, December 16, 2013

Consumer Energy Costs Skyrocket Under O’Malley-Brown Administration

December 16, 2013

Steve Crim

ANNAPOLIS — Change Maryland released today a report card that shows consumer energy costs skyrocketing under the OMalley-Brown Administration.  The release of the report card comes on the heels of a state announcement Friday that the Public Service Commission (PSC) approved the second rate increase this year requested by Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE), as well as an increased monthly service surcharge.

"Yet another rate increase for working Maryland families is unacceptable," said Change Maryland Chairman, Larry Hogan.  "The responsibility for which falls directly in the lap of Governor OMalley, who was elected governor on a promise to all Marylanders to keep electricity and heat affordable during his tenure."

Change Maryland’s study attributes the dramatic increase in costs to a misguided policy which forces energy companies to meet quotas while also allowing these companies to pass unnecessary costs on to consumers.  It also attributes higher costs to a general lack of oversight and accountability within the PSC.

The group’s findings are in stark contrast to the past campaign promises made by O'Malley.  He ran for governor on the promise of "taking on BGE to stop the rate hikes," giving us a “detailed plan to make energy more affordable," and appointing "competent, qualified, professional regulators," to the Public Service Commission.  Change Maryland has graded the governor and his administration on keeping those promises, and determined they have failed across the board.

"O’Malley certainly deserves an F," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "It’s seven years later; the rate hikes happened, and we’re still waiting for that detailed plan.  Just as he campaigned against fees and taxes and then dramatically increased them, O’Malley ran on lower energy prices but then pushed an agenda which forced them to increase year over year."

According to the United States Energy Information Agency, the average per kilowatt-hour rate for residential electricity in Maryland before Governor O’Malley took office was 9.71 cents.  As of August 2013 (date for the most current available data), the average per kilowatt-hour electricity rate is 13.89 cents, an increase of 43%. Furthermore, the latest rate increase approved on behalf of BGE is the fourth increase in three years that has Marylanders digging even deeper into their pockets.

"We have discovered that this administration’s energy policy has been more tilting at windmills than actually pursuing a real policy that keeps utility rates low for consumers," charged Hogan.  "The fact of the matter is that Martin O’Malley is more concerned about checking off all the boxes for his next job than he is about the prices working families pay for electricity and heat."

Despite lofty promises, it seems the O’Malley-Brown Administration has done everything possible to increase the cost of energy in Maryland. Change Maryland has documented:

      The rapid increase in residential electricity rates;
      O’Malley’s EmPower Maryland scheme that allowed utilities to charge customers for power they didn’t use during outages;
      O’Malley’s handpicked PSC Commissioners who dropped the ball on utility reliability standards;
      O’Malley’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS), which hasn’t increased renewable energy generation, in fact it has decreased;
      O’Malley’s RPS and RGGI programs, that allow Wall Street firms and banks to speculate in Marylanders’ utility bills.

"It’s clear that Governor O’Malley’s campaign promises come with an expiration date stamped: inauguration day," Hogan concluded.

O’Malley-Brown Administration Energy Report Card
Change Maryland, December 16, 2013

Md. approves BGE rate increase, surcharge
The Baltimore Sun, December 13, 2013

Martin O’Malley campaign ad
YouTube, May 25, 2007

Maryland State Profile and Energy Estimates
U.S. Energy Information Administration, accessed December 16, 2013

Antares Launch Postponed to December 19

NASA Photo
NASA and Orbital Sciences Corp. Saturday moved the targeted launch date of the Orbital-1 resupply mission to the International Space Station to no earlier than Thursday, Dec. 19 to enable engineers to continue their analysis of data involving a suspect Flow Control Valve in a pump module on the starboard truss of the station that malfunctioned on Wednesday. Orbital’s Antares rocket and the Cygnus commercial cargo vehicle are now scheduled to launch from Pad 0A at the Wallops Flight Facility, Va. no earlier than Dec. 19 at 9:19 p.m. EST. NASA TV coverage of launch will begin at 8:45 p.m. EST.

