Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Heart N Home ~ "Popcorn Family With Popcorn Machine"

Website ~ www.heartnhomegifts.com
Facebook ~  HEART N HOME

Worcester County Canned Food Drive Is Underway

Worcester County seeks public participation with food drive

Worcester County Volunteer Services and Liquor Control are hosting a canned food drive for the Maryland Food Bank (MFB) from Jan. 31 through Feb. 7.

All county employees and the public are invited to participate.

Canned food items can be deposited in specially-marked Maryland Food Bank barrels at these participating locations:

The Office of the State's Attorney for Worcester County

(see message on facebook page)

Worcester County Jail in Snow Hill

 Worcester County Branch Libraries: Ocean City, Ocean Pines, Berlin, Snow Hill and Pocomoke

All Department of Liquor Control (DLC) Shore Spirit Retail Liquor Store locations

Worcester County Recreation Center in Snow Hill

Central Landfill storage building in Newark

Cape Isle of White Offices in Bishopville

Heroin Epidemic - Maryland Medical Examiner Releases Report On Over-Dose Related Deaths


The Maryland Medical Examiner recently released a report indicating that there has been 37 over-dose related deaths since September 2013. It appears the source of these deaths has been heroin that was tainted/treated with fentanyl.

These deaths represent about 12 percent of the over 318 overdose deaths during this period.

While these deaths have been sporadic, the heroin epidemic is one that we take very seriously.

Sheriff Mason has made it a priority to go after those who import this drug into our county. Our area has seen an increase in arrests by our Criminal Enforcement Team and by local Law Enforcement Agencies.

Fentanyl is a synthetic morphine substitute that is roughly 100 times more powerful and deadly than that of Morphine it is supposed to resemble. Combined with Heroin, this deadly combination is devastating our area and families.

 The Sheriff's Office along with our partners in Law Enforcement take this very serious and are ramping up our efforts to identify those who use, deal, and distribute this drug.

MD. Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene
 Warns of Potent and Deadly Drug Combination
Baltimore, MD (January 31, 2014)  --- Maryland’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) reports an increase in the number of deaths linked to a potent and deadly batch of heroin that is tainted with fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, DHMH announced today.
According to OCME data, between September 2013 and today, at least 37 Maryland deaths were caused by the lethal drug combination.  The fentanyl/heroin deaths represent approximately 12 percent of 318 overdose deaths during the same time period. This represents the preliminary total of overdose deaths for the period between September 2013 and January 2014.  

"DHMH is reaching out to local behavioral health providers to ensure that they are fully informed about this dangerous and deadly trend,” said Dr. Gayle Jordan Randolph, Deputy Secretary for DHMH Behavioral Health Services. “We will support the local authorities as they adapt their overdose prevention plans in response to this deadly trend."
According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fentanyl is estimated to be 80 times more powerful than morphine and hundreds of times more potent than heroin.  The presence of fentanyl dramatically increases the risk of an overdose death.
“Deaths due to the deadly heroin mixture appear to be widespread in Maryland and not localized to any specific area,” says Dr. David Fowler, Chief Medical Examiner for the State. “We have also seen overdose deaths due to fentanyl mixed with cocaine.”
Fentanyl-related deaths have been reported from Western Maryland to the Eastern Shore, and throughout Central Maryland. Recent reports indicate that heroin-fentanyl overdose deaths have also been seen in Washington State, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and along the I-95 corridor. The location of an overdose death does not necessarily indicate the source of a drug.

Number of Deaths
Anne Arundel
Baltimore City
Baltimore County
Prince George’s
Queen Anne’s



Fugitive Fatally Wounded During Traffic Stop

Maryland State Police

(SALISBURY, MD) – A man armed with two handguns who was wanted by Delaware police was fatally wounded after police stopped the car he was in this afternoon in Wicomico County.

The man is not being identified at this time because his family has not yet been located and notified by police. He was a 25-year-old, whose last known address was in Wilmington, Delaware. He was wanted by the Wilmington (DE) Police Department on handgun charges.

