Sunday, May 4, 2014


A G E N D A 
7:30 p.m., Monday, May 5, 2014
City Hall

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of April 7,2014.

3. Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4. Introduction of new Finance Director Janet Wilson.

5. Public Hearing on proposed 2014-15 CDBG application and project report on current CDBG projects.

6. Resolution No. 481 to authorize submittal of CDBG application.

7. Adopt revised Citizen Participation Plan and Anti-Displacement/Relocation Assistance Plan related to CDBG application.

8. Brad Adams, Construction Superintendent of the Fay Company, to give update on progress and schedule for Rt. 13 bridge repair project.

9. Status report regarding Pocomoke Heights water study by GMB Engineers.

10. Discuss proposal from Chesapeake Paving Company for patching various areas on City streets and at tennis courts.

Comments from the Audience
Mayor and Council items.

Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, real estate, and legal matters as permitted under the provisions of Sec. 10-508 (A), (1), (7), (8) of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and perform executive actions.


More On Worcester County K-9 Ike ~ Photo Added

Prayers and condolences to Chris Larmore the handler of K-9 Ike.
Some say that you can't explain the bond between an officer and his K-9 partner.

K-9 Ike
Worcester County Sheriff's  Office Photo
On Saturday May 3rd at about 2200 Hrs a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Deputy, along with his Partner K-9 Ike conducted a traffic stop on Rt. 50 in the area of Rt. 589. While on the stop K-9 Ike alerted to something and jumped from the stopped patrol vehicle. A motorist traveling on Rt. 50 was not able to avoid K-9 Ike and unfortunately struck and killed K-9 Ike. The driver of the vehicle remained on the scene. The driver did everything they could to avoid striking the K-9 but to no avail.

Ike had been on duty with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for 3 years. He was responsible for numerous drug seizures, criminal apprehensions and countless searches and tracks. Ike was a valued member of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and will be sorely missed by The Sheriff Mason and all the Deputies.

Lt. Edward C. Schreier

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Mar-Va Theater ~ Year In Review

TIME MACHINE ... 1922, 1973, 1867, 2002, 1950, 1896

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1922
The Washington Times


Pocomoke City Team Gets Former Big League Catoher's Services After June 1.


 Jack Ryan, former big league star catcher, has accepted terms to manage the Pocomoke City club in the Eastern Shore league, a Class D circuit to get underway in Maryland this season. Jack will coach the Virginia university baseball squad from March 15 to May 15 and will go to Pocomoke City June 1 to take charge of his squad there.

 "I'm going to use a lot of Washington youngsters on my ball club," says Jack. "Under the rules of the league we are alowed but three class players on each club. That means that I shall have plenty of room for youngsters. That's what I'm going to use, too. We're going to have a fast ball club under all conditions." 

The Eastern Shore League consists of Parksley, Va.; Crlsfield, Salisbury, Cambridge and Pocomoke City, Md., and Laurel, Del. 

"Are you going to play yourself?" we asked Jack. 

"Sure, a couple of times a week, anyway," was his reply. "I aim to develop some young pitchers and send them up to the majors, or at least to the higher minor leagues. To do that I must be in there behind the plate coaching them. I've been playing ball on the sandlots here and am always in good shape. I guess my Pocomoke City Club won't be too fast for me." 

In his major league days Jack caught such great pitchers as Kid Nichols and Fred Klobedans, both with the old Boston Cub. He knows  just what to do to bring out the best in young pitchers.

June, 1973
Evening Capital (Annapolis)

New span gets in a little jam 

By Tom Stuckey

Maryland officials helped dedicate the $120 million Chesapeake Bay Bridge yesterday then promptly got caught in a traffic jam trying to get to the other side. The backup developed as officials, guests and spectators left the site of the dedication ceremonies and headed for free food and drink served up under a big striped tent across the bay on the Eastern Shore. Gov Marvin Mandel was the first official bridge customer, paying his toll to Secretary of Transportation Harry R. Hughes at about 11a.m. after the formal dedication was completed. Mandel rode through the toll gates in a green 1929 Packard convertible, one of more than 80 classic antique cars which lead the first caravan across the 3.98-mile span.

June, 1867
The Daily News (Charleston, S.C.)