The delay will allow Orbital’s engineering team to load late scientific cargo into the Cygnus craft on Sunday to protect several days of launch opportunities through the end of next week. Under current planning, the Antares rocket with Cygnus would rollout to the launch pad at Wallops in the early morning hours on Tuesday, Dec. 17. A launch on Dec. 19 would result in Cygnus arriving at the space station for a grapple and berthing to the Earth-facing port of the Harmony module on Sunday, Dec. 22.

The launch is still dependent on NASA engineers resolving a problem with the station’s pump module flow control valve that experienced a problem Wednesday in properly positioning itself so that ammonia coolant can flow properly through the cooling lines of the station’s truss while keeping heat-rejecting equipment at the correct temperature.

Overnight, engineers conducted testing with a component in the Pump Module called a Radiator Return Valve, which is a ball valve that operates in concert with the suspect Flow Control Valve in the pump to control heating in the cooling lines to the Interface Heat Exchangers. The Radiator Return Valve was commanded to various positions to see how the Flow Control Valve might be placed in a fixed position to help actively control cooling loop A, and in turn, allow the system to warm up sufficiently so that the heat exchangers in the loop can operate at a proper temperature. Engineers continue to pore over the data and other techniques to manage the flow control valve. The cooling of station systems is currently being managed through cooling loop B that employs a pump module on the port truss.

In the meantime, Expedition 38 crewmembers Rick Mastracchio and Michael Hopkins worked Saturday in the Quest airlock to begin preparing their spacesuits in the event they are called upon to conduct spacewalks to change out the faulty pump module. If managers direct the crewmembers to perform those spacewalks beginning late next week, the launch of the Orbital-1 mission would be delayed until January.

NASA Flight Facility on Facebook

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pocomoke City Police Chief To Speak To Rotary Club

Pocomoke Rotary Meeting
Monday, December 16, 2013
6:15 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting  held at  American Legion in Pocomoke City, 
Bypass Rd.

Rotary presents Police Chief Kevin Sewell speaking about his exploits as well as the news  from the Pocomoke City  Police  Department.

Call Carole Krueger for reservations. 410-430-2243.

Looking for a holiday gift?

In case you did't know- Pocomoke City Police Chief Sewell  had another career   for many years in police work before he moved to Pocomoke City and has written a book along with Stephen Janis.  

The book,  "Why Do We Kill?"  The Pathology Of Murder In Baltimore is available in most book stores and on line.  Makes a wonderful Christmas gift !!

I PROMISE you will enjoy the book~

TIME MACHINE ... 1894, 1956, 1972, 1897

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

December, 1894
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)


The N. Y. P. & N. R.R. Co., will run an excursion train from Keller station to Pocomoke, next Tuesday, 18th, at regular excursion rates, leaving Keller at 8:10 a. m., Melfa 8:15, Onley 8:22, Tasley 8:28, Parksley 8:39, Bloxom 8:51, Hallwood 9:00, Bloomtown 9:05, Oak Hall 9:10, New Church 9:25, arriving at Pocomoke 4 p. m., giving all who go six hours to visit and examine the large stores which are just loaded with Christmas goods. Special bargains will be offered to all who go. Those wishing Xmas goods will more than make their expenses by taking advantage of this cheap trip.

Footnote: Assuming 4 p.m. arrival time was a misprint. Perhaps 4 p.m. was the departure time from Pocomoke. 

December, 1956
(The Salisbury Times)


POCOMOKE CITY- During a recent meeting of the Pocomoke City Community Civic Council, the president, Fred Henderson, announced plans for the annual Christmas  drive, and called upon the community for cooperation.

The council is made up of representatives from each of the clubs and organizations in Pocomoke, and was set up to serve as a coordinating agency for the charitable activities.

Clubs and organizations of Pocomoke have responded with gifts of new and used toys, clothing and shoes, canned goods, groceries, meats, and gifts of money. But more is needed , Mr. Henderson said. 

