Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A&N Electric Cooperative ~ Beat The Peak

To: A&N Electric Cooperative Customers
"Beat the Peak" is a voluntary program that encourages ANEC members to conserve or limit energy usage during peak times.
Your Cooperative pays a monthly demand charge based on the peak hourly usage during the month. This accounts for a large percentage of the cost of electricity for our members. 

By cutting back on the amount of wholesale power purchased during these peak periods, ANEC can reduce its total wholesale power costs. This will help hold down the cost for our members.
What do you need to do?
Peak periods occur when the demand for electricity is the highest. Usually, these are periods when it is very cold or hot outside. During this time, members are asked to use energy wisely and follow these guidelines:
  • During the cooling season, raise the thermostat 3 degrees and in the heating season, lower the thermostat by 3 degrees.
  • Postpone the use of major appliances, such as clothes washers, dryers, and dishwashers.
  • Delay using hot water during peak periods.
  • Turn off all unnecessary lights.


ANEC will alert you of the "Beat the Peak" period by email and/or text message.
Included in the message will be the anticipated day and time of the peak period.
It is important that you reduce energy consumption during this critical period.
Notices will also be on Facebook and
local radio stations, such as WESR 103.3 & HOT COUNTRY 99.3.

FBI - Investigating Tax Refund Fraud

Investigating Tax Refund Fraud
FBI Works Cooperatively with Federal Partners

A Georgia woman was recently sentenced to 27 years in prison for stealing the identities of nursing home patients and using their information to apply online for about half a million dollars in fraudulent tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Criminals who use stolen personally identifiable information to line their own pockets perpetrate a wide variety of fraudulent financial schemes, like hacking into online accounts, submitting phony insurance claims, and applying for loans and credit cards. Increasingly, though, tax refund fraud using stolen identities is fast becoming a favorite money-making endeavor of the criminal element.

The IRS has reported a significant increase in identity theft-related tax refund fraud over the past several years. This type of crime is perceived by criminals and organized criminal enterprises as relatively easy, seemingly low-risk, and, ultimately, pure profit which can be used to fund other criminal activities…like drug trafficking, money laundering, public corruption, or even terrorism.

Anyone with a Social Security number could become a victim. But criminals who commit tax refund fraud seem to focus more on people who don’t normally file tax returns—the elderly, low-income families, students, patients at long-term health care facilities, and even the homeless. Perpetrators also target public figures like celebrities, athletes, CEOs, and politicians, as well as law enforcement, military, and government personnel…including Attorney General Eric Holder.

How a scheme works. The perpetrator fills out a federal tax return online with stolen identity information and phony wage and tax withholding figures, then informs the IRS how to provide the refund (a check mailed to a certain address, a direct deposit into a bank account he controls, or, more common these days, a deposit onto a debit card in his possession).

In simple tax refund schemes, one person usually handles everything—from obtaining stolen identities to collecting refunds. But in more sophisticated schemes, there are a number of individuals assuming different roles: “ringleaders” who organize entire operations, “sources” who steal identity information, “preparers” who file returns online, and “runners” who actually collect the proceeds.

Law enforcement response. The dedicated work done by IRS-Criminal Investigation professionals is a major component of that agency’s efforts to combat tax-related identity theft. And the IRS continues to make enhancements in fraud prevention, early detection, and victim assistance as well.

But the FBI—working with our partners at the IRS and U.S. Secret Service and through liaison efforts with banks—brings valuable investigative resources to the table: our years of experience investigating financial crimes, our focus on identifying and dismantling large criminal networks, and our use of sophisticated investigative techniques. We also share intelligence and information with other federal law enforcement partners to help link investigations of criminal organizations engaged in tax fraud schemes that may be tied to illegal drugs, weapons, terrorism, or other types of criminal activity.

All of these efforts are paying off—we’ve been part of many successful cases recently (see sidebar).

And the FBI will continue to work cooperatively to investigate stolen identity tax refund fraud—we take our role in identifying and arresting those responsible very seriously. These crimes not only victimize law-abiding individuals but all honest U.S. taxpayers who ultimately foot the bill for this stolen revenue.


Maryland State Police


(SALISBURY, MD) – Maryland State Police are investigating a trooper involved shooting that fatally wounded a man who may have struck or dragged a trooper with his car while trying to avoid further police investigation at the Salisbury Barrack tonight.

Details are few and are preliminary at this time. Maryland State Police investigators from the Homicide Unit and Criminal Enforcement Division are on the scene conducting the investigation. Crime scene technicians from the Forensic Sciences Division are processing the scene, which includes the front of the Salisbury Barrack and a segment of Rt. 13, requiring both north and southbound lanes to be closed. State Highway Administration personnel are on the scene and have arranged a detour.

The preliminary information indicates a man entered the Salisbury Barrack shortly before 8:30 p.m. tonight and asked the duty officer to check a vehicle repair he had made after receiving a safety equipment repair order. The duty officer went outside to the parking spaces in front of the barrack with the man.