-The Baltimore Sun gives the following statement of the measures adopted by the charitable people of Maryland to aid the suffering poor in the South. Maryland has created a glorious record for herself, which, like bread cast upon the waters, will return to her after many days.

The citizens of *Newtown, Worcester county, Md., have held a meeting and adopted measures for the relief of the suffering people of the South. Rev. O. F.Flippo presided, and W. L. Clarke, Esq., of the Newtown Gazette, was appointed secretary. Addresses were delivered by Senator Broadwater and the Revs. Messrs. Polk, Rowe, and Martindale after which a handsome collection was taken up and handed over to the treasurer, Wm. S. Dickenson, Esq.  Messrs. Hall & Brother, and W. J. S. Clarke & Son, offered to convey, free of charge, to Baltimore, any produce contributed for the relief of the South, as did also Captain Veasey and C. M. Talbott, of the steamer Massachusetts. On the 4th of June the ladies of Newtown are to hold a great strawberry festival in aid of the Southern sufferers. The ladies of Broadneck and Townneck, Anne Arundel county, a few miles from Annapolis, are to hold a similar festival at St. Margaret's parsonage on the 12th and 13th of June.

*(Newtown became Pocomoke City in 1878.)

July, 2002
Annapolis Capital

OCEAN CITY - A Potomac developer who constructed a multi-million dollar yacht basin and upscale harbor housing now plans to convert Shantytown Village and Marina into a gated community.

John L. Gudelsky, the president of Percontee Inc., has agreed to buy Shantytown from Ray and Charles Nichols of Bel Air, who own the quirky waterside shopping area that houses more than 20 merchants on the mainland side of the Route 50 bridge.

The brothers also own the adjacent marina and the landmark Ocean City Boatel & Service Center.

The sale is contingent on approval of an application to rezone the property for residential use.

If the application is approved, Shantytown and the Boatel & Service Center would be torn down.

Silver Spring-based Percontee has applied to rezone more than 7 acres. Preliminary plans call for a gated community with townhouses and 14 single-family homes.

Shantytown Village was developed in the early 1970s. Tax records assess it now at $1.8 million while the adjacent marina is assessed at $4 million and the Bayside Boatel and an adjoined property are assessed at $1.8 million.

Shantytown Village is well known for its quaint, tourist-oriented shops, as well as the two fishing headboats and one tour boat.

Voyages East owner Karen Bunting, which operates the O.C. Princess and the Miss Ocean City headboats and the Bay Queen tour boat out of Shantytown, said her business will do fine, in another part of town.
_Associated Press

August, 1950 (Time Machine archive)
(Denton Journal) 


Pocomoke City Raceway was the scene of 3 ten lap heats and a 30-lap feature race on Sunday with Norris Reed of Denton driving car No. 38 owned by Mary and Ed Henry to victory in the 15-mile thriller.  Reed defeated such veteran drivers as Bill Scott in car No. 1, Jack Jones of car 75 and Roland Sammons driving No. 24 to turn the fast 1/2 mile track in 15 minutes and 21 seconds.  A beautiful wrist watch was Reed's prize as feature winner.

Footnote:  Pocomoke stock car races were held at the track on the old Fair Grounds.

March, 1896
Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House

Our inhabitants had a surprise last week, in the shape of a lady bicycle rider. Being the first in the town, she was quite a curiosity.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

K-9 Ike Killed While On Traffic Stop Saturday Evening

It is with a heavy heart that Sheriff Mason announces the line of duty death of K-9 Ike. K-9 Ike was tragically killed while on a traffic stop in Berlin this evening. K-9 Ike was a tremendous asset to the Sheriff's Office and was responsible for numerous apprehensions and drug seizures. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with his handler and family. K-9 Ike was escorted with full honors to Holloway Funeral Home in Salisbury. 
Worcester County Sheriff's Office Photo

The Sheriff's Office would like to thank Holloway Funeral Home, Maryland State Police Berlin and Salisbury, Berlin Police Department, Wicomico County Sheriff's Office, and the Salisbury Police Department. 

Pictured is K-9 Ike second from left. (photo above) The loss of this partner can not be explained and the hole it leaves in our agency is large. 

