Sunday, September 30, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Circumstances Resulted In A Momentous Occurrence In Pocomoke City.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

December, 1883

(The New York Times)


Correspondence Of The Baltimore American.
Pocomoke City, Md., Nov. 30.- Five years ago Mr. F. H. Dryden placed a keg of powder in the attic of an old building, formerly occupied by the Pocomoke Phosphate Company, and gave the boys of the town notice that they might have it to fire a salute when the Democrats elected a President. The building, which has been vacant for some time, was recently rented to William. H. Tatum. All day yesterday he was busy preparing it for occupation, intending to move into it tomorrow. He decided to place shelves around the lower room. The lumber for that purpose was in the attic. Elmo Tatum, aged 15 years, and Thomas Milburn, aged 16, were sent up there to bring the boards down. The boys had made two or three trips to the attic and had taken down most of the shelves. They could not see the remainder because of the darkness. Young Tatum therefore lighted a match. He soon saw the boards, and seeing the floor strewn with paper, thought it best to throw the match into an uncovered keg standing near. He did so. The keg proved to be a keg of powder. Instantly there was a tremendous explosion. Young Tatum was blown through the roof and took an aerial flight into the adjoining lot. He landed without breaking any bones, but his whole body was seared and scorched. His clothes began to blaze. He shrieked loudly for help. Several people ran up, grabbed him and doused him in a barrel of water. Dr. Coston then took him in charge and dressed his wounds. His recovery is doubtful. Young Milburn fared less seriously. He was on the steps at the time of the blow up. He jumped through an opening and escaped with a few burns and bruises. The doctor has him now in hand for repairs. He will pull through. The building is pretty well wrecked. The roof of the rear portion was blown off, the rear end was stripped of weather boarding, the window glass and sash shattered, and what was left standing of the back building is so twisted and distorted that it will have to come down. The fire caused by the explosion was soon put out and did no damage.

January, 1967

(Washington Afro American)

Ashe makes it official, he's in Salisbury meet.

SALISBURY, Md.- America's number one tennis ace, Arthur Ashe of Richmond, Va., has confirmed his entry in the United States Indoor Tennis Championships to be played here February 12-19.

Ashe ranks among the world's top ten players, holding the position of number 6.

If he had not spent last summer in Army training, he might have earned a much higher position. He made an early onslaught of the Australian tournaments, collecting 4 out of 6 state titles, with victories of the entire Australian Davis Cup team.

Besides his four Australian titles, Ashe was victorious at Puerto Rico, Phoenix, Dallas, and Southern California, having 8 wins in 20 tournaments.

He had 3 victories over Australia's Roy Emerson at Brisbane, Adelaide, and Berkely.

In announcing receipt of Ashe's formal entry, Bill Riordan general chairman of the championships, also added the name of Gene Scott, St. James, New York.

Ranked number 16 in the United States, Scott scored an overwhelming upset over Manuel Santana at Salisbury last year.

Footnote: The United States Indoor Tennis Championships were played at the original Wicomico Youth And Civic Center from 1964 through 1972.  Tennis chairman Bill Riordan was a Salisbury businessman (The Fashion Shop) and managed the early career of Jimmy Connors. 

September, 1895

(The Denton Journal)

Princess Anne is enjoying the greatest business boom it has had in a quarter of a century. 

January, 1902

(Englewood Times- Englewood, Mich.)
The Baptist ministers of Accomac, Va., ten or twelve strong, have taken a most unique action, which has caused no little excitement in the religious world. At a recent session they conferred the degree of doctor of divinity upon one of their number, and have come out strongly for the doctrine that they have as much right to do so as the institutions of learning. They hold, furthermore, that every minister of good standing should have a degree conferred upon him by his fellows.

(In simpler times?)
February, 1938

(Uniontown Morning Herald- Uniontown, Pa.)


SNOW HILL, MD., Jan 31. (AP)- For only three-cents, a letter travels 130 miles en route from Snow Hill to Girdletree- just seven miles away.

Here's how it works:

A Girdletree letter mailed here goes by a bus star mail route to Stockton- passing through Girdletree without a stop.
Another bus takes it from Stockton to Pocomoke City to meet a northbound train.

Train mail clerks unlock the pouch, sort the mail and toss the Girdletree letter into another pouch, which is tossed off the train to be picked up by a southbound train.

The pouch returns to Pocomoke City by train and another bus takes it to Stockton.
Another bus picks it up there and takes it four miles to Girdletree.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Christmas In October ~ Don't Miss This!

Be sure to look for Dawn under her "Thirty-One" tent  downtown on October 6th during the Pocomoke City Downtown Fall Festival!

Dawn Bloxom (Thirty-One Consultant)

Onley Woman Found Guilty Of Food Stamp Fraud

By Connie Morrison
A woman who was getting food stamps without reporting she was working, and allowing her son to use the benefits in New York, was found guilty in Accomack County Circuit Court by Judge W. Revell Lewis III. Janet Marie Mackey, of Onley, pled not guilty to food stamp fraud for a period that spanned roughly 18 months between April 1, 2010 and September 30, 2012.

An eligibility worker for Accomack County Social Services detailed the process for obtaining and maintaining eligibility for food stamps, and Ms. Mackey's fraudulent responses to questions that influenced decisions about the amount of food stamps for which she could qualify. Ms. Mackey claimed that her son, who was living in New York, was still living with her, which allowed her to qualify for a higher level of benefits. She also failed to report that she had acquired employment.

Commonwealths Attorney Gary Agar then called the manager of the Wal-Mart Subway restaurant in Onley, who verified that Ms. Mackey had been employed since November, 2010, and an investigator for Social Services who reviewed her records and found most of the transactions during the period had occurred in New York. When confronted with the evidence, Ms. Mackey admitted her son lives in New York, but said she thought is was ok to allow him to use the card.

