Monday, April 9, 2012




 A RED FLAG warning is in effect from noon today until 8:00 PM this evening for wind and low relative humidity for the Lower Eastern Shore. A red flag warning means conditions leading to an increased risk of fire.

The strongest winds and lowest relative humidity values are generally expected between 12 noon and 6 PM. Winds will be out of the west, 15-25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. Relative humidity will fall to 20-25% this afternoon.

Fire danger should be elevated due to the gusty winds and very dry conditions. Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly.

Outdoor burning is strongly discouraged.
Be alert and be careful! 
 Only you can prevent forest fires!

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Tonight

7:30 p.m., Monday, April 9, 2012
City Hall

  1. Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

      2.Review and approval of minutes from meeting of March 5, 2012.

      3. Review and approval of bills to be paid.

      4.Mayor Morrison to swear in Councilmembers Tracey Cottman (three year term), Rob Clarke      (three year term), and George Tasker (one year term).

      5.Selection of First and Second Vice President of the City Council for the coming year.

      6.Introduction of new Police Officer Damien McGlotten.

      7. Consider request from Assateague People of Delmarva for use of Cypress Park for Pow Wow on May 19-20, 2012. 

       8. Public Hearing on proposed annexation of property located at 1139 Ocean Highway (Pocomoke Animal Hospital).

      9. Second Reading of Res. A-12-01 to approve annexation of property at 1139 Ocean Highway into the corporate limits.

    10.Public Hearing to obtain comments regarding the proposed re-designation of the City’s Enterprise Zone by the State of Maryland.

   11. Emergency Res. No. 456 to authorize submission of Enterprise Zone Application to State of Maryland.

  12. Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for Fair Housing Month (April 2012).

   13. Review bids received for new ambulance.  (Bid opening 11:00 a.m., April 9, 2012)

   14.First Reading of Res. 457 to authorize U.S.D.A. loan for purchase of new ambulance.

    15. First Reading of Res. 458 to refinance loan for new Police Department building with U.S.D.A. funds.

  16. Discuss recommendation from Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis for repair or demolition of property at 523 Young Street (Allen Blount, owner). 

    17. Discuss possible dates for reception with members of City Boards and Commissions.

 Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.


Easter and Springtime Hazards For Cats and Dogs

Lilies, chocolate and easter grass pose problems for pets

Ah, spring. It is nice to have a little color after a long winter. Easter and springtime decorations (and edibles) liven the scenery, but also pose a potential hazard to pets. Who knew that plastic Easter grass could be dangerous, even deadly?

Spring is a great time to take an inventory of potential pet hazards. It's better than the alternative of spending time at the veterinary hospital. Here is are a few Quick Tips on what to watch for this spring.

Easter Lily (and related Lily plants): The Easter Lily is a common finding this time of year. This plant, and related plants in the lily family, are highly toxic to cats if ingested.
The first signs seen are vomiting and lethargy, and if untreated, may progress to kidney (renal) failure and death. Please call your veterinarian immediately if you suspect that your cat has eaten any part of a lily plant.

Another spring flower often used in cut flower arrangements, daffodils, are also toxic to cats.

Learn more: Lily toxicity
Easter grass: Cats love anything that moves. This stuff moves easily in the breeze, makes interesting sounds, and, for some cats, it is simply irresistible and must be eaten. Stringy things like Easter grass or tinsel at Christmas, pose a deadly threat if ingested, creating something called a Linear Foreign Body. The first signs seen, aside from the material being visible from the mouth or anus, are vomiting or straining to defecate and a painful abdomen.
Trying to pull out visible grass or string is not recommended, as this can cause more damage if the piece is long and trapped far inside the body. Call your veterinarian if you suspect that your cat has sampled the Easter grass. While Linear Foreign Bodies are more common in cats, dogs may also ingest non-food material, and the same rules apply.

Chocolate: This is more of a dog hazard, as many dogs have a sweet tooth, a great nose, and the determination to find chocolate -- hidden or not. The toxic components in chocolate are theobromine and caffeine, and the level of toxicity is based on the type and quantity of chocolate consumed.

Different types of chocolate have different amounts of theobromine and caffiene; dark chocolate contains the highest concentrations and white "chocolate" contains the least. Early clinical signs are vomiting, diarrhea and trembling.
Related Reading: All About Chocolate Toxicity
Xylitol: It is important to note that xylitol, an artificial sweetener used in many candies, chewing gums and baked goods, is potentially very toxic to dogs and ferrets.
Spring is also a great time to do a little of that "spring cleaning". Here are some tips on spotting potential pet hazards around the home.