Again our thoughts and prayers are with K-9 Ike's family and partner.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Saturday, May 3, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1922.. Former major leaguer to manage new Pocomoke team; 1973.. New Chesapeake Bay bridge opens; 1867..  Newtown (predecessor to Pocomoke City) citizens aid southern sufferers; 2002.. End in site for Ocean City's Shantytown; 1950.. Busy Stock Car event at Pocomoke City Speedway; 1896.. A first for an Eastern Shore of Virginia town.  It was a lady ___________, "quite a curiosity." (Any guesses?)

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Locals Appreciation Weekend At The Delmarva Discovery Center

Locals Appreciation Weekend! 
At The Delmarva Discovery Center

All residents of Sussex, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, and Accomack Counties receive 50% off their admission!


(PIKESVILLE, MD) – As motorists travel the roads to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, state police urge citizens to make it a time of fiesta by preventing impaired driving and plan for a designated driver.

Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Marcus L. Brown has ordered impaired driving initiatives to be conducted throughout the state on May 5, 2014

Troopers from each of the 22 state police installations as well as the State Police Impaired Driving Effort (S.P.I.D.R.E.) will be out working a variety of enforcement programs. These initiatives will include DUI saturation patrols and checkpoints. Troopers will also target aggressive and distracted drivers. 

“Cinco de Mayo has become a big night out for many, particularly among young adults,” said Colonel Brown. “But it is also a very dangerous night out because of alcohol-impaired drivers. Those celebrating should be sure to designate their sober driver in advance, before the festivities begin.” 

In 2013 two people died on Maryland roads while nationally, 89 people died on the roads around Cinco de Mayo. In fact, from 2011 to 2012, the number of people killed in drunk driving crashes on Cinco de Mayo more than doubled. 

The Maryland State Police are encouraging motorists to plan before they party. Most people do not plan to drink and drive, but unfortunately they do not have a plan at all. Before you start to drink on Cinco de Mayo, designate a safe, sober driver.

If you are planning on drinking, leave your car keys at home.

• If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely.

• If you can’t find a safe ride or you choose to walk home, remember that walking impaired can be just as dangerous as driving impaired. Designate a sober friend to walk you home.

• If you see a drunk driver on the road, call 9-1-1. You could save a life.

• And remember, if you know people who are about to drive or ride with someone who is impaired, help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely. If a friend is drunk and wants to drive, intervene and take the keys away if you have to.

Maryland State Police

Friday, May 2, 2014



5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Large pepperoni or cheese pizza for $12

No need to call ahead or even get out of your car...
just come by and get it!!!!
Proceeds benefit the New Church Vol. Fire & Rescue Co.

Snow Hill Vol. Fire Co. OPENS The Mudbog Season for 2014


4718 Snow Hill Road
Snow Hill, Maryland

GATES OPEN @ 10 am

* Adults  & Children 10+  - $10
*Children under 10 FREE
    children must be accompanied
    by an adult!!)

    each event!!  (Must be equipped
    with manufacturer's battery. 


Worcester County Bureau of Investigation Located "Peeping Tom"

Follow Up from previous post from 
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Investigators said they have found the man they believe was acting as Peeping Tom at the Berlin Wal-Mart earlier this month.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation said George Toth, 44, of Kresgeville, Pa., faces charges of being a Peeping Tom and prurient intent. Toth, a truck driver, was found in Dover and taken into custody under an out-of-state fugitive warrant.

On April 3, police said a man went into the women’s restroom at the Berlin Wal-Mart and stuck cell phone under a bathroom stall and tried to record a woman. When the suspect attempted to leave, the woman followed him out into the parking lot.

Maryland State troopers were later able to obtain video surveillance from Wal-Mart and investigation revealed that the suspect had been loitering near the eastern side of the Wal-Mart entrance doors.

On April 13, investigators pulled additional surveillance video and saw the suspect get out of a tractor-trailer that had backed into a loading spot at Home Depot. The person was matched to the suspect description.

After speaking with representatives from the Home Depot shipping/receiving area, investigators were able to positively identify the driver and suspect as Toth, police said. Investigators tracked Toth to the Dover Home Depot Store.

Toth was found to be a registered Tier 2 sex offender through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, police said.