A search for the fugitive began in the Wicomico County area after Maryland State Apprehension Team investigators were contacted by Wilmington Police Department officials on January 30, 2014. Wilmington officers reported the man was wanted for handgun violations.

Maryland State Apprehension Team (MSAT) investigators developed information that led them to conduct a surveillance this afternoon at a residence in Delmar. A person matching the description of the wanted man was seen getting into a car and being driven south on Rt. 13 into Salisbury. Investigators requested a uniformed trooper in a marked car stop the vehicle and identify the occupants.

Shortly before 4:30 p.m. today, a uniform trooper stopped the car on southbound Rt. 13 at Philadelphia Avenue. Investigators from MSAT were also on the scene observing the occupants. The uniform trooper contacted the female driver. The male passenger, later identified as the fugitive, was seen by police holding his face down, apparently trying to avoid being seen by the trooper.

The preliminary investigation indicates Officer Milton Rodriguez, an 18-year-veteran of the Salisbury Police Department and a member of MSAT, was part of the surveillance team and approached the passenger side of the car. The officer was wearing identification clearly identifying him as a police officer and was verbally identifying himself as he walked to the passenger side of the car and contacted the fugitive.

The investigation indicates Officer Rodriguez asked the fugitive for his name, at which time the fugitive put both hands in his jacket pockets. The officer gave verbal orders telling the man not to put his hands in his pockets. The fugitive refused and told the officer one of them was going to die. The preliminary investigation indicates the officer was in fear for his safety and pulled his weapon.

More than one shot was heard by police on the scene. At this time, investigators are not sure if the fugitive was wounded by a self-inflicted gunshot or by the police officer. Police found the fugitive had his hands clenched around revolvers in both jacket pockets. He was also in possession of suspected cocaine. Crime scene technicians continue to collect and process evidence from the scene.

Emergency medical personnel were summoned to the scene to treat the wounded man. He was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead shortly after 7:30 p.m. His body will be taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy. No one else was injured in the incident.

The Wicomico County State’s Attorney and Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan responded to the scene. Chief Duncan requested the investigation be conducted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, which regularly investigates police-involved shootings.

The investigation is continuing.   

Week 4: Field Notes By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Week 4: Field Notes

