Sunday, November 11, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... A Visit To Newtown In 1874.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1874

(Bucks County Gazette- Bristol, Pa.)


Newtown, Md., March 22, 1874

(Four years before Newtown's name was changed to Pocomoke City.)


Newtown... is a specimen town of the South in every sense of the word. The majority of the buildings are old, some very much dilapidated from the wear and tear of time, and all, with the exception of those built in the last few years, constructed on the plan so much used in the long ago throughout the South. With their high, sharp roofs, chimneys built out-of-doors, and their general forsaken look, they remind one forcibly of a deserted village, or one which had gone to sleep in some previous age, and had never been able to shake off the lethargy which had taken possession of it.

But in spite of appearances, Newtown is not asleep. She has one large hotel, the "Clarke House," capable of accommodating 300 guests, and one or two of smaller dimensions, several restaurants and drinking saloons-although the latter do not add anything to her credit- and the usual number of dry-goods, grocery, trimmings, and other stores, which go to make up the trade of a Country town; and there is one thing about these stores which would be well for some of your Bristol storekeepers to take pattern by- they nearly all are run on the cash system- and in conversation with the proprietors of one of the largest of them they pay better than the practice of giving a miscellaneous credit.

There are two barber shops, one run by a white and the other a colored engineer, and even here we find the usual sign, "Friend, do not ask for credit, as I cannot and will not trust."

There are two saw-mills, a ship-yard (where there are two schooners now on the stocks), a carriage manufactory, and a canning factory.

Oysters are here in abundance, and large fresh oysters, only one day out of the waters of the Chesapeake bay, sell for 25-cents per bushel. On arriving at the hotel on Friday evening we were greeted with stewed oysters for supper, on Saturday morning we had them fried for breakfast, at noon oyster pie for dinner, and since that time up to the present writing (Sunday evening) we have had them in various ways four different times- so you see a man need not go hungry here for oysters.

There is one printing office here, from which are issued three weekly papers, "The Newtown Record And Gazette," "The Berlin Times," and "The Crisfield Index," the two latter being published for the towns whose name they bear, and which lie about thirty miles from here in opposite directions. 

The people of Newtown can not be said to be deprived of religious influences, having five churches from which to take their choice. There is a Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Methodist Protestant, beside two colored churches, one of which is a Baptist and the other Methodist.

... The people here, as a general thing, are of refined and intelligent manners, social in the extreme, and, like those of some or our northern country towns, anxious to make the acquaintance of a stranger. We had not been in town more than two hours before the business that brought us, the time we were to stay, and our name were known by the majority of the residents of the place, and we have almost begun to feel as though we were one of the "olden" inhabitants. 

Newtown is known for its good looking ladies. We have here seen some young ladies as handsome as it has been our pleasure to meet with anywhere, and in style and arrangement of dress they will compare favorably with those of any of our northern country towns.

The weather here is very unsettled. There has fallen a large amount of rain during the past week, but to-day has been beautiful, with the exception of a strong northerly wind.

Wishing you the continuing success which has crowned your efforts since starting your newspaper, I am respectfully, D.M.S.

  January, 1924

The Shore Transit Company was planning to establish a new route to its services that would go from Salisbury to Crisfield, Pocomoke, Snow Hill, and Berlin.

  June, 1940

(The Salisbury Times)


Baltimore, June 19-(AP)- Another "Blue Law"- this time a question of swimming on Sunday mornings- was scheduled for airing in police court today.

It was described by Police Commissioner, Robert F. Stanton, as a "test case" which he hoped the courts will settle.

Police issued summonses both to bathers and managers and personnel of two semi-private swimming pools yesterday when bathers were permitted to plunge in before 2P.M.

The law forbids charging admission for profit, before that hour on Sunday.
A platoon of police "raided" the two pools shortly before noon.

Plainclothesmen who had preceded them said they had been able to rent bathing suits.

June, 1967

(Salisbury Daily Times "People Patter" column)

What reward can one expect after serving as a club secretary for many years. Ben Cohen of the Pocomoke City Kiwanis Club was given a "night" recently by the club in recognition of his service to the community and work as club secretary for most of the 13 years the club has been in existence.

  Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... A Visit To Newtown In 1874.

It's four years prior to Newtown changing its name to Pocomoke City, and a visitor writes a letter to the editor of a Pennsylvania newspaper with his observations of the town. Oysters are abundant, selling for 25-cents a bushel. The residents "are of refined and intelligent manners, **social in the extreme." He comments that "Newtown is known for its good looking ladies."

**(Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore?)

Read more about the Newtown of 1874 on this Sunday's TIME MACHINE here at the Pocomoke Public Eye!  

  Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Accomack County Residents PLEASE READ !

There still seems to be alot of confusion for  many citizens in Accomack County that have been so devastated by Hurricane Sandy.

Please read the information below that comes  from WESR.  Copy down the listed phone numbers and keep them until they are no longer needed.  They are the numbers to call in order to get any assistance you may need and some of the information you may have not known.

IF YOUR HOME IN ACCOMACK COUNTY WAS DAMAGED BY HURRICANE SANDY, report damages to your home or property by calling the Building and Zoning Department at 757-787-5721.
FEMA: The Commonwealth of Virginia has not received a Federal Declaration which means FEMA assistance is NOT available at this time.

WELLWATER: If well head was submerged, it is considered not safe for consumption until it has been chlorinated. For more information and assistance, contact the Department of Health at

DRINKING WATER: Persons in need of drinking water and emergency food - A distribution site has been set up at the Saxis Volunteer Fire Department.

DEBRIS: Storm debris can be taken to the Accomack Northern or the Southern Landfill, as well as the Painter Convenience Center until November 20, 2012 at NO CHARGE. You will be required to provide your name and 911 address of the location where the debris originated.

Accomack County is currently working with volunteer groups to assist with debris removal caused by the storm. 
If you need assistance or would like to offer assistance with debris removal and/or fallen trees, contact Mr. Fischer of Public Works at 757-787-1468.

SCAMS: Be cautious of possible scams. Make thorough checks into businesses offering to clear debris with claims that FEMA (or
anyone) will reimburse you.

 FEMA assistance is NOT  available at this time.

  Please pass this information on.....                                     

Riverside Grill Pocomoke Specials For Saturday

Bring the kids out! *
ALL DAY this Saturday and Sunday

* Get a free kid's meal with the purchase of an adult's meal if you mention you saw this special on Pocomoke Public Eye or Facebook*

November 10, 2012

-Cream of Crab Soup w/ 1/2 deli sandwich or side salad 6.99
-Ale Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99*
-NC Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich w/ hush puppies and cole slaw 6.99
-Tropical Salad w/ chilled shrimp and honey mustard 8.99

*Take another $1 OFF shrimp baskets ALL DAY every Saturday*

@ 8 Pm: $3 Corona, Corona Lights, and Red Stripes, $3.50 Stoli drinks


Friday, November 9, 2012

"Let's Hear It For The Bay!"


Saturday   November 10, 2012

Here is the schedule of events:

• 11 AM & 1 PM- Diamondback Terrapin Presentation by Bethany Kivela from the MD Environmental Service
• 12 PM & 2 PM – Dive Dialogue featuring the shenanigans of Aquarist Sarah and Scorchy, the Center’s Diamondback Terrapin

• 3 PM – Turtle Terminology Animal Presentation

Photo/ DDC

Also Featuring

• Crafts
• Facepainting from 12 PM- 4 PM
• Our Store Holiday Event all day long!


In Case You Missed It ~ Change Maryland

Maryland: A lonely state for RepublicansWashington Times 11.08.12

"Larry Hogan, who has railed against Democratic-driven tax increases in the state, said Republicans can unite both their base and non-Republicans by focusing on one issue: the economy. Most people want private-sector growth and jobs, not more government."

Watch out for the latest progressive scheme: the Genuine Progress Indicator
National Review 10.25.12

"It is troubling that the GPI can be used to simply paper over economic statistics political leaders dislike. Under O’Malley, Maryland is falling further behind its regional competitors, according to objective, accepted, and proven measures supplied by legitimate organizations." - Change Maryland

O'Malley Again Uses State Resources To Promote Misleading Economic Data
SBY News 10.20.12

"There is no need to have economic development staff waste time concocting convoluted charts and graphs for what is simple and undeniable math," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "If the governor really cares about job growth, he should order his staff to determine what the problems are..."