In all, Ms. Mackey obtained over $4,000 of benefits to which she was not entitled. She was permitted to remain on bond until sentencing.


The Rural Sign Painter

I am still photographing his signs but just not posting them...This one seemed to be a little more "photogenic".

Hoping there are better days ahead for him in the near future.  Loneliness isn't funny nor fun.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


TIME MACHINE Preview ... Circumstances Resulted In A Momentous Occurrence In Pocomoke City.

It was an action intended for a future political celebration but it led to most undesirable consequences five years later, in 1883, in Pocomoke City.

Read about the series of circumstances that contributed to an unfortunate and bazaar incident.. this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Art Show To Benefit Costen House Saturday

Written by:
Bill Kerbin
Photo/Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY — The Delmarva Discovery Center will be bustling with activity early Saturday as artists from three states set up exhibits for the sixth annual art show to benefit the Costen House Museum.

When the show opens at 10 a.m., the public will see a variety of works from paintings to handcrafted jewelry. Several artists will be demonstrating their skills and techniques.

Returning painter include Virginia native Willie Crockett, who demonstrates his painting techniques; Jenny Sommers, an accomplished watercolorist from Pocomoke City ; Ellen Lawler of Salisbury, who combines her expertise in ornithology with her artistic talents to create exquisite paintings of birds; and
Jean Mason of Pocomoke City, who paints watercolor landscapes.

Also returning are Ed Kuhn, a versatile carver from Onancock, Va.; Marcia Cupchalk, a jewelry maker from Berlin; Karen Corwin, who photographs the Chesapeake shoreline; and Diane Kerbin, who photographs and paints botanicals.

Grover Cantwell of Salisbury is well-known for Eastern Shore landscapes done in oils and watercolors. Janei Folz of Fenwick Island has received numerous awards for her thought-provoking compositions in oil.

Cathy Halligan from Ocean Pines will display her photographs of the region. Leslie Brett and Jan Coulbourne, two Virginia residents, will exhibit watercolor landscapes and seascapes, and Josephine Raine of Salisbury will be exhibiting her paintings of flowers done in oils and acrylics.

Dee Geesey of Chincoteague will exhibit her handpainted glassware and demonstrate the popular one-stroke painting technique. Her sister, Diane Carter, of Dover, will be displaying ceramics.


Support The Costen House Museum

Delmarva Discovery Center
Saturday   September 29, 2012
10:00 am  ~  3:00 pm

OPCPD Traffic Stop Leads To 3 Arrests For Crack Cocaine

On September 26, 2012, at approximately 2:35 p.m. Ocean City Police patrol officers stopped a 2002 Nissan Altima with three occupants for a traffic violation in the area of 62nd Street and Coastal Highway.  During the course of the traffic stop, the officers observed two occupants of the vehicle shoving an unknown object under the front seats.

The driver of the vehicle was identified as Larry Dennell Floyd, Jr., 30, of Berlin.  During the traffic stop, officers checked the status of Floyd’s driver’s license and determined he was suspended.  During further investigation, officers identified the front passenger of the vehicle as Marty Edward Tankard, Jr., 33 of Berlin and a rear seat passenger as Joel Lamont Lankford, 40, of Nanticoke, Maryland.  In addition, officers determined the object being shoved under the seats was an empty beer bottle. 

While officers were checking under the front seat of the vehicle, they observed a white powdery substance they suspected to be crack cocaine.  Officers also recovered additional suspected crack cocaine from the front and rear passenger seats.  Police subsequently arrested Floyd for driving on a suspended license and Tankard and Lankford for possession of crack cocaine. 

During the arrest process, Floyd became uncooperative and would not open his mouth.  Officer suspected Floyd was concealing illegal drugs in his mouth and at which point Floyd attempted to swallow the items.   Officers attempted to get Floyd to spit the items out of his mouth, however, Floyd continued to refuse and resist arrest.  Due to the level of resistance Floyd was exhibiting and the concern that he was attempting to swallow life-threatening drug contraband, officers deployed a TASER/ECD and delivered one drive-stun to Floyd’s back to gain compliance.

Floyd immediately spit out the contents of his mouth, which was determined by officers to be a large quantity of suspected crack cocaine.  As a precautionary measure, Floyd was taken by OC EMS to Atlantic General Hospital for exposure to ECD and possible CDS consumption.  Floyd was evaluated and subsequently released from the hospital in Ocean City Police custody. 
  • Larry Dennell Floyd, Jr. was charged with:
  • Driving on a suspended Maryland License.
  • Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (crack cocaine).
  • Possession of Paraphernalia.
  • Possession of CDS with the Intent to Distribute (crack cocaine).
  • Resisting Arrest.
  • Obstructing and Hindering Arrest.
  • Various Traffic Offences (Tickets).
  • Marty Edward Tankard, Jr. was charged with:
    • Possession of CDS (crack cocaine).
    • Possession of an Open Container of Alcoholic Beverage in public.
  • Joel Lamont Lankford was charged with:
    • Possession of CDS (crack cocaine).
All three suspects were seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner, Lankford and Tankard were released on their own recognizance.  Floyd was release after posting a $25,000 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept. Press Release

Romney Says He Will Halt Deep Defense Cuts

Photo/Wavy News
Written by:
Wesley P. Hester

The prospect of deep cuts to the military could help swing Virginia in his favor, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney suggested Thursday in an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

While polling has shown Romney trailing President Barack Obama in this key battleground for months, growing anxiety over the automatic defense cuts triggered by the failure of the "supercommittee" established as part of last year's debt deal could hurt the president, he said.