Legislative Updates From Delegate Mike McDermott

Apr. 8th, 2012

Field Notes
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Week 13 April 2-7, 2012

Monday Afternoon SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
SB-48 will require those serving as Orphan Court Judges in Baltimore County to be members of the State Bar Association. I did not support this bill as historically these elected positions have never required a person to be an attorney; rather it required one to have good common sense. Other counties in the metro areas are moving in this direction. The bill passed 105-30.

Tuesday Morning SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
SB-853 allows expanded collective bargaining for Baltimore County School Employees. It was approved along party lines. SB-153 created additional state debt of over $15 million for the Inter Agency Committee that funds certain school construction projects. Once again, in these tough economic times, we continue to plunge the state into more debt as we continue to max out our “credit card”. Once again, by a party line vote the bill passed.
Judiciary Committee Hearing Tuesday
The following are Senate cross filed bills with their matching House Bill numbers:
SB-203 (HB-484), SB-334 (HB-673), SB-799 (HB-776)SB-80  would allow a vehicle repair estimate to be acceptable as evidence during civil litigation.  This would eliminate the need for adjusters to testify.
Judiciary Voting Session Tuesday
The following bills were voted favorably by the committee:
SB-70, SB-640, SB-650, SB-691
The following bills were voted unfavorably by the committee:

Wednesday Morning SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
Judiciary Committee Hearing Wednesday
The following are Senate cross filed bills with their matching House Bill numbers:
SB-397 (HB-773), SB-489 (HB-742), SB-558 (HB-921), SB-678 (HB-708), SB-787 (HB-772), SB-889 (HB-349)SB-76 is a synthetic cannabinoids (marijuana) bill which seeks to ban several different drugs identified as synthetics. They are truly different than marijuana and certain synthetics are being reviewed by the FDA, and some of them have been placed on the schedule of controlled dangerous substances. Worcester and Baltimore Counties have adopted local ordinance to address these drugs. This bill was rejected last year in committee. SB-422 was a conference bill amended by the Senate and House to address the Public Defender crisis created by the DeWolfe decision requiring representation at all court levels, including a District Court Commissioner Initial Appearance. The bill also expands the use of citations by police officers for petty crimes carrying 90-days or less sentencing guidelines. The controversial part of the bill dealt with the inclusion of simple possession of marijuana as an offense which would require release from custody by use of a citation unless certain criteria (uncooperative, identification issues, public safety, etc.) were present. Clearly, any large quantity of marijuana would generally be interpreted as possession with intent to distribute (which is a felony). Some argued thinking that police officers cannot determine the difference. I supported the measure, which will potentially save taxpayers $27-$100 million and will keep police from getting bogged down waiting on District Court Commissioners. The bill passed on a vote of 81-58.

Friday Morning SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
Debated bills included SB-602 (companion to HB-366) which requires a complete sprinkler system in every new home built in Maryland. Since the bill references the building code, any new code established after this bill is signed into law will become law. It will drive up the cost of building a home from 8-20 thousand dollars and will, no doubt, take thousands of Marylanders out of the market place. 16 counties wanted no part of this bill, but that did not matter to the other 8 counties. It passed 100-38 on party lines.HB-113 was yet another tax/fee increase of 20% on each commercial scale or measuring device used by a business. This just constitutes another “unfriendly” business practice for Maryland. The bill passed 95-45.  SB-236 is one of the more egregious bills of the session. The title, Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012, seems to say one thing while actually doing another. This bill moves the state into the business of local planning and development as part of the O’Malley-Brown Plan Maryland Act. It will take away many local decisions and make them subservient to the whims and demands of various state agencies. As stated on the floor by Environmental Chairman McIntosh, the concept is simply to, “control the growth and development and insure that people move toward cities and not develop in the rural areas”. It will place tremendous caps on septic systems and will disallow future development in much of Maryland. It is reasonable to draw conclusions from this bill that this spells the end of rural development in Maryland. It will devalue farmland and place farmers who must borrow against their land for the next planting season to have land that is not worth anywhere near what it is in today’s market. This destructive bill is the camel’s nose under the tent. It was approved on a largely party line vote 93-45 (as was also the case in the senate).
Judiciary Committee Voting Session Friday Afternoon
Bills Voted Favorable
HB-15, HB-214, HB-797,

Saturday Morning SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
Bills debated included HB-167 which will ban the use of Roxarsone or any other feed additive which contains Arsenic. This will impact many companies on the shore who utilize this FDA approved treatment in chicken feed. It will drive up costs which will be transferred to consumers at the food store. Consumers always pay for the folly of the General Assembly. The bill passed 101-31. Despite our best efforts to educate those in the General Assembly, they have difficulty connecting the dots on the effects of balancing the environment with our delicate farm economies. Farmers continue to lose in Annapolis.