Moments later, the duty officer called for assistance outside the barrack. Another trooper who had just left the barrack returned immediately to assist. At this time, it is believed both troopers fired their Department issued pistols.

The duty officer was found lying along the edge of the parking lot near the entrance to Rt. 13. He had sustained injuries consistent with being struck and/or dragged by a vehicle.

The man who had come to the barrack was found in his vehicle about 150 yards north of the barrack on Rt. 13. His vehicle had struck the center median guardrail on the northbound side of Rt. 13.

EMS personnel responded and transported the man and the duty officer to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center. The man was pronounced dead at the hospital. The duty officer is being treated for injuries.

State Police investigators are conducting interviews and preparing a search warrant. Their investigation will continue through the night.

Members of the Salisbury Police Department and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene to assist. An assistant Wicomico County state’s attorney is on the scene for consultation with investigators. When this investigation is complete, it will be presented to the Wicomico County State’s Attorney for review.

Further information, including the identity of the deceased man, is expected to be provided tomorrow. The investigation is continuing.

Hogan Release: Unemployment Report Confirms That Maryland Is On Wrong Track....

Tuesday, Mar 18, 2014
Hogan:  Unemployment report confirms that Maryland is on wrong track; calls for pro-growth agenda to lower costs on families and attract employers.

Annapolis, MD - March 18 - Gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan said yesterday’s unemployment report confirmed what many Marylanders already knew, “More and more of our friends and neighbors are unemployed and our state economy remains stalled.  Clearly, the economic policies of Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown have failed, and it’s time for new leadership and a new direction in Annapolis,” concluded Hogan.

The US Department of Labor report concluded that in January some 9,800 Marylanders joined the ranks of the unemployed.  The report also dramatically revised downward 2013’s jobs numbers for the state, concluding that last year was the worst for job creation since the 2008 - 2009 recession ended.

“The O’Malley/Brown Administration continues to drive taxpayers and job creators from Maryland and into the arms of better run, lower cost states,” said Hogan who noted that Virginia’s unemployment rate remains 16 percent lower than that of Maryland.  In fact, the overall cost of living and doing business is considerably less in Virginia where the price of energy and gasoline along with income and sales taxes are significantly lower than in Maryland.  

Hogan, a business leader and former Maryland state cabinet secretary, favors a pro-growth agenda that combines reigning in Annapolis spending, jump starting the economy by cutting taxes on workers and their employers, and aggressively courting larger employers which in recent years have left Maryland for Virginia and other states.

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ Easter Egg Hunt

Make an Easter Basket Craft at 1 pm and then look for eggs at our Easter Egg Hunt at 2 pm.

Find the two golden eggs and win great prizes!

The Easter Bunny will be here to share in the fun!

Free with paid admission and FREE TO ALL MEMBERS!

Membership has its benefits! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Just two weeks until Election Day!

Just two weeks until Election Day In Pocomoke City!!

Be sure you don't miss the "Meet and Greet" event hosted by the Worcester County Commission On Aging on Monday, March 24, 2014 at the Pocomoke Senior Center.
 The informational afternoon will begin at 12:30 pm.  Local business woman Kim Jackson, Candidate for Pocomoke City Council, District 3,  will be on hand to answer any of your questions.

Also, invited for the afternoon to answer questions  will be Dale Trotter and J.D. Ervin - also in the running for Pocomoke City Council, District 3.

Coffee and snacks will be served. 

ALL are invited to attend.

Links to contact Kim Jackson:

Visit her website:

Like her page on Facebook: Kim Jackson For Pocomoke City Council, District 3
Or give her a call:  443-735-VOTE (8683)

Kim Jackson ~ "Bringing A New Perspective To Pocomoke"

Delegate Mike McDermott ~ PRESS RELEASE

March 18, 2014

“McDermott’s Bomb Threat Bill Passes Through the House”

(ANNAPOLIS) House Bill 234, sponsored by Delegate Michael McDermott (R - Worcester & Wicomico), unanimously passed through Maryland’s House of Delegates last week. The bill, entitled “False Statement Concerning Destructive Device or Toxic Material - Venue” allows law enforcement the option to charge bomb threat suspects in multiple locations.

“This bill simply allows law enforcement to charge individuals who make bomb threats - for whatever reason - where the threat was made or the location that was the subject of the threat,” Delegate McDermott stated. “So if an individual threatens a business in Worcester County, but the call comes from Anne Arundel County, law enforcement can charge that individual in Worcester County.”

As Delegate McDermott stated at the bill hearing, current Maryland law prevents this type of action. If an individual called in a bomb threat from a different county, that individual can only be charged in the county where the call was placed and it can often be difficult to determine where the threat originated.

