Sunday, July 27, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 1975, 1901, 1970, 1895, 1940, 1902

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archive/historical archive material)

August, 1975
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Md.)

High school student newspaper abolished in article controversy

SNOW HILL, Md. (AP)-  The administration at Snow Hill High School has abolished the student newspaper which was the center of a controversy last spring over the right to publish student articles on sex education.

The paper's editor, Judy Porter, said she went to the principal last week to get a list of students enrolled in the journalism class which produced the paper.

Kelly H. Shumate, the principal, however, reportedly told her the newspaper class and two other journalism classes had been dropped from the fall schedule.

Shumate said that most of the students who worked on the paper, the Eagle, were assigned to the yearbook.

The Eagle's adviser last spring, Rebecca Dawson, a French teacher, was removed from the post which she held for five years after community officials complained about (articles and) an editorial in the paper calling for sex education to help stop teenage pregnancies.

Shumate said Tuesday that the faculty member appointed to replace Miss Dawson as the paper's adviser resigned and that he could not find another teacher to take over the post.

Miss Porter said she and a co-editor invited another faculty member to volunteer as the adviser, but Shumate said it was too late to put the journalism courses back into the schedule.  

He said the paper would be resumed next semester on a regular basis, although he said interested students could work on the paper during a 30-minute activity period as well as after school.

Shumate denied that the termination of the paper and the cancellation of the journalism classes stemmed from last spring's controversy.

Last April, the U.S. Appeals Court in Richmond, Va., ruled that the administration of Woodlawn Senior High School in Baltimore violated the constitutional right of students to freedom of expression when it suppressed a student newspaper article describing cheerleaders as "sex objects." 

July, 1901
The Washington Times (Washington, D.C.)


CRISFIELD, Md., July 22.-  Soft crabs have been scarce this summer and have been bringing in the Crisfield market $1 a dozen for the past ten days.  This scarcity of crabs does not seem to be of much disadvantage to the crabbers, because they are getting 4 cents a piece for them this season, where they got only 1 cent last season. Some of the best crabbers are making from $20 to $25 a week, and even boys are receiving exceptional wages.  The demand for crabs is steadily increasing, and to supply this demand the packers of crab meat continue operations winter and summer. 

About 2,000 boats are now engaged in crabbing in the waters of Somerset county. At least 6,000 persons in this section alone are employed in this industry.  Barrels of hard crabs, boxes of soft crabs, and cans of crab meat are shipped by the carload every day.

July, 1970
The Morning Herald (Hagerstown, Md.)

Worcester County Circuit Court Quashes "Berlin Airlift" Plans

SNOW HILL, Md. (AP)-  A Worcester County Circuit Court judge issued a permanent injunction Tuesday against the staging of the "Berlin Airlift" rock festival near Ocean City this Saturday.

The decision by judge Daniel T. Prettyman will be appealed to the U.S. District Court in Baltimore, according to Lance W. Billingsley, a lawyer for the festival promoters.

Prettyman's action made permanent a temporary order he issued last week.

Prettyman said the festival posed potential health and traffic problems and that the promoters failed to obtain permission from Worcester County zoning officials.

Promoters had planned to stage a one day, 12-hour rock festival at a 150- acre Berlin, Md., farm located along U.S. Route 50, about six miles west of Ocean City. 

Backers of the Berlin Airlift predicted some 30,000 to 50,000 persons would have attended the affair, for which 15 music groups had been booked.

February, 1895
The Washington Bee (Washington, D.C.)


A Runaway Marriage to Which the Parents Offered Fruitless Opposition.

Pocomoke City, Md., Jan. 2-  The Parker Hotel was the scene of a romantic marriage yesterday. The contracting parties were Douglas L. Sommers and Miss Florence Lewis ofr Bloxom, Va. They came here to escape the wrathful ire of their objecting parents. The Rev. E. F. Tuttle was sent for, and performed the ceremony in the parlor of the Parkel Hotel. Mrs. Lewis, mother of the bride, arrived early yesterday morning in pursuit of her daughter, who she says is underaged. She caused a great deal of excitement over the girl's marriage, but Mr. and Mrs. Sommers left on a train for their home in the afternoon.

Footnote: As noted in previous articles, for many decades couples would come to the Virginia-Maryland state line near Pocomoke City to be married, where Maryland's age requirements for marriage were less restrictive then Virginia's.  At one time there were said to be three "marriage trees" at the site under which the marriage ceremonies were performed.

June, 1940 (Time Machine archive)
(The Salisbury Times)


Baltimore, June 19-(AP)-  Another "Blue Law"- this time a question of swimming on Sunday mornings- was scheduled for airing in police court today.

It was described by Police Commissioner, Robert F. Stanton, as a "test case" which he hoped the courts will settle.

Police issued summonses both to bathers and managers and personnel of two semi-private swimming pools yesterday when bathers were permitted to plunge in before 2P.M.

The law forbids charging admission for profit, before that hour on Sunday.

A platoon of police "raided" the two pools shortly before noon.

Plainclothesmen who had preceeded them said they had been able to rent bathing suits.

(First installment from a feature page article on Tangier Island) 
TIME MACHINE ... August, 1902
The Times (Washington, D.C.)