Toth was then taken before a judge in Delaware, where he was released on a $2,000 bond. He is scheduled May 23 for an extradition hearing back to the State of Maryland.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigations is still actively working this case and they can be contacted at the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office or the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations at 410-632-1111

Passenger Arrested During Traffic Stop

On April 29, 2014 at approximately 0713 hours, a Deputy with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy, was operating stationary radar in the area of Bishopville Road and Bishop Street, in Bishopville, Worcester County Maryland. At this time, the Deputy observed a vehicle traveling 44 miles per hour in a posted 30 mile per hour zone

The Deputy initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, and made contact with the operator Morgan Alaina Bernstein, 30, of Ocean City. A license check was performed on Bernstein, and it was found that Bernstein’s privilege to drive was suspended. Bernstein was issued Maryland traffic citations for the traffic violations. Once the traffic stop was complete, Bernstein gave the Deputy consent to search the vehicle.

During the consent search, the Deputy located crack cocaine, a glass smoking device, and a hypodermic needle. Throughout the investigation it was determined the handbag belonged to the left rear passenger, Ashley Nicole Lewis, 25, of Berlin. Lewis was placed under arrest for 2 counts of CDS paraphernalia, 1 count of CDS possession not marijuana. Lewis was seen by the District Court Commissioner, released on her own recognizance and is awaiting trial.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Locals Appreciation Weekend At The Delmarva Discovery Center

Locals Appreciation Weekend! 

All residents of Sussex, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, and Accomack Counties receive 50% off their admission!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

THIS WEEKEND At The MarVa Theater


Friday, May 2nd at 7 PM
Saturday, May 3rd at 7 PM

Tickets: $5


Ralph Andrew McCabe
(April 30, 2014) – On April 29, 2014, at approximately 8:15 p.m. Ocean City police responded to a 32nd Street apartment for a report of a subject in possession of a handgun making threats. Upon arrival, officers quickly located and detained the suspect, later identified as Ralph Andrew McCabe, 23, of Snow Hill.
The investigation revealed that McCabe became irate with his girlfriend and another female and began destroying his girlfriend’s belongings. McCabe later began threatening the two females while holding a handgun. During the subsequent investigation, officers located the handgun, in addition to evidence related to recent burglaries.
McCabe was arrested by Ocean City police and charged with multiple assault, burglary and malicious destruction charges. McCabe was seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and is currently being held without bond for the burglary charges and on $100,000 bond for the assault charges.
Ocean City Police Department

Review of State and Federal Audits Find O’Malley-Brown Administration Failed.......

Review of state and federal audits find O’Malley-Brown Administration failed to act on $1.75 billion in cost-saving measures.

Shoddy record keeping, widespread mismanagement and lack of fraud controls sapped critical funding for child protection, environment, public safety and education.

Annapolis, MD – May 1 -- According to an investigation by the Hogan-Rutherford campaign, over the past seven years the O’Malley-Brown Administration failed to act on dozens of official audits detailing more than $1.75 billion in improper spending and even outright fraud in the Executive Branch.  Additionally, audits of the nearly $13 billion Maryland receives annually from the federal government also found widespread accounting failures. 

Hogan said, “This isn’t wishful thinking about magically increasing government efficiency; these audits comprise hundreds of pages actual instances of waste and mismanagement and the simple steps required to prevent further losses.  Clearly, Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown decided it would be easier to hike taxes, fees and tolls, loot $100 million from retiree pension funds and millions more from environmental, highway and arts funding than to act on the simple guidelines presented in the audits.  

The audits, which do not include the estimated $300 million spent on the failed Health Exchange include:
Jan. 2009 - $38.9 million in unlawful budget transactions. These are improper payments and transactions by Executive Branch agencies that have to be cut from the next year’s budget or require tax increases to cover.

May 2010 - $936 thousand in rental payments the Maryland Stadium Authority never recovered. 

Sept 2010 – Up to $22.5 million paid to a contractor without verifying that workers showed up to do their jobs.

Dec. 2010 – $1.8 million in fraud at Kidney Disease Program due to fictitious claims.

Feb. 2011 – $2.3 million that the office of Public defender failed to collect in fees in 40,000 cases

April 2011 - $71,000 spent by one employee making fraudulent purchases on a Department of Natural Resources credit card.