“HB234 allows law enforcement to charge the individual who made the threat in either the county where the call was made, or the county where the bomb was suspected to be, if, for any reason, the two actions took place in different venues,” Delegate McDermott continued. “ In the age of cellular communications, establishing an exact location for charging purposes can be difficult to determine.”

Steven Kroll, Executive Director of the Maryland State’s Attorney Association, was also on hand to testify in support of the bill. Kroll stated how important this bill would eliminate any confusion over which jurisdiction should charge bomb threat suspects.

HB234 is almost identical to last year’s House Bill 719, which also passed through the House of Delegates. However, HB719 was hung up in the State Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee.

Delegate McDermott is hoping for a better outcome this year, though, as HB234 is awaiting a hearing in the Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee on Thursday, March 20.

David Craig Expands Ad Buy on Income Tax Cut

March 18, 2014

David Craig Expands Ad Buy on Income Tax Cut

David Craig announced today that his campaign for Governor is expanding its ad buy beyond the Baltimore market into rural areas on the Eastern Shore and Southern and Western Maryland.  This announcement comes on the heels of the campaign launching the first paid media buy among candidates for Governor earlier this month.
The 30-second spots running on WBAL and WCBM this month characterize the O’Malley – Brown record of raising taxes, fees and tolls and excessive regulation as a “job killer” that is causing Marylanders to flee to other states.
The expanded buy includes stations in a variety of formats including news/talk and country music.
“The Governor has direct control over taxes and the budget, and I plan to use this power responsibility, said Craig. “Maryland is losing the economic race in this region and with it thousands of businesses and jobs to neighboring states.  It is time politicians enable people to vote themselves a raise instead of being penalized for trying to make ends meet.”

In the ad, the Harford County Executive says, “I’m David Craig.  My plan will lower, and put us on a glide path to do away with the state personal income tax.  We’ll jump start economic growth, create jobs and keep Maryland families together.”

Craig announced February 18 a sweeping reform of the individual income tax code that would save taxpayers $2.55 billion in a phased-in approach that puts the state on a glide path toward eliminating the tax altogether.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 94% of businesses pay taxes on personal returns as sole proprietorships, partnerships and certain types of corporations.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and job creation nationally,” said Craig.  “Maryland’s high personal income tax is a major impediment to attracting, expanding and retaining jobs.  It is critical that we eliminate this job killer.”

As county executive, Craig twice reduced Harford’s main revenue source – the property tax - saving taxpayers $50 million while retaining a AAA bond rating. 

The radio buy will enable the campaign to amplify its tax message as Marylanders prepare for tax season.

State Police Drunk Driving Patrols During St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

Maryland State Police


PIKESVILLE, MD) – State Police drunk driving patrols in every Maryland county during the St. Patrick’s Day weekend led to the arrests of more than 100 people who are suspected of driving under the influence.

From Friday, March 14th, through Monday, March 17th, Maryland state troopers arrested 120 drunk drivers during sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and regular road patrols throughout the state. These efforts were in direct response to the known increase in drinking and driving resulting from holiday celebrations.

Troopers at the Berlin Barrack in Worcester County led the 22 State Police barracks with 17 DUI arrests, followed by the Golden Ring Barrack in Baltimore County with 13 arrests. The JFK Highway Barrack, where troopers patrol I-95 north of Baltimore and the Rockville Barrack in Montgomery County totaled 11 arrests each.

The full-time drunk driving enforcement team of troopers known as the State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort, or S.P.I.D.R.E., also made 11 DUI arrests during the period. The S.P.I.D.R.E. Team is funded by a grant from the Maryland Highway Safety Office.

Troopers also dealt with situations that were reminders of why drinking and driving must remain an enforcement priority. On Saturday, troopers from the Frederick Barrack found a vehicle that had driving off Interstate 70 into the median. The driver was arrested for DUI, which troopers learned was her fifth DUI arrest in the past year. In Harford County early Sunday morning, troopers responded to a crash that occurred when a drunk driver ran into the back of another vehicle on Rt. 7. Also that morning, a trooper in Charles County spotted a car traveling south in the northbound lanes of Rt. 301. The trooper found the driver was under the influence and arrested him for DUI.

Last night, a trooper from the North East Barrack responded a single vehicle crash on Rt. 285 in Chesapeake City and arrested the driver for DUI. Just after midnight, troopers in Queen Anne’s Co. responded to a single vehicle crash on Rt. 8 at Matapeake Middle School. The driver was arrested for DUI.

Fundraiser for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Most of you readers are familiar with my ordeal last summer with an aggressive type of Leukemia.  Even though my bone marrow transplant was a success there is always the chance it can return.  Lymphoma is no exception either as no cancer is.  I hope you can attend the Womanless Beauty Pageant and Silent Auction that Nicki Dodson is hosting.  If you are not able to attend it is my truest hope that you will be able to send a small donation in the attempt to keep research going and perhaps one day find a cure.  bw

Curing Cancer Womanless Beauty Pageant & Silent Auction!