Radical-in-chief in Annapolis

Maryland Public Policy Institute 10.19.12

"The GPI is important because what we measure is who we will become. Redefining growth will put us on a path to a bigger, more expensive, and more overreaching government than we already have at a time we can least afford it."

Unemployment Insurance Taxes Drop after Rising

St. Mary's County Times 10.19.12

Larry Hogan, of Change Maryland, which has dogged the administration at every turn on virtually every policy position, said that the tax rate reduction was a minuscule accomplishment.

Latest Numbers Confirms Maryland's Status as Regional Laggard in Economy

Gazette 10.19.12

“The fact remains that Maryland is a regional laggard in loss of taxpayers, job growth and businesses,” said Larry Hogan, chairman of economic watchdog group Change Maryland.

Odds and Ends No. 61
Monoblogue 10.17.12

"Finally, another requirement the Democrats in charge of Annapolis seem to be flunking is honesty in economic reporting. Instead of giving us the real news – which has been generally bad – they’re resorting to obfuscation. Change Maryland sent this along to me last week.."

O'Malley unveils progress yardstick
Annapolis Capitol 10.13.12

"Change Maryland, an economic watchdog group founded by Larry Hogan, is not impressed with O’Malley’s new yardstick."

New progress index pits wealth vs. well-being
Maryland Reporter 10.12.12

"This is an effort to throw out real economic reports and adopt a radical propaganda campaign inspired by the failed model of central economic planning." - Change Maryland

Change Maryland on Raising State Debt Limit
Pocomoke Public Eye 10.2.12

"The O'Malley Administration proved to everyone that with more revenues, come more spending.  In their view, a debt-induced spending binge will somehow create thousands of jobs, the estimates of which are pulled out of thin air," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.

Layoffs in State Resume Disturbing Trend
Examiner 9.27.12

"We have heard on many occasions that Maryland is a job creation pit - the group Change Maryland has picked up thousands of Facebook followers and made Larry Hogan a person in political demand simply by pointing this out."

Spirit Of Christmas Weekend - Shop Local

NOVEMBER 9th through the 11th!
Frugals Design

H&H Furniture will unveil their annual Spirit of Christmas Weekend this Friday with discounts and deals store wide. You'll enjoy refreshments, free gift bagging and door prizes.

Riverside Grill Friday Specials

4  -  7 PM
@ 8:00 PM -
$1.50 domestic drafts,
$3.50 capt morgan
sailor jerry drinks


-Cream of Crab Soup w/ 1/2 ham sandwich or side salad 6.99
-Wedge Salad w/ blackened shrimp 8.99
-Mahi-Mahi Wrap w/ fries 9.99
-Ale Batter Fried Shrimp Platter 9.99
-Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99

Chincoteague Nat'l. Wildlife Refuge Update

Public Access Update for
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge

Chincoteague VA - Today Deputy Refuge Manager Kim Halpin provided updates on the expanded hours of operation at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, pertaining to trails, visitor centers and other amenities.

The following actions are effective as of Saturday, November 10, 2012:

  • The Refuge will open daily from 7 am - 5 pm.
    • Beach Road will open to all vehicle traffic, from the refuge entrance to the pony corral. A barricade exists, prohibiting further vehicular access. Parking is permitted on the side of the road.
    • Only pedestrian and bicycle traffic is permitted beyond the barricade. For your convenience, additional bike racks will be placed along Beach Road, near the Toms Cove visitor center.
    • Most of the refuge trails are open, including the Wildlife Loop, Marsh Trail, Lighthouse Trail, Black Duck Trail, Woodland Trail and Swans Cove Trail.
    • Wildlife Loop Trail will open to vehicle access from 3pm to 5 pm.
    • The Over-Sand Vehicle (OSV) Zone remains closed
    • The Toms Cove visitor center, managed by the National Park Service, is open from 9 am - 4 pm.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding, while cleanup efforts continue. To obtain information and updates about future access and ongoing activities, please visit our website at, follow our tweets at, or tune your radio to 1610 AM (must be within a 5 mile radius).