"I think Virginia is more attuned to what's happening in the military than the average state in the country," Romney said after a military-focused event at American Legion Post 176 in Springfield. "And I think the president's sequestration effort and his own budget cuts to the military have combined to concentrate thinking about the impact this will have on Virginia."

Under the 2011 Budget Control Act, $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts in defense and in domestic spending will be phased in beginning in 2013 if Congress and the president cannot reach a debt-reduction deal.

Romney has laid on Obama most of the blame for the looming sequestration — which the president and Congress agreed to as a last resort. Like Republican U.S. Senate candidate George Allen, Romney never supported the deal, and has gently suggested that Republicans were wrong to agree to what he on Thursday called "a strange proposal."

In Virginia, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-7th, and Gov. Bob McDonnell supported the debt deal. Earlier this year, House Republicans passed legislation, proposed by Romney's running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, that would avoid the defense cuts by shifting the reductions to domestic programs like food stamps and pension plans, but it gained no traction in the Senate.

If the sequestration is not averted, Virginia stands to lose 207,571 jobs from federal spending cuts — 136,191 resulting from Department of Defense cuts and 71,380 from non-Defense Department cuts — starting next year, according to an analysis released in July.

Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads would be especially hard hit as a result of the heavy concentration of defense contracting jobs and military posts.

In the interview, Romney said he would avert the automatic cuts if elected by first working with Congress to enact an emergency measure to extend current military spending by six months, and begin identifying alternate reductions.

Romney added that he would immediately begin work toward cutting $500 billion a year from the budget by the end of his first term.
....READ MORE....

"Shine On, Shine On Harvest Moon...."

Image Credit: Dan Bush of Missouri Skies

Harvest Moon 2012
The Harvest Moon is coming this weekend! The moon has been waxing larger each night, and full moon is the night of September 29-30, 2012. In traditional skylore, the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox came on September 22. That makes the September 29-30 full moon the Harvest Moon.

There’s also a name for the next full moon after the Harvest Moon. It’s called the Hunter’s Moon, and it’ll come this year on October 29.
Officially, the crest of the full Harvest Moon will happen on September 29, 2012 at 10:19 p.m. CDT (3:19 on September 30 Universal Time). Depending upon your time zone, the full moon will be September 29 or 30. But the moon will appear round and full on all the nights around this full moon.

So don’t just look for the Harvest Moon on the night of September 29 or 30. Look for the moon to be bright and full-looking for several nights at the end of September, 2012. If you live far enough north – for example, in the northern states, Canada or Alaska – the Harvest Moon will continue to shine from dusk until dawn into early October. This procession of moonlit nights is what characterizes the Harvest Moon.
Why is the Harvest Moon special?
Harvest Moon is just a name. It’s the name for the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll always see the Harvest Moon in either September or October. In the Southern Hemisphere, a moon with these same characteristics always comes in March or April.
But the Harvest Moon is more. Nature is particularly cooperative around the time of the autumn equinox to make the full moonrises unique around this time.

Here’s what happens. On average, the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day. But when a full moon happens close to the autumnal equinox, the moon (at mid-temperate latitudes) rises only about 30 minutes later daily for several days before and after the full Harvest moon. Why? The reason is that the ecliptic – or the moon’s orbital path – makes a narrow angle with the evening horizon around the time of the autumn equinox. The narrow angle of the ecliptic results in a shorter-than-usual rising time between successive moonrises around the full Harvest Moon.

Bottom line: The Harvest Moon will come in late September in 2012. The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which in 2012 comes on September 22. So the full moon of September 29-30 is 2012′s Harvest Moon. October 1 will have a beautiful bright full-looking moon, too. The Harvest Moon is not really bigger, brighter or more pumpkin-colored than other full moons, but it’s special because, at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, the time between successive moonrises is shorter than usual. Enjoy.


~Delmarva's Got Talent ~

Semifinals and Finals This Weekend!
Semifinals: September 28th
Finals: September 29th
All Shows: 7 PM

Admission: $10/ticket or $30/4 tickets

Eleven qualifying contestants will be competing for a spot in the Finals round of DGT 2012.

 April Brilliant from Froggy 99.9 will be our emcee for the evening.

On Saturday, the finals will take place and you'll find out who has GOT TALENT!

Charlie Paparella will be returning as our emcee to close out the event!

See you this weekend!

Investigation Continues Into Death Of Prison Inmate

(CRESAPTOWN, MD) -- Maryland State Police homicide investigators are continuing their investigation into the death of a state prison inmate who was found dead in his cell early this morning.

The victim is identified as Charles Richardson, 28, who was an inmate at the North Branch Correctional Institution in Allegany County. Richardson had been incarcerated in the Maryland Division of Correction since 2009 and was serving a sentence of life without parole for first degree murder, assault, and handgun violations.

At about 5:00 a.m. today, correctional officers observed an inmate outside his cell on a tier in possession of clothing that appeared to be bloodstained. Officers entered the inmate’s cell and found his cellmate, Richardson, lying under a blanket. Officers removed the blanket and saw the inmate had sustained trauma to his head.

Correctional officers provided emergency care and summoned medics. Medics from Cresaptown pronounced Richardson deceased at the scene.

State Police Homicide Unit investigators responded to the scene to conduct the investigation and were assisted by the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Internal Investigative Unit. State Police crime scene technicians processed the scene and collected evidence that will be forwarded to the State Police Forensic Sciences Division laboratory. Investigators worked throughout the day conducting interviews and continuing the investigation.

The victim’s body has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore. An autopsy is expected to be conducted tomorrow.

A motive for the apparent murder has not been determined. No charges have been filed at this time.
Maryland State Police Press Release

Fall Benefit Bash ~ Support A Good Cause

Reminder: New Moped and Scooter Laws Begin October 1, 2012


The State of Maryland will be changing the laws governing vehicles classified as a motor scooter and/or mopeds. 