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Week 4 January 27-31, 2014
Monday Evening Session:
There were some of the first bills crossing over from the Senate on First Reader in the House. One of particular interest for farmers dealing with manure transport issues is SB-127. The bill appears to give greater latitude to the Dept.of Agriculture in determining price caps.
Tuesday Morning Session:
I offered the Morning Prayer to begin session. I recited the prayer offered by President George Washington as his first act upon taking office. Whenever I have the opportunity, I try and remind the members of our rich history and our country’s focus on God. It is always a good reminder.
There were no bills on First Reader.
SB-134  Maryland Health Insurance Plan-Access for Bridge Eligible Individuals
was on Third Reader. This bill would require the state to cover all of the medical expenses for individuals who tried, or say they tried, to sign up for Maryland-Obamacare if they were unable to actually receive coverage under any plan. The O’Malley-Brown administration made this request but can provide no budget number or even identify the number of persons that we may need to cover. Essentially, the democrats want to provide a blank check to cover the failures of Maryland-Obamacare that could easily exceed $100 million. This concern was expressed by many delegates from the floor. In spite of these concerns and the failure of the democrats to provide answers, the bill was passed along a party line vote. Here’s what I said on the House Floor.
Tuesday Afternoon Judiciary Hearings:
HB-17 seeks to make the use of an interactive computer service to bully or harass people a misdemeanor. This bill would expand the provisions provided in the cyber bullying bill that was adopted last year (Grace’s Law) and make it apply to adults as well. There was quite a bit of debate over the expansion and the impact on the 1st Amendment rights of individuals.
HB-21 would make it a crime to disobey an order given by a 911 operator. This was, perhaps, a well intended bill, but it has so many pitfalls so as to render it misguided at best.
HB-27 seeks to place certain requirements and protocols in place for incarcerated prisoners who are pregnant. It specifically seeks to mandate the method and form in the use of shackles, and other physical restraints often utilized when transporting pregnant prisoners.
HB-33 referred to as “Lynette’s Law”, this bill seeks to make it a crime for a licensed therapist to have sexual contact with a patient within two years of the victim being a patient of the therapist.
HB-43 would make it a misdemeanor for a person to disclose sexual images, etc. of another person without the consent of that person. This is one of the so called, “Revenge Porn” bills that the committee is hearing this year. This bill would make it a misdemeanor. This bill does not address the extortion issues that I seek to address in HB-204.
HB-64 is a very similar bill to HB-43 except that it makes the crime a felony as opposed to a misdemeanor.
HB-65 would increase the penalty for Harassment and specifically names members of any Neighborhood Watch group as being persons who can be charged with Harassment. It has been crafted in response to the Martin case in Florida. I do not believe that singling out Neighborhood Watch folks is appropriate and it would probably make people reluctant to get involved in protecting their own neighborhoods.
HB-116 would require police officers throughout the state to wear an active video camera on their person to record all of their activities. The bill would have a significant fiscal impact on local agencies.
Hearing on HB-204:
The hearing in Judiciary went well. It was easy to use the other “Revenge Porn” bills that others had testified to earlier as a segway for HB-204. This bill simply expands the current Extortion law to include using sexually explicit images, video, etc. as a means of blackmail against an individual. Currently the law seems unclear that this would be applicable. Click here to listen to the hearing. 
Hearing on HB-32:
I had a hearing in Environmental Matters Committee on my Tinted Window exception for law enforcement. It was well received and there was no opposition. The bill simply would allow law enforcement vehicles to use window tinting on their vehicles to provide some degree of temperature protection for equipment, K-9’s, etc. It would also provide some protection for victims who are transported to the scene of an apprehension for a potential identification. Click here to listen to the hearing. 
Hearing on HB-34:
This bill was heard in Ways and Means and seeks to eliminate the Statute of Limitations on the crime of Income Tax Preparation Fraud. Often these cases are not uncovered until well after the current 3-year time that is in place. The Maryland State’s Attorney’s Association weighed in on the bill in full support. Click here to listen to the hearing. 
Hearing on HB-199:
This bill was also heard in Ways and Means. If passed, it would lower the Corporate Tax Rate in Maryland from the current 8.25% to 6% in a graduated step down over the next 5-years. There was an interesting dialogue with some of the democrats on the committee who alluded to a work group formed by the committee to make recommendations on making Maryland better for business. It appeared quite clear that they are not considering our tax code as an area that needs to be lowered. In fact, it seems their approach will be to cherry pick certain businesses that they wish to bless while not doing anything unilaterally. I testified that the Corporate Rate is simply one part of what should be a holistic approach to solving our decline in the area of business revenues. While I believe cutting the rate would create jobs and increase revenues over time, the democrats on the committee do not make that connection and only see the lost revenue from the tax cut. I told them they needed to first consider why Maryland has lost 7 of 11 Fortune 500 companies over the past 7-years and move to fix this breach. Click here to listen to the hearing.
Wednesday Morning Session: Bills presented on First Reader.
Judiciary Committee Budget Briefing
Judiciary Committee Afternoon Hearings:
HB-181 seeks to increase the fees charged to lawyers for docketing the appearance of Council in the Circuit Court for Carroll County. In a committee of many trial lawyers…what odds would you give this bill?
HB-183 seeks to limit the liability of the Industrial Development Authority of Carroll County by including them under the definition of “local government”. This is a local bill and these types of para-governmental agencies are often provided this type of protection.