The council has prepared boxes and has placed them in most of the Pocomoke stores to receive donations.

Donations may be left at the Pocomoke Firehouse on Fifth Street, or at St. Mary's Parish House on Third Street.

Those donating money should make checks payable to the Community Civic Council.

For anyone unable to send donations to the firehouse or the Parish House, a pick-up service is available by calling Mrs. Lee Graff, 476-W, or the Rev. Roger C. Jones, 1023, or the Rev. William M. Reed, 967. 

December, 1972 (Time Machine archive.)

Pocomoke's annual Christmas concert by the Salem United Methodist Church choir was scheduled with members of other area church choirs also participating. Barry Tull of Pocomoke City would play trumpet and Miss Carol Cherrix of Snow Hill would be flutist. Choir director Mrs. Naomi Stevenson would be organist. Vocal soloists from Pocomoke would include Miss Julia Ann Ball, Mrs. Betsy C. Massey, Mrs. Peter Thompson, Miss Susan Humphreys, Mrs. Frederick White, and Miss Nancy Henderson, plus Mrs. Elwyn Cooper of Stockton.

(Holiday recollection)

The Coffman-Fisher clothing store in Pocomoke City was located at the corner of Second and Market Streets. Once a year, for the Christmas season, they'd set up a large toy department upstairs. The store had a second-floor balcony level and from there a long flight of steps led up to the toy department.- tk 

(It appears from the article below that more than a century ago it was Christmas eve that was the most anticipated time for holiday shopping.) 

December 24, 1897 (Time Machine archive)
(Woodland Daily Democrat- Woodland, California)


Children Will Catch A Glimpse Of Fairyland

People With Christmas Memories In Their Minds And Christmas Cheer In Their Hearts

Those who have had the opportunity to watch the people surge up and down the street this afternoon know is has been a busy day for the merchants, and without the use of the calendar they could easily determine the date. Indeed, if a resident of one of the planets could drop in on us unannounced he would know it was the day before Christmas on account of the industrious manner in which people are picking up odds and ends to fill the toe and heel of the Christmas stocking and add to the happiness of Santa Claus' day.

And this holiday rush will continue far into the evening because Christmas Eve is everybody's evening. It is the evening when all take the evening off from the ordinary occupations of their ordinary existences and spend that evening down town in the interests of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is the evening when the day laborer and the capitalist rejoice together in common cause that work is over, at least for a brief season. It is the evening when the best girl shares the pleasure of the best young man. It is the evening when whole families of young children get their first glimpse of the fairyland of Christmas and of the treasures piled high behind protecting windows, and of the white-whiskered and mysterious old man who shakes their hands, takes their names and promises them on the faith of a Santa Claus a present of a doll or a drum on Christmas morning.

This evening being Christmas eve the electric lights on the streets, the electric lights over the store entrances, the electric lights that mist fantastically across the facade of tall buildings will flare their brightest radiance for the benefit and happiness of the passing throng. Windows will blaze with twinkling jets and reflect the shades of tinted glows upon the colors of the goods below. Light and darkness will chase each other up and down a continuous chain decorating the edge of our tallest structures. Lights will flicker from the branches of the Christmas trees and gladden the hearts of the children.

Christmas eve is the night when the green foliage of Christmas brings a breath of spring, and this evening it will be a cheerful spectacle to see the bright holly leaves, shining with the seasons good will, the hollie berries, red as the season's charity, the mistletoe hinting at future pleasures and the joys of future frolics, the evergreens filling the streets with Christmas odors and the minds of the passing throng with Christmas memories and their hearts with Christmas cheer. This evening windows will blaze with light and glow with color. Pavements will resound with noisy clamor. Stores that are filled with a bewildering wealth of holiday treasures will be thronged with eager, admiring purchasers. But after all it will be the people who give life and animation to the spectacle that will make the scene worth seeing, and the night worth living. It will be a crowd to watch and mingle in, to become part of it in the pleasure, in contentment, in wonder and in that satisfactory feeling of accomplished work and anticipated rest.