    Visit the Delmarva Discovery Center This Weekend!

    From Delegate Lynwood Lewis (VA) To The Citizens of the Eastern Shore

    To The Citizens on the Eastern Shore
     Affected by Hurricane Sandy
        I understand your frustration and concerns and I appreciate your being proactive and engaged in this process.  This has been a devastating, once in a generation natural disaster and my heart goes out to the victims.  I cannot imagine the sense of loss.  Having lived on the Shore all of my life, I am well aware of the damage that can be inflicted in our low-lying areas by a normal storm let alone one of this horrific size. 

                The Governor had declared a State of Emergency on the morning of October 26, which allowed deployment of the National Guard.  It was also a required step in the Federal Disaster declaration requirements.  The President has already entered an Executive Order signed early last Tuesday morning that will allow some clean-up aid to local governments but not to individuals.  It is my understanding that Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) was on site during the storm so they could be out in the community as soon as the storm passed.  There is no way devastation and loss such as this can be dealt with easily and unfortunately, the money flows from the Federal Government, which, therefore, sets the rules.

                 The Governor’s disaster declaration, while made by him, is part of FEMA’s federal disaster process and controlled by those federal guidelines.  This includes a required damage assessment, which statewide must reach $11 Million of uninsured damage to qualify for aid to localities and 100 homes destroyed or significantly damaged to qualify for aid to individuals.  That process is well underway and may be complete.  The Governor is not delaying but he is constrained by the process.  Disaster relief depends on Federal Dollars from FEMA, which pass through the Virginia Division of Emergency Management (VDEM), assuming we meet the thresholds.  The state does not have significant resources for disaster relief and depends on Federal aid through FEMA.  There will likely be some red tape and frustration along the way but in addition to being thankful for no loss of life, we should also be thankful that we live in a country that has the resources to provide disaster aid.

                If the damage is less than 100 homes, the Governor can still make the request to the President, but the ultimate decision is with the President.  I will, of course, encourage the Governor (should he need encouragement) to make the request even if the 100 home threshold is not met.

                The County has set up a “Frequently Asked Questions” webpage you can visit that website here  The Virginia Department of Emergency Management also has a website, with some useful general information.

                Early on Tuesday morning after the storm, I tried to contact every Mayor in waterfront localities from Chincoteague to Cape Charles to find out what the damage was and to offer whatever assistance I could to deal with the aftermath and the clean up.  I was unable to get in touch with Mayor Drewer on Saxis Tuesday morning despite two attempts Tuesday and also on Wednesday, presumably because the phones were down.  But on Tuesday morning, I also talked to Steve Miner, Accomack County Administrator, to get an overall County assessment and to offer my offices’ help and specifically asked about Saxis and was told that the Accomack County Emergency Response had been able to get over to Saxis at about 6:30. I called both County Administrators.  On the Tuesday evening after the storm, my office participated in a telephone conference with the Governor.  It became apparent that Federal Emergency Management (FEMA), Virginia Emergency Management (VDEM), as well as the Red Cross were all on the scene.  I have spoken directly with VDEM and will continue to follow up with them on issues that arise.

                I know that the devastation is significant.  My office has fielded dozens of calls and has provided information and generally pointed folks in the right direction and we continue to do so.  We posted numerous items of information and details on our Facebook page and the Hurricane Sandy page including how the disaster process works.  I will have it posted again.   The disaster aid process, as with most Federal programs, is complicated.  The will no doubt be frustrations along the way.

                Please be assured that I am doing everything that I can at my level of elected office to help our citizens and that I will continue to do so.  I am as close and available as a telephone call or an email.   All of our local elected officials know me and have my cell phone number.

                Again, my contact information is and (866) 787-1094.

    Accomack County Phone Numbers You May Need For Storm Cleanup

    More announcements from Accomack County..ACDPS

    Accomack Board Passes Matching Funds For Wallops Park

    By Connie Morrison
    The Accomack County Board of Supervisors held a special joint work session with the Wallops Research Park Leadership Council on November 7 to review the status of the Research Park plans.

    The Research Park has been on the drawing board several years, but has hit snags that have kept it from moving forward.

