Monday, February 3, 2014


It is always so wonderful to read  such wonder words about the people from Pocomoke City that you know and love.  Congratulations Stan !!  My very best to you and yours in the future. Your life long accomplishments brings tears to my eyes.  SO proud of you!!  bw

William S. "Stan" Finch, Jr.
2013 Pilot of the Year
Maryland State Police
MIDDLE RIVER, MD) -- The Maryland State Police Aviation Command (MSPAC) has selected Mr. William S. “Stan” Finch, Jr. as the 2013 Pilot of the Year.  Mr. Finch is assigned to the Salisbury Aviation Section based at the Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport.  He was selected by his peers for this annual award based on proven performance, dedication, and commitment to the MSPAC mission.
   Mr. Finch has been a member of the Aviation Command for over 30 years.  During his tenure he has served as an Aviation Trauma Technician (precursor to Flight Paramedic), Pilot, Sergeant, Instructor Pilot and Civilian Pilot.  In 2013 he was named the Lead Instructor Pilot for the statewide transition into the new, state of the art, AgustaWestland AW139 multi-mission helicopter.  In this role he was responsible for drafting a training syllabus and training manual in compliance with FAA guidelines and coordinating the training of line pilots on the new AW139 helicopter.  As a result of his tireless work and dedication to duty, MSPAC has transitioned three helicopter sections into the new helicopter with the fourth transition beginning earlier this week in St. Mary’s County.  With Mr. Finch’s efforts across the state, MSPAC continues to serve the citizens of Maryland with the most advanced and capable multi-mission helicopter available.  This training is the highlight of Mr. Finch’s 40 years of dedication to state of Maryland.
Personal Background

Name:  William S. “Stan” Finch, Jr.

Assignment: Instructor Pilot – Salisbury Aviation Section

History: 40 years of service to the Maryland State Police
                        34 years of service to Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company.

Hobbies: NASCAR, hunting, and driving to Marshall University.

Family: Resides in Pocomoke, Worcester County with his wife, Cathy.


     Mr. William S. “Stan” Finch, Jr. joined the Maryland State Police in 1973 and the Aviation Command in 1982. He began as an Aviation Trauma Technician and then became a certified helicopter pilot in the Bell 206 JetRanger. He retired as a Sergeant/Pilot in 1998 and returned to the State Police as a Civilian Pilot continuing to fly the Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin. For the last decade, Mr. Finch has worked as the Instructor Pilot at the Salisbury Section - Trooper 4.  In May, 2013 he was named the MSPAC’s Lead Instructor Pilot for the new AW139 multi-mission helicopter.

     As the Lead Instructor Pilot on the AW139, Mr. Finch researched and produced numerous guides and training plans to ensure a successful, efficient transition into the new aircraft. Mr. Finch has traveled across Maryland instructing pilots at various helicopter sections with a lead/primary focus with the Easton and Salisbury Sections. This week he began instructing the pilots at the Southern Maryland Section with the new AW139. The MSPAC continues to benefit from his extensive experience, dedication to duty and commitment to flight safety as an example for others to follow.

     In addition to his service with the Maryland State Police, Mr. Finch has been a member of the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company for 34 years and has served in multiple capacities. From 2000-2012 he served as a sworn Deputy Sheriff with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the Civil Division. He stepped down from the Sheriff’s Office to focus solely on the MSPAC AW139 helicopter transition program. 

     Mr. Finch will be formally recognized as the 2013 Pilot of the Year at the MSPAC Salisbury Section AW139 helicopter ribbon cutting ceremony. The ribbon cutting will be held on February 5, 2014, at 1:00pm at the Salisbury Section hangar, 5286 Lear Jet Way, Salisbury, MD 21804. Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, and other state and local officials will be in attendance.

     The Maryland State Police Aviation Command has served Maryland citizens since 1970, and operates a fleet of advanced multi-mission helicopters from seven bases throughout the state on a 24/7/365 basis.  Missions include medevac, law enforcement, search & rescue, homeland security, and disaster assessment.  The success of missions performed by the Aviation Command depends a great deal on the cooperative effort of local fire, rescue, EMS, and law enforcement agencies.

Mike Mann
Maryland State Police

One Ring Phone Scam - Possibly Happening Locally...

Better Business Bureau warns of 'one ring' phone scam from Caribbean Islands

PITTSBURGH —While most Pittsburghers probably wouldn’t mind a trip to the Caribbean to avoid the cold winter months, most of them probably weren’t expecting phone calls from the islands that the Better Business Bureau warns are part of a "one ring" scam.