These new laws will directly impact ALL Ocean City scooter rental and retail sale operators as well as private citizens who own and operate these types of vehicles.

Effective October 1, 2012: Mopeds and Motor Scooters, as defined by law, and are owned by Maryland residents are required to:

Display a registration decal issued by the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA)
  • Non- Maryland residents who own a motor scooter or moped in another state that operate/use the scooter in Maryland are exempt from the new registration requirements, however the Maryland laws regarding: Insurance, helmet and eye protection requirement apply.
  • The operator shall have in their possession proof of insurance.
  • Additionally, an individual who rides or operates a moped or motor scooter must wear protective headgear that meets specific federal standards (DOT).  If the vehicle does not have a windscreen, eye-protection must also be worn.
Further clarification by the Motor Vehicle Administration indicates all mopeds and motor scooters are to be titled electronically and be issued a permanent decal to place on the rear of the motor scooter.  Maryland residents can go to: to register their scooters.  This web based registration has been operational as of this week. 
The cost for the decal will be $5.  For the first year, (until October 1, 2013) non-new motor scooters and mopeds will be exempt from the titling fee and excise tax.  After October 1, 2013, the motor scooter and moped title fee will be $20 and the minimum excise tax will be 6% of $320. 

Maryland business owners who sell and/or rent moped and motorized scooters will have different registration rules and costs than privately owned mopeds and motorized scooters. 

For additional information these commercial businesses should consult with the Maryland MVA directly. 

During the on-line/electronic registration process, individuals will have to certify at the time of titling that they carry the minimum levels of liability insurance for the motor scooter / moped.  Operators of motor scooters and mopeds will be required to wear motorcycle helmets and eye protection and carry an insurance card.

At the request of the Maryland MVA, the Ocean City Police Department will be enforcing these new laws beginning October 1, 2012. Due to the delay in the ability of citizens to register motorized scooters and mopeds electronically, the OCPD will be delaying enforcement of ONLY the new registration requirements for a period of 30-days.  Effective October 1, 2012 the OCPD will be strictly enforcing the INSURANCE, HELMET AND EYE PROTECTION LAWS that go into effective October 1.  Only the registration requirement will be differed during this period. 

If you have any question, please contact the Ocean City Police Departments Public Affairs Office at: 410-723-6665.

To better help both rental and private owners and operators understand the upcoming changes the following information is being provided to you:

Moped Definition
A moped is a bicycle that meets the following requirements:
  • Is designed to be propelled by human power with some assistance from a motor;
  • Is equipped with pedals that mechanically drive the rear wheel or wheels;
  • Has two or three wheels, of which are more than 14 inches in diameter; and
  • Has a motor with a rating of 1.5 brake horsepower or less, and, if the motor is an internal combustion engine, a capacity of 50 cubic centimeters piston displacement or less.
  • Mopeds are also not allowed to be operated at a speed greater than 30 MPH on public roads. 
 Motor Scooter Definition
A motor scooter is a type of non-pedaled vehicle that meets the following standards:
  • Has a seat for the operator
  • Has a step-through chassis
  • Is equipped with an automatic transmission.
  • Has a motor with a rating of 2.7 brake horsepower or less, and if the motor is an internal combustion engine, with a capacity of 50 cubic centimeters piston displacement or less.
 ****A motor scooter is not allowed to exceed the speed of 30 MPH on public roadways.

Scooter Definition
A scooter is a two-wheeled vehicle that has handlebars and is designed to be stood on by the operator. These devices cannot be legally operated on public roadways or sidewalks.

Moped/Motor Scooter Licensing
To operate a moped/motor scooter in Maryland, riders must have a valid driver’s license from which ever state that they live in, or a valid Maryland moped operator’s permit issued by the Maryland MVA.

Moped/Motor Scooter Traffic Laws
  1. Mopeds/Motor Scooters may not be operated at speed greater than 30 mph.
  2. Mopeds/Motor Scooters cannot be operated on roadways that have a speed limit greater than 50 mph.
  3. Where there is a bike lane paved to a smooth surface or a shoulder paved to a smooth surface, a person operating a bicycle, moped or a motor scooter shall use the bike lane or shoulder and may not ride on the roadway, except for common traffic procedures, which include:
    1. Overtaking and passing another bicycle, motor scooter, pedestrian, or other vehicle within the bike lane or shoulder if the overtaking and passing cannot be done safely within the bike lane or shoulder;
    2. Preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway;
    3.  When reasonably necessary to leave the bike lane or shoulder to avoid debris or other hazardous condition;
    4. When reasonably necessary to leave the bike lane or shoulder because the bike lane or shoulder is overlaid with a right turn lane, merge lane, or other marking that breaks the continuity of the bike lane or shoulder.
  4. Gas and electric motorized toy scooters cannot be operated on sidewalks.
  5. A person may not operate a bicycle, moped or motor scooter on any highway or roadway while the person is wearing any headset covering both ears.
Ocean City Police Department Press Release

Beached Whale On Wallops Island Was Euthanized

Photo/ Billy Morgan
WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. (AP)- The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center says a humpback whale that was found stranded on the Eastern Shore of Virginia was euthanized.
The whale was found on a secluded section of Wallops Island on Wednesday morning.

The aquarium's marketing director, Linda Candler, says stranded whales typically don't survive. Candler says initial reports from a stranding response team indicated that the whale is a large juvenile.

She says the whale is between 30 and 40 feet long. A necropsy was performed Thursday.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Arrest Made In Caroline County Murder Investigation

(FEDERALSBURG, MD) – Maryland State Police homicide investigators have served an arrest warrant on a Chestertown man who is now charged with the murder of a man found dead in front of a Caroline County factory.