    Governor Bob McDonnell's offer of a $4 million grant from the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund to pay for a taxiway has placed some urgency on completing the next steps. The grant application is due December 1, and terms of the grant would require a $4 million local match that would be used to build Research Park roads and water and sewer systems.

    District 3 Supervisor Grayson Chesser voiced concerns over the feasibility of such an installation, and the ability of it to be self-sustaining. In response, Caroline Massey, Assistant Director of Management Operations at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and NASA Wallops Flight Facility, and member of the Wallops Research Park Leadership Council, said her office receives business opportunity calls every week that it turns away for lack of facilities to house them. As further assurance, she added that NASA will not complete with the private sector and that all interests for office space, staging, and storage will be referred to the research park.

    In the end, the Board of Supervisor passed a resolution on an 8-1 vote approving the $4 million in matching funds, and authorized County staff to proceed with the issuance of bonds once the state grant is made.


    Thursday, November 8, 2012

    Arrest Report/ Pocomoke City Police

    OCTOBER  2012

    10/01/2012 Marvin Roundtree, age 44 of Princess Anne, MD was arrested and charged with 1st Degree Assault, 2nd Degree Assault and Malicious Destruction of Property. Roundtree was taken before the Commissioner and released on $5,000 Bond.

    10/02/2012 Desmond Roberts, age 18 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for 1st Degree Assault, 2nd Degree Assault and Reckless Endangerment. Roberts was released on his own personal recognizance.

    10/05/2012 Hakeem McBride, age 22 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on two (2) Outstanding Warrants; the first Warrant was for charges of Assault 2nd Degree, Failure to Obey, Resist/Interfere, Reckless Endangerment and Child Abduction (relative) in State. The second Warrant was for charges of Disorderly Conduct and False Imprisonment. McBride was transported to the Worcester County Jail.

    10/05/2012 Latia Stoudmire, age 20 of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged with Obstructing and Hindering and False Statement. Stoudmire was issued a Criminal Citation and released pending trial.

    10/05/2012 Ahjah Dickerson, age 18 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Assault. Dickerson was released on her own personal recognizance.

    10/05/2012 Satoria Ginn, age 19 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Assault.
    Ginn was released on her own personal recognizance.

    10/05/2012 Travon Trader, age 19 of Pocomoke City, MD was charged with Resist/Interference with a Criminal Investigation. Trader was released on Citation pending trial.

    10/05/2012 Shawntia Hutt, age 18 of Pocomoke City, MD was charged on a Criminal Summons for Malicious Destruction of Property. Hutt was released pending trial.

    10/05/2012 Kalifah Milton, age 18 of Pocomoke City, MD was charged on a Criminal Summons for Malicious Destruction of Property. Milton was released pending trial.

    10/06/2012 Anthony Holden, age 48 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for charges of FTA/VOP 2nd Degree Assault. Holden was released pending trial.

    10/09/2012 Dequawn Chisum, age 19 of New Church, VA was arrested and charged with Theft. Chisum was placed on $15,000 Bond and is being held at the Worcester County Jail. Chisum was also charged on an Outstanding Warrant on FTA Theft and was placed on an additional $3,000 Bond.

    10/10/2012 Johnnie Walters, age 30 of Deal Island, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for charges of Trespass on Private Property. Walters was released on his own recognizance.

    10/12/2012 Leon Briddell, age 19 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for Violation of Probation. Briddell was released to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.

    10/12/2012 Justin Jackson, age 25 of Princess Anne, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for charges of Prohibit/Alcohol Beverage. Jackson was released to the Charles County Sheriff’s Office.

    10/15/2012 Kenisha Wallop, age 18 of Horntown, VA was arrested and charged with Theft. Wallop was released on Citation.

    10/16/2012 Jeffrey Myers, age 47 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with DWI and other traffic offenses. Myers was released on Citation pending Trial.

    10/18/2012 John Northam, age 31 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for charges of Prohibit/Alcohol Beverage. Northam was released on his own recognizance.

    10/18/2012 Ofer Biton, age 41 from the Country of Israel was arrested and charged with Contraband Possession with Intent to Deliver, Transportation of unstamped cigarettes and Possession of untaxed cigarettes. Biton was released to the Maryland Comptroller’s Office.