Of his campaign’s analysis, Larry Hogan said, “This is just a partial accounting of the O’Malley-Brown Administration’s rampant mismanagement of our hard-earned tax dollars, these audits make clear that critical funding for the disabled, education, child protection, the environment, public safety and other priorities was wasted through sheer incompetence or outright fraud.”

In many cases, the General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Audits determined that O’Malley-Brown officials ignored previous warnings that nearly every state agency lacked basic controls to prevent personal use of petty cash, government credit cards and state-owned vehicles.  In fact, according to a review of the audits, most state agencies lacked basic controls on spending cash, use of government purchase cards and personal use of tax-payer owned vehicles.  In recent months, there have been several highly publicized cases of state workers spending tens of thousands of tax-dollars on personal items and luxury travel.      

The audits also reveal an alarming pattern of state officials ignoring rules governing safety and security.  In one case, the O’Malley-Brown Education Department officials failed to follow up on criminal background screenings for child care workers.  In a separate instance, while failing to report about $38 million in unspent funds, the Development Disabilities Administration left thousands of developmentally disabled Marylanders languishing on a wait list while advocates successfully lobbied for a 150% increase in the alcohol tax to fund such services.  The DDA’s Chief Financial Officer was fired shortly after bringing this to the attention of the O’Malley Administration.  

“Addressing the cost-savings recommendations of these audits and prosecuting any theft of tax dollars should be the top priority in the final months of the O’Malley-Brown administration.


Cinco de Mayo in the United States has become synonymous not only with tacos, sombreros, and piñatas, but also with margaritas, tequila, and beer. Since alcohol is such a big part of many Cinco de Mayo festivities, it’s no surprise that drunk driving is especially high on May 5th.Ocean City police are urging citizens to designate a sober driver or plan another sober ride home before heading to the bars this Cinco de Mayo.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 233 people were killed in drunk driving crashes on Cinco de Mayo (6 p.m. May 4th to 5:59 a.m. May 6th) from 2008 to 2012.  In 2012, almost half (45 percent) of all traffic crash fatalities on Cinco de Mayo involved drunk driving.

“Some people have this misconception that they can drink a little, and drive safely,” said Chief Ross Buzzuro, “but that’s just not true. Everyone needs to remember that Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving, and there’s never an excuse for it.”

Every 51 minutes in 2012, someone was killed in a drunk driving crash in the United States, and 89 of those fatalities were around Cinco de Mayo, according to the NHTSA. In fact, from 2011 to 2012, the number of people killed in drunk driving crashes on Cinco de Mayo more than doubled. In all fatal crashes in 2012, seventy-one percent of the drunk drivers involved had blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of .15 or higher—almost twice the legal limit.

Ocean City police reminds all citizens that plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo to designate a sober driver beforehand or call a sober friend to ensure a safe ride home. Citizens are also encouraged to call one of the many local taxi companies or ride the municipal bus.

Re-Elect Reggie Mason ~ Worcester County Sheriff

As your Sheriff, it is the responsibility of my command staff and I to allocate money and resources to not only keep our citizens safe, but the men and women of our department as well. As a member of the Sheriff's office since 1979, including 23 years as Chief Deputy and 4 as Sheriff, I realize what it takes to accomplish the goal of controlled spending in a lagging economy, while making sure it is not at the expense of the safety of our citizens, kids, Teachers and the Officers on duty. We continue to service our County's citizens to the best of our ability and year end 2013 was no different. Statistics from 2013 show the following:

> Events-52,706
> Miles Patrol-1,562,465
> Arrests-799
> Protective Orders (Domestic) 671
> Court Papers-10,924
> Case Closures of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office 75% compared to the National Average of 30-40%
> Overall Crime Dropped 15%

 These results are due to the hard work these men and women put forth everyday. It is my honor to serve with them. I have the experience that is necessary to continue to build upon our solid foundation and on June 24th, I hope you continue to place your trust in me to lead.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Pocomoke City to Host Delmarva Firemen’s Convention

Pocomoke City to Host Delmarva Firemen’s Convention
 May 1, 2, 3

The Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company will host the 85th Annual Convention of the Delmarva Volunteer Firemen’s Association and the 80th Annual Convention of the Association’s Auxiliary on May 1, 2 and 3 at the Pocomoke City Community Center and firehouse. 