 Lots of gentlemen from local fire departments competing to be the Cure Cancer! Queen!
Silent Auctions & Raffles!
 DJ FLEA will be MCing for entertainment!
A light buffet will be provided:
 Mini Sandwiches
 Cocktail Franks in BBQ sauce
 Pasta Salad
 Fruit & Veggies
 Cheese & Crackers
 Assorted Deserts
 Sweet & Unsweet Tea
 Alcohol can be purchased from the Elks bar.
Get your tickets ASAP! Tickets are available at Cutting Edge & Hebron Savings Bank in Crisfield!

Tickets are $20 in advance & $25 at the door!
Hosted by:  Nicki Dodson
To make a donation:

Inmate Sentenced For Assault on Correctional Officer

March 18, 2014
 The Office of the State’s Attorney for Worcester County

 SNOW HILL –  On March 14, 2014, Lawrence Eric Prince, a former inmate at the Worcester County Jail was convicted of Second Degree Assault and sentenced to two and a half years in the Department of Corrections to run consecutive to any sentence he is currently serving after a jury found him guilty. 

 On September 6, 2013, a Worcester County Jail correctional officer was assigned to the maximum security wing where he encountered Mr. Prince who was serving a sentence for credit card fraud. For unknown reasons, Mr. Prince urinated in a cup and threw both the cup and the urine onto the correctional officer. 

 Mr. Prince denied the allegations, claiming that a different inmate had been responsible. A jury rejected that claim in less than fifteen minutes and found him guilty. 

 At sentencing the prosecutor stated that assaults on any branch of law enforcement in the criminal justice system should not be tolerated. He added that a tough sentence in this case would send the appropriate message to the inmate population in Worcester County. 

Sitting in the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Judge Richard R. Bloxom, acknowledged that he “takes assaults on correctional officers very seriously”. He sentenced the defendant to two and a half years in the Department of Corrections to run consecutive, or after any sentence he is currently serving. 

 State’s Attorney for Worcester County, Beau Oglesby commented that “Correctional Officers keep the good people of this County safe by minding some of the worst – they deserve our unwavering support and gratitude.”

Defendant Sentenced to 30 years for Attempted Murder in Ocean City


March 11, 2014
The Office of the State’s Attorney for Worcester County

 SNOW HILL –  On March 11, 2014, Elvin Mendez-Espada, of PA, was sentenced to thirty years in the Department of Corrections with twenty years of active incarceration. The Defendant pled guilty on January 7, 2014 to one count of attempted second degree murder, two counts of first degree assault and one count of use of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime. 

 The State’s Attorney for Worcester County, Beau Oglesby stated in open court that this case was the poster child for why his Office instituted a policy of forwarding all cases involving handguns to the circuit court when he first assumed office. He noted that the Defendant had a license to carry a firearm in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but not in the State of Maryland. “Had this been a millimeter in one direction or the other, this would have been a homicide and not an attempted murder”. 

 Judge Thomas C. Groton III, said, “I view you as a dangerous person who has forfeited their right to be in society”. 

 Oglesby thanked the Ocean City Police Department and praised their hard work on this case.

Pocomoke City Garment Factory: I have seen too many photos, otherwise priceless, end up in dumpsters because the people in them could not be identified. This photo shows the seamstresses who worked at the Garment Factory -- was it on 3rd Street? There are no names on the back of the photo, but I am able to identify one subject, Evelyn Farlow, front row, 2nd from left. Evelyn was a neighbor on Little Mill Road in the 40s and 50s. Evelyn, b. 1911, was the daughter of James Grover Maddox, Sr., and Lydia (Lyde) A. Watson. She and husband Milton Farlow produced three children: (1) Nadine, who married Jack Overholt; (2) Irma, who married Leroy Culp; (3) and Billy, who married Gloria K. Sturgis. The Farlow family owned the first farm on the left after turning onto Little Mill Road from Holly Swamp Road. It had formerly belonged to John Paradee, father of Mary Ingersoll of Girdletree. Bill and Jane Jones later owned the farm, and the fine old home vanished (burned?) about 1975. In more recent times the farm has belonged to the Franklin Holland family . . . sons Jimmy and Dale. Please study the faces in this photo and, using COMMENTS, give the names of anyone you recognize. The photo likely dates to about 1950. Remember, you can enlarge the photo by clicking on it. --RFJ

Bob Jones

Worcester County Recreation & Parks ~ After School Tennis

Registration deadline is Thursday, April 3, 2014
 Contact Kelly Buchanan, 410-632-2144 x103 for more information.


Maryland State Police

(LEONARDTOWN, MD) – A woman is being treated at a trauma center and her boyfriend is under guard by state troopers while he is hospitalized after an apparent attempted murder-suicide last night in St. Mary’s County.

James M. Young, 32, of the 22000-block of Washington St., Leonardtown, Md., is being guarded by troopers at the Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. Charges against him are pending.