    10/18/2012 Yossef Dahan, age 59 of Brooklyn, NY was arrested and charged with Contraband Possession with Intent to Deliver, Transportation of unstamped cigarettes and Possession of untaxed cigarettes. Dahan was released to the Maryland Comptroller’s Office.

    10/18/2012 Lion Forst, age 43 of Wilkes Barre, PA was arrested and charged with Transportation of unstamped cigarettes and Possession of untaxed cigarettes. Forst was released to the Maryland Comptroller’s Office.10/19/2012 Norman Crawley, age 36 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for charges of Theft. Crawley was released on his own recognizance.

    10/19/2012 John Northam, age 31 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested again on an Outstanding Warrant for Contempt. Northam was released on $500 cash Bond.

    10/19/2012 Christopher Thompson, age 20 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with Theft. Thompson was released on a Criminal Summons pending trial.

    10/24/2012 Harum Rahim, age 38 of Hagerstown, MD was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant from Georgia for FTA Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (auto), 2nd Degree Forgery and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Rahim is being held in the Worcester County Jail pending extradition to Georgia.

    10/24/2012 Demarco Moore, age 30 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with Malicious Destruction of Property. Moore is being held at the Worcester County Jail on $5,000 Bond.

    10/24/2012 Lauren Hewitt, age 18 of New Church, VA was arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Assault. Hewett was released on her own recognizance.

    10/25/2012 Deon Blake, age 20 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with Theft. Blake was released on a Criminal Summons.

    10/27/2012 Jarvis Harmon, age 24 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with DWI. Harmon was released on Citation pending trial.

    10/28/2012 Keith Gray, age 22 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with Theft and Failure to Obey an Officer. Gray was released on Citation pending trial.

    10/30/2012 Anthony Gale, age 22 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested on three (3) Outstanding Warrants; first Warrant was for charges of 2nd Degree Assault, second Warrant was on charges of Possession of CDS and the third Warrant was for charges of 2nd Degree Assault. Gale is being held at the Worcester County Jail on $31,000 Bond.

    10/31/2012 Carol Trader, age 50 of Pocomoke City, MD was arrested and charged with Theft. Trader was released on Citation pending trial.

    The Pocomoke City Police Department issued 10
    traffic citations for Driving on a Suspended license.

    Submitted By:
    Chief K. Sewell
    Pocomoke City Police

    Thursday At the Riverside Grill ~ Pocomoke


    -Chicken Florentine soup w/ 1/2 shrimp salad sandwich or side salad 6.99
    -Buffalo Shrimp Platter w/ carrots, celery, and cole slaw 8.99
    -Wedge Salad w/ blackened shrimp 8.99
    -Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99

    Starting at 4PM - half-pound, hand patted burgers

    4 ~ 7

    @8:00 PM ~ $3.50 Bicardi drinks

    Kenyan Mother Names Twins After Obama and Romney

    Reuters Photo
    A young Kenyan mother has named her newborn twin sons after the U.S. president-elect and his defeated Republican challenger.

    Millicent Owuor, 20, gave birth to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on Wednesday at the Siaya District Hospital in southwest Kenya, according to the Standard.

    Owuor told the Kenyan news outlet her sons' names will always remind her of the election in the United States.

    The hospital is near the village of Kogelo, where where President Barack Obama's father was born and where his 90-year-old stepgrandmother, Sarah Obama, resides.

    Jubilant residents in Kogelo cheered Obama's victory as results from the United States were reported.
    Shouts of "Hail our Kogelo son" and "Obama is coming, open the road for him" rang through the air as locals blew vuvuzela horns in celebration, the Standard reports.

    "If Obama did not win, I believe most projects here would stall," Joseph Onyango told the Kenyan media outlet.

    Kenyans hope Obama's re-election will harken a fresh start for a U.S. relationship with Kenya, Reuters reports.

    Obama visited sub-Saharan Africa just once during his first four years as president—a stop of less than a day in Ghana, according to Reuters.

    If Obama does visit Kenya, maybe baby Barack can meet his namesake and baby Mitt meet the U.S. president.

    There's no word yet if there have been twins named Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.