HB-201 would add to the costs of our District Court fees $5.00 designated to a fund to provide for defray the costs of law enforcement agencies utilizing electronic citations and their equipment needs. This bill has been introduced previously and there is reluctance to increase these costs.
HB-211 is a Delegation Bill from Carroll County that would raise the salaries of the Orphans Court Judges from $10,000 to $15,000 per year. It would also provide the Chief Judge with an additional stipend of $1500.
HB-239 this bill would simply allow an applicant to the Bar or any lawyer to simply use a credit or debit card to pay certain fees of the of the court. It was hard to understand why this is not already being done.
HB-243 the bill would make the unauthorized use of a motor vehicle a civil matter as opposed to a criminal act. This would significantly impact the rental car folks. It was said that many who rent vehicles allow others to drive them without the permission of the rental company which violates their contracts. When these folks are stopped, they are often issued a citation for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. This process allows for the immediate recovery of the vehicle by the rental carrier as the unlawful operator is generally detained by police and charged with a misdemeanor. I am afraid that if this law is decriminalized, there will be very limited recovery of these rental vehicles.
Hearing on HB-213:
This bill will simply require local county permit offices to specify the reasons why they are denying permits to contractors, electricians, etc.  Right now, when a permit is denied, current law doesn’t mandate that a permit office specify why they are denying a permit.  Click here to listen to the hearing.
Thursday Afternoon Judiciary Committee Hearing:
HB-242 would allow Kent County to conduct a Truancy Reduction Program  which has already been implemented in several other counties in the state. The program seeks to provide alternatives to curb truancy and has been used successfully in other areas of the state.
HB-178 expands the services provided by the Department of Human Resources allowing them to make contact with relatives in “out of home” placement situations. It was said this bill would help with placement of juveniles in the least restrictive environment.
HB-179 would change the make-up of the Adult Public Guardianship Review Boards currently in place within every county. It would require that one of the members be a member of the medical community other than a psychiatrist. It would also allow a Registered Nurse be allowed to serve in place of one of the Doctor assigned positions.
HB-222 would place the crimes of 1st Degree Burglary and Animal Cruelty on the list of crimes that must be reported by law enforcement to local school boards.
HB-236 This bill is titled the Maryland Collaborative Reproduction Act. It seeks to address surrogate legal contracts and agreements made between individuals for the purpose of a woman providing gestation services to another person seeking to have a child through this process. This is really an area that needs some study before any action is taken. There seems to be a desire to move this through quickly and I cannot help but think the LGBT community is driving it.
Friday Morning Eastern Shore Delegation Meeting:
We heard from Secretary Murray from the Dept. of Business and Economic Development. He is always very enthusiastic (which I appreciate). He pointed out what he believed to be good progress by the administration in the area of business development while always avoiding the elephant in the room. I asked him about Beretta leaving Maryland for Tennessee and he said that was true. He said the company was expanding and was choosing to do so in another state. He also alluded to statements made by the company when the Gun Bill (SB-281) was passed last year indicating they were simply following through with what they had stated at that time. I’m sure Charles County would have appreciated the jobs and money of a major plant expansion. How long before Beretta moves out entirely we do not know. There is a smaller Benelli (part of the Beretta family) operation in Pocomoke City and we will have to wait and see how any future plans impact their Maryland operations.  
I pointed out to Sec. Murray that I had asked him for the past two years to get more involved with the poultry and agricultural businesses in the state to insure that they had a business advocate at the table when these new regulations and proposals come forward. He indicated that he tried to always remind his fellow cabinet members of the importance of these farming interests as business entities. Based upon the current state of affairs, it seems his voice does not carry very far in the room.
We heard a brief presentation from Secretary Hall of Planning. He spoke about trying to utilize additional funds from the Chesapeake Bay Trust to address additional septic concerns on the shore. I told him perhaps he could ask the governor to stop transferring tens of millions out of the trust fund to cover his General Fund expenditures. I also told him that it was beginning to look as though we did not need to double the Flush Tax since they keep taking so much money out of the fund for other expenses. He said he would pass that along (yeah, right). I also asked about the number of counties that had complied with the Tier Mapping. He stated that 14 counties had submitted maps. He said they were going back and forth with one particular county (probably Cecil) regarding issues with their proposal. Needless to say, it would seem many of our counties had opted to not comply or submit their plans. It was clear that the state is heavily embedded in local planning decisions based upon some of the discussions that took place between Sec. Hall and Delegate Arentz (R-Queen Anne) regarding a county growth area designation.
We heard from the Tourism Advisory Council and there were representatives from all of the local departments of tourism on the Eastern Shore. They were advocating to keep the governor’s proposed budget numbers for tourism in tact at $8.5 million as opposed to the budget review recommendations of the minimum mandated number of $6.5 million. The vast majority of this revenue is utilized for advertising and this is one area where the numbers can be seen in a very positive light when it comes to direct state revenues. This area of state spending is a big help to the Eastern Shore as we are quite dependant upon tourism to pay the bills.