The victim is identified as Lashawn M. Hurley, 34, of the same address. She is being treated for an apparent stab wound at the Prince George’s Hospital Center.

Shortly after 8:30 p.m. yesterday, Maryland State Police at the Leonardtown Barrack received a 911 call for a reported stabbing at an apartment in the 22000-block of Washington St., Leonardtown, Md. When troopers arrived, they were met by Young and Hurley, who were coming down the stairs to the apartment. Hurley was in obvious pain and told troopers Young had stabbed her and the knife was still in her back. Troopers saw what appeared to be the blade portion of a knife protruding from the victim’s back. Young told troopers he had ingested an unknown amount of pills in an apparent suicide attempt.

St. Mary’s County emergency medical services personnel responded to the scene. Two ambulances transported Hurley and Young to Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital. Hurley was later transferred to the Prince George’s Hospital Center.

Criminal investigators from the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division Central South Region and the Homicide Unit responded to the scene to continue the investigation. State Police Forensic Sciences Division crime scene technicians arrived to conduct evidence collection and scene processing.

A search warrant was obtained for the apartment. Investigators recovered items believed to be evidence, which will be forwarded to the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division laboratory for examination.

The preliminary investigation indicates Hurley and Young have lived together at the apartment for about four years. A motive for last night’s attempted murder-suicide has not been determined at this time. Hospital personnel have told investigators both Hurley and Young are expected to survive.

Investigators consulted with St. Mary’s County State’s Attorney Richard Fritz throughout the investigation. Advice was provided regarding criminal charges against Young. State Police investigators will be applying for those criminal charges today.

The investigation is continuing.

SPCA Eastern Shore Neuter Scooter Schedule

26528 Lankford Hwy.
 PO Box 164
 Onley, VA 23418
Facebook:  SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia

Worcester County Sheriff Office Recent Arrests

March 15, 2014 at 2118 hours, Worcester County Sheriff Office was Dispatch to  Bishopville Road, for a suspicious vehicle at a residence. 

The driver of the vehicle who was identified as Mansfield Edward Gott 3rd, 30 years old, of Selbyville DE was passed out behind the wheel with the car still in drive.  Mr. Gott appeared to have been drinking. Mr. Gott was arrested and charged with DUI.  Mr. Gott was released pending trial.

March 16, 2014 at 0020 hours a Worcester County Sheriff Office Deputy stopped a vehicle for speed in the area of Ocean Gateway West Bound near Jerry Mack Road.  During the stop a K-9 scan was done of the vehicle with a positive alert. 

The driver was identified as Dana Lee Seidman, 40 of Ridgely Maryland, Ms. Siedman appeared to have been drinking, She was arrested for DUI as well as possession of Marijuana. She was released pending trial.

 March 16, 2014 at approximately 11:42 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy stopped a vehicle on Route 12 northbound, south of Stockton Road,  for 68 mph in a 50 mph zone, the driver was also operating a handheld telephone while the motor vehicle was in motion.  When the Deputy approached the vehicle they could smell  an odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle, a search of the vehicle reveled marijuana and paraphernalia used to smoke marijuana.

The driver and sole occupant of the vehicle was Kristie Nolana Dove, 41 years of age, from Severna Park, Maryland.  Ms. Dove was issued a warning for the speed violation, a traffic citation for operating a handheld device, and two criminal citations, one for CDS possession of marijuana less than 10 grams, and one for possession of paraphernalia. 

Ms. Dove was released pending trial.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Coast Guard Rescues Stranded Man From Island

Coast Guard rescues stranded man from island near Carrollton, Va.

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — The Coast Guard rescued a 33-year-old man Monday who was stranded while camping on Ragged Island near Carrollton, Va.

Rescued was Anthony Gontarz.

Gontarz called 911 dispatch when weather worsened, and the rising tide stranded him on the island he was camping on near Ragged Island Creek. 

Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department crews dispatched a boat crew but were unable to rescue Gontarz due to his location and weather conditions.

At approximately 1:30 a.m., fire department personnel contacted Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads watchstanders requesting helicopter assistance.

An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C., launched and arrived on scene at approximately 3:30 a.m.

Gontarz was hoisted into the helicopter and taken to a safe landing zone where he was transferred to an awaiting ambulance service and taken to Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News.

Gontarz was reported to be in good condition.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office ~ RECENT ARRESTS

Warrant and Harboring a Fugitive- Arrests

 03/09/2014 at approximately 2056 hours, members of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office arrested David Dwayne Dickerson, age 22, of Pocomoke City with a Circuit Court warrant for Rape-2nd degree and Sex Offense.

Dickerson is currently being held at the Worcester County Detention Center on $100,000 bond.

While serving Dickerson's warrant, it was learned that his mother, Tammy Terrail Copes, age 40, also of Pocomoke City, was attempting to hide Dickerson from the deputy.

 Copes was later charged with False Statement to a Police Officer and Harboring a Fugitive.