    TIME MACHINE Preview ... A Visit To Newtown In 1874.

    It's four years prior to Newtown changing its name to Pocomoke City, and a visitor writes a letter to the editor of a Pennsylvania newspaper with his observations of the town. Oysters are abundant, selling for 25-cents a bushel. The residents "are of refined and intelligent manners, **social in the extreme." He comments that "Newtown is known for its good looking ladies."

    **(Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore?)

    Read more about the Newtown of 1874 on this Sunday's TIME MACHINE here at the Pocomoke Public Eye!  

      Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

    Attention Food Lion Shoppers !

    Do you shop at Food Lion? You can help us out!

    If you use your Food Lion MVP card you can help us out. It will not change what you buy or what you pay but each time you buy groceries a percentage of your total is donated to the
    SPCA Eastern Shore.

     Please read the simple instructions on our webpage and other ways you can help the SPCA shelter fur babies!

    ~Ice Cream For Sale ~

    Fun At the Worcester County Library

    Wednesday, November 7, 2012

    "Make A Blanket Days" ~ Help A Neighbor

    Join us and help a neighbor on DelMarVa. Make blankets for children living in the most damaged areas of DelMarVa.

    Make a Blanket Days
    Thursday and Friday, November 15-16
    10 AM until 5 PM

    Salem United Methodist Church
    2nd & Walnut Streets
    Pocomoke City MD 21851

    If you can sew, kits have been made for simple blankets. Bring your sewing machine, scissors, neutral color thread and favorite supplies.
    If you crochet or knit, bring your needles and scrap 4 ply yarn.
    If you don’t knit , crochet or sew, please come and make No-sew fleece blankets.

    Donations needed: fleece in 1 ½ - 2 yard pieces, 4 ply yarn

    For more information call Donna at 410-713-9321

    Salem UMC is handicapped accessible on the Walnut Street side.

    Wednesday Specials ~Riverside Grill

    NOVEMBER 7, 2012

    -Chicken Florentine Soup w/ 1/2 roast beef sandwich or side salad 5.99
    -Open-Face Turkey w/ stuffing and green beans 6.99
    -Buffalo & Bleu Wedge Salad 7.99
    -Ale-Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99

    4 ~ 7 PM

    @8 Pm: $2 house wines, $5 red and white cosmos,
     $2 coors light draft

    Beaver Dam Presbyterian Church Suffers From Storm Damages

    According to Reverend Jeff Howard the Beaver Dam Presbyterian Church suffered significant damages from Hurricane Sandy as the storm blew through the communities on the Eastern Shore last week.


    The church sanctuary was flooded and two large trees fell onto the Social Hall area of the church leaving two large holes in the roof.

    Photo/Jeff Howard

    Photo/Jeff Howard

    Photo/Jeff Howard

    While the clean-up process has begun and while we await to see what this newer storm will bring, Rev. Howard would appreciate prayers from the community.

    Here is the link to the Beaver Dam Presbyterian Church facebook page.
    Beaver Dam Presbyterian Church

    Test Flight From NASA Postponed

    NASA Supporting Test Flight of Commercial Rocket from Wallops
    NASA has postponed the test flight of a commercial suborbital rocket scheduled for November 7 from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia because of expected poor weather in the region the next few days.

    The new launch date is no earlier than Saturday, November 10, between 6 and 9 a.m. EST.

    The rocket to be launched is the Ventions VR-1 from Ventions LLC.

    The launch may be seen in the Wallops area.

    This launch will not be available live on the Internet and no updates will be provided on social media once the countdown begins.

    Tuesday, November 6, 2012

    Have YOU Voted ???


    Have YOU voted ??

    If YOU DON'T get around to it then please don't ever let me hear you criticize the way the government is being managed !

    Tuesday Specials ~ Riverside Grill

    NOVEMBER 6, 2012

    -Veggie Beef Noodle Soup w/ 1/2 sandwich and side salad 5.99
    -Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes and green beans 6.99
    -Raspberry Walnut Salad 7.99
    -Ale Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99

    .99 cent kids meals beginning at 4 PM

    4 - 7 PM

    Election Day Is TODAY !

    JUST DO IT !!

    Polls OPEN until 7 PM