Friday, April 19, 2013

FBI Releases Video of 2 Boston Bombing Suspects

BOSTON Plucking a couple of faces in baseball caps out of a swarming crowd, the FBI zeroed in on two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing and shared surveillance-camera images of them with the world Thursday in hopes the public will help hunt them down.

The somewhat blurry but still detailed photos and video depict one young man in a dark cap and another in a white cap worn backward, both wearing backpacks and one walking behind the other on the sidewalk near the finish line as marathoners run by.

The man in the white hat was seen setting down a backpack at the site of the second explosion, said Richard DesLauriers, FBI agent in charge in Boston.

"Somebody out there knows these individuals as friends, neighbors, co-workers or family members of the suspects," he said. "Though it may be difficult, the nation is counting on those with information to come forward and provide it to us."

They looked much like typical college students, but DesLauriers described them as armed and extremely dangerous, and urged anyone who sees or knows them to tell law enforcement and "do not take any action on your own."

The photos of the suspects can be seen online on Any tips regarding the suspects can be called into the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or send via the Web at Sources say investigators have leads on possible names, CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reported, but DesLauriers said the FBI still needs help.

CBS News has learned that FBI is reporting record traffic on its web sites as people go online to view stills and video of the suspected Boston bombers. The FBI is also getting an extremely high number of phone calls and emails.

Authorities believe both baseball caps have logos that are Bridgestone Golf.

Investigators had been focusing on a man wearing a white baseball cap seen dropping off a bag, and then walking away from the site of the second of two deadly explosions. Orr reported that investigators were able to retrace his steps and discovered video of the man with another man carrying a backpack.


Antares Test Launch Update

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility
Photo BW

Antares Test Launch Update:
Orbital has confirmed the next opportunity to test launch its Antares rocket from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia will be no earlier than 5 p.m. EDT on Saturday, April 20.
 NASA TV coverage of the launch will begin at 4:30 p.m. By the time coverage starts, the launch window will likely have been reduced to 10-15 minutes.

 An attempt Friday was called off after review of the weather forecast. Saturday’s forecast indicates an 85 percent chance of favorable conditions. If needed, a back-up launch opportunity is available on Sunday.
For an updated briefing and NASA TV coverage schedule, follow:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Motion For Psychiatric Evaluation.....


"......a motion for psychiatric evaluation filed by Bundick and her attorney. The motion requests Bundick be examined by one or more mental health experts and alleges that Bundick may have been affected by mental disease or defect at the time of the "alleged offenses."

"It is necessary to determine the Defendant's mental condition at the time of the offense and her competency to stand trial," the motion read."

Complete Article/Video

2nd Annual Free Lunch To All Local Vol. Firemen/EMS

Including desserts!
Please feel free to drive your trucks!  Plenty of parking!!

DOWNTOWN POCOMOKE'S NEWEST STORE ~ Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting

145-A Market Street
Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting
Friday, April 19, 2013
12:00  PM
Store hours:
Tuesday thru Friday~ 10am-6pm
Saturday~ 10am-7pm.

LIKE  Market Street Boutique on FACEBOOK

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1918.. Some tough words for "loafers;" 1882.. Worcester land owners to receive one-dollar for right-of-way; 1974.. Local essay winners announced; 1880.. Decades age difference in Accomac marriage; 1913.. And the saga continues with still another revelation in the investigation of a young Salisbury office worker's death. 

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Dog Treats Recall

April 17. 2013 – Breeder’s Choice Pet Food of Irwindale, California has has issued a voluntary recall for a single batch of Active Care Biscuits-Healthy Dog Treats due to the presence of mold.

The recalled product includes the following information:
  • Breeder’s Choice Active Care Healthy Joint Treats
  • Product Code/SKU/ Material #: BCP-080
  • UPC Code: 0130104895
  • Size: 24 ounces
  • Best Before Code: 19-Dec-2013
Products and product lots that do not appear in the above lists have not been affected.

According to a release from the manufacturer, the mold seems to have occurred due to varying dryer temperature settings for drying biscuits. This exposed the recalled product to excess moisture and has since been remedied.

Pet owners who fed their pets the recalled biscuits should watch for symptoms that may develop. Common symptoms associated with mold exposure include gastrointestinal issues such as loose stool.

At the time of this release, there have been no reports of human or pet illnesses associated with this recall.


This Weekend At the Mar-Va Theater

Friday, April 19
Saturday, April 20
7 PM
Tickets: $5

Bond For Bundick Denied ~ Lashes Out At Reporter

WAVY 10 Photo
Andy Fox

ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - One of the two suspects in the Eastern Shore arsons won't be going anywhere any time soon.
Bond has been denied for Tonya Bundick, accused of setting the majority of arsons on the Eastern Shore. Bundick and her fiance Charles Smith, III are accused of setting nearly all of the 77 arsons on the Eastern Shore since November of 2012.

