Monday, April 8, 2013

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting

7:30 p.m., Monday, April 8, 2013
City Hall
  1. Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
2.  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of March 4, 2013.
3.  Review and approval of bills to be paid.
4.  Mayor Morrison to swear in Councilmembers Diane Downing and George Tasker for three year terms on the City Council.
5.   Selection of First and Second Vice President of the City Council for the coming year.
6.   Introduction of new police officer Jerome Stanford.
7.   Authorize Mayor to sign Proclamations:
                        A.        “Pay It Forward” (Lift Class, Salem Methodist Church)
                        B.        Fair Housing Month- April 2013
                        C.        Child Abuse Awareness Month (CRICKET Center)
                        D.        Arbor Day 2013
   8.      Representatives of Go Getters and Worcester County Health Department to discuss the establishment of Go Getters residences at 234 and 236 Morgan’s Court (Butler’s Village).
  9.       Discuss request from Save the Youth to designate a handicap parking space at 126 Willow Street.
10.       Eagles Scout candidate Nathan Stephens to discuss his Eagle project to build new picnic tables at Cypress Park.
11.       City Attorney items:
                        A.        Proposal to amend current schedule of fees and charges concerning violations of Chapter 99 of the City Code (Weeds and Vegetation)
                        B.        Proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Worcester County Jail regarding persons arrested on warrants from out-of-area jurisdictions.
12.       Discuss letter from Elks Club requesting use of Winter Quarters Municipal Golf Course for a golf tournament on May 11.
13.       City Manager to present 9 month budget summary.
14.       Discuss letter from Crisfield Marine Company for pile driving at Municipal Dock for proposed boat docking contest.  (Mike Shannon).
15.       Consider request from Assateague People of Delmarva for use of Cypress Park for Pow Wow on May 18 & 19, 2013.

Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.

Miss Pocomoke and Little Miss Pocomoke

The 55th Miss and Little Miss Pocomoke Contest
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Pocomoke City, Maryland


2013 Little Miss Pocomoke Hannah Mae East.
2013 Miss Pocomoke  Paige Noelle Stanley

Little Miss Pocomoke Hannah Mae East
Hannah is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Major East


Little Miss Runner up Caroline Nicole Webster


 From left to Right: Phoebe Shay Rantz Most Talented, Paige Noelle Stanley 2013 Miss Pocomoke, Taylor Nicole Zimmerman Peoples Choice and Runner Up, and Karisa Bre'anne Ridway Miss Congeniality

Many thanks to Ashley for sending me the info and photos.
I hope to have more info soon.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

11th Annual Pocomoke City Police Dept. Easter Egg Hunt

The sun managed to shine but those anxious egg hunters didn't seem to mind what kind of weather was in store for the day!

Pocomoke City Police Chief hides the Easter eggs in the tot lot for the younger  eager egg hunters.

These were ages 1 year  through  5 years.  Second group was 6 years to 9 years old.
Ages 10 through 12 hunted eggs in the back of Cypress Park
Those that found the "special eggs" won giant Easter baskets or giant chocolate Easter bunnies!


After prizes were handed out everyone feasted on hotdogs and fruit punch.
The entire event for the children of Pocomoke City was funded by the Pocomoke City Police Department.

Councilman Tasker holds up a bottle of fruit punch in preparation for the thirsty egg hunters.

Left to right- Angel Thornes (PCPD), Councilman Tasker
Mrs. Tasker

(Left to right) Councilman Rob Clarke, Pocomoke City Police
Chief Kelvin Sewell, Councilman Tasker, Pocomoke City
Police Officer  J. Stanford

Candid Photos

Gayle Waters and Angel Thornton
Pocomoke City Police Department


Left to right- Gayle Waters, Officer McGlotten, Officer J. Stanford,
 Councilman Clarke, Chief Sewell,
C. Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Officer D. McGlotten

 "It is essential that all members of the Pocomoke City Police Department remember that in the execution of their duties they act not for themselves but for good of the public."
Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell 
"The good of the public"- regardless of age.  Proven again to be the best in police departments.