Disabled Vehicle - Arrest

03/11/2014 at approximately 1627 hours, members of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office stopped to render assistance to a disabled vehicle.

While identifying its occupants, it was determined that passenger Morris Edward Waters, Sr., age 47, of Pocomoke City had a Delaware warrant for Terroristic Threats and Disorderly Conduct.

Waters was placed under arrest and is currently being held in the Worcester County Detention Center with no bond pending extradition to Delaware.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

To ALL of my Irish friends and even those friends who will be Irish for the day....

May the road rise up to meet you.
 May the wind be always at your back.
 May the sun shine warm upon your face;
 the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
 may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

       ~Traditional Gaelic Blessing

Sunday, March 16, 2014

1st Annual Scavenger Hunt!!


TIME MACHINE ... 1984, 1934, 1900, 1888, 1881, 2005

April, 1984
The Capital (Annapolis, Md.)


Candidates stump in Md.

Vote quest draws pair

PRINCESS ANNE, Md (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson took his campaign to Maryland's Eastern Shore while former Vice President Walter Mondale picked up endorsements in Baltimore, with the state's primary only two weeks away.

About 1,200 supporters packed an auditorium at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore last night, having been treated to a gospel music program before Jackson appeared about an hour late.

But he brought the message of his "Rainbow Coalition" amid thunderous applause and cries of "run Jesse, run. "

Jackson told the audience he was running a "poor campaign" that had a "rich message." "If they (Hart and Mondale) had my budget, they could not compete and if I had their budget, they could not compete," he said. Before the night was over, Jackson picked up about $2,000 in pledges for his campaign.

August, 1934
Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, Pa.)

Wear Rubber Clothes To Avoid Mosquitoes

Easton, Md.. Aug. 15 Mosquitoes were reported never to have been seen here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in such quantities as they are now.

Pickers of tomatoes for the canning houses are harassed by them. In Dorchester county the insects are so bad that the pickers of tomatoes are clothed in rubber boots, rubber coats, gloves and head coverings.

The tomatoes are gathered daily, but,the mosquitoes are hampering the work to a great extent. The insects appear in clouds, millions of them swarming about the tomato pickers.

Footnote: February, 1934, saw more snow and cold than usual on the Eastern Shore, as did our February of 2014. Hopefully, the February weather wasn't a precedent for the summer mosquito population!

March, 1900
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

Arrangements have been made by the Worcester Telephone Company, of Snow Hill, to extend the line to Girdletree and Stockton and thence to Pocomoke City, via the grange. This will give communications to the Virginia lines to Franklin City, Chincoteague, New Church, Bloomtown and all principal towns in Accomac County and in Northampton County as far as Cape Charles.

April, 1888
Rochester Republican (Rochester, Ind.)

A Handsome Blond Given Ten Tears.
PRINCESS ANNE, Md , April 20.—The jury in the case of Mrs. Emma Farlow, of Crisfield, on trial here for poisoning her husband on July 9 last, returned a verdict Thursday of manslaughter. She was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary.  Mrs. Farlow is only 19 years old and a good-looking blond.

February, 1881 (Time Machine archive)
(The Denton Journal)

Since the Christmas holidays the price of eggs, instead of going down, as is usually the case, has been steadily going up. Eggs are selling in Baltimore for fifty cents a dozen, and in Philadelphia they are several cents higher than this. The price paid in this town (Denton) for several days has been 40 cents. It is said that the cause of the scarcity and the consequent high prices is owing to the cold weather and snow-covered ground from which the chickens can not find anything to eat. They are fed regularly, but it is said there is something in the ground which is peculiarly productive of eggs.

February, 2005

Pocomoke City received official word that it was being listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The designation would make Pocomoke property owners eligible for state and federal tax incentives. The listing would not affect what property owners could do unless they applied for federal assistance.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!




Saturday, March 15, 2014

Critical Missing Person

Cortland Read Lambert
LOCATION: Starr Road, Centreville

 SUBJECT: Cortland Read Lambert (23) of Centreville, MD

NARRATIVE: Reported missing by his family on Thursday afternoon after last being seen on Wednesday leaving his residence.

 A search of the immediate area near the family residence was started on Thursday evening and resumed on Friday using search teams, DNR K9 and aviation units.

 Lambert is 6'2" - 200 Pounds with brown hair and eyes. He possibly is distraught over a delay in his plans to go into the military. A shotgun is missing from the residence and may be in his possession.

 Anyone with information is urged to contact the Queen Anne's Office of the Sheriff at (410) 758-0770.

Virginia Department Of Forestry - BURN NOTICE!

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) protects our forest resources from fire. Our main goals are:

  • prevent injury or loss of human life
  • minimize property damage
  • protect the forest resources
February 15 - April 30
During this period, the
4PM Burn Law is in effect.