Saturday Afternoon SessionSecond Reader, Third Reader
Debated bills included SB-309 which will require the registration of motor scooters as well as requiring insurance documents be kept on hand and the rider wear a helmet. This will be a real cost factor for many rental businesses at the beach. It will also hinder many who rely on this as a cheap form of transportation to work in the metro areas. It passed 95-31. SB-296 provides tax breaks for employees of high security companies who must apply for Security Clearance as a part of their job. It is corporate welfare to high end wage earners who could certainly afford to pay for such a clearance as part of their job. We do not pay for teachers and folks who must get fingerprinted as part of their job, and I think this is simply wrong headed. It is a couple of million that we could have saved. After some thorough questioning on the floor, the House passed this bill 93-29. SB-794 was the closest vote of the day (passed 76-44) which provides much needed relief of $1 million dollars for our horse industry. It will specifically provide relief to race tracks for purse money used to cover ongoing races. The money is being transferred from other portions of the Horse racing budget. There are many in the House who do not believe we should be subsidizing this industry, yet they will subsidize anything else that comes along. Locally, we have many who are employed or otherwise involved in the industry and I have always supported their efforts at building back this traditional Maryland business. This transfer will go to cover some of the lost purse money that Ocean Downs has endured in the past two years. My Misdemeanor on Citation Bill (HB-119) was drastically changed in the Senate and was assigned to a Conference Committee in the House. This is my second Conference Committee assignment this year and I am excited about trying to restore this bill to its original intent. There won’t be much time on Monday to make it happen.

Gaming Bills
Bills that would alter the original gaming legislation enacted two years ago were moving all over the place on Friday and Saturday. They include creating a 6th casino in Prince Georges County and allowing table games in all Maryland casinos. I have been attempting to secure language in the new legislation that would limit changes at Ocean Downs while still allowing them to bring in table games. So far, we have been able to secure the language which would prevent a convention center or motel facility from being located at the casino site, but we continue to press on the other provisions in the current law. Like the budget issues, this one could fail completely, be a complete disaster, or be modified to our liking. We work the problem, but time will tell.

We waited on many other potential bills to move over from the Senate, but none were forthcoming. I watched many of the members of the House Appropriations Committee moving off the House floor as the Conference Committee on the budget and revenue bills continue to grind out their issues. While some compromise was reached, I understood the bulk of the division still centered on the revenue bills and where they were going to tax. We face a Sine Die (Monday) that will be full of challenges and Marylanders will be the ones holding the bag at the end of the day.

Sunday, April 8, 2012



From Forester Rob Clarke:
The entire DelMarVa Peninsula is now under a RED FLAG WARNING!  Humidity today & tomorrow could be as low as 20% with sustained winds 15 to 25 MPH, gusting to 40. 
Residents should not do any outdoor burning and be extremely careful with all possible sources of ignition.

Be alert and be careful!  Only you can prevent forest fires!



Fire Watch/Red Flag Warning

We are currently experiencing extreme conditions (very low humidity and high gusty winds) conducive to the ignition and rapid spread of natural cover fires.  Everyone is encouraged to avoid any open burning until we have some soaking rain and to be extremely careful with all sources of ignition.  Discarded woodstove ashes and charcoal, welding slag, campfires, burning trash or brush and under these extreme conditions even discarded tobacco products can all be sources of ignition.

Remember, Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires!

TIME MACHINE ... Mandatory Church Attendance Leads To Incident On Tangier Island.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

May, 1920

(The San Antonio Light- San Antonio, Texas)


It happens that the residents of Tangier Island are an extremely religious community. One of their local statutes is that everybody should attend church if possible. Their law compels the attendance. It further provides that no person on the island shall, on any Sunday, show himself on the street, in his yard, or on the porch of his residence unless he shall be on his way to or from church. The act constitutes a clear case of religious observance enforced by law.