TIME MACHINE ... 1913..1899..1968..1907..1994

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)
(This is another update to postings of the last couple of weeks of articles from 1913 regarding a young Salisbury office worker who was found dead in her office chair. Subsequent articles will follow, as investigation heightened the mystery surrounding her death.)

June, 1913
(The Washington Post)


Miss Wainwright's Body Carried to Gas Office Chair.


Young Salisbury, Md., Woman not a Victim of Poison, but of an Operation. Other Employees of Office Say She Complained of Feeling ILL on Fatal Friday Afternoon.

Salisbury, Md., June 24.- Despite the effort being made by the authorities to keep secret the developments in the investigation into the death of Miss Florence Wainwright, the young woman who was found dead in the office of the Home Gas Company Friday night, it is now known the young woman did not die of poison, as first thought, but from an operation performed, it is thought, Friday afternoon in the yard back of the gas company office.

That the young woman did not die sitting at her desk, as was made to appear, now seems certain. In all probability she was carried into the office and placed at the desk, in the position in which she was found.

Harold Smith, the manager of the gas company, testified before the coroner's jury, it is said, that he was in the office all the afternoon, leaving there at 6:15, and that the young woman had been complaining of feeling ill. Smith says he left the young woman alone in the office and went home. He did not summon a physician, and did not offer to call a cab to take her home.

Mrs. Elmer Smith, wife of Elmer Smith, a former employee of the gas company, and a friend of Miss Wainwright, testified, it is said, that she was with the young woman from 4 until 5:45 o'clock, leaving her at the office with Harold Smith. She testified, it is said, that Miss Wainwright was quite ill all the while she was with her. Miss Wingate, the stenographer, employed by the gas company, says she left the office at 5:30 o'clock. No arrests have been made, but rumors persist that there will be soon.

November, 1899

The new governor-elect of Maryland was prominent Snow Hill resident John Walter Smith, a former Congressman and State Senator with major business interests in lumbering and various other local endeavors. 

December, 1968 (Time Machine Archive)

A new 1969 Camaro would be given away in a Shop Pocomoke promotion sponsored by the Pocomoke Ciity Businessmen's Association. Members of the Association were: Bata Shore Store...Burnett White of Pocomoke...W.H.Clarke & Company...City Service Oil Company (C.K. Duncan)...The Democratic Messenger...George's Furniture...Guy's Implement Company...Hancock's Grocery...Lankford & Cutler Hardware...Montgomery Ward Catalog Store...Midway Auto...Miller-Massey Auto...Somers-Kirby Motor Company...Miller's Ladies Shop...Modern Floor Company... J.J. Newberry...Outten Brothers...Pocomoke City Flower Shop...Pocomoke City Pharmacy...Pocomoke Machine & Implement Company...R.E.Powell & Company...Scher's...Schoolfield & Ham...Sears Catalog Store...Sherwin Williams...Silco...Vincent's Jewelers...Webb's Grocery...Western Auto...George E. Young Auto Parts.

April, 1907
(Logansport PharosTribune- Logansport, Indiana)

"Public Day" is a term applied in Southern Delaware and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to those days when by concerted agreement, the result of old tradition, country folks come to town to "do their trading."

August, 1994
(The Chronicle Telegram- Elyria, Ohio)

Maryland man makes 'pastries for keeps'


DOVER, DEL. (AP)- Dressed in chef's jacket and surrounded by mouthwatering cheesecakes, breads, eclairs, and brownies, Dallas Hewitt looks like the consummate pastry chef.
But you won't smell the aroma of baked goods coming from Hewitt's workshop behind his house in Pocomoke City, Md. In fact, he can't bake worth a lick.