The accused is identified as Davonta’ Deshields, 21, of Fererdalsburg, Md. He has been charged with first and second degree murder, first degree assault, reckless endangerment, and numerous handgun violations. Has he been to a court commissioner for a bond hearing? If so, where is he being held and on what bond? Deshields was taken before a district court commissioner and is being held without bond at the Caroline County Detention Center.

The victim was identified as Anthony C. Abner, Jr., 21, of the 100-block of Brooklyn Avenue, Federalsburg, Md. Abner was found dead in the 200 block of East Central Avenue by Federalsburg Police Department officers, shortly before midnight on September 25, 2012, when they responded to 911 calls. An autopsy revealed Abner died from multiple gunshot wounds.

Federalsburg Police Chief Donald Nagle requested the case be investigated by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit. State Police homicide investigators assumed the investigation and have continued the investigation around the clock since. They have been assisted by State Police crime scene technicians and Easton Barrack criminal investigators, as well as by members of the Federalsburg Police Department, Caroline County Sheriff’s Office, and the Caroline County Drug Task Force. Investigators have been in regular contact with the Caroline County State’s Attorney with updates on the progress of the case.

Investigators were able to develop information and a potential suspect through neighborhood checks and interviews. Based on information developed during the investigation, a search warrant was applied for and granted for the suspect’s grandmother’s residence Federalsburg, Md. Several items of potential evidentiary value were seized, but investigators will not specify what those items are due to the ongoing investigation. No clear motive for the murder has been established at this time.

The Maryland State Police dive team will be conducting underwater searches of bodies of water in proximity to the crime scene for evidence of this ongoing investigation.

Investigators are still urging anyone who may have witnessed this shooting, or may have information to contact Maryland State Police at 410-819-4747.

CONTACT: Sgt. Marc Black
Office of Media Communications - 410-653-4236

Maryland State Police Press Release

Mark Smith Found Guilty Of Murder & Two Other Charges

Mark Smith
By Connie Morrison
The jury in the trial of Mark Smith of Parksley, age 36, for the February 26 murder of Vladimir Sadin, returned a guilty verdict on three charges: second degree murder, use of a firearm in committing a murder, and firing into an occupied building. Judge W. Revell Lewis III ordered the fourth charge, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, dropped because evidence was not entered on the charge.

Day two of the trial saw a parade of witnesses. The Commonwealths eye-witnesses were a mixed bag. Eighteen-year-old Trevon Kirkpatrick confounded Deputy Commonwealths Attorney Matthew Brenner by repeatedly answering evasively, and contrary to the statement she had given police the day of the shooting. She contended that her responses were under the glaring watch of seven police officers who fed her the responses they wanted to hear. That story was easily rebutted by investigator Anthony Bright.

Witness Semsair Paul, within whose home the fatal shooting took place, proved a credible witness once a language barrier was bridged. Mr. Paul is a native of Haiti, and has been in the US five years. When asked what he and Mr. Sadin had been doing the last time they were together, it sounded to some as if he said cocaine, but on further questioning it became clear he was saying cooking. Mr. Paul also testified that he was throwing a birthday part for his ex-girlfriend the night of February 25, that carried over into the morning hours of February 26. Approximately 70-80 people were in attendance, dancing and enjoying themselves, when Mr. Smith and some companions tried to enter the home. Mr. Smith said he had come for his daughter, who was one of the party-goers. Mr. Paul said Mr. Smith appeared to be intoxicated, and so he did not want to let him in, but Mr. Smith began forcing his way. Mr. Sadin came to help and tried to hold back Mr. Smith. That, said Mr. Paul, is when He pulled out a gun and shot my homeboy.

Defense attorney Carl Bundick called witnesses who said that Mr. Pauls house was a night club they frequented, and where alcohol and drugs were sold on weekends. Those witnesses Mr. Smiths brother and daughter - were grilled by Mr. Brenner, who was able to uncover some inconsistencies, and also pointed out their family relationship to the jury.

In his closing statement, Mr. Brenner told the jury that there is not requirement to have DNA, fingerprints, or and other physical evidence, and that Eyewitness testimony is good, credible evidence. He called Mr. Paul's testimony the meat and potatoes of this case. Mr. Bundick held that the Commonwealth had not met its burden of proof, and had not successfully fitted together the puzzle pieces he referenced in his opening statement.

The jury deliberated under two hours before returning the guilty verdicts on all charges.


Riverside Grill Thursday Specials

-Beef Barley soup w/ 1/2 tuna salad sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Cold Plate- Chicken, shrimp, and pasta salads 7.99
-Fried Shrimp Platter w/ fries and cole slaw 9.99
-Raspberry Walnut Salad 7.99
-Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Circumstances Resulted In A Momentous Occurrence In Pocomoke City.

It was an action intended for a future political celebration but it led to most undesirable consequences five years later, in 1883, in Pocomoke City.

Read about the series of circumstances that contributed to an unfortunate and bazaar incident.. this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Lottery Powerball Jackpot Has One Winner....

....and it wasn't here!!

ONE ticket sold in Iowa matched all six numbers drawn Wednesday night to win the $202.1 million jackpot in the Powerball lottery.

The numbers drawn:
Powerball: 10
Power Play multiplier: 2

There were six tickets that matched five numbers -- but not the Powerball. One ticket, which had the Power Play option, wins $2 million. It was sold in New York. The other five each win $1 million. They were sold in Georgia, Iowa, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington.

The next drawing is Saturday, with a jackpot of $40 million.

Worcester County Library's "Snake Stories"

TONIGHT! Navy Requests Public Comment On Wallops Runway Use

A public meeting will be conducted tonight on the proposal by the Navy to use the Wallops runway for practice landings and takeoffs. The meeting will be at the visitor's center from 5 until 8 PM. Local residents will get the opportunity to seek information and share their opinions.