Firefighters and Auxiliary members and their families from Northern Delaware to Cape Charles, Virginia will be visiting Pocomoke City for this 3-day event.  Activities kick-off on Thursday night, May 1, with the “Meet Your Host Night” at the firehouse. On Friday, convention meetings will take place throughout the day followed by a social hour and formal dinner at 6 PM in the Community Center. 

Following committee meetings on Saturday morning, the highlight of the convention will be a parade starting at 2 PM featuring fire equipment from throughout Delmarva. The parade will stage at the Pocomoke Middle School on 8th Street, travel east on 8th Street and then south on Market Street where it will disband at the firehouse.  Over 40 trophies will be awarded to fire companies and equipment in a host of different categories. 

Spectators can view the parade that will include both modern as well as antique fire equipment anywhere along Market Street.  The reviewing and judges’ stand will be located in front of Hartley Hall Nursing Home.  

New to the convention this year will be the Cadet Firefighting Muster which will take place on 14th Street next to the firehouse following the parade.  The Cadet Corps of the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company will host this event and cadet organizations from several area fire companies will compete in the muster with trophies presented to the winners in several competitions. The public is invited to watch as our future firefighters take part in this fun event.  

Market Street will be closed from 8th Street south to 14th Street at the firehouse during the parade. 14th Street from Market Street to Cedar Run will be closed for the muster. 

“We’re excited about again being the host city for the Delmarva Firemen’s Convention and related Auxiliary Convention”, said Ron Taylor, convention chairman. “We are proud to showcase Pocomoke City, ‘The Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore’,  as well as our beautiful firehouse and Community Center to hundreds of guests who will be attending this year’s event”, he added. 

The convention was last hosted by the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company in April, 2011 when several hundred delegates and guests from fire departments across Delmarva attended the 3-day event.  

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1922.. Former major leaguer to manage new Pocomoke team; 1973.. New Chesapeake Bay bridge opens; 1867..  Newtown (predecessor to Pocomoke City) citizens aid southern sufferers; 2002.. End in site for Ocean City's Shantytown; 1950.. Busy Stock Car event at Pocomoke City Speedway; 1896.. A first for an Eastern Shore of Virginia town.  It was a lady ___________, "quite a curiosity." (Any guesses?)

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


April 15, 2014 to April 28, 2014

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell, Lt. Lynell Green and Lt. Brian Craven hold their bi-weekly Com Stat meeting to discuss the Officers performance and City wide crimes. 

During the past two weeks the Pocomoke City Police Officers issued 150 traffic citations, 96 warnings, completed 25 Criminal Adult Arrest, 1 Criminal Juvenile Arrest, 17 Traffic Arrest and answered 311 calls for service.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014







For more info go 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Respond To Disturbance

On April 26, 2014 Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were dispatched to Girdletree for a disturbance. Deputies learned San Juanita Hernandez 38 of Georgetown, DE, had been in an argument with her boyfriend because he would not let her leave his house. Ms. Hernandez was intoxicated and her boyfriend felt it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to drive. 

While the Deputy was conducting the investigation Ms. Hernandez was disorderly and failed to follow simple instructions given by the Deputy. Ms. Hernandez was given numerous opportunities, but still continued to hinder the Deputy while he completed his investigation. 
Ms. Hernandez was charged with hindering a police officer in the performance of duties. She was released pending trial.

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office


"In Maryland, media attention prompted policymakers in both parties to realize that a mass exodus of taxpayers harms the state and especially Baltimore, a case study in tax flight among major cities in the mid-Atlantic. While the most recent decline is less pronounced, the damage has already been done in high-taxed Maryland. From 2000 to 2010, the state lost $5.5 billion in taxable revenues. Gubernatorial candidate David Craig has announced a plan to reduce and eventually eliminate Maryland’s income tax “to keep families together.” A tenth-generation Marylander, he would prefer to keep his children and grandchildren in the state."