Hewitt's pastries are made from building materials.
Cakes are shaped from blocks of wood and frosted with spackling. If it looks like there are chocolate sprinkles on top, it's really the tiny gravel found in aquariums. Breads and roasted chickens are made from spray insulation that puffs up. Barbequed ribs are a combination of insulation and clothespins.

Hewitt travels to festivals and fairs along the east coast and a few in the midwest to sell his pricey fake food. His booth was the center of attention at the arts and crafts show at the Delmarva Chicken Festival in Dover recently.

Mary Crisco of Felton snapped up a devil's food cake with white icing, and topped with strawberries. She said her kitchen is decorated with a strawberry theme.

"I might have to come to Pocomoke," she said, eyeing a strawberry meringue pie.

Hewitt, a retired car salesman, gets tickled when potential customers cautiously approach his concoctions, unsure whether they're real or fake. They often don't make the connection with the sign bearing his business' name: "Pastries For Keeps."

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Apr. 6th, 2013
Tax Dollars: Bail Outs and Monuments
“Where the libs go to get their dough”
By Delegate Mike McDermott
Here’s a newsflash for those Marylanders concerned about government spending. This morning I arrived at my desk on the floor of the House to find an amendment to the Capital Budget Bill (HB-101) which calls for an appropriation of $900,000.00  to “…design, construct, renovate, and equip a facility for the relocation of Delmarva Public Radio…”.
This comes on the heals of an investment of $135 Million of increased Maryland debt to provide for a “library” facility at Salisbury University with over $100 Million of this money in this year’s proposed Capital Budget.

So it goes with Progressives and Liberals, all those who enjoy feeding at the public trough of everyone elses tax dollars. Here we have a radio station that needs public support from its audience and, having failed to receive it (even with a free massive media blitz) they are able to get Del. Norm Conway to pay the tab with taxpayer dollars.

I cannot help but wonder…are there other projects on the lower shore where we could have spent $136 Million this year? We have roads that are crumbling and local governments coming up millions short. We have US Route 113 that could be completed along with overpasses for $105 million…and then what would we do with the other $31 Million? We have school security issues and a plethora of local public projects where this amount of revenue could have been parceled out to the satisfaction of many.

Much of this type of capital shifting in Annapolis remains unknown on the lower shore. No doubt most taxpayers have no idea how much money is “appropriated” for these types of projects. In the day and age of digital electronics and advancing communications technology, we will spend $135 Million for a brick and mortar library on a college campus…after we pay for tearing down the current  building that occupies the space. We will appropriate $49 Million for “planning and design” and $52 Million for actual construction…and, of course, we will call it a “jobs project” where we will pay “prevailing wages” to contractors (most not from the shore or Maryland for that matter) as a payoff to the unions who control the Democratic Supermajority in the General Assembly.  So to add insult to injury, we will pay 30% more to build these monuments than we would in the private sector.

So it continues in Annapolis with no end in sight.


Popular Facebook Scams Users Fall For

BEWARE and exercise caution! 

An increasing number of scams being generating from facebook.

Ten tactics scammers will deploy to trick you into clicking a malware infested link:

Profile viewers and profile blockers

Free iPads and iPhones

Free Facebook credits

Free items, gift cards and tickets

Invitations to turn your Facebook profile pink,
red, black or any other color

Phishing attempts to steal your login information

Bogus chat messages
Shocking headlines
Fake celebrity stories
Help, I’m stranded and need money


FEES Included When Virginia's New Tax Refund Card Is Used

Virginia's new tax refund card program is hitting a few bumps in its first year.

Virginians have two options to get their state refunds because paper checks aren't being issued.

Taxpayers can have refunds directly deposited into their bank account or loaded onto a Way2Go tax refund card, which works like a debit card.

So far this year, more than 200,000 refunds have been issued on debit cards, while nearly 1.2 million refunds have been made through direct deposit, the according to the Virginia Department of Taxation.

While taxpayers are supposed to be able to use the cards for free in some instances some say they've been hit with unexpected fees.