The U.S. Navy has prepared and released to the public a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the potential environmental effects that may result from the Navys proposal to conduct regular, scheduled E-2C/D Hawkeye and C-2A Greyhound Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) operations at either Emporia-Greensville Regional Airport or at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center's Wallops Flight Facility (WFF). Under the proposal, these twin engine, turboprop aircraft would conduct up to 20,000 FCLP passes annually at the selected field. The Navy has not identified a preferred site in this EA.

Naval Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) Fentress is the single, local FCLP outlying landing field supporting two major naval air installations, Naval Air Station Oceana and Naval Station Norfolk Chambers Field. NALF Fentress lacks the capacity to support all FCLP training requirements under all operational conditions. As a result FCLP training for E-2 and C-2 aircraft is routinely conducted at NALF Fentress during late night and early morning hours (from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). Additionally, the training capacity shortfalls that result from having only one local facility to support two major naval air stations can require the use of alternative FCLP equipped airfields out of the local area.

Public input is very important in order for the Navy to fully understand community concerns and relevant issues. Individuals interested in the project are encouraged to provide their comments on the document within the public comment period from September 06 to October 05, 2012.


"2012 Denim & Diamonds Gala"

Friday   November 9, 2012
6:00 PM until Midnight
Seacrets Resort
Ocean City, Maryland

The casual evening of celebration includes a lavish buffet dinner, open bar, dancing to live music by The Bull Buckers, and silent and live auctions.  

All proceeds will benefit The Salisbury School’s scholarship and operational funds. 

Tickets are $100 per person and are available in advance by calling the school at 410/742-4464, ext.

BINGO Is Back ~ Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Co.



Regular Bingo
2nd & 4th Saturday of each month
7:00 PM

Hamburgers, hotdogs, and drinks for sale
(sometimes homemade desserts)

Come join the fun and show your support for the station!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

7 Week Old Puppy Stolen From Shelter On Eastern Shore

An animal rescue group on the Eastern Shore said it needs help finding a couple who it said stole a 7-week-old puppy from its shelter on Tuesday afternoon.

Susan Beall of the Animal Resource Foundation said a couple walked into their adoption center along Piney Narrows Road in Chester around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday to look at some puppies and quickly left, taking a little miniature pinscher/Chihuahua-mix named Mango.

Beall said workers didn't realize the pup had been taken until after the couple drove away.

She said Mango is only 7 weeks old and hasn't yet fully been weaned from his mother. He only weighs about 2 pounds.

Beall said they're looking for the man and woman, who were described as in their 20s. She said the man was about 6 feet tall with dark hair and a strong body. She said his left arm was covered in tattoos.

Anyone with information on the theft or the puppy's whereabouts is urged to call 410-643-8700 or email Beall said a $500 reward is being offered.

Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co. Cadets ~ Spaghetti Dinner

Murder In Federalsburg, MD. Under Investigation

From the Maryland State Police
(FEDERALSBURG, MD) – Maryland State Police are continuing their investigation into the apparent murder of a man whose body was found just before midnight yesterday, not long after a 911 caller said they heard possible gunshots in the area.

The victim is identified as Anthony C. Abner, Jr., 21, of the 100-block of Brooklyn Avenue, Federalsburg, Md. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators were contacted early this morning by the Federalsburg Police Department and asked to assume the investigation into the death of Abner. The preliminary investigation indicates that shortly before midnight on September 25, 2012, Federalsburg Police Department officers were dispatched to the 200-block of East Central Avenue, Federalsburg, for the report of a body seen lying on the pavement in front of the business located there. When they arrived, officers found Abner’s body, which had sustained at least one apparent gunshot wound. EMS personnel were called and pronounced him dead.

State Police Homicide Unit investigators have continued the investigation throughout the night. They have been assisted by State Police crime scene technicians and Easton Barrack criminal investigators, as well as by members of the Federalsburg Police Department, Caroline County Sheriff’s Office, and the Caroline County Drug Task Force. The Caroline County State’s Attorney was also notified and responded to the scene.

Investigators contacted residents in the area and have been interviewing family and friends of the victim. It is believed the victim may have been living in Federalsburg for less than a month, after moving there from Seaford, Delaware.

There is no known motive for this murder and no suspects have been arrested at this time. Anyone who may have witnessed this shooting, or may have information about the victim is urged to contact Maryland State Police immediately at 410-819-4747 or 410-822-3101.

Sadin Murder Trial Continues Wednesday In Accomack County Circuit Court

Mark Smith accused in the murder of
Vladimir Sadin
By Connie Morrison

The first day of trial for Mark Smith, accused in the February murder of Vladimir Sadin, saw the selection of a jury and technical testimony from investigators, the medical examiner who conducted the autopsy, and a firearms expert.

Defense attorney Carl Bundick raised objections to the Commonwealths peremptory strikes of potential jurors because 3 of the 4 excused by the Commonwealth were African American. (Peremptory strikes are the potential jurors who are removed, after others have been removed for cause, to arrive at the final jury. The defense attorney and the Commonwealths Attorney take turns striking names from the candidate list until there are 13 left enough to field a 12-person jury with an alternate.) The Supreme Court has said that jurors cannot be excluded on the basis of race, and if a defendant believes a potential juror was removed based on race, he or she can challenge the exclusion. Deputy Commonwealths Attorney Matthew Brenner provided explanations for excusing those potential jurors, and Judge W. Revell Lewis III ruled that they are valid. The make-up of the Jury is now about evenly split between African American and Caucasian jurors.