(Spirit of the season)
Last weekend my wife and I were dining at a popular Salisbury restaurant. When it came time to pay, the waitress said "Your check has been taken care of. Have a nice day." We were shocked, of course. We were unaware of anyone whom we knew being in the restaurant and we asked who had paid our check. The waitress pointed to a man and woman dining nearby. I went over to express our thanks and asked why they had done this. The reply, with a smile, "Merry Christmas." I said "thank you but you shouldn't have done that." The reply, again, "Merry Christmas." -tk

Do you have a Christmas memory or other local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Sunday, December 15, 2013
“Windows at the Fire House”
Pocomoke Community Center
Market Street
Santa arrives at 4:00 by helicopter 

View the enchanting decorated windows while listening
to Christmas music.

Drop off your Christmas list in Santa’s Mailbox.
Be sure to include you first name and address if you would like a letter back from Santa*
Come and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate served by
Mrs. Claus and the Elves.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

There Is Nothing Like FINE Jewelery For The Holiday Season

Available in silver or plastic.  One size fits all.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1894.. Excursion to Pocomoke City for Christmas shopping; 1956.. Pocomoke collecting gifts for Yule.  1972.. Pocomoke Christmas concert; 1897 Christmas Eve shopping tradition.

Do you have a Christmas memory or other local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Winter Watermen's Festival TODAY!

Worcester County Sheriff's Office / Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography

Perry William Sharpley
LOCATION: 5634 George Island Landing Road, Stockton, Maryland, 21864

 CRIME: Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography

 ACCUSED: Perry William Sharpley, 5634 George Island Landing Road, Stockton, Maryland 21864
CHARGES: One(1) count of Distribution of Child Pornography and three(3) counts of Possession of Child Pornography

 NARRATIVE: On Thursday, December 12, 2013, Perry William Sharpley of Stockton, Maryland was arrested and charged with three counts of Possession of Child Pornography and one count of Distribution of Child Pornography.

 The arrest was the result of the combined efforts of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit and the Department of Homeland Security. Through their affiliation with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Detectives learned that Perry had uploaded an image of known Child Pornography to a “Facebook” account he had created.

Investigators obtained his personal laptop computer on which they found three more images of known child pornography.

 Sharpley was taken before a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released on his own recognizance.

Friday, December 13, 2013

“Windows at the Fire House” Pocomoke Community Center

Pocomoke Community Center
Market Street

 Sunday, December 15, 2013
“Windows at the Fire House”

Santa arrives at 4:00 by helicopter 

View the enchanting decorated windows while listening
to Christmas music.

Drop off your Christmas list in Santa’s Mailbox.
*Be sure to include you first name and address if you would like a letter back from Santa.

Come and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate served by
Mrs. Claus and the Elves.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

The idea behind "Windows at the Firehouse" was hatched out of those holiday storefront displays that you'd find every season. Come out and see what we've put on the other side of the glass!

Have Your Picture Taken With Santa and Mrs. Claus

The Santa House will be open at the Mini Park in Downtown Pocomoke

Saturday, December,  14, 2013
 Saturday, December, 21, 2013
11 am-2 pm

Come get your picture taken with Santa & Mrs. Claus!!!

The Samaritan Shelter BAKE SALE At Enchanted Florist Pocomoke

A Note From Enchanted Florist Pocomoke

The Samaritan Shelter 

Saturday, December 14th
9 a.m.-3 p.m

The Samaritan Shelter, will be here with their yummy 
and they will be announcing the winner of their 4th Annual Bountiful Blessings Basket. It is valued to be over $1000. of gift cards and merchandise. 

We are selling tickets for the basket raffle for $5. each or 3 for $10.

So stop by, we will be offering discounts and will have all of our new dips and cheesecakes prepared for sampling....