Friday Morning Session:These bills were on First Reader.
Several Senate bills crossed over and were also on First Reader. Most were local bills. A couple of them were filed by Senator Colburn and would specifically impact Dorchester County(SB-76) and Cambridge (SB-152).

ASTRO-ADVENTURE AT The Delmarva Discovery Center

NASA Administrator Bolden, Senator Mikulski View Progress on James Webb Space Telescope


NASA Photo
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland congratulated the James Webb Space Telescope team Monday for the delivery of all flight instruments and primary mirrors to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Their comments came in a morning news conference at Goddard, where NASA's flagship science project will be assembled in preparation for launch in 2018.

”The Hubble Space Telescope has already rewritten the science books.  Going from Hubble to the James Webb Space Telescope is like going from a biplane to the jet engine,” said Mikulski, Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee that funds NASA. "As Chairwoman, I’ve continued to fight for funds in the federal checkbook to keep the James Webb Space Telescope mission on track, supporting jobs today and jobs tomorrow at Goddard. NASA Goddard is home to leaders in Maryland’s space and innovation economies, making discoveries that not only win Nobel Prizes, but create new products and jobs. The James Webb Space Telescope will keep us in the lead for astronomy for decades to come, spurring the innovation and technology that keep America’s economy rolling."

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will be the most powerful space telescope ever built, capable of observing the most distant objects in the universe, providing images of the first galaxies formed, and observing unexplored planets around distant stars. A joint project of NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Webb is the successor to the agency's Hubble Space Telescope.

All 18 of Webb's primary mirror segments are now housed in the Goddard clean room. Its 1.3 million cubic feet of dust-free space make the clean room one of the world's largest. All four of Webb's science instruments are within feet of the mirrors. The telescope’s mirror and instruments will capture images of the universe and break down the spectra of incoming light to analyze the properties of galaxies, stars, and the atmospheres of planets beyond our solar system.

"The recent completion of the critical design review for Webb, and the delivery of all its instruments to Goddard, mark significant progress for this mission," said Bolden. "The design, build, delivery and testing of these components took meticulous planning and action here at Goddard and with teams across the country, as well as with our international partners. It's very exciting to see it all coming together on schedule. And I want to thank our good friend Senator Barbara Mikulski for her support. We wouldn't be here today without her championing of this critical capability for NASA. I know she understands just how important it is to continue to push the boundaries of what we can do in space."

"This past year has been one of significant progress for the Webb telescope," said Goddard Director Chris Scolese during the news conference. "The NASA Goddard team is working tirelessly with our partners to keep the program on track as we develop this newest scientific tool to explore the universe."

The news conference featured a video presentation hosted by Webb's deputy project manager and technical engineer, Paul Geithner, from inside the clean room. He explained how the 18 mirror segments will be coupled to form the massive space telescope's 21-foot-wide main mirror. This work, and the assembly of the rest of the telescope, will begin once the telescope structure arrives at Goddard.

"Each of these instruments has a unique function to collect data about the universe," Geithner said, pointing to four science instruments that will be located inside the heart of the telescope.

One of these instruments, the University of Arizona's Near-Infrared Camera, will be Webb's primary camera and will take images of the first stars and galaxies to form in the universe, along with many other astronomical targets.

A second instrument, ESA's Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec), will analyze the spectra and composition of as many as 100 objects at once. Airbus Defence and Space, formerly known as EADS/Astrium, built NIRSpec with components provided by Goddard.

A third instrument, ESA's Mid-Infrared Instrument, has both a camera and a spectrograph, which sees light in the mid-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum -- wavelengths longer than the human eye can see. This instrument was developed in collaboration with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

A fourth instrument, CSA's Fine Guidance Sensor and Near-infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph, will allow Webb to point precisely at its target in order to obtain high-quality images, and also will provide other valuable science modes for investigating both the distant universe and nearby exoplanets.

Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems is building Webb's sunshield. Once in space, the sunshield will act as an umbrella to keep heat radiating from the sun and Earth from reaching scientific instruments that must stay cold to function properly. The Webb telescope will be fully assembled by 2016 and then moved to a clean room at NASA's Johnson Space Center for additional testing.

For more information about the instruments and the Webb telescope, visit:


Monday, February 3, 2014

HOGAN-RUTHERFORD TICKET FILES CANDIDACY Agrees to Limit Primary Spending to $2.6 Million

ANNAPOLIS – This afternoon Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford filed their certificate of candidacy with the Maryland Board of Elections for Governor and Lt. Governor respectively.  They also filed their notice of intent to participate in the Fair Campaign Financing Fund.

“The matching funds level the playing field for grassroots campaigns like ours and enables us to compete with the out of touch monopoly in Annapolis,” said Hogan. 

 “I also want to make it perfectly clear. No tax dollars are used in the Fair Campaign Financing Fund”, said Rutherford.

Maryland’s Fair Campaign Financing program is not funded by taxpayer dollars.  Instead, it relies on voluntary donations made by Marylanders on their State personal income tax form before the option was removed by the legislature in 2010.  Since 2010, the fund has grown strictly through investment income.  

“Every election, millions in special interest dollars pour into the campaigns of the out-of-touch Annapolis politicians,” charged Hogan.   

“By accepting these funds, we give a voice to hundreds of thousands of Marylanders fed-up with the monopoly of power in Annapolis and our campaign to change Maryland can focus on reaching voters with our common sense message of fiscal restraint and reform in Annapolis.”
By participating in the Fair Campaign Financing fund the Hogan-Rutherford campaign agrees to limit their expenditures during the primary to $2.6 million, approximately ten times the amount raised by their nearest challenger for the Republican nomination.  

Internal and external polls suggest Larry Hogan is the best positioned to stop status quo, politics-as-usual in Annapolis.  Recent polling shows just 31% of likely voters wanting to see a continuation of the current administration’s failed leadership.  In fact, this same polling indicates that Maryland voters favor a dramatic change of direction by an impressive 25 point margin.

Together, Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford have the right mix of private and public sector experience to turn Maryland around.  

A business owner for over 25 years, Larry has helped attract hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland.  He took time away from his successful business to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration, and founded the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, Change Maryland, focused on bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense policies to Annapolis.

Boyd Rutherford is an accomplished Attorney and Operations Executive with broad private and public sector experience and expertise at both the Federal and state levels.  He has served as the Assistant Secretary for Administration at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Associate Administrator of the GSA, as well as the Secretary of the Maryland Department of General Services (DGS).
For additional information contact:
Adam J Schmidt
(443) 221-4450 office
(410) 897-7050 mobile
Hannah Marr
(443) 221-4450 office
(443) 935-3684 mobile
@Hogan4Governor | www.HoganforGovernor.com | fb.com/ChangeMaryland
Authority: Larry Hogan for Governor, John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer


Who: Larry Hogan, a business owner for over 25 years, has helped attract hundreds of businesses and create thousands of new jobs in Maryland. He took time away from his successful business to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration, and founded the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, Change Maryland, focused on bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense policies to Annapolis.

What: Press availability immediately following filing of paperwork with Maryland Board of Elections

Where: 151 West Street, Suite 200, Annapolis, MD 21401

When: 4PM Monday 3 February 2014

Details: Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford will be available for comment after they file paperwork with the Maryland Board of Elections certifying their candidacy for Governor and Lt. Governor respectively.