Bundick and Smith were arrested after troopers with the Virginia State Police say the pair were spotted leaving the scene of the last arson in Melfa. Court documents obtained by show Smith admitted to setting 52 of the 77 fires and said Bundick set 15, adding up to 67 of the 77 fires.

While on her way into court Wednesday, Bundick refused comment. Accomack County Chief District Court Judge Gordon Vincent denied bond because she is a risk to the community, there is a chance she would not return to court to face all the other arson charges not yet filed, and the seriousness of the charges warrants no bond status.

Accomack County Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar reminded the judge Bundick left her 11-year-old and 13-year-old boys home alone while setting the fires.  

On her way out of court, Bundick exploded with pent up emotion and anger after WAVY's Andy Fox asked her about her kids. She screamed several expletives at Fox.

Bundick's attorney Shannon Dunham kept mum as well.

"I don't know that that was really his decision at all," Dunham answered when asked if the judge considered Bundick leaving her kids at home while setting fires in Wednesday's decision.

Bundick's friend "Robin" testified in court that Bundick is a good mother who would watch her children, and that she is shocked that Bundick is involved in the Accomack arsons.

Dunham said she will appeal the decision to the circuit court.
Bundick and Smith will be back in court May 6. Bundick's two son's are now in foster care.   



Driveby shooting at Sandpiper Marine in Accomac Being Investigated

Photo WESR
On Thursday afternoon, April 11, shots rang out at Sandpiper Marine on Front Street in Accomac. According to those at the local boat dealership, at approximately 4:40 PM, bullets began flying through the windows. One employee of Sandpiper was grazed by a bullet along her waist, and one of the vehicles parked in front of the store was also hit.

No other major damage was done.

A phone call asking for comment from the Sheriff's Office had not yet been returned Wednesday afternoon.

The Accomack County Sheriff's office is investigating this crime and has not made any arrests.

 If you have any information as to who is responsible for this incident, please contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 787-1311.


Rocket Launch Rescheduled

Photo BW
Days for rocket launches don't get any better than Wednesday was.

We traveled to our usual destination for such events and on this trip I don't remember ever seeing so many cars on a road that usually only gets the traffic from those who live back there.

Stopped to tell the Deputy Sheriff where we were headed- and after a happy conversation he let us through.  I couldn't help but think that just a few weeks ago all of us - especially the Sheriff's Department- were still in the "arson warp".  Today was probably the first time in six long months that all of us could get out and NOT look at each other without that question of "arsonist" in the back of our minds.

But with that behind us, a warm sunny day, and with the largest rocket to ever blast off from Wallops we all had a reason to smile!

Antares Rocket
Photo BW

And by now you know the rest.  12 minutes! before the launch!  Oh, well, it was still a great afternoon and it was delightful to spend a couple of hours with friends we had not seen in a while.

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility

Statement Regarding the Antares Launch Postponement

Orbital announced that a premature separation of a launch pad umbilical connection to the Antares upper stage used for data communications halted today's countdown of the Antares test launch at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va. Engineers are currently analyzing what occurred to determine what measures will be taken to resolve the issue.
During a launch countdown, safeguards are put in place to periodically verify that all systems are functioning as planned. With twelve minutes left in the count, the launch team identified the anomaly and called a scrub of today's test launch attempt.

 The next launch attempt is tentatively set for no earlier than Friday, April 19, pending final resolution of the issue and acceptable weather conditions.

"We are still examining all of the data, but it appears that the issue is fairly straightforward," said Mr. Frank Culbertson, Orbital's Executive Vice President and Mission Director for the Antares Test Flight. "With this being the first launch of the new system from a new launch facility we have taken prudent steps to ensure a safe and successful outcome. Today, our scrub procedures were exercised and worked as planned. We are looking forward to a successful launch on Friday."

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Photo YouTube

Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham was on a ten-mile Boy Scout hike with his son in Texas when he was arrested and accused of “rudely displaying” his firearm.  Knowing there are wild boars, coyotes, and cougars in the area, he had an AR-15 rifle slung over his shoulder and was also carrying a .45 caliber pistol, according to Fox News’ Todd Starnes.

A “huge Constitutionalist” and prominent military blogger, Grisham has served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan throughout his 18 years in the military.  He was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor for his service.