HO, HO, HO !!!

Hunters For the Hungry Seek Donations

The Eastern Shore Chapter of the Hunters for the Hungry greatly needs deer donations during this final month of the deer hunting season. With the recent restriction of doe harvest days by the VDGIF, deer donations are down from the same period in the past. Now that the restriction has been removed for the remainder of the season, the local chapter is encouraging hunters to donate deer to the program. 

The deer hunting season closes on January 4, 2014.

Deer must be properly registered and field dressed only, not skinned out. The deer may be taken to the refrigerated trailers at The Food Bank in Tasley and BB Convenience on Lankford Hwy in Machipongo. Brent Powell also receives deer at his processing location in Wachapreague off Bradfords Neck Road. There is no cost to the hunter to donate the deer to the program. 

The program is a non- profit organization and contributions are deductible as allowed by law. With 2013 closing, the chapter also encourages any final year donations to pay for the processing costs for the deer. 

Donations, made out to Hunters for the Hungry may be sent to Worth Saunders, chapter director, at PO BOX 1702, Parksley VA 23421.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1894.. Excursion to Pocomoke City for Christmas shopping; 1956.. Pocomoke collecting gifts for Yule.  1972.. Pocomoke Christmas concert; 1897 Christmas Eve shopping tradition.

Do you have a Christmas memory or other local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Arson Trial To Remain In Virginia Beach / Bundick Remains Behind Bars

Tonya S. Bundick
A preliminary hearing for Tonya Susan Bundick on 62 additional charges stemming from last years arson spree was held in Accomack County Circuit Court this morning. (Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013)

 Judge Glen Tyler denied bail and appointed Norfolk attorney Alan Zaleski and his son Alexander Zaleski to represent Bundick at both of her trials.

Bundick will face charges on January 13 and 14, 2014 on the original two charges of arson and conspiracy to commit arson. Tyler denied a motion to move that trial out of Virginia Beach.

 A final motion to prevent the Commonwealth from referring to activities surrounding the additional 62 charges in the first trial was tabled and will be considered on January 9, 2014. 

Bundick remains behind bars in the Accomack County Jail awaiting her first trial.



Billy Conn Davis, Jr.
(December 10, 2013) – On December 7, 2013 at approximately 5:50 p.m. the Ocean City Police Narcotics Unit brought an eight-month drug distribution investigation to an end with the arrest of Billy Conn Davis, Jr., 50, of Snow Hill, MD. Over the course of eight months, police received information that Davis was selling controlled dangerous substances in Ocean City.

On December 7, Ocean City Police Narcotics Unit conducted surveillance on Davis and initiated a traffic stop in the area of 67th Street and Coastal Highway. During a search of Davis’ vehicle, police recovered over 150 bags of heroin and a large amount of cocaine and crack cocaine. Police also recovered marijuana, oxycontin and seized over $900.

Ocean City police have charged Davis with multiple drug possession and distribution charges. Davis was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and transferred to Worcester County Jail on $75,000 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Pocomoke River Canoe Company ~ TRAIN GARDEN

Train Garden at the
 Pocomoke River Canoe Company

Come to the second floor of the Pocomoke River Canoe Company, home to the Corddry Company Crossing Train Garden that is reminiscent of Snow Hill many years ago. 

Children and their families will love this recently renovated enchanted wonderland reduced to "O" gauge. 

While admission is free, donations are welcome

Open both Saturday and Sunday afternoons of December.
For more information, contact (410) 632-3971 

Scams Involving Your Utility Companies

From the
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Please be aware of a scam involving your utility companies. Several citizens report being contacted by BG & E, Delmarva Power and Constellation. These scams have been previously reported to the FBI and are being handled. 

In the meantime, to prevent further victims or Identity Theft; if YOU receive a phone call or other means of communication from someone asking for pertinent information regarding your account; safeguard this information and hang up or do not respond to request. 

After you have disconnected, consult your individual company direct, meaning YOU call them.