“They're using autodialers to call thousands and thousands of our cellphones. And they let it ring once, and then when the consumers goes to look to see who called, some that may be pretty curious may call that number back and automatically you’re going to be charged an additional $30 on your phone bill,” said the BBB’s Warren King.

VIDEO: BBB warns of 'one ring' phone scam from Caribbean Islands

The calls cost $20 up front and $9 for each additional minute.

Some of the area codes being used are 473, 809, 876, 284 and 268.

Residents are encouraged to first research the area code online to see where it originates from before calling the number back.


Todays Date in 1959 ~ "The Day The Music Died"

Buddy Holly's plane went down in an Iowa cornfield  (a little past 1 a.m.) on Feb. 3, 1959.

Fifty-five years ago today, a small plane crash in an icy  field in Iowa, one of the defining moments of rock 'n' roll history took place.  Aboard that plane were rockers Buddy Holly, J.P. ("The Big Bopper")  Richardson and Ritchie Valens.  The  deaths of these three musicians resonated across the musical landscape for years to come.

Some say the deaths  of the trio is what prompted Don McClean to write the song American Pie.

Others also claim  the entire song is a tribute to Buddy Holly and a commentary on how rock and roll music changed in the years since his death.

Most of us - teenagers then, may remember Don McClean as sang on stage in many colleges across America.  This song is forever etched in our hearts....


Rotary Funds New Scholarship To Support Pocomoke High School Students

From left are Thomas Moskios, Treasurer,
Pocomoke City Rotary Club;
Carole Krueger, Vice President,
Pocomoke City Rotary Club; Willie Jackson, President,
 Pocomoke City Rotary Club and BJ Summers,
Director, Development & Philanthropic Services,
Community Foundation
POCOMOKE CITY — The Pocomoke City Rotary Club created a legacy at the Community Foundation by establishing the Pocomoke City Rotary J. Dawson Clarke Memorial Scholarship. Pocomoke City Rotary established the fund to benefit Pocomoke High School students.

Members raised $10,000 as the initial deposit, and it was presented by club President Willie Jackson, Vice President Carole Krueger and Treasurer Thomas Moskios to BJ Summers, director of Development & Philanthropic Services for the Community Foundation.

Since 1984, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore has been serving the needs of Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties granting more than $30 million. Through the generosity and vision of our donors, CFES awarded grants totaling more than $5.4 million in fiscal year 2013. For more information, visit or call 410-742-9911.


Schedule Changes For Accomack County Schools

The Accomack County School system has announced changes in its exam schedule due to the time lost to last weeks school closings.

First semester exams will be on February 3 and 4 with one hour and forty-five minutes early dismissal.

The School Board voted to do away with the teacher work day which was scheduled for January 31.

The third nine weeks and second semester will begin on Wednesday, February 5, 2014.

 Accomack had five days built in its schedule for inclement weather. If there are any more missed days, the schedule will have to be further adjusted to make up the lost time.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 1952, 1886, 1969, 1966, 1881, 1901

 (Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archive material)
January, 1952
(Salisbury Times)

The Navy has planned to make the Chincoteague Base a $44,000,000 establishment.  Expansion plans include additional barrack to accommodate 700 men; a new 2,000-man mess hall; more than 300-unit apartments for civilian and service personnel; a new chapel and a new gymnasium.  Currently the base has 1,500 men and a payroll of nearly $4,000,000 a year.

May, 1886
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

Mr. A. Parker has purchased property at Pocomoke City, Md., which he will enlarge and use as a hotel.

Footnote:  This property was at the southwest corner of Clarke Avenue and Willow street and became the Parker House Hotel (in later years, the Peacock Hotel).

February, 1969
(Youngstown Vindicator- Youngstown, Ohio)

60 Red Trawlers Off Virginia; U.S. To Board Zone Violators

Ships Fish Inside Limit Of 12 Miles


PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP)-  A spokesman for the 5th Coast Guard District reported late Saturday that a fleet of Communist Bloc fishing trawlers off of Virginia's Eastern Shore had grown to 60 vessels, at least 20 of which had violated the 12-mile fishing zone reserved for U.S. ships.

While a Coast Guard HC-130 aircraft circled overhead, the cutter Point Arena sped to the scene to make a report.

However, all the ships had retreated to international waters by the time the cutter arrived.

Shortly before dark a Coast Guard HC-130 aircraft had reported two or three of the trawlers still operating within the 12-mile fishing limit claimed by the United States.

