Thursday, February 25, 2010

Summer And the Beach

Last Sunday my husband and I took a ride to Assateague on the Virginia side. To most of you that have live in the surrounding areas all of your lives you know that the beach is very much a huge part of your summer life.

What I saw on the beach that day simply broke my heart. I have walked that beach so many times in my life I once felt I new every pebble by name. Many of you will agree. Please take a moment to see what it looked liked on February 21, 2010.

Unless you own a camel and that camel can walk a great distance don't plan on any parking. The parking lots are gone. The circle that once gave us the option for "north end" or "south end" is gone. The ocean has moved in and though the Yield sign still stands there is no reason to.

The ocean and the beach have always been an important part of my life. Teenage years were spent lying in the

sand with the radio on, baby oil and iodine, swapping stories with my best friends, and napping. Those were the days when

we all thought the sun was our best friend and a good beach day was from 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon.

No need to take a cooler with food. There was a resturant right there on the beach! Yep. The resturant even had a gift shop.

No need to worry about tourist too much. And can you acutally believe that once you parked

your car in the morning you could leave for lunch on Chicoteague and go back to beach and park in the

original parking spot! You sure could.

This electric wire cables were probably connected to the electric poles that once ran along the paved road and now sit almost at the waters edge. The gas line is in the water and I am sure upon hide tide the copper tubing cannot be seen.

That wire cable is just about where the info station and first aid station had been a few years ago. The boarded walkways our children once ran down and the benches, the iformation and first aid stations are now part of the ocean.

We all thought at the time Assateague would always be there. And it has been. I toted both of my children as toddlers to the beach. As they grew they knew on my days off from work we would be going to the beach. When they became older so did their friends and I ended taking all the kids to Assateague. Then in their teens the ideas of beach parties came along. And because they loved the beach as I do we had one beach party to start the summer and one to end it. Thank goodness by this time all of them could drive.

Oh, I have seen the changes. But the one thing that put an end to the enjoyment of the sand, sun and ocean was the sudden popularity of the beach. None of us could ever get used to the feeling of strangers being so close on the beach. When you're used to having all that sand for yourself for all those years and suddenly can't seem to stretch out and relax it's no fun. Tourism had hit the beach! By this time my kids were grown and could go alone and sit in line behind them and fight over a spot in the sand. I wasn't. But I have.

I've left lots of memories on that beach. I've cried alot of tears, had alot of kisses from old boyfriends and chatted many many hours with friends. I've made sand castles, dug holes, dug for sand crabs, picked up shells and jumped the breakers with my kids. I've explained sea nettles and porpoises and fish and crabs to the tourists. I've seen some of the most beautiful kites snap and fly into the ocean. And I wondered if
we were supposed to return the sand our kids took home in their bathing suits. I've seen beautiful sunsets and, yes, sunrises.

And through the years I learned that the ocean was NOT the best place to be during a thunderstorm. But I never once came home with a bad sunburn. And I learned at a young age what undertow is without almost drowing simply by watching others.

I have no idea what lies ahead for my dear friend Assateague. I can tell you that there were pieces of heavy equipment there and as you can see in the photos they have been working to restore some dunes. Other than that time will tell and I guess it just depends how many more nor'easters we have this season. After all we don't
own the ocean and we sure can't tame it.

But there is one very good thing to report about the day. The Chicoteague ponies were out strolling. Now that's a peaceful thought.

I leave you with this beautiful poem written by someone that I know well and respect a great deal.

The ocean

The ocean she’s slick as a books open page
In a blink of an eye she takes out her rage

Fisherman prosper from her giving ways
She pleasures her patrons on hot summer days

Pirates have sailed her with not a fear
Only to find they soon disappear

She’s as gentle as a kitten, light winds in the air
She’ll lash out with anger and give you a scare

The respect that she’s asking not meant to cower
The ocean she’s silent then rumbles with power

She will hold you, caress you, and fill you with joy
Or she can toss you, and throw you like playing with a toy

Men sailed her, and fished her, sought treasure for fare
She held them; she fed them, with not a care

Others they tempted to conquer her fate
She swallowed them up and left not a trace

They’ve tried to control her powers you see
She shows them whose boss when they go to sea

Treat her like a lady, respect what she hails
Or you may be at rest with the Andrea Gail

The Ocean

I'll be back to check on you, old friend.

How About The Weather!!??

The day where I live started out with a dismal look to it but towards mid morning the sun came out and the day, for the most part, was completely sunny.

There wasn't even hardly a dusting of snow this morning and everyone was able to go about their day as usual.

It was wonderful while it lasted. And within the past hour the wind has started to howl, the white puffy clouds are gone and that "look of snow" has appeared once again in the sky.

Am I the only one tired of the dreary days and the snow?

Funding Could Be Eliminated From Local Arts Organization

The House Appropriations Committee in Richmond has announced it will recommend funding be cut in half to the Virginia Arts Commission in FY 2010 and that funding be completely eliminated in FY 2011. This is one of many recommended cuts to the Commonwealth's budget aimed at balancing the $4 billion revenue shortfall.

Theresa Bliss, Attorney in Onancock and Artistic Director of the North Street Playhouse, says that is not a good idea.

"These cuts can really cripple smaller organizations," explains Bliss. "The arts are responsible for jobs and education. With all the cuts to the schools, arts education falls back on these small arts organizations. The North Street Playhouse, along with other organizations on the Shore such as ESO & ACES, hold educational classes year around."

Bliss said many of the funds the North Street Playhouse receives from the Commonwealth are returned to small businesses here on the Shore.

"The arts are not frivolous," said Bliss. "They are invaluable to the life of any healthy community and to dismiss that is blindly short sided."

Bliss estimated that anywhere between six to twelve non-profit arts organizations receive funds from the Virginia Arts Commission for shows and events.