But on the day he was arrested in mid-March, Grisham says he was treated like a “street thug.”
He described how it all happened:
At about the 5 mile mark of our hike, a voice behind us asked us to stop and the officer motioned for us to approach him. He got out of his car and met us a few feet later. He asked us what we were doing and I explained that we were hiking for my son’s merit badge. He thenasked me what I’m doing with the rifle, to which I responded in a calm manner, “Does it matter, officer? Am I breaking the law?”

At that point, the officer grabbed my rifle without warning or indication. He didn’t ask for my rifle and he didn’t suggest he would take it from me. He simply grabbed it. This startled me and I instantly pulled back – the rifle was attached to me – and I asked what he thought he was doing because he’s not taking my rifle. He then pulled his service pistol on me and told me to take my hands off the weapon and move to his car, which I complied with. He then slammed me into the hood of his car and I remembered I had a camera on me (one of the requirements of the hiking merit badge is to document your hikes)…Up to this point, I am not told why I am being stopped, why he tried to disarm me, or even that I’m under arrest.

The arresting officer is Officer Steve Ermis and the supervisor is Sergeant Minnicks of the Temple Police Department.
Grisham’s 15-year-old son recorded the entire incident, and the video is posted on YouTube.
In it, you can see a handcuffed Grisham repeatedly asking what he is being detained for.  TheBlaze spoke with attorney Michele Byington of Texas Law Shield who confirmed that, while Texas does have open carry laws, they don’t apply to “long guns,” like Grisham’s AR-15.  He would only be in trouble if he had been carrying the rifle in a way “calculated to cause alarm,” like waving it in the air — not strapped to his chest and pointed towards the ground.
“In this day and age people are alarmed when they see someone with what you have [a rifle],” one of the officers explains, noting that someone had called the police. “They don’t care what the law is.”

“Do ​you​ care what the law is?” Grisham shot back.
Video shows the veteran continuing to elicit clarification as his hands are handcuffed behind his back, asking why the officers didn’t ask him to drop the weapon instead of resorting to such drastic action.

“I will not be in the habit of doing that for anybody with a firearm, because it’s dangerous,” one of the officers replies.

“So just because a guy’s got a firearm he’s dangerous?” Grisham responds.

“Yes sir,” the officer says.

The video has even more stunning dialogue, but Grisham says he is the most upset about how his son was treated, and how the incident will shape his view of the police.

“What a bad excuse you guys are showing for [the] police force,” Grisham says at one point.

“Actually, it’s a bad excuse as a dad,” one of the officers replies.

Todd Starnes at Fox News has more:
As the officers put Grisham in the back of the car, the video picked up sounds of [Grisham's son] Chris crying.
The officers told Grisham they would take the boy home.

“I told him not to answer any questions,” Grisham said. “I told him not to answer a single question until his mother was there — and she would answer the questions for him.”
But that’s not what happened.
Chris told Fox News that the police officer refused to let him out of the car until he answered a series of questions. The boy had not been arrested.
“The officer told me that I wasn’t getting out of the patrol car until I answered his questions,” Chris said. “He said I didn’t have a choice. I was scared.”
Grisham said his boy was traumatized by the incident.
Every time he sees a police officer he has a panic attack,” he said. “That’s unfortunate because we always taught our kids to respect police officers. My wife and I are angry about it.”  [Emphasis added]
Chris told Fox News that he wants to be like his dad when he grows up.  “He inspires me,” he said, adding that his father “didn’t do anything wrong at all.”

At this point, roughly a month later, Grisham says is still “100 percent confused” about why he was arrested.  His charges were downgraded from resisting arrest to interfering with a peace officer while performing a duty, but he still thinks the situation is absurd and inexcusable.

“For me, it’s a difficult turning point,” the decorated veteran said. 

“I wonder what it is that I’m fighting for.  If our basic rights are being violated this way — what is my purpose?”

The Blaze has reached out to the Temple Police Department, but did not receive an immediate response.

“Where this case goes now is really up to a jury,” Grisham’s attorney Kurt Glass told TheBlaze.  “It’s up to the citizens of the state of Texas.”

The entire, unedited video from the scene is worth watching:

TheBlaze is aware of accusations that Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham has a controversial past, but the video is — at the least — curious, and deserves to be fairly debated. 
TheBlaze is working on getting more information on all facets of the story, including Grisham’s past, and will keep you posted.
Editor’s note: An editing error in the headline originally suggested the father claimed multiple Boy Scouts were present.  It has been corrected to reflect that he was on a Boy Scout-related hike, but that his son was the only Scout present.