An earlier report from the aircraft confirmed that 20 of the Soviet ships had violated U.S. claimed waters off the Virginia coast, but most began scattering seaward when it was reported the Point Arena had been dispatched from Portsmouth.

Even so, Lt. Leo Black, group commander of Coast Guard group Chincoteague, aboard the Point Arena, handed a message to the Soviet "mother ship" Pomorze.

The Coast Guard said the message warned the Soviet skipper his ships had violated U.S. law by entering the 12-mile limit and advised that a repeat of the offense would cause his ships to be "boarded and possibly seized."

November, 1966 (Time Machine archive)
(Press Telegram- Long Beach, Calif.)

Pro Grid Meets On Merger

New York (AP)-  A joint committee of the American and National Football Leagues went into a closed session today to work out details of their merger- particularly the Super Bowl and a common draft.

President Johnson signed into law a bill giving the merger limited immunity from antitrust laws Tuesday. 

Under the merger plans the leagues will play a Super Bowl in January pitting the AFL champion against the NFL champions.  The leagues will also have a common player draft and will plan a schedule of inter league, pre-season games next season.

Those were among the items the committee was scheduled to discuss today, but a league spokesmen said no announcement would be made.

NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle will preside at the meeting.

September, 1881
(Denton Journal)

Water Ten Cents A Gallon.-  Owing to the extremely dry weather of the past month the stock of water on hand in Crisfield has been entirely consumed.  The demand is now supplied from the Princess Anne wells.  It is brought down by the Eastern Shore Railroad Company and dealt out to the eager purchasers at ten cents per gallon.- Crisfield Leader.

August, 1901
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

An automobile will be one of the attractions of the Peninsula Fair.  It will run daily during the fair for the entertainment of all within its gates.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Alex Ryan Little
On January 31, 2014, at approximately 2:40 a.m. Ocean City police officers were on marked patrol in the area of Coastal Highway and 100th Street they observed a vehicle traveling southbound at a high rate of speed. Police attempted to initiate a traffic stop in the area of 62nd Street after officers observed the vehicle exceeding the posted speed limit, however; the driver of the vehicle did not stop.

The driver, later identified as Alex Ryan Little, 24, of Dover, DE, continued to travel southbound on Philadelphia Avenue until the vehicle failed to negotiate the turn at N. Division Street, struck the center median and collided with an electrical box. The electrical box caught on fire and power was briefly disrupted to the south end of Ocean City. Traffic on route 50 was also disrupted, as officers closed eastbound and westbound movement for approximately 30 minutes due to the collision.

Little was arrested by Ocean City police and charged with two counts of driving while under the influence, driving while impaired by alcohol, eluding uniformed police, and negligent and reckless driving in addition to multiple traffic citations.

Neither Little nor any officers were injured during this incident. Alcohol was determined to be a factor. Little was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released on $25,000 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept.

Somerset County Sheriff’s Office - Recent Arrests

Recent Arrests
Somerset County Sheriff’s Office

Glinda Mae Duckworth - Princess Anne, Criminal summons served on 1-17-14 for theft less than $ 500.00, Duckworth was released on signature pending court actions.

Jerome Copes - Princess Anne, arrested 1-17-14 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, and driving while impaired by alcohol per-se. Copes was released to the Salisbury Police Department on unrelated charges. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies in the area of Somerset Ave, and Mt. Vernon Rd. Deputies stopped Copes while riding a bicycle the wrong side of the roadway, and a headlight violation.

Hassan Bilal -Atlantic City, New Jersey, arrested 1-18-14 for possessing and transporting unstamped cigarettes. Bilal was held on a $10,000 bond. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies on Ocean Highway near the State Police Barrack. Deputies later recovered 289 cartons of Virginia unstamped cigarettes, cash, ledgers, and a cell phone.

 Clinton Melvin Johnson - Princess Anne, arrested 1-23-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Johnson was later released on a $ 4,000 unsecured bond.

 Piara Pecola Corbin -Fruitland, arrested 1-26-14 on warrants for simple assault, malicious destruction of property, 2nd degree assault and harassment. Corbin was later released on a $ 10,000 unsecured bond.

 Lauren Sheaique Fountain - Fruitland, arrested 1-26-14 on warrants for 2nd degree assault, malicious destruction of property and harassment. Fountain was later released on a $ 10,000 unsecured bond.

Lavernea Michell Hodge -  Crisfield, Criminal summons served on 1-26-14 for 2nd degree assault. Hodge was released on signature pending court actions.