Adam J Schmidt
(443) 221-4450 office
(410) 897-7050 mobile
Hannah Marr
(443) 221-4450 office
(443) 935-3684 mobile
@Hogan4Governor | www.HoganforGovernor.com | fb.com/ChangeMaryland
Authority: Larry Hogan for Governor, John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer

Ceremony For the New AW139 Helicopter To Be Held


It is always so wonderful to read  such wonder words about the people from Pocomoke City that you know and love.  Congratulations Stan !!  My very best to you and yours in the future. Your life long accomplishments brings tears to my eyes.  SO proud of you!!  bw

William S. "Stan" Finch, Jr.
2013 Pilot of the Year
Maryland State Police
MIDDLE RIVER, MD) -- The Maryland State Police Aviation Command (MSPAC) has selected Mr. William S. “Stan” Finch, Jr. as the 2013 Pilot of the Year.  Mr. Finch is assigned to the Salisbury Aviation Section based at the Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport.  He was selected by his peers for this annual award based on proven performance, dedication, and commitment to the MSPAC mission.
   Mr. Finch has been a member of the Aviation Command for over 30 years.  During his tenure he has served as an Aviation Trauma Technician (precursor to Flight Paramedic), Pilot, Sergeant, Instructor Pilot and Civilian Pilot.  In 2013 he was named the Lead Instructor Pilot for the statewide transition into the new, state of the art, AgustaWestland AW139 multi-mission helicopter.  In this role he was responsible for drafting a training syllabus and training manual in compliance with FAA guidelines and coordinating the training of line pilots on the new AW139 helicopter.  As a result of his tireless work and dedication to duty, MSPAC has transitioned three helicopter sections into the new helicopter with the fourth transition beginning earlier this week in St. Mary’s County.  With Mr. Finch’s efforts across the state, MSPAC continues to serve the citizens of Maryland with the most advanced and capable multi-mission helicopter available.  This training is the highlight of Mr. Finch’s 40 years of dedication to state of Maryland.
Personal Background

Name:  William S. “Stan” Finch, Jr.

Assignment: Instructor Pilot – Salisbury Aviation Section

History: 40 years of service to the Maryland State Police
                        34 years of service to Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company.

Hobbies: NASCAR, hunting, and driving to Marshall University.

Family: Resides in Pocomoke, Worcester County with his wife, Cathy.


     Mr. William S. “Stan” Finch, Jr. joined the Maryland State Police in 1973 and the Aviation Command in 1982. He began as an Aviation Trauma Technician and then became a certified helicopter pilot in the Bell 206 JetRanger. He retired as a Sergeant/Pilot in 1998 and returned to the State Police as a Civilian Pilot continuing to fly the Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin. For the last decade, Mr. Finch has worked as the Instructor Pilot at the Salisbury Section - Trooper 4.  In May, 2013 he was named the MSPAC’s Lead Instructor Pilot for the new AW139 multi-mission helicopter.

     As the Lead Instructor Pilot on the AW139, Mr. Finch researched and produced numerous guides and training plans to ensure a successful, efficient transition into the new aircraft. Mr. Finch has traveled across Maryland instructing pilots at various helicopter sections with a lead/primary focus with the Easton and Salisbury Sections. This week he began instructing the pilots at the Southern Maryland Section with the new AW139. The MSPAC continues to benefit from his extensive experience, dedication to duty and commitment to flight safety as an example for others to follow.

     In addition to his service with the Maryland State Police, Mr. Finch has been a member of the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company for 34 years and has served in multiple capacities. From 2000-2012 he served as a sworn Deputy Sheriff with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the Civil Division. He stepped down from the Sheriff’s Office to focus solely on the MSPAC AW139 helicopter transition program. 

     Mr. Finch will be formally recognized as the 2013 Pilot of the Year at the MSPAC Salisbury Section AW139 helicopter ribbon cutting ceremony. The ribbon cutting will be held on February 5, 2014, at 1:00pm at the Salisbury Section hangar, 5286 Lear Jet Way, Salisbury, MD 21804. Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, and other state and local officials will be in attendance.

     The Maryland State Police Aviation Command has served Maryland citizens since 1970, and operates a fleet of advanced multi-mission helicopters from seven bases throughout the state on a 24/7/365 basis.  Missions include medevac, law enforcement, search & rescue, homeland security, and disaster assessment.  The success of missions performed by the Aviation Command depends a great deal on the cooperative effort of local fire, rescue, EMS, and law enforcement agencies.

Mike Mann
Maryland State Police