"As with most new programs, the startup process hit a few bumps," Joel Davison, a spokesman for the state taxation department. told the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Davison said the department is working with the card provider, Xerox Corp., to resolve issues related to incorrect information and fees impacting some taxpayers.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1913.. As an investigation continues into the mysterious death of a young Salisbury woman, article reports she did not die in her office chair but that her body was placed there, plus another revelation is also reported; 1899.. Snow Hill resident is governor-elect; 1968.. Businesses listed in Shop Pocomoke promotion; 1907.. "Public Day" explained; 1994.. Pocomoke City man makes "Pastries For Keeps."
Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Tasley VFD Issues Statement on Smith Status With the Dept.

The Tasley Volunteer Fire Department has issued a statement regarding the status of Charles R. Smith aka Charles R. Applegate.

It says:

  Charles R. Smith, also known as Charles R. Applegate, is a former active member of the Tasley Volunteer Fire Co. and has not participated in any company related activities over the course of the last nearly three years. 

Due to his total lack of interest and participation Charles was removed from the roster for 2012 and considered to be inactive.  

This inactivity includes emergency response operations, company related functions, company community interaction and company communications. Given Mr. Smiths current inactive status and lack of involvement for nearly three years with the company, he was scheduled, along with any other inactive member to be removed from membership in the Spring of 2013 in accordance with company bylaws.

Smith is currently incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail accused of arson in a fire near Melfa on Monday April 1, 2013 along with his companion Tonya Bundick. Smith has confessed to setting many of the 76 arson fires that began in November 2012. 

Other charges are pending.


Miss and Little Miss Pocomoke Pageants TONIGHT !

Don't forget the Miss and Little Miss Pocomoke Pageants
 are tonight!
Saturday  April 6, 2013
6:30 PM
Pocomoke High School


Tickets are available at the door for $8
or in advance for $7
 at Shore Cut, Enchanted Florist and Schers

Good luck to all contestants!

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Apr. 5th, 2013
Gun Bill Overview
by Delegate Mike McDermott
What are the provisions of the O’Malley-Brown Gun Bill? The following is a general overview to help you navigate the most significant changes to firearms laws in Maryland following changes made through SB-281 as it passed in the House of Delegates and received concurrance in the Senate.

Firearms/Magazine Changes

  • Exempts all law enforcement officers (active and retired) as well as military personnel from the provisions and restrictions of this act.
  • Designates certain rifles as “Assault Long Guns” on a compiled list which currently contains 45 firearms (including many popular firearms such as the AR-15 and the SKS as well as any of their “Copy Cats”), and bans these delineated firearms for sale in Maryland as of October 1, 2013.
  • Continues the current ban on “Assault Pistols” as delineated on the ban list (has been in effect since 1994).
  • Restricts magazine capacities for all firearms to 10-rounds or less and prohibits the sale of any magazine capable of holding more than 10-rounds.
  • Assault weapons may be transferred through inheritance, and the heir may take possession of the firearm so long as they are not otherwise disqualified from possessing a Regulated Firearm.
  • Assault weapons and magazines may be sold to persons out of state.
  • A person who has purchased or otherwise ordered a banned firearm prior to the October 1, 2013 Effective Date will still be allowed to receive the firearm and possess it even after the Effective Date.

Manufacturers of Firearms

  • Manufacturing facilities are generally exempt from the requirements of this bill.