Shawn Lamont Jackson - Salisbury, arrested 1-27-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Jackson was held on a $ 500.00 bond.

 Juvenile arrested 1-27-14 at the Somerset Intermediate School for disturbing school functions. Deputies responded to the school for a male juvenile who refused to obey school staff causing teachers to clear a classroom. Deputies arrested the juvenile for disturbing school functions, and later released him to parents.

Somerset County Sheriff's Office

Saturday, February 1, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1952.. Big expansion plans for Chincoteague base;  1886.. Beginnings of a future Pocomoke City landmark; 1969.. Soviet trawler fleet invades waters off of Eastern Shore of Virginia; 1966.. American and National Football leagues working on details of a merger and a “Super Bowl;” 1881.. Dry weather brings high-priced water to Crisfield; 1901.. What’s the new big attraction at Accomac’s Peninsula Fair?  It’s an a _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ e!

Read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

UPDATED~ Missing Sheriff’s Deputy Found Dead In Creek

GREENSVILLE COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) – The Greensville County Sheriff’s Deputy whose disappearance Friday morning sparked  massive search was found deceased Saturday.

“Early this morning, Percy Lee House III, the Greensville County Sheriff’s Deputy missing since Friday morning, was found deceased in his vehicle located in a creek off of Massie Branch Road in Greensville County,” the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association wrote in a Saturday morning email.

“While the Virginia State Police is in the midst of conducting a full investigation, the accident is reported to be the result of icy road conditions.”

Deputy House, 52, last made contact with the Greensville County Sheriff’s Office about 9:24 a.m. Friday. House was last spotted in the small town of Skippers.

“I want to thank my staff, volunteers from our community, and public safety agencies from the surrounding area for their quick response and support over the last 24 hours,” Greensville County Sheriff James Edwards said. “The loss of Deputy Lee House III to our close department and our community is tragic and unexpected. Please keep his family and all of our first responders in your thoughts and prayers.”

Anyone with information about this situation is asked to call Greensville County Sheriff’s Office at 434-348-4200.

This is a developing story.

Source and VIDEO

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council AGENDA

Corrected.  Thank you.  bw

A G E N D A 
7:30 PM, Monday, February 3, 2014 
City Hall

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 

2.         Review and approval of minutes from meeting of January 6, 2014.

3.         Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.         Discuss proposal from G.M.B. Engineers for study and design of improvements to water distribution system in Pocomoke Heights neighborhood.

5.         Representatives of "Save the Youth" to make presentation regarding recent activities.

6.         Representative of Eastern Shore Communications to discuss proposed new wireless           broadband system.  

7.         Councilman Clarke to discuss recent activities of the Worcester County Solid Waste         Committee.

8.         Consider request from Mr. Harold Scrimgeour for a waiver for permit fees for new well    at his vacant property at 1309 Ocean Highway.

9.         Discuss letter from Elks Club requesting permission to use Winter Quarters Golf Course    for tournament on May 10, 2014.

10.       Discuss letter from Chamber of Commerce requesting permission for use of Cypress Park for Cypress Festival and Pocomoketoberfest.
Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.

Federalsburg Man Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison

Federalsburg Man Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison for Producing Child Pornography

 BALTIMORE—U.S. District Judge J. Frederick Motz sentenced Scott Zalewski, age 31, of Federalsburg, Maryland, today to 40 years in prison, followed by lifetime supervised release, for two counts of producing child pornography. Judge Motz ordered that upon his release from prison, Zalewski must register as a sex offender in the place where he resides, where he is an employee, and where he is a student under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).

The sentence was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Stephen E. Vogt of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Caroline County Sheriff Randy Bounds; and Caroline County State’s Attorney Jonathan Newell.
According to the plea agreement, on at least three occasions from July through August 2011, Zalewski took sexually explicit photographs of a minor female, under 12 years of age, including several photographs documenting his sexual abuse of the girl, which he then e-mailed to another person.

On January 2, 2013, the Zalewski’s live-in girlfriend provided police with photographs that contained sexually explicit images of the victim, which she reported finding in Zalewski’s e-mail account.

Police arrested Zalewski later on January 2, 2013. A search warrant subsequently executed on Zalewski’s e-mail account recovered digital copies of the sexually explicit pictures of the victim being sent to another individual. More than a dozen other e-mails were also seized, dating from July and August 2011, in which Zalewski was trading sexually explicit images of other children with other individuals.