Arsonist Tonya Bundick Granted 62 Trials

Monday, April 28, 2014

Judge Glen Tyler granted Tonya Bundicks request for 62 separate trials in Accomack County Circuit Court Monday. 

Bundicks lawyer asked for separate trials so juries would not hear other matters involved. 

Tyler rejected the Commonwealth's request to have try all charges at once because he said each instance was separate and there was no common theme or plan.

Tyler indicated earlier he might agree to have Bundick tried again in Virginia Beach where she was tried in January for arson in the case pertaining to the incident on April 1, 2013 where she and her accomplice Charles R. Smith III were caught in the process of setting a fire at a residence in Melfa.Bundick submitted an Alford plea in her trial in January in which she did not admit to the charges but acknowledged there was sufficient evidence to convict her.

Smith pled guilty earlier this year to 67 counts of arson and one count of conspiracy. 

Neither Smith or Bundick have been sentenced for the crimes for which they have already been convicted. 


Wednesday: Mommy and Me: Daddy Too ! Delmarva Discovery Center


Mommy and Me; Daddy too! 

From 10:30-11:00

Delmarva Discovery Center

 Our Painted Lady Butterflies are emerging from their chrysalis! Come see how our little caterpillars of two weeks ago are now beautiful butterflies.

 We will make a butterfly craft and if weather permits, release our Painted Ladies to live many happy days on the banks of the Pocomoke River.

Monday, April 28, 2014

CPL R. Dale Trotter Speaks To Group On Elderly Abuse

Mothers's Day All-You-Can-Eat

Greenbackville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office ~ Recent Arrests

On April 23, 2014 at approximately 1740 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was on patrol in the area of southbound Route 610 in the area of Route 113 Whaleyville, Worcester County, Maryland. The Deputy observed a white Chevrolet pickup truck cross the northbound lanes of traffic, run off the roadway, and strike a large ditch. The Deputy observed the operator, who was identified as Bryce Joseph Butler age 20 of Whaleyville, Maryland continue to push the gas pedal in attempt to drive out of the ditch.

The Deputy asked Mr. Butler to exit the vehicle. Upon speaking with Mr. Butler it was determined that Mr. Butler was in possession of a controlled dangerous substance. The Deputy recovered heroin, hypodermic needles, and a digital scale from Mr. Butler. Mr. Butler was charged with possession of narcotics and drug paraphernalia. 

Mr. Butler was transported to the District Court Commissioner and is awaiting trial.

On April 24, 2014 at approximately 1546 hours a Deputy responded to Whiton Road in the area of Disharoon Road for the report of a Motor Vehicle Accident where the driver had left the scene. At approximately 1738 hours, a Deputy of the Worcester County Sheriff`s Office located and arrested the driver identified as 27 year old Jeremy Arthur Meikle of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the charge of CDS Possession of Marijuana. 

Meikle was issued traffic citations and a Maryland Uniform Criminal Citation for CDS Possession of Marijuana -Less Than 10 Grams and upon his signature of the citation, he was released.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

TIME MACHINE... 1922, 1953, 1995, 1827, 1927, 1878

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

April, 1922
Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.)


Great Territory of Growing Vines Nipped by Cold Wave.
(By Associated Press)

CAPE CHARLES, VA., April 24,.- A Killing frost, with ice, covered the entire peninsula from Delaware through Maryland, and down to the lower end of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, in Accomac and Northampton Counties Saturday and Sunday nights, with resultant damages to crops in all sections.

Through the Eastern Shore of Virginia in Northampton and Accomac Counties, potato fields are today black with frost-killed potatoes. Farmers of this section are hard hit, especially after last year's short crop.

Before Saturday night the potato fields in this section were pictures of well-advanced vines. Today they look as if a fire had swept over them.

November, 1953
Evening Capital (Annapolis)

Pocomoke City Fire Causes $100,000 Worth Of Damage

POCOMOKE CITY, Md. (AP) —Fire caused an estimated $100,000 damage, including the loss of a warehouse and fertilizer factory at the William B. Tilghman Co. here Saturday.

John L. Morris of Salisbury, secretary-treasurer of the firm, said 2,000 tons of fertilizer, processed and raw, was included in the loss.

The blaze broke out shortly after the plant closed down for the weekend.