The religious law of Tangier Island had never been brought before a court because, such people as who did not like it went elsewhere to live and such people as remained on the island approved of it; nobody else cared anything about it.

It happened, however, that on a recent Sunday a young man sat upon a front porch. He was ordered by a police officer (town constable) to go inside. He refused. The officer sought to arrest him and a struggle ensued. The officer deliberately placed a revolver against the back of the young man and fired, inflicting what is believed to be a mortal wound. There was no argument as to the facts when the officer was arraigned in court and he was released on a normal bond. This action aroused the resentment of the younger element of the island and a political campaign is now in progress with the avowed object on the part of the younger people to make Tangier Island more in harmony with other parts of Virginia and the nation, and the determination on the part of the elder people to retain their institutions as they now are.

It will come as a surprise to the people of the United States that there is, anywhere in the country, a community where people are compelled by law to attend church or remain inside their homes. The inconsistency of the laws of Tangier Island are, however, another matter, and before they have been put through the courts it is probable that the community will be instructed that a man has the right to move about his own property as he likes every day of the week.


May, 1920

(Appleton Post-Crescent- Appleton, Wis.)


By United Press Leased Wire

New York- Tangier Island jumped into the limelight again today. Gustave G. Rickarby, cameraman for a motion picture weekly news corporation here, was driven from the island off Crisfield, Maryland when he attempted to photograph the inhabitants, according to a message to the company's offices.

Rickarby's camera and films were destroyed.

Rickarby said he left the island on the advice of a minister, the Rev. Mr. Godwin, who told him he might be lynched if he attempted to remain.

The people of Tangier recently received wide publicity for their stern religious beliefs when the town constable shot a boy who refused to go to church on Sunday.


February, 1881

(The Denton Journal)

Since the Christmas holidays the price of eggs, instead of going down, as is usually the case, has been steadily going up. Eggs are selling in Baltimore for fifty cents a dozen, and in Philadelphia they are several cents higher than this. The price paid in this town (Denton) for several days has been 40 cents. It is said that the cause of the scarcity and the consequent high prices is owing to the cold weather and snow-covered ground from which the chickens can not find anything to eat. They are fed regularly, but it is said there is something in the ground which is peculiarly productive of eggs.


September, 1910

(Colorado Springs Gazette- Colorado Springs, Col.)


From the Baltimore Sun

The women of Pocomoke are having the streets cleaned and the weeds pulled up and the fences whitewashed while the men whittle.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Hippity Hoppity ......

From all of us at the Pocomoke Public Eye
 have a safe and wonderful Easter.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Mandatory Church Attendance Leads To Incident On Tangier Island.

The year is 1920 and Tangier Island is in the national spotlight following a serious incident that occurred as a result of its' local law requiring every citizen to attend church on Sunday.
Read about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Plus.. in 1910 what were the women of Pocomoke City doing while the men whittled?

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Pet Food Recall

Diamond Pet Foods Voluntarily Recalls Limited Number of
Dry Dog Food Bags Due to a Potential Health Risk
Recall is limited to one formula of Diamond Naturals distributed to 12 states; no illnesses reported
Consumer Contact: 800-442-0402
Media Contact: 816-255-1974


Diamond Pet Foods is voluntarily recalling Diamond Naturals Lamb Meal & Rice. This is being done as a precautionary measure, as the product has the potential to be contaminated with salmonella. No illnesses have been reported and no other Diamond manufactured products are affected.

Individuals handling dry pet food can become infected with salmonella, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with surfaces exposed to this product.

Healthy people infected with salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, salmonella can result in more serious ailments including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Pets with salmonella infections may have decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. If left untreated, pets may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.

The product, Diamond Naturals Lamb Meal & Rice, was distributed to customers located in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia, who may have further distributed the product to other states, through pet food channels.