A hard drive recovered from Zalewski’s house and a laptop Zalewski’s ex-girlfriend previously turned over to police were also searched pursuant to a federal warrant. The hard drive contained 45 images of child pornography, dating from approximately April 2008. On the laptop were records of chats in which the defendant discussed and exchanged child pornography with others, dating from approximately December 2006 through October 2007.

Text messages recovered from Zalewski’s cell phone showed discussion of child pornography with others on December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2013. Some text messages had image attachments, but the images were deleted and could not be recovered.

Zalewski previously pleaded guilty in Caroline County Circuit Court to a second-degree sex offense and to rape in the second degree and was sentenced to a total of 40 years in prison on those charges. Zalewski’s state and federal sentences will be served concurrently.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by the United States Attorneys’ Offices and the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who sexually exploit children and to identify and rescue victims.

For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit

For more information about Internet safety education, please visit
and click on the “Resources” tab on the left of the page.


SAVE THE DATE: Another PHS "PINK OUT" For Worthy Cause

Pocomoke High School Warriors
Monday, February 17, 2014
Games start at 4 pm
 Pocomoke Girls and Boys Varsity vs  Mardela
Some of the prizes available
 All proceeds benefit:
Women Supporting Women (local agency supporting those diagnosed with breast cancer)
 Canine Cancer Foundation ( for our four legged friends fighting cancer)
Come Out and Support This Event !!



(PIKESVILLE, MD)— As Super Bowl Sunday quickly approaches, troopers suggest fans take the time now to make the right call to save lives and designate a sober driver because friends don’t let fans drink and drive.

Maryland state troopers are anticipating fans will be traveling on Super Bowl Sunday to and from different locations to enjoy the game. With this in mind, Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, has directed each of the 22 barracks to conduct saturation patrols focusing on impaired, aggressive, and distracted drivers. Additional troopers will be assigned to these enforcement efforts on special assignment duty and overtime. Also deployed will be the team known as the State Police Impaired Driving Effort, or S.P.I.D.R.E. Team.

“Motorists should plan ahead and designate a sober driver for the game,” said Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “There will be zero tolerance for anyone who elects to jeopardize the safety of others and chooses to drive while impaired.”
If you’re attending a Super Bowl party or watching the game at a sports bar or restaurant:

-Designate your sober driver, or plan another way to get home safely before the party begins.

 -If you don’t have a designated driver, then ask a sober friend for a ride home; call a cab, friend, or family member to come and get you; or just stay for the night.

 -Never let friends drive if they have had too much to drink.

Last year, on Super Bowl Sunday, troopers arrested 24 drunk drivers. Driving with a blood alcohol content of .07 (driving while impaired) is illegal in Maryland and .08 (driving under the influence) or higher is illegal in every state. A driver under the age of 21, with any measurable alcohol in their system is in violation of alcohol laws in Maryland.

 S.P.I.D.R.E is a full time team of troopers dedicated to removing impaired drivers off the roads statewide. The S.P.I.D.R.E team will be assigned to the Baltimore Metropolitan area during this initiative. In many other areas of the state, the Super Bowl enforcement initiatives will be joint operations with local law enforcement.

 Law enforcement will conduct saturation patrols on roads designated as high crash areas. These patrols are effective methods to prevent impaired or aggressive driving as well as a successful means to arrest those who choose to drink and drive.

 The additional state police patrols coincide with the Maryland Highway Safety Office initiative “Towards Zero Death.” Overtime funding for additional patrols is provided by grants from the Maryland Highway Safety Office. 