Once the selection was finalized, both the Commonwealth and Defense offered their opening statements. Mr. Brenner told the jury he would present evidence of a seamless case, and listed the elements of the Commonwealths physical evidence and testimony. Mr. Bundick reminded the jury that opening statements are not evidence, and likened the Commonwealths case to puzzle pieces that the Commonwealth must put together. He said the Commonwealth lacks physical evidence to link Mr. Smith to the shooting, and without that the case does not hang together.

Commonwealths witnesses included investigators, who described the process of finding and securing evidence. The medical examiner that performed the autopsy described the wounds for the jury, and concluded that the cause of death was death by a gunshot wound to the abdomen. A firearm examiner also testified that casings and bullets indicate that at least 3 firearms were discharged at the scene of the shooting.

The trial continues Wednesday morning in Accomack County Circuit Court.

Delmarva Discovery Center Benefit Golf Tournament

Pocomoke City Mayor & Council Meeting Minutes/8/6/12

August 6, 2012

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday August 6, 2012. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Donald L. Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice

Review Minutes:
In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed), to approve the minutes of July 2, 2012.

Review Bills:
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).

Tim Richo and Adrian Smith to request use of vacant City property for football training activities:
Mayor Morrison stated that he understood that they would like to use the vacant City property for football training. Mr. Richo and Mr. Smith used the lot a couple of weeks ago for football training camps and that went very well.
Councilman Malloy asked about how many kids participated in the football camp.
Mr. Smith stated about 50 kids participated.
Mayor Morrison asked if they had a sponsor and about their plans to carry out the program, (insurance, etc).
Mr. Richo stated that a local bike club the “Redliners”will be their sponsor. The. Salvation Army said that they would provide insurance for the program.
Mayor Morrison asked if they could provide a letter from the Salvation Army.
Mayor Morrison stated that a lease agreement would need to be signed and submit proof of insurance before practice can begin.
In a motion (Tasker, Downing passed), to allow Tim Richo and Adrian Smith to use the vacant City property for football training activities once all documents have been received and signed.

Authorize Mayor to sign Emergency Res. No. 465 authorizing submission of 2012 Community Legacy Grant application:
Mayor Morrison read for the record Resolution No. 465.
In a motion (Clarke, Downing passed) to authorize the Mayor to sign Resolution 465 to submit Community Legacy Grant Application. Roll call: Downing, aye; Tasker, aye; Malloy, aye; Clarke, aye.

Authorize submission of a Community Parks and Playground application for golf course and fairgrounds grandstand improvements to D.N.R.
City Manager Blake stated that he would like to submit four CP&P projects this year: for Golf course improvements to include: paving cart paths #2 and #9; a new maintenance shop; and HVAC for the Log Cabin; and Fair Grounds Park-grandstand repairs.
The total for these projects would be approximately $109,500 and the application is due August 20. The City would need to contribute 10% to 15% if the applications are granted.
In a motion (Malloy, Tasker passed) for submission of a Community Parks and Playground application for the referenced projects.

Review letters of recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission:

  1. Wayne Lambertson Subdivision:
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Chairman Seidel approving a subdivision plat for Wayne Lambertson, tax map 92 parcel 204. (U.S. Rt. 13).
In a motion (Tasker, Malloy passed) to approve Wayne Lamberston subdivision request for tax map 92 parcel 204.

  1. Boundary realignment plat for D.C.M. Leasing, LLC (Buchanan Subaru):
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Chairman Seidel recommending boundary realignment plat for D.C.M. Leasing, LLC tax map 84, parcels 285,307,319,329 and 335.
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed) to approve boundary realignment plat for D.C.M. Leasing, LLC.

  1. Buchanan Subaru site plan:
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Chairman Seidel concerning site plans for Buchanan Subaru at the former Frostrom Subaru.
Mr. Mark Frostrom stated that when D.C.M. Leasing, LLC bought the dealership, they were required to build a new building and update the facility.
In a motion (Tasker, Clarke) to accept the concept plan for Buchanan Subaru, as recommended by the Commission.

Discuss letter from property owners Mike Dunn and Gene Dunn regarding recent inspection at 124 Willow Street. (Former Lawson’s Bar):
Mayor Morrison read a letter from Dunn Realty for the record. Mayor Morrison stated that they were given 30 days to respond to a recent inspection of 124 Willow Street. The Dunn’s stated that they plan to demolish and remove the southeastern section of the building. Once the demolition is completed there will be some miscellaneous repairs to the exterior wall and they anticipate completion would be around January 2013.
In a motion (Tasker, Clarke passed) to accept proposed plans and schedule regarding partial demolition and repairs to building at of 124 Willow Street.

Authorize purchases of new equipment:
  1. New garbage truck:
City Manager Blake stated the Public Works Superintendent Bill East has been contacting all local and known dealers and he has gotten three (3) quotes with Tom’s Trucks being the low bid of $136,900 for a 2013 Kenworth Chassis with 25 C.Y. Pak-Mor Packer. Maryland Industrial Trucks bid for a 2012 Freightliner Chassis with 25 C.Y. New Way Packer was $138,655, and the Barr International bid for a 2013 International Chassis with 25 C.Y. Pak-Mor Packer was $139,642.
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to accept Tom’s Trucks bid in the amount of $136,900 for a 2013 Kenworth Chassis with 25 C.Y. Pak-Mor Packer and waiving the normal bidding process.

  1. Used Tee Mower ($12,995)
City Manager Blake stated the Golf Course Superintendent Doug Guns has received two quotes for a used tee mower one from Finch Services with low quote of $12, 995. The other quote was from Turf Equipment in the amount of $15,000.
In a motion (Tasker, Clarke passed) to accept Finch Services Inc. in the amount of $12,955 for a John Deere tee mower , and waiving the normal bidding process.