Firemen from six towns helped prevent the flames from spreading to a garage and company offices about 125 feet from the main buildings.

Origin of the blaze was not determined immediately. The company has home offices in Salisbury.

November, 1995
Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Texas)


Satellite-aided farming spreads

Information helps apply chemicals more efficiently during season

By AXEL KOLUNG Knight-Ridder Newspapers

PRINCESS ANNE, Md. - When William Anderson harvests his soybean crop, he receives more from heaven than sunshine, rain and God's blessings.

He also picks up signals from 24 satellites orbiting at 10,900 miles from the Earth. They help him determine how much fertilizer and pesticides will be needed during the next growing season in each section of his fields.

Anderson, 57, of Maryland's Eastern Shore is one of a small but expanding number of farmers nationwide who are using satellites maintained by the Defense Department to decide how to apply chemicals more efficiently.

A start-up package with the display monitor, sensor and antenna costs between $5,000 and $7,000 to purchase, he said. For an initial soil sampling, businesses charge another $5,000 to $7,000 for each 1,000 acres. The farmers are not charged any fees for using the system. Farmers who use the equipment use about 20 percent less fertilizers and pesticides, recovering their investment over time, Olson (Ron Olson, president of Top-Soil Testing Service) said.

Anderson, who grows soybeans and corn on about 2,000 acres, said he purchased the equipment when others were still laughing about it.

"The commercial pesticide license requires a lot of record keeping, to the point where it is beyond the realm of a farmer."

"I would need one person just to keep up the records, like what pesticides I sprayed where and what direction the wind came from and so on. The GPS system records all that automatically," he said.
August, 1827
(Gettysburg Republican Compiler- Gettysburg, Pa.)

Singular organic relic.- Capt. Belle of the schooner Three Sisters, of Folly landing, Accomac county, Virginia, has brought from the neighborhood a very curious skull with tusks and teeth resembling ivory- It is in a complete state of petrification, and weighs fourteen pounds. It was found by Mr. Cropper on the sea shore, and it is a matter of uncertainty whether it was washed up by the surf, or disinterred by the waves. The latter is probably the fact. The specimen has been referred to the order of cetascous animals which are herbivorous, or feed upon vegetables, such as the Manati, the Dugong, and the Rytine of zoologists (newspaper's spelling).  But Dr. Mitchell, who received the specimen from the finder, through Mr. H.P. Haven, is inclined to consider it as having belonged to some antediluvian creature, who no longer exists in a living state, but, like many others, become extinct in the course of ages. By him, Mr. Cropper has been exhorted to make search for other parts of the skeleton.

January, 1927 (Time Machine archive)

The Eastern Shore Gas And Electric Company announced that Vienna had been selected as the site for construction of a modern steam turbine generating station. Salisbury, Cambridge, Pocomoke City, and Seaford had also been considered.

March, 1878
(The Denton Journal- Denton, Md.)

The Snow Hill (Md.) Messenger says a number of gentlemen in that town have formed an anti-swearing association. The fine for each oath used by a member is five cents, and the money is to be divided equally once a year. A praiseworthy association, truly.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



Saturday, April 26, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1922.. Late April frost brings damage to lower Eastern Shore; 1953.. Major blaze strikes Pocomoke City company; 1995.. Satellites aid Somerset County farmer; 1827.. Ancient organic relic found on Accomac County shore; 1927.. Site chosen for new Eastern Shore electric generating station; 1878.. What's the new "praiseworthy" association formed in Snow Hill?

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

TODAY ~ National Take Back Prescription Drug Day ~ Pocomoke City

April 26th is National Take Back Prescription Drug Day!
The location for the event this year in Pocomoke City will be Walmart Supercenter
The hours are 10 am - 2pm
Most abused prescription drugs come from family or friends.
 You can help by properly disposing of your unused medications!
 Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue, leading to accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse.
 Pharmaceutical drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs when taken without a prescription or a doctor’s supervision.
The majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs get them from family and friends – and the home medicine cabinet.
 Unused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are flushed contaminate the water supply.
 Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives and protects the environment. Take back programs are the best way to dispose of unused and expired medications.
 Help prevent prescription drug abuse!
Check with local  police department  in your area for a drop-off location nearest you.