Maryland State Police



 JAN 31 - (New York)James J. Hunt, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s New York Division (DEA), Bridget G. Brennan, New York City’s Special Narcotics Prosecutor, New York City Police Commissioner William J. Bratton and Joseph A. D’Amico, Superintendent of the New York State Police, announced the discovery of multi-million dollar, high-volume heroin packaging location at 2910 Wallace Ave. Apt. #2E, Bronx, NY, and the seizure of 13 kilograms (33 pounds) of heroin worth $8 million last night.
On January 30th, 2014, a team from the DEA’s New York Drug Enforcement Task Force – comprised of DEA Special Agents, New York City Police Department Detectives and New York State Police Investigators – conducted surveillance in the vicinity of 2910 Wallace Ave., in the Williamsbridge section of the Bronx, as part of an ongoing investigation into heroin distribution organizations operating in the Northeast region of the United States.   At approximately 4:30 p.m., agents and investigators observed an individual carrying two bags, one of which contained a green box. The individual, later identified as CRISTINO THEN, entered 2910 Wallace Ave. and walked up the stairs. Shortly thereafter THEN was observed exiting the building empty handed.  Agents and officers stopped THEN to investigate his explanation as to why he was at the building. 
Simultaneously, another individual was observed climbing out of a fifth floor window of the same building onto a fire escape. Agents apprehended this individual, later identified as AUGUSTIN RIVERA, aka “JOSE THEN,” as he attempted to flee.  Subsequently, Task Force members used the fire escape to access the same window, which was open and entered a fifth floor apartment. Inside, they found a fully operational heroin mill. Agents and officers seized approximately 13 kilograms of heroin (33 pounds) and hundreds of thousands of individual “glassine” bags stamped with numerous brand names, including “NFL”, “government shutdown,” “iPhone”, and “Olympics 2012.” Also recovered from the heroin mill were scales, 18 coffee grinders, rubber bands, baking soda and face masks. In typical heroin mill operations, coffee grinders are often used to cut pure heroin with a dilutant, such as baking soda. Individual dosages are then packaged into small glassine bags for retail distribution.
The Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor is prosecuting RIVERA and THEN. A criminal complaint charges both defendants with one count each of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the First Degree, Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Third Degree and Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia in the Second Degree. RIVERA and THEN are expected to be arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court, 100 Centre St., this afternoon.

DEA Acting Special Agent in Charge James J. Hunt stated, "Heroin is pummeling the northeast, leaving addiction, overdoses and fear in its wake. The New York Drug Enforcement Task Force faced this threat with uniformed police work which resulted in the dismantlement of a heroin mill located in the Bronx that had resources to distribute over half a million heroin glassines throughout the streets of New York."

Special Narcotics Prosecutor Bridget G. Brennan said, “A seizure of this size should open everyone’s eyes to the magnitude of the heroin problem confronting us. We’ve heard from public officials throughout the Northeast of soaring addiction within their own localities. Last night we seized 33 pounds of heroin in the Bronx, which could be transformed into millions of user-ready glassine packages, saturating the region. The brand names used are tied to upcoming events, indicating the savvy and sophistication of the heroin distribution ring.”

New York City Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said, “Thanks to the efforts of the investigators in this case an operation that would have led to the sale and distribution of illegal drugs on the streets of New York City has been thwarted.”

New York State Police Superintendent Joseph A. D’Amico said, “The hard work and partnership between the Drug Enforcement Administration, New York State Police, New York City Police Department and New York City Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor is responsible for preventing a large amount of a highly addictive and dangerous drug from making into our communities. These individuals were operating a multi-million dollar heroin mill out of an apartment with plans to distribute this illegal drug on our streets. I commend the considerable efforts and dedication of our agency personnel and our law enforcement partners who were able to pinpoint this drug activity and put a stop to this drug operation.

Augustin Rivera, aka “Jose Then”
2170 University Ave.
Bronx, NY

CPCS 1st - 1 ct

CPCS 3rd - 1 ct

Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia 2nd – 1 ct

Cristino Then
2230 Woodhull Ave.
Bronx, NY


CPCS 1st - 1 ct

CPCS 3rd - 1 ct

Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia 2nd – 1 ct

The charges and allegations are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

Virginia Sheriff’s Deputy Missing In Greensville County

GREENSVILLE COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) — A sheriff’s deputy from the Emporia area has been missing since Friday morning.

Sgt. Katina Mason Harrison with the Greensville County Sheriff’s Office said 52-year-old Deputy Percy Lee House went missing while on duty. The last known contact with him was around 9:30 a.m. and his last known location was in Skippers, Va. (23879 zip code).

House is bald, has hazel eyes, is about six feet tall and weighs about 260 pounds. He was wearing a black BDU-type uniform with a full duty belt.

He was driving a marked brown Greensville County Sheriff’s Office cruiser, a 2006 Crown Victoria with a local Virginia license plate, number 110359L). Harrison said the vehicle has yellow reflective markings on both sides and a lightbar on top. It’s missing the front right wheel cover.

House’s medical history is unknown.

If you know where Deputy House or his vehicle may be, please contact the Greensville County Sheriff’s Office at 434-348-4200.


Friday, January 31, 2014

Worcester County Sheriff's Deputies Respond To Parole and Probation Office in Snow Hill, Md.

On January 30, 2014 at approximately 11:15am Deputies responded to the Parole and Probation Office in Snow Hill, Worcester County Maryland to investigate a possible fugitive from Delaware Mr. Christopher Ryan Jones, 25, of Delaware.