Posted For PPE

How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process

By sporks
It's nice that we're finally talking about gun control. It's very sad that it took such a terrible tragedy to talk about it, but I'm glad the conversation is happening. I hear a lot about assault weapon and large magazine bans, and whilst I'm supportive of that, it won't solve the problem. The vast majority of firearm deaths occur with handguns. Only about 5% of people killed by guns are killed by guns which would be banned in any foreseeable AWB.
Furthermore, there seems to be no talk about high powered rifles. What gun nuts don't want you to know is many target and hunting rifles are chambered in the same round (.223/5.56mm) that Lanza's assault weapon was. Even more guns are chambered for more powerful rounds, like the .30-06 or (my personal "favorite") 7.62x54R. Even a .22, the smallest round manufactured on a large scale, can kill easily. In fact, some say the .22 kills more people than any other round out there.
Again, I like that we're talking about assault weapons, machine guns, and high capacity clips. But it only takes one bullet out of one gun to kill a person. Remember the beltway sniper back in 2002? The one who killed a dozen odd people? Even though he used a bushmaster assault rifle, he only fired one round at a time before moving. He could have used literally any rifle sold in the US for his attacks.
The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.
Unfortunately, right now we can't. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it:
The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them. Canada has a national firearms registry. We need to copy their model. We need a law demanding all firearms be registered to a national database. We need to know who has them and where they are. We need to make this as easy as possible for gun owners. The federal government provides the money and technical expertise, and the State police carry it out. Like a funded mandate. Most firearms already have a serial number on them, so it would really be a matter of taking the information already on the ATF form 4473 and putting it in a national database. I think about 6 months should be enough time.
Along with this, make private sales illegal. When a firearm is transferred, make it law that the registration must be updated. Again, make it super easy to do. Perhaps over, the internet. Dealers can log in by their FFLs and update the registration. Additionally, new guns are to be registered by the manufacturer. The object here is to create a clear paper trail from factory to distributor to dealer to owner. We want to encourage as much voluntary compliance as possible.
Now we get down to it. The registration period has passed. Now we have criminals without registered guns running around. Probably kooky types that "lost" them on a boat or something. So remember those ATF form 4473s? Those record every firearm sale, going back twenty years. And those have to be surrendered to the ATF on demand. So, we get those logbooks, and cross reference the names and addresses with the new national registry. Since most NRA types own two or (many) more guns, we can get an idea of who properly registered their guns and who didn't. For example, if we have a guy who purchased 6 guns over the course of 10 years, but only registered two of them, that raises a red flag.
Now, maybe he sold them or they got lost or something. But it gives us a good target for investigation. A nice visit by the ATF or state police to find out if he really does still have those guns would be certainly warranted. It's certainly not perfect. People may have gotten guns from parents or family, and not registered them. Perfect is the enemy of pretty darn good, as they say. This exercise isn't so much to track down every gun ever sold; the main idea would be to profile and investigate people that may not have registered their guns. As an example, I'm not so concerned with the guy who bought that bolt action Mauser a decade ago and doesn't have anything registered to his name. It's a pretty good possibility that he sold it, gave it away, or got rid of it somehow. And even if he didn't, that guy is not who I'm concerned with. I'm concerned that other guy who bought a half dozen assault weapons, registered two hunting rifles, and belongs to the NRA/GOA. He's the guy who warrants a raid.
So registration is the first step. Now that the vast majority are registered, we can do what we will. One good first step would be to close the registry to new registrations. This would, in effect, prevent new guns from being made or imported. This would put the murder machine corporations out of business for good, and cut the money supply to the NRA/GOA. As money dries up, the political capital needed for new controls will be greatly reduced.
There are a few other things I would suggest. I would suggest an immediate, national ban on concealed carry. A ban on internet sales of guns and ammunition is a no brainer.  Microstamping would also be a very good thing. Even if the only thing it does is drive up costs, it could still lead to crimes being solved. I'm willing to try every advantage we can get.
A national Firearms Owner Identification Card might be good, but I'm not sure if it's necessary if we have a national database. We should also insist on comprehensive insurance and mandatory gun safes, subject to random, spot checks by local and federal law enforcement.
We must make guns expensive and unpopular, just like cigarettes. A nationwide, antigun campaign paid for by a per gun yearly tax paid by owners, dealers, and manufacturers would work well in this regard. We should also segway into an anti-hunting campaign, like those in the UK. By making hunting expensive and unpopular, we can make the transition to a gun free society much less of a headache for us.
I know this seems harsh, but this is the only way we can be truly safe. I don't want my kids being shot at by a deranged NRA member. I'm sure you don't either. So lets stop looking for short term solutions and start looking long term. Registration is the first step.
Tell Pres. Obama and democrats in congress to demand mandatory, comprehensive gun registration. It's the only way we can ban guns with any effectiveness.
Posted for PPE