Licensing Requirements

  • Creates a Handgun Qualification License. In order to purchase a Regulated Firearm (handgun) a person will need to take a Firearm’s Orientation Class consisting of 4-hours of classroom and range training which will cover: state firearm laws, home firearm  safety,handgun mechanisms and operations. The range component of the training includes orientation specific to the firearm involving safe handling. (If someone previously owned a Regulated Firearm, the Firearms Safety and Orientation Class is not required. Also the Maryland Hunter Safety Class/Certification can be taken in lieu of the Firearms Safety/Orientation Class as required.) The person seeking  licensure must also fill out the appropriate application with the Maryland State Police and submit a full set of digital fingerprints. Following a full background check and revue of the applicant and completion of the Safety/Orientation Class, the Secretary of Public Safety shall issue the applicant a Handgun Qualification License which shall be good for 10-years. There are fees associated with this licensure process: $50.00 for the Application Submission coupled with additional fees to be payable to the Central Repository for fingerprint review as well as a separate fee charge for the FBI for their review. There will also be a charge for having the fingerprints received into the system. While some of the fees fluctuate, it is clear the cost for an initial Handgun Qualification License will cost well over $100 payable at the time of the application.

Ammunition Changes

  • Bans a person from possessing any ammunition if they are disqualified from possessing a Regulated Firearm.
  • Bans certain types of bullet compositions (so called “cop killer” bullets)

Mental Health Provisions:

  • Restricts a person who is the subject of an Involuntary Commitment from possessing any firearm and requires them to surrender any firearms in their possession to law enforcement for safe keeping. It also provides for a way for an individual to be granted relief from being Disqualified to possess a firearm. This process involves a hearing review and there are fees associated with this process.

  • Applies these restrictions to persons under a Current Ex Parte Order and Orders for Protection.


Friday, April 5, 2013

New Church Vol. Fire and Rescue Have First 1st Friday Pizza Nite

I hope the New Church Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department's 1st Friday Pizza Nite was as much of a success tonight as their pizza was. Great pizza! 

Poor guys, seemed to have equipment failure just as pizza baking got into swing!  After a wait pizza was once again  baking.  Those firemen were so apologetic!  And I know when they looked out and saw that long line of cars their hearts did flip-flops.  But anyone who cooks a lot can tell you that any oven can give up at any given time.  It's happened to me.  No way to prepare for it.

And no one seemed to mind  the wait at all. - either ahead of us or behind.  And the greatest thing -besides the wonderful pizza- is that you don't have to get out of your car!


Next 1st Friday Pizza Nite is MAY 3

Ocean City Police Warning Residents and Business Owners of Counterfeit Currency

The Ocean City Police Department is warning residents, business owners and employees to be on the lookout for counterfeit currency being circulated in Ocean City. Since April 3, 2013, the OCPD has received 5 reports of counterfeit bills in $10 and $20 denominations that are being passed as payments to local businesses.

Ocean City Police are encouraging citizens to closely examine currency by looking carefully at the money you receive. Citizens should be aware of the security features located on currency. The three main security features located on bills are:
  • Shifting inks on the dollar amount located on the face side in the bottom right corner.
  • Security threads, which display the denomination of the currency imbedded in the bill.
  • The watermark located on the face of the bill on the right side.
In addition, the Ocean City Police Department is offering these tips to detect suspicious or counterfeit currency:
  • The genuine portrait appears lifelike and stands out distinctly from the background. The counterfeit portrait is usually lifeless and flat. Details merge into the background, which is often too dark or mottled.
  • On a genuine bill, the saw-tooth points of the Federal Reserve and Treasury seals are clear, distinct and sharp. The counterfeit seals may have uneven, blunt or broken saw-tooth points.
  • Genuine serial numbers have a distinctive style and are evenly spaced. The serial numbers are printed in the same ink color as the Treasury Seal. On a counterfeit, the serial numbers may differ in color or shade of ink from the Treasury seal. The numbers may not be uniformly spaced or aligned.
Ocean City Police are asking that residents and businesses if you locate suspicious currency to please report the incident to police. 

Anyone with any additional information regarding the recent incidents of counterfeit currency occurring in Ocean City is asked to contact the OCPD Criminal Investigation Division Detective David Whitmer at: 410-520-5390.  In addition, the OCPD reminds businesses and community groups that a crime prevention officer is available to conduct counterfeit awareness presentations upon appointment through the Public Affairs Office.