Allegedly Mr. Jones had admitted to his Probation Officer that he had just smoked Marijuana with some friends in the vehicle that he just arrived at the Probation Office in. 
Deputies approached the vehicle in the parking lot and upon making contact with the vehicle and its occupants; a strong odor of marijuana was smelled coming from within the passenger compartment of the vehicle.  The occupants of the vehicle were identified as Mercedes E. Dukes, 21, of Georgetown, Delaware.  A front seat passenger identified as Deshae T. Foster, 24, of Millsboro, Delaware and a back seat passenger identified as Asia M. Brittingham, 21, of Georgetown, Delaware. 
 Through the course of the search, a bag of suspected marijuana was found on Mr. Foster and a metallic pipe (paraphernalia) was located on Ms. Brittingham. 
 Both Mr. Foster and Ms. Brittingham were charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and were released on Signature.
It was learned that Mr. Jones was wanted in Delaware but the state of Delaware would not extradite Mr. Jones back to their state. Therefore Mr. Jones was released at the scene. 
Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Message From the Administrator ~ NASA Day of Remembrance 2014

"Today we pause in our normal routines and reflect on the contributions of those who lost their lives trying to take our nation farther into space. On our annual Day of Remembrance, please join us in giving thanks for the legacy of the STS-107 Columbia crew; the STS-51L Challenger crew; the Apollo 1 crew; and Mike Adams, the first in-flight fatality of the space program as he piloted the X-15 No. 3...
on a research flight.

These men and women were our friends, family and colleagues, and we will never forget their lives and passion to push us farther and achieve more. They have our everlasting love, respect and gratitude.

Today, their legacy lives on as the International Space Station fulfills its promise to help us learn to live and work in space and move farther into the solar system. We see our lost friends in the strivings of so many missions to take humans to new destinations and to unlock the secrets of our universe. And we honor them by making our dreams of a better tomorrow reality and by acting to improve life for all of humanity.

Let us join together as one NASA Family, along with the entire world, in paying our respects, and honoring the memories of our dear friends. They are with us still on this grand journey."
-Charles Bolden, 12th  NASA Administrator -

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Local Restaurant Has Closed Its Doors...Thanks For The Memories...

Most of us have  been there at some point in our adult lives.  We have dined there, had a few drinks there with friends, made new friends, danced, laughed, sang karaoke  and many of us have even booked our wedding receptions, meetings there.  Through the years we've seen owners come and go, each time adding something different and exciting to keep the crowd coming back. Even in the most recent days the "Deck" was well known for the performances of local live bands and  DJ's.

The Upper Deck Seafood Restaurant and Lounge  has been a "constant" in the lives of so many through the years.  And even if we no longer stop by for a drink or dinner it is always satisfying to know the "Deck" was still there.  Most of us can recall those who worked there once upon a time... David Lee, Martha, Esther...just to name a few.  And of course we can never forget the valuable daytime waitress Nancy!  They- along with the others whose names I have forgotten right now- gave all they had to ensure the diners and drinkers had a pleasant visit. 

I am saddened myself to hear the news and don't know where to go for the BEST cornbread you can ever eat!

This is the notice that was on The Upper Deck Restaurant and Lounge facebook page this morning....

It is with deep regret and personal sorrow that I must inform all of The Upper Deck Seafood Restaurant & Lounge faithful that this longtime icon of Pocomoke city is closed for good. Toni and I have many personal matters to attend to that will require much more or our time than we have to give, so something had to give in our lives. We deeply appreciate all the public support since we purchased the restaurant in 2006.

  If anyone knows of a potential buyer, send them to Jeromy Mason at Hall realty.

My very best to all of you... thanks for the memories.

FBI Offers $25,000 Reward in Missing Girl’s Case

Photograph taken circa 2011
The FBI is now offering a reward of up to $25,000 for information leading to the location or return of Erica Lynn Parsons.

Age-progression photograph

Erica was reported missing by a relative on July 30, 2013. The relative advised investigators he had not seen Erica since November 2011 when she was 13 years old. Erica’s adoptive parents say the girl went to stay with relatives in the Asheville, North Carolina area and that they have not seen her since. Sheriff’s investigators have determined the information the parents provided was not true.

The reward was announced at a news briefing this afternoon in Salisbury, North Carolina. “The FBI, Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, and the SBI are confident our agents and investigators will uncover the details needed to lead us to Erica, but we are facing a difficult task because of the amount of time that has passed since she was last seen and when law enforcement was notified,” said Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Deron Roberts.