  1. Ambulance:
City Manager Blake stated that the ambulance was brought up in the spring, but now that the budget has been approved the Department would like to order it.
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed) to purchase from FESCO Emergency Sales in the amount of $169,483, based on bids received earlier this year.

Review preliminary inspection report from Hamblin and Associates, Inc. for Armory building at 300 Second Street:
City Manager Blake stated that last month the Mayor & Council authorized a contract with Hamblin & Associates to do an inspection of the Armory building. Mr. Hamblin responded today with a preliminary evaluation. There are some parts of the building that they have not evaluated. However, they have looked at the structure and roof. According to this letter there is a structural problem with the right side wall of the main building showing signs of wall movement. The front entrance ramp has a structural problem, and the building needs major masonry repair and point up. The roof is at the end its economic life. The front flat roof has seen years of make-shift repairs. It needs to be stripped, insulation board installed for energy efficiency and to channel water to the roof drain, and roof replaced. The gym roof has very little remaining life; it should be stripped off and replaced. There is water damage shown on the side of the building in several places, lead paint, mold, fungus and asbestos floor tiles. The building is not handicap accessible and would not meet the ADA requirements at this date. Basically he recommended getting inspections of the boiler and looking at other areas that he has not seen yet. He recommended hiring a structural engineer to evaluate primarily the right side wall but also to provide an overview of the entire building. We will also need phase one and phase two environmental studies and have an architect draw plans once the use of the building is determined. First would be to repair the masonry walls, replace roofs, windows and doors to stabilize the building from further deterioration.
Mayor Morrison stated that there wasn’t much that they could do until a final report was completed but it sounds very costly to repair.
Councilman Tasker asked if the Armory was an historic building.
City Manager Blake stated that it is not a on the historical register, but it is in a historic district.

Discuss status of proposed lease and conditions with Save the Youth of Armory gym:
Bishop Jenkins stated that they were there to see if they can be approved to use the armory building.
Mayor Morrison stated that most of the things that were asked of Save the Youth have not been completed and a list was given to them a couple of times. After hearing the report on the building it is almost scary for anybody to be in that building of safety concerns.
Councilman Malloy stated that he would like to see the building closed before the City has assumed a lot of liability. The building is in bad shape and very nasty. There is a lot of dampness and mold and we are finding more and more things wrong with the building.
Councilwoman Downing stated that she would like to have all the reports before making a decision, but she would like for Save the Youth to use the gym for the summer.
Mayor Morrison stated that something happened two weeks ago that should not have happened. A certain gentleman had taken it upon himself to allow somebody go into the building and use the gym without permission, and that put the City in a bad position. There were kids upstairs and other places in the building.
Bishop Jenkins stated that that person had no business doing what he did, but he did, and he is no longer president of the Board of Directors.
Councilwoman Downing asked what was missing from the list.
City Manager Blake that they were given a written list and they the City has not received anything in writing showing what has been completed.
Mayor Morrison stated that the building needs to be closed until a final report is completed.
Councilman Tasker asked if they could use the building across the street on Maple Street.
Bishop Jenkins stated that it was too small for them.
Mayor Morrison asked if Bishop Jenkins’ office could be there.
Bishop Jenkins’ and his group then left the meeting room.

First Reading of Ord. No. 410 regarding Ethics:
AN ORDINANCE enacted by the City Council of Pocomoke City to
amend Chapter 37 of the Pocomoke City Code to comply with the
local government requirements of Subtitle 8 of the Maryland Public
Ethics Law (Md. Code Ann. State Gov’t Title 15 (Suppl.2022)).

Discuss 2012-13 Community Greening Program Grant:
Councilman Clarke stated that Chesapeake Bay Trust has announced the 2012-13 Community Greening Grant Program. The goal of the program is to increase the percentage of tree canopy and green spaces in urban areas, encouraging communities in the state to integrate trees and natural areas into stormwater management. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 28, 2012.

Comments from Audience:
Josh Nordstorm, President Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber had hired an executive director; her hours will be Tuesday-Saturday 10-4 PM. Brooke Cottman is working in the office as an intern. They have rearranged the Chamber office which is now more welcoming. The outside has been power washed by the City and is ready to be painted. The County is giving the Chamber $3,000 toward new brochures and he requested the City to match the County. Mr. Nordstorm also discussed Pocomoketoberfest that will be held in October.
Mayor Morrison thanked Mr. Nordstorm for coming in and giving an update on the Chamber.
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to match the funds from Worcester County in the amount of up to $3,000 for new brochures for the Chamber.
Mr. Nordstorm thanked the Mayor and Council for their support.
City Manager Blake stated that the Chamber would need to complete a lease agreement and get their one day beer and wine license for their festival in October.

Bill Kerbin stated that there was a safety issue with the crosswalk on Market Street for the new restaurant. It really needs to be further away from the bridge because traffic crossing the south lane can’t see pedestrians He asked if it could be moved.
City Manager Blake stated that is the only place the State could place the crosswalk because of the curbing, but maybe there could be better signage.
J.D. Ervin suggested that the State Hwy could put up flashing lights for the pedestrian crossing.

In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed) to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M.


Carol L. Justice
City Clerk

SAVE THE DATE ~Best Wings On Delmarva

Community Policing Events/Community Watch Meetings

September28th, Stockton Community Watch at the Stockton Fire Department at 6p.m.

 October 3rd, Girdletree, Girdletree Fire Dept at 6 p.m.

 October 10th, Bishopville, Bishopville Fire Dept at 6 p.m.

 October 17th, Newark, Newark Fire Dept at 6 p.m.

 October 25th, Germantown, Germantown School on Trappe Rd, Germantown at 6 p.m.

November 2nd, Stockton , Stockton Fire Dept at 6 p.m.