  • DO NOT light fires until 4PM.
  • DO NOT stir up the fire or add new fuel after Midnight.
  • Can I burn...? Burning and the 4 PM Law

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1984.. Presidential candidate visits Princess Anne; 1934.. Swarming mosquitoes plague Eastern Shore; 1900.. Lower Eastern Shore telephone service to expand; 1888.. Verdict returned in poisoning charge against 19-year-old Crisfield woman; 1881.. High egg prices; 2005.. It's official, Pocomoke City receives designation.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Beautiful Day On DelMarVa ~ GET OUTSIDE AND MOVE AROUND!!!

Photo BW
A warm Saturday is in store for most of the area.   The winter has been very long and cold so today get outside and move around.

Don't know what to do or where to do?

Photo BW

Cypress Park Entry
Photo/ BW
REMINDER: The Nature Trail setting belongs to Nature....everything else that is there is maintained by those that care.

Please take your trash and if needed  someone else's too.

"Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!"  ~ Dr.Seuss

Worcester County Dept. of Recreation & Parks ~ TODDLER GYM

Driver Arrested On Traffic Charges and Possession By Worcester County Sheriff's Deputy

Worcester County Sheriff's Office
On March 14th 2014 at 0823 hours, a Deputy with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop on Rt 610, west of Shavox Church road, Whaleyville, Worcester, County Maryland.

The sole occupant of the vehicle was identified through his MD ID card as 22 year old Bryant J Cooper, of Willards Maryland.

 The Deputy smelled the odor of Marijuana coming from within the vehicle and a search of the vehicle was conducted.

 Under the driver’s seat the Deputy located a NEWPORT cigarette box. Located in the box the Deputy located a smoldering suspected Marijuana cigarette.

 Through further investigation of the traffic stop it was also determined that Cooper’s license was Suspended/Revoked in the State of Maryland, and that the Delaware Tag on the vehicle was stolen out of Georgetown Delaware.

 Cooper was placed under arrest on numerous traffic charges, possession of Marijuana. He was seen by the Commissioner and later released on his Personal Recognizance.

 An investigation by the Georgetown Police Department into the stolen tag in currently being done.

Visit The Delmarva Discovery Center THIS WEEKEND - Take Advantage of the Wear Green, Save Green Special

While visiting, make sure you take time to view the newly updated NASA Wallops Flight Facility exhibit "Wallops Through The Ages." in the  changing exhibits room

Karaoke For Cindy ~ Powellville VFW

Raising funds for Cindy Hill
Powellville VFW- Saturday Night-
 Cindy suffered a heart attack Wednesday. Anyone having been hospitalized knows how that is on your checkbook.
Join us tonight as we try and ease her financial burden a bit.

Violent Crimes Task Force Seeks Identity of Serial Bank Robber

FBI Baltimore
The Baltimore FBI Violent Crimes Task Force is asking the public to help them identify a serial bank robber responsible for a series of robberies in the Baltimore area.

The suspect enters the banks and shows tellers a note indicating he has a weapon. After grabbing the money, he’s usually seen running into nearby neighborhoods. Witnesses describe him as a black man between 18 to 30 years old, about 5’7” to 5’10” tall, with a very thin build and thin mustache. He’s been seen wearing baseball caps during the robberies.

Investigators believe he’s responsible for robberies at the SunTrust Bank at 111 Orville Road on December 17, 2013; the TD Bank at 1800 Eastern Boulevard on January 8; the SunTrust Bank at 7699 Harford Road on January 8; and the Bay Bank at 1740 Joppa Road on January 10.

If anyone has information about the robber or any of the robberies, please call the Baltimore FBI at (410) 265-8080, or the Baltimore County Police at (410) 307-2020.

The Baltimore FBI Violent Crimes Task Force is made up of FBI agents, Baltimore City Police detectives, Baltimore County Police detectives, and Anne Arundel County Police detectives. They investigate significant violent crimes, including kidnappings, robberies of commercial institutions, armored car and bank robberies, extortions, and fugitive felons.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Delegate McDermott On The House Floor

Yesterday's discussion on the "dinosaur fees" we are still paying in Maryland ~ Delegate Mike McDermott

Dinosaur Fees

Larry Hogan Swings Through Western Maryland

March 14, 2014

~Larry Hogan Swings Through Western Maryland~
ANNAPOLIS – Larry Hogan, the leading Republican candidate for governor, will travel through the Western Maryland counties of Garrett, Allegany, Washington, and Frederick on Monday, March 17, 2014. "I'm very excited to return to Western Maryland. This is our first trip since our announcement six weeks ago, and it will be a great opportunity to hear folks' concerns and share my priorities with them," Hogan said. "An overwhelming majority of people across the state are very worried about Maryland's future, and we share their main concerns about the economy, taxes, and jobs."