Product Name                                   Bag Size          Production Code & “Best Before” Code
Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice     6lb                   DLR0101D3XALW Best Before 04 Jan 2013
Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice     20lb                 DLR0101C31XAG Best Before 03 Jan 2013
Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice     40lb                 DLR0101C31XMF Best Before 03 Jan 2013
Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice     40lb                 DLR0101C31XAG Best Before 03 Jan 2013
Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice     40lb                 DLR0101D32XMS Best Before 04 Jan 2013

Consumers who have purchased the Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice with the specific production and “Best Before” codes should discontinue feeding the product and discard it.
At Diamond Pet Foods, the safety of our products is our top priority. We apologize for any inconvenience this recall may have caused. For further information or to obtain a product refund please call us at 800-442-0402 or visit

Miss Pocomoke and Little Miss Pocomoke Contests

Don't forget to cast your vote for the "People's Choice" Award

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Junior Woman's Club of Pocomoke City will host the annual Miss and Little Miss Pocomoke contests Saturday, April 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Pocomoke High School Auditorium.

Photographs of the contestants, taken by Bob Huey, will be on display at Country Blossoms, Shore Cut and Enchanted Florist through April 14.
The Miss Pocomoke contestants are, front row, Abby Bunting and Courtney Quillen;
and back row,
Autumn Fritz, Jasmine Brown and Brittany Stevens

The public is encouraged to cast their "penny-a-vote" toward the People's Choice award winners.

This is the only title judged by the public. The winner will be announced the evening of the contest.

Tickets for the contest May be purchased for $8 at the door the evening of the contest.

The Little Miss Pocomoke contestants are, front row, Courtney Louise Metcalf, Savannah Leigh McCarty and Emily Grace Skorobatsch; back row, Sammy Jo Rogers, Payton Ashlyn Piercy, Josie Amber Stevens, Dakota Hewitt Trader and Brystal Autumn Ward.
There will be eight Little Miss contestants and five Miss Pocomoke contestants in this year's pageant.
Proceeds from the contest will benefit the Vi-Byrd Memorial Scholarship and the Junior Woman's Club Young Outstanding Woman Scholar-ship, which are given to graduating seniors from Pocomoke City community.

Navy Jet Crashes Into Virginia Apartments, 3 Unaccounted For

(Reuters) - A U.S. Navy F/A-18D fighter crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia soon after takeoff on Friday, sending fireballs into the sky, damaging six buildings and injuring at least seven people.

No deaths have been reported, but three residents of the Mayfair Mews complex for the elderly were unaccounted for, authorities said.

"We have physically been in every structure, and we have 95 percent completed the search and rescue," Virginia Beach Fire and Rescue Battalion Chief Tim Riley said.

All the injuries, including those to the F/A-18 crew, have so far been described as minor, officials said. Both crew members ejected safely from the aircraft before it crashed into the buildings in Virginia Beach, and one pilot was found still strapped into his ejection seat.

Four of the injured were taken to a hospital for treatment. Authorities had said nine people were injured, but later revised the number to seven, not including the pilots.

The F/A-18D "suffered a catastrophic mechanical malfunction" during a training flight, Navy Captain Mark Weisgerber said in a statement from the Pentagon.

Thick black clouds of smoke billowed into the air as fire reduced the apartment buildings to a blackened shell. The Mayfair Mews complex was less than two miles from Naval Air Station Oceana, where the F-18D was based.

Crews searched for any injured residents in five buildings, several of which have collapsed, Riley said. Three residents in one building were unaccounted for. Investigators will remain on the scene for three or four more days after the search is complete, Riley said.

Witness Kelly McQuaid, who lives near the apartment complex, said the jet was on fire before it crashed.

"It almost looked like the nose was pointed up," she said, "like he was trying to pull back up."

McQuaid said she saw one of the pilots as he was brought out on a stretcher. "He actually looked pretty well," she said. You could tell he was pretty dazed, and there were scratches on his face."

She said people closer to the scene told her that the pilot apologized for crashing the plane into the building as he was being helped.

Vicki Hoffman, who lives in a condo next door to the Mews, said one pilot landed on her neighbor's patio.

"She said she was trying to get his head gear off and said the response was very quick," she said. "He was conscious."

The distinctive, twin-finned tail section of the F/A-18D landed in the courtyard of the complex of two-story brick buildings.

Dozens of firefighters and emergency workers converged on the scene, covering the apartment complex with foam.

The plane was part of a training squadron at Oceana, the largest Navy air facility on the East Coast. It prepares Navy and Marine aviators and weapons officers for duty. About 250 aircraft are stationed at Oceana.

Admiral John Harvey Jr, commander of the U.S. Fleet Forces, praised the "heroic response" of those at the complex and emergency personnel who took care of the air crew and others at the scene.