For further information on detecting counterfeit U. S. currency, citizens are encouraged to visit the United States Secret Service Web site at:

Submitted by:
Ocean City Police Department

Mudbogging Ventures To Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Department

Mudboggers add another date to the 2013 racing schedule!!

The Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting their first mud bog !

Rules and regulations will be the same ones followed with the Gumboro~Crisfield mud bogs.

More information as I receive it.......

The event will be held at the location of the Snow Hill Fire Department.

11:00 AM- This is probably when gates open.


Starting a NEW tradition ........First Friday Pizza Night

New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company
The fire company with  traditions the community enjoys
The 4th of July celebration
Haunted Forest for Halloween
and now the tradition of
First Friday Pizza Night!!

NEW To Downtown Pocomoke City....

Market Street Boutique
145 A Market Street
Market Street Boutique carries
 unique perfumes
 handbags and hats
 gifts and more!!
Store hours:
Tuesday thru Friday~ 10am-6pm
Saturday~ 10am-7pm.

City bling in a small town setting!
MasterCard and Visa accepted
Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening
Friday, April 19 at noon

Reminder: PCVFD Community Dinner

The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co.  will have their
Community Dinner
 on Sunday, April 7, 2013
12 noon til 4 p.m.
 Prepared by the Ladies Aux. and
Served Family Style by the Firemen at
The Community Center
 (next to the fire station)
 All you Can Eat!
Menu includes:
Chicken & Dumplings <> Roast Beef
 Mashed Potatoes <> Turnip Greens
 Baked Corn <> Pickled Beets <> Cornbread <> Rolls
 Coffee - Tea - Water <> Assorted Cakes
Tickets: In Pocomoke - First Shore Federal,
 PNC Bank, Taylor Bank, Enchanted Florist,
 Country Blossoms.
 Oak Hall - T's Corner
Adults $18 <> 4 to 12 yrs $10 <> under 4 free
Please come out and support
 The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co.

Beretta Leaves Maryland Because of Stricter Gun Laws

Dabney Bailey, Thu, April 04, 2013
New legislation is forcing gun manufacturing company Beretta to uproot and take their business elsewhere.

Established in 1526, Beretta holds the distinction of being the oldest active firearms manufacturer in the world. The U.S. factory is located in Accokeek, Maryland, and has been a staple of the local economy for years.

Beretta warned that stricter gun control laws would push the company outside of state lines, but that didn’t stop Maryland legislators. Jeffrey Reh, a spokesman for Beretta who also serves as the President of Stoeger Industries under Beretta, announced that the company would begrudgingly uproot and take its business elsewhere. He said, “We don’t want to do this, we’re not willing to do this, but obviously this legislation has caused us a serious level of concern within our company.”

He added that Beretta paid approximately $31 million in taxes, employs 400 people, and had invested $73 million in the business over the past several decades. Despite being such a prominent player in the local economy, Beretta was unable to prevent legislators from passing tighter gun control laws.

Ironically, Beretta manufactures some firearms that are now banned in Maryland.

Republican state Delegate Anthony J. O’Donnell lamented: “Losing [Beretta] would be a big disappointment. Maryland has a reputation for having a horrible business climate, and this would be one more nail in the coffin.”

Legislators had ample warning. Back in the ‘90s, when Maryland beefed up gun control laws, Beretta moved one of its warehouses a short drive away to Virginia.

Beretta’s bold move is regrettable but understandable. Reh told reporters, “Why expand in a place where the people who built the gun couldn’t buy it?”

All of Beretta’s pleas fell on deaf ears. Even as Reh lamented Beretta’s looming departure and emphasized the company’s centrality in the local economy during the hearing, Maryland legislators grilled Reh on self-defense.

One legislator stated: “Other than target shooting, the only other reason [for a semi-automic firearm] would be for self-defense… [Why would you need a] rifle that accommodates 20 rounds semi-automatic for deer hunting? … It’s only very infrequently that someone commits a crime with an assault weapon – why do you need one for self-defense?”