Nick Covatta, President of the Virginia Arts Commission, says the arts provide a direct economic benefit to all communities. Covatta said the Onancock restoration took place in large part due to organizations like the North Street Playhouse and the Art Galleries in town.

"People come into town for a show, then they want to go to dinner," Covatta said. "They'll come to visit for the summer and stay in the B&Bs and go to a show while in town. It's a huge economic driver."

The Virginia Senate voted on their budget today, which took Governor McDonnell's proposal to only cut 10% of the funds to the Virginia Art Commission. The final budget will be reached in reconciliation. Covatta will be traveling to Richmond to speak to the Reconciliation Committee to urge them to not cut the entire Commission.

"I'm optimistic that we'll only lose 10% of our funding, not half of it... I understand the State has to cut $4 billion out of a $12 trillion budget and that's not easy. But you cut things, you don't disband things."

The Virginia Commission for the Arts is the state agency that supports the arts through funding from the VA. General Assembly and Nat'l. Endowment for the Arts. These grant awards are given to artists, arts and other not-for-profit organizations, educational institutions, local goverments and educators, and provides technical assistance for art management.

These monies over the years have enabled Onancock to become the beautiful town that it is and has also given many artists the ability to display their work so beautifully. It has also given the youth of today the opportunity to understand just how important all of the arts and different talents are in our society. The North Street Playhouse and the art galleries are very important for everyone in that area.


Thursday- February 25, 2009

Asbury Child Development Center - Closed Thursday

Crisfield Christian Academy - Closed Thursday

Delmar School District - Closed Thursday

Holly Grove Christian School - Closed Thursday

Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School - Closed Thursday

Somerset County Public Schools - Closed Thursday

St. Francis De Sales School - Closed Thursday

Wicomico County Schools - Closed Thursday

Worcester County Schools - Closed Thursday

Worcester Preparatory School - Closed Thursday

NASA Wallops - Opening at 10a.m. Thursday

PRMC - Infant Care Class cancelled

Closures/Delays February 25, 2010- Thursday



Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Picture For Today


Boat Launch

This was this guy's first boat, but he wasn't quite sure of the correct
procedure for launching a boat at the ramp. However, he figured it couldn't be that difficult to do, so he stopped by his Union office for advice, and they just told him... "Don't let the trailer get too deep in the water when you're launching your boat".

Well later on, he couldn't understand what they meant by that, as he just could barely get his trailer in the water! Here's a picture worth a "thousand' words! Your gonna love this guy!!! They walk among us, get married, have children and vote! Sticker on back glass explains everything!!!

Hat Tip; Eric

Friday Night at the Mar-Va

"Billy Holiday Tribute
by Lady Rose
& Stevie Nicks Tribute
with Ocie "

February 26th
7:00 PM
Admission Only $10

Tunes to carry in your head all day the next day!!

Second Person Charged In Walmart Arson

Fire marshals announced new charges in an arson case involving potato chips set on fire in the Pocomoke Walmart.

Officials said Lamar Rashad Watson, 20, of Pocomoke City was charged as an accomplice in the Feb. 11 fire.

Police had already charged Vincent V. Harmon, 20, of Pocomoke City with lighting chips on fire in a store aisle. The ensuing blaze caused about $1 million in damaged food, equipment and merchandise, officials said, and caused the store to close for about two days for cleanup.

Watson was held on $150,000 bond at the Worcester County Jail.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Please, NO MORE SNOW!!!!!!

I can't eat anymore snow cream! I'm so tired of shoveling snow!!!! And my arms ache from forming snow angels!!!

I have seen enough to last me another 20 to 30 years!!!!!
And don't send rain either!

S N O W ---- another bad 4 letter word......

Support For Wallops From NASA

The Remedy For Stress

Feeling stressed lately?

Well, who isn't?



Picture For Today


SCAM ALERT!! Flagged Paypal Account

Yet another phishing scam claiming to be part of security measures to ensure only the recipient has access to their account. The sender tries to fool the recipient by threatening suspension of the account until the user enters their details. You are directed to a bogus web site to fill in your details which will place your login information in a database, giving the sender access to your account. Online stores will never ask you to send them your login name and password.

November 2009

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Dental Records Might Give Police A Clue

SNOW HILL -- Dental records could reveal the identity of a body unearthed on a Snow Hill property as soon as Thursday.

Until then, Worcester County State's Attorney Joel Todd won't confirm rumors that the skeletal remains found on the grounds of a Snow Hill inn are those of missing Delaware woman Christine Sheddy.

"It would be inappropriate to comment on the identification," he said. "I don't know who this is. At this point we're referring to the person as Jane Doe. The Maryland Medical Examiner will have to make that determination."

Sheddy was last seen Nov. 13, 2007, at a residence outside Pocomoke City. The single mother of three was 27 years old when she vanished without a trace, police said. Local groups searched for her with no results, and her story had been featured on the TV show "America's Most Wanted."

The remains were found by investigators Feb. 19 buried on the property of the River House Inn, a bed and breakfast adjacent to a municipal parking lot and the Pocomoke River in downtown Snow Hill. Todd said the discovery came as a total surprise to the couple that owns the inn.

The remains were taken to the state Medical Examiner's Office in Baltimore, where the woman's body will be checked against dental records of known missing persons. Sheddy's dental records will be included among those because she's known to police as a reported missing person.

Members of the Maryland State Police, Worcester County Sheriff's Office, Worcester County Bureau of Investigation and the Worcester State's Attorney's Office were led to the site Feb. 19 as part of a larger investigation, Todd said.

Police said in a statement that the remains were found after several hours of searching. Only a pair of shoes and blue jeans were found with the body. Todd said no clear cause of death was apparent, nor was it clear how long the body had been there.