Rowan County Sheriff Kevin Auten said, “We know there is someone who can help us; now is the time to come forward. We also want to hear from anyone who had contact with the Parsons family in November 2011. We’ve said previously that was the last time that Erica was seen.”

If you know where to find her, call the Rowan County Sheriff’s at 704-216-8700 or FBI Charlotte 704-672-6100.





(January 28, 2014) – The Super Bowl is one of America’s most highly anticipated sports events, when friends and family gather in homes, bars and restaurants to celebrate. As Super Bowl Sunday approaches and football fans across Maryland prepare for the game, the Ocean City Police Department has joined in the statewide push to spread the message about designating a sober driver on Super Bowl Sunday, because – Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk.

“There is absolutely no reason to get behind the wheel after drinking,” began Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro. “If you will be drinking, make a plan to get home safely before you go out. Designate a sober driver before the party begins, call a cab or arrange to stay where the party is occurring.”

According to Maryland crash data, an average of 175 people have lost their lives in each of the past five years to alcohol-related crashes. Nationally, 9,878 people were killed in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes in 2011 (the last year of complete national data) and those crashes were 31 percent more likely to occur on weekends than on weekdays.

If you’re attending a Super Bowl party or watching the game at a sports bar or restaurant:
  • Designate your sober driver, or plan another way to get home safely before the party      begins.

  • If you don’t have a designated driver, then ask a sober friend for a ride home; call a cab, friend, or family member to come and get you; or just stay for the night.

  • Never let friends drive if they have had too much to drink.
If you’re hosting a Super Bowl party:
  • Make sure all your guests designate a sober driver in advance, or arrange for alternate transportation to ensure they get home safely.

  • Serve food and include non-alcoholic beverages at the party.

  • Stop serving alcohol at the end of the third quarter of the game and begin serving coffee and dessert.

  • Keep the numbers for local cab companies handy, and take the keys away from anyone who has had too much to drink.
And remember, your seat belt is your best defense against a drunk driver in a crash.



(NORTH EAST, MD) – An ongoing partnership with Maryland State Police and Cecil County Sheriff’s Office investigators has led to an arrest in connection with more than a dozen burglaries committed in the past three months in the North East area. 

As part of the ongoing investigation into 15 residential and commercial burglaries, most of which occurred in the North East area, state troopers and sheriff’s deputies served a search warrant last evening in the 400-block of Lakeside Drive, North East, Md. Police found stolen property from several burglaries, as well as quantities of suspected heroin, marijuana, oxycodone, and a digital scale. Six people were arrested in the residence, including one who is being charged with at least one of the burglaries. 

The suspect is identified as John A. Barton, 31, of the 400-block Lakeside Drive, North East, Md. He is charged with first degree burglary, second degree burglary, two counts of possession of a controlled dangerous substance not marijuana, and one count of possession of marijuana. An agent from the Maryland Department of Parole and Probation, who was working with investigators, will be filing today to violate Barton’s parole. Barton had recently been released from prison on parole.

Also arrested and charged last night as a result of the search warrant were: Shantell L. Florian, 27, of the unit-block of Keppels Mill Court, Rising Sun, Md., Christina A. Blevins, 36, of the unit-block of Blevins Drive, North East, Md., Richard F. Adams, 34, of the 1500-block of Theodore Rd., Rising Sun, Md., William Renshaw, 43, of the 400-block of Baron Rd., North East, Md., and Christine Benjamin, 40, of the 400-block of Lakeside Dr., North East, Md. All five were charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance not marijuana and possession of marijuana.

  The first of the 15 burglaries police believe are connected occurred on November 4, 2013 and the latest occurred January 26, 2014. State Police Criminal Enforcement Division investigators have been coordinating their investigative efforts with Cecil County Sheriff’s Office investigators.

Relentless investigative work has been underway by both departments for months. Police have used a variety of techniques, including interviews and covert surveillance, to identify those responsible for the burglaries. Information has also been provided to investigators by concerned citizens.

Police believe there are several other suspects involved in the burglaries. Additional arrests are expected soon.

State Police and Cecil County Sheriff’s Office investigators received additional assistance from the Maryland State Police Gang Unit, the Maryland State Apprehension Team, and the Maryland Department of Parole and Probation. The investigation is continuing.

Anyone with information about those responsible for the burglaries is urged to contact Maryland State Police criminal investigators at the North East Barrack at 410-996-7800. 

 Callers may remain anonymous. 

Maryland State Police