 DO NOT CALL the original person back. Hang up your phone, then redial. This is to insure you are not connecting to a spam portal on a unknown source. 

If this sounds confusing, please feel free to contact the Community Policing Division of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1112.

Some important numbers:
Worcester County Sheriff 410-632-1112
Maryland State Police 410-641-3101
Delmarva Power 1-800-375-7117
Choptank Electric 1-877-892-0001
Verizon 1-800-837-4966

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

UPDATE: Tonya Bundick Denied Bail On Arson Charges

Wednesday AM

ACCOMACK CO., Va. - The Accomack County woman, (Tonya Bundick) now accused of dozens of additional arson charges, will remain behind bars.
An Accomack County judge ruled the circumstances against the alleged arsonist too high for a new bail.

 Also, there will not be another venue change, and the trial will stay in Virginia Beach. Bundick will be tried on the first two counts on January 13th.
She faces an additional 62 charges, most of them felonies, all dating back to November 12th of last year, when the string of more than 70 arsons began.

Market Street Boutique / The 12 Days of Christmas Shopping

The 12 Days of Christmas Shopping  Market Street Boutique

Dec 10 - 24, 2013
10% OFF on the Tenth; 11% OFF on the Eleventh; 12% OFF on the Twelfth...
right up through Christmas Eve with 24% OFF.

Store hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10 AM-5 PM. 

But, on Monday, Christmas Eve, we will be open for last minute shoppers from10 AM-5 PM ! 

Each day as the discount grows, the inventory goes. 

Don't wait too long...you might miss out on that "special gift"!

Tonya S. Bundick Preliminary Hearing Wednesday

Tonya S. Bundick will face a preliminary hearing Wednesday on 62 charges stemming from last winters arson spree in Accomack County. 

Bundick was charged two weeks ago with the additional counts. She was originally charged with arson and conspiracy in connection with the arson of a Melfa residence on April 1.

 Bundicks boyfriend and accomplice faces a maximum penalty of over 500 years for his part in the arson spree. 

Charles R. Smith III has pled guilty to 67 counts of arson and conspiracy and is awaiting sentencing. 


Breakfast With Santa ~ Greenbackville Volunteer Fire Dept.

Accomack County Circuit Court Report

Accomack County Circuit Court Report
Thursday, December 5, 2013

David Tull was charged with three counts of embezzlement going back to October 2010. Mr. Tull's issues came as the result of misuse of a company credit card. The charges included charges in the state of Virginia for a total of $3,465; in addition Mr. Tull had similar charges in Maryland for $24,937 which was not part of the trial. The defendant paid the final restitution of $1,800 before court started today. Testimony was that he had also completed his jail time for the charges in Maryland and was now on parole. Tull requested to remain out on bond until sentencing which was granted this case was continued for a presentencing report.

David Strand was charged with misdemeanor larceny. With no other criminal record, his original charge of felony larceny was reduced to a misdemeanor. Being employed for more than two continuous years he was sentenced to 10 days with good behavior for three years and restitution at $1307.90 and court costs to be paid, with unsupervised probation.

Aaron Davis was charged with grand larceny, felony shoplifting, and receiving stolen property. Mr. Davis, who had been in jail for 8 months and 19 days, had a lengthy record going back to 1993 and was sentenced to 10 years on the grand larceny charge, five years for felony shoplifting, and and 12 months for receiving stolen property. All but time served was suspended with indefinite supervised probation.

Rodney Nock was charged with burglary, and two counts of grand larceny. Having received first offender treatment both as a juvenile and as an adult, Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Nock to 10 years on each charge of grand larceny to run concurrently all but six months suspended. On the burglary charge, he was sentenced to 10 years all but one year and six months suspended with instructions he was to have no contact with the family that was burglarized.

Demitrius Justis was charged with more than three offenses of shoplifting. Justice was in court due to probation violations, which included a positive cocaine test and two drunk in public charges. With approximately 4 years left hanging over his head Judge Lewis re- imposed the full sentence with all but six months suspended minus time served.