There are 37 tactical squadrons of F-18s operating from bases worldwide and from 10 aircraft carriers. The Navy's precision air team, the Blue Angels, flies the F-18.

Virginia Beach, with 440,000 residents, is on the Atlantic Coast about 200 miles south of Washington, D.C. Much of its economy relies on tourists who come to enjoy its miles of beaches. The city is home to a complex of military bases, including Oceana, and the home of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet is next door at Norfolk, Virginia.


In A Dogs World........

Once upon a time foster dog now in a forever home - Sprout

*10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog*

If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public.

No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places as you get older.

... No one expects you to take a bath every day, and you don't even have to comb your own hair.

Having a wet nose is considered a sign of good health.

No one thinks less of you for passing gas. Some people might actually think you're cute.

Who needs a big home entertainment system? A bone or an old shoe can entertain you for hours.

You can spend hours just smelling stuff.

No one ever expects you to pay for lunch or dinner. You never have to worry about table manners, and if you gain weight, it's someone else's fault.

It doesn't take much to make you happy. You're always excited to see the same old people. All they have to do is leave the room for five minutes and come back.

Every garbage can looks like a cold buffet to you.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"You can't make a weak man strong by making a strong man weak"(Lincoln)

Do you like your healthcare plan, or do you favor the government run healthscare?

Congressman Mike Rogers says it's "This or nothing"  "Punish the part that's working to cover the part that's not"  

I know that this is a little old (2 years) but I missed it and I wanted to share it with anyone else that missed it also. It's only 3.5 minuets long and the sad part is that I know that some people will stop the video almost as soon as it starts, so for those that want to, please reconsider and listen I urge everyone that has not heard this to listen and do a little critical thinking on the subject. Some things have changed for the better in the past two years and that's great, but, there is still a lot of work left to do and many of our Congressmen/Women are still in the dark about what "we the people" really want. 

Legislative Updates From Delegate Mike McDermott

  • Press Release: Governor's Land Grab
  • The beginning of the end for rural development in Maryland
  • By Delegate Mike McDermott
Apr. 6th, 2012

SB236: The “Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012”

(ANNAPOLIS, MD) -- SB236 - Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012 - passed out of the House with a vote of 93-45.  Already passing in the Senate, this bill will go to the governor’s desk for a signature.  Effective in July 2012, SB236 establishes numerous restrictions on septic systems by creating a “tier system” which will hinder residential development in rural Maryland and all but eliminate septic systems for residential subdivisions. Essentially, this bill will take away local planning and development decisions with regards to decisions about future development.  By taking away the power from the local government, the State of Maryland will assume greater and greater autonomy with decisions about future septic systems.  

“The title, Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012, seems to say one thing while actually doing another. It is a far cry from preserving agriculture and farming in Maryland.  This is the great land grab by Maryland - hurting farmers in the name of preserving them.” replied Delegate Michael A. McDermott.

In a statement made by Delegate McDermott, he stated “It is reasonable to draw conclusions from this bill that this spells the end of rural development in Maryland. It will devalue farmland and place farmers who must borrow against their land for the next planting season to have land that is not worth anywhere near what it is in today’s market. This destructive bill is the camel’s nose under the tent.”

Photos Of Downtown Pocomoke City

Cypress Park
Pocomoke City, Maryland

I had some free time yesterday to spend in Cypress Park.  I have taken so many photographs of the flag that we are on first name basis now along with the one seagull that always seems to be flying around the area most times when I am there.

This is the one place that I adore in my old hometown and for a few moments I was remembering the days I spent with my children here as they were growing up.  My son learned to fish in Cypress Park.  We had picnics there and celebrated many birthdays.  It was from that bridge (this is the newer bridge) that he found a toad one day and I never knew it until the next day when I put my hand into his dirty blue jeans and found the poor thing.  (Those of you that know me are aware of my huge fear of toads/frogs).

But I would do it all over again.
Take the time now to make your own memories  Cypress Park. 

 The skate boarding area  was being used and parents with small children were making good use of that tot lot.   Lots of laughter and I'll just bet there were some pretty exhausted children ready for bed last night.

Then on to Market Street downtown.  Those talented students from Pocomoke High have been busy once again.  The colorful Christmas window paintings are gone and have been turned into signs of Spring and Summer. 

Don't miss this incredible work of are painted by these young adults.
Visit downtown Pocomoke.  There's much to see and great shopping! 

PLEASE Be Kind To Those Who Have No Voice.