The campaign will make stops in Oakland, Cumberland, Hagerstown, and Frederick. The schedule includes the following stops:
8:00 – 9:00 am, Meet and Greet at Trader's Coffee House; 21311 Garrett Highway, Oakland, MD 21550
10:30 am – 12:00 pm, Meet and Greet at Cornish Manor Restaurant; 830 Memorial Drive, Oakland, MD 21550
1:30 – 2 pm, Meet and Greet at Curtis Famous Coney Island Wieners; 35 N. Liberty Street, Cumberland, MD 21502
2:00 – 3:00 pm, Keynote Speaker at Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Allegany County GOP Headquarters; 100 Mechanic Street, Cumberland, MD 21502
5:00 – 6:30 pm, Meet and Greet at Bulls & Bears; 38 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740
7:30 – 9:30 pm, St. Patrick's Day Party at Jekyll & Hyde Tavern; 906 N. East Street, Frederick, MD 21701

For questions, contact Hannah Marr at
(443) 935-3684 or email

A business owner for over 25 years, Larry has helped attract hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland. He took time away from his successful business to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration, and founded the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, Change Maryland, focused on bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense policies to Annapolis.

Authority: Larry Hogan for Governor, John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer.

The U.S. EPA Reaches Agreement With Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc. and Wellmark International

EPA, Sergeant’s Pet Care and Wellmark International Reach Agreement to Cancel Potentially Harmful Insecticide Products

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reached agreement with Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc. and Wellmark International to cancel flea and tick pet collars containing propoxur marketed under the trade names including Bansect, Sentry, Zodiac and Biospot.

“This action is another example of EPA’s efforts to protect children from pesticide risks,” said Jim Jones, assistant administrator of the EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. This voluntary move will get to an expedient result that protects people’s health.”

This decision was reached between EPA and Sergeant's and Wellmark as a result of EPA’s risk assessment showing risks to children from exposure to pet collars containing propoxur.

Propoxur is an insecticide registered for use to control ticks, fleas and a variety of insects and is used in industrial, commercial and residential facilities. The agreement represents the solution to most quickly remove the pet collars from the market.

EPA completed the propoxur pet collar risk assessment in fall 2013 in response to a Natural Resources Defense Council petition to cancel the uses. EPA’s risk assessment found, in some but not all use scenarios, unacceptable risks to children from exposure to propoxur pet collars on the first day following application. Because the manufacturers could not find a way to eliminate unacceptable risk under all scenarios, EPA encouraged them to cancel these products and they subsequently agreed.

EPA announced the voluntary cancellation on January 22, 2014. Under the cancellation agreement, manufacturers are allowed to produce the pet collars until April 1, 2015, and will not be allowed to distribute the products after April 1, 2016. EPA will continue to watch for incidents from the use of these collars and is prepared to take further action if necessary.

Flea and tick collars work by leaving a pesticide residue on dogs' and cats' fur, which can be transferred to people by hugging, petting or coming into contact with the pets. The major source of exposure to these chemicals is from absorption through the skin after directly touching the treated pet. Small children may ingest pesticide residues when they touch a treated cat or dog and subsequently put their hands in their mouth.

If you purchase a propoxur pet collar, read the label carefully and follow all directions on the label to protect your family from exposure. Do not allow children to play with the collar, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling.

For more information about the voluntary cancellation:

A Message From A & N Electric Cooperative ~ SCAM ALERT


Electric cooperatives in Virginia are reporting fraudulent activity by people knocking on members’ doors and by telephone calls.

 If someone appears at your door claiming to represent A & N Electric Cooperative without proper identification, call us at 757-787-9750 or 1-800-431-2632 to verify the visit. Our office is open from 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
 Never let anyone into your home unless you have scheduled an appointment or unless the person has proper identification. The ANEC logo should appear on shirts and vehicles. If you suspect someone is impersonating an ANEC employee, do not let them into your home and call the police immediately.

 If you receive a phone call from a person representing themselves as an A & N Electric Cooperative (ANEC) employee and you suspect it is a scam, hang up. Do not give the caller any personal information. Be especially protective of your social security number, bank and credit card numbers, and driver’s license number. ANEC requests members pay their electric bills in person or by mail to the Tasley office, or on-line from our web site at

 Legitimate companies will not call or email you asking for your account number or password, so keep your account information to yourself. Generally, if a call is initiated from ANEC regarding a past due bill a prerecorded message is used asking the member to simply contact our office. You should also not assume that you can trust caller ID to let you know where a caller is located. Because scammers may use Internet calling technology, the area code you see may not reflect where they really are. Write down the person's name, then hang up and call ANEC's main line number at 757-787-9750 or 1-800-431-2632.

 Co-op members should be aware and know that these phone calls or door-to-door visits are not valid. Finally, please warn neighbors, friends and relatives who may be susceptible to these types of scams.

 Headquartered in Tasley, A&N Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric-distribution utility that serves more than 35,000 homes, farms and businesses in Accomack and Northampton Counties in Virginia and Somerset County, Maryland as the primary electric utility for all of Virginia’s Eastern Shore. For more information, visit