Antonio Flores was charged with failing substance-abuse testing while on probation. He refused to take a drug test today stating he knew it would be positive but asking for help with his substance abuse problem. Judge Lewis sentenced Mr. Flores to three months allowing 30 days of the sentence to a inpatient substance program that must be completed.


Walk Through Bethlehem Begins December 13th

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Murder of Steven Pettit Being Investigated by Virginia State Police

Steven Pettit
Virginia State Police are still investigating the apparent murder of 35 year old Steven Pettit on Gargatha Landing Road last Thursday.

 Pettit was discovered in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his head.

Pettit had recently moved to Salisbury and was back in the area visiting family when the incident occurred.

Police have not released any more information.

 Robbery hasn't been ruled out. Funeral services for Pettit were conducted Sunday.

 Pettit was the father of two sons.

Christmas Open House at Costen House

Christmas Open House at Costen House

 Friday, December 13, 2013

5:30 PM -8:00 PM

Bring a guest, and help  celebrate the Christmas season.

Private Ambulance Service In Six States Abruptly Shuts Down With No Explanation

Locals lose their jobs with this company also.

A private ambulance service that transported more than a half-million patients a year in six states abruptly shut down without explanation, leaving dozens of cities and towns scrambling for medical transportation options Monday without a word of warning.

First Med EMS, based in Wilmington, N.C., served hospitals and other medical facilities in more than 70 municipalities in Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. It operated under the names TransMed, Life Ambulance and MedCorp, boasting in publicity materials: "We take pride in our performance and the safety of our patients. We refuse to compromise on this."

First Med's website was inaccessible Monday, and calls to corporate offices either reached disconnected lines or weren't answered. Company workers said in Facebook posts and tweets that they were told the corporation had declared bankruptcy, but no bankruptcy documents were yet on file Monday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.

First Med was the largest EMS service in Ohio, where at least 1,500 paramedics and other medical workers were left jobless in Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo, Cincinnati, Youngstown and numerous smaller towns.

First Med also provided services in Richmond, Norfolk and Newport News in Virginia, as well as Wilmington, N.C.

Much of First Med's business was "non-emergent" transportation — such as taking dialysis patients to their weekly treatments and shuttling nursing home patients to doctors' appointments — and officials in some cities said there should be little impact on patient treatment.

"The unfortunate thing was lack of notice," Larry Stephens, ambulance service director for Camden Clark Medical Center in Parkersburg, W.Va., told NBC station WTAP. "They closed up shop on Friday, and people were scrambling to get to their appointments all weekend, plus early this week."

Many of the company's approximately 2,300 employees learned about the shutdown from colleagues. When they tried to show up for work Saturday, they found locked doors.

"I found out on Facebook and from a co-worker that I no longer had a job," Stacey Carpenter, a First Med dispatcher in Wilmington, told NBC station WECT. "I am absolutely devastated. I don't know what I am going to do."

Dispatch services in several cities reported that First Med called them Friday night and Saturday to stop all requests for emergency runs. Workers who were in the middle of their shifts were told to turn around and go home.

"We didn't know what to do," Derek Griffin, an emergency medical technician in Hopewell, Va., told NBC station WWBT of Richmond. 

"They told us to turn our truck in, to turn our equipment in. That was it," he said. "It was done so shadily and so behind closed doors."

Medical facilities said the shutdown took them by surprise, too, and at least one county — Bertie County, N.C. — declared a state of emergency at noon Monday. The county board of commissioners said in a statement that it would pursue legal claims against First Med.  


BREAKFAST WITH SANTA ~ Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company


Saturday, December 21, 2013
7:00 am until 11:00 am
Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company
10071 Atlantic Road
Atlantic, Virginia 

Eggs, Scrapple, Sausage,
Pancakes, Coffee, Juice, Milk

$7 Adult (Carry Outs Available)
$3 Kids 6 and Under