DOWN on the Chesapeake Bay in that portion called Tangier is situated the quaint island of Tangier, an Island that is without a counterpart in this country. It is Holland without its dykes and windmills; it is Venice without its picturesque architecture; It Is the most unique summer resort in all America.

Tangier Island is situated 125 miles south of Baltimore with which city It has steamer connections twice a week. The island is about five miles long and three quarters of a mile in width, and contains a population of about 1,400, and derives its revenues from the fish, crabs, and oysters which abound in the waters of the bay and sound.

The peculiar features of this island are many and of varied interest, for to the visitor, everything seems strange and novel. There are no wagons for the reason that there are no horses to draw them, and no roads over which the wagons could be driven. The streets seem to resemble country lanes with the exception of the one street of the island known as King Street, which is only nine feet wide, and which follows the highest land of the island from the landing wharf at the south end to the bridge which connects the main part of the island to that portion of the island farther north known as Canaan.

But the absence of streets is not a detriment to this island community, for each building lot has its own private canal, by which the occupants float their flat bottomed boats out into the sound and bring from the larger boats out in the harbor their supplies of wood or other necessaries needed for the demands of housekeeping- for the island is without wood, and gardening is carried on to a very limited extent, for the islanders are fishermen, oystermen, and crabbers and agriculture is not depended on to any great extent, although the soil seems well adapted for gardening and corn raising; but the difficulties of tilling the ground seem to keep many from gardening and there seems to be plenty of ground which might be used for the raising of corn and potatoes if there were a disposition to forsake the water for the land.

(More from this article next Sunday)

TIME MACHINE EXTRA ... Television's Pioneer Days On The Eastern Shore.

It's this Tuesday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.  Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Somewhere over
the rainbow
Bluebirds fly..."

Flying on for JMMB

Saturday, July 26, 2014


?This is a photo that I took with my phone so of course it lacks a tremendous amount of clarity and detail that you would be able to see on the original and you can also see it has a crack in the glass that it's framed in. 

This belonged to my father that passed away nigh on 40 years now. It  was in the frame when I was a boy and has remained there since. It was packed away and my Wife recently came across it while organizing some storage. 

It is very detailed with names of streets and many properties ie: Hall & Bro Ship Yard, Marine Railway, Wn. J. S. Clarke S. S. Mill Marine Railway etc. Many of the properties are identified by the owner/occupant/business name. 

Each plot of land is laid out with property lines (most with names) and the plots are much larger than what we have to date, the subdividing had not begun yet. The whole block squared by Clarke, Cedar, Second and Laurel was only 2 plots of land then. 

In the upper left corner the inscription notes 

"J. H. WHITE, Constable." 
"Dr. S. S. QUINN, Physician" 
"W. T. TULL, Dealer in foreign and Domestic Dry 
Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Hats, Caps, 
Boots, Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, &c. Cheap for 
TWILLEY & BRO. (W. R. Twilley & S. J. Twilley)
Proprietors Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables.
Passengers conveyed to any part of the
Peninsula. Stables connected with the Clark House.
JAMES L. NOCK, Magistrate.    

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1975.. New school year brings new controversy regarding Snow Hill High School newspaper; 1901.. Soft crabs are scarce, price is as high as $1 a dozen in Crisfield; 1977.. Judge rules no to proposed Ocean City rock festival; 1895.. For another young Virginia couple it's off to Pocomoke City to seek marriage; 1940.. Maryland's "Blue Law" that prohibits Sunday morning swimming is challenged; and the first of several installments of an article from 112 years ago about Tangier Island and its residents.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!   

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Don't Forget The Farmers & Flea Market Every Friday & Saturday at 7am Till

Free Concert In The Park Thursday August 7th

Pocomoke City invites you to our free Concert In Cypress Park on Thursday August 7th @ 6:30pm featuring the Eastern Shores best Jazz band: The Larks.[CLICK HERE]

Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this free Concert with a beautiful view of the scenic Pocomoke River. Bleacher seating is also available. Refreshments will be available for purchase.

In the event of rain the concert will be held inside the MAR-VA Theater. 

For more information please visit or call 410-957-1333.

Don't Miss The 4th Friday Art Stroll TODAY!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

2 Dead After Possible Tornado Touches Down on Va. Campground

WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 - 

 CAPE CHARLES, Va. (AP/WBOC)- A fierce storm packing powerul winds, softball-sized hail and rain toppled dozens of trees and flipped recreational vehicles at a campground Thursday, killing two people and injuring more than two dozen, officials said.
Those hurt were taken to hospitals with most of the injuries ranging from cuts to broken bones. At least one person was in critical condition.
The storm slammed into the Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort shortly before 9 p.m. EDT on Wednesday. The sprawling campground on the Chesapeake Bay has pools, mini-golf, cabins and several piers for fishing. About 1,300 people were there when the storm hit, according to the state Emergency Management Department.
"All hell broke loose," said Joe Colony, who has been coming to the campground for 30 years. "We got an emergency message on a cellphone and within 30 seconds, the thing hit and it blew down 40, 50 trees in the park."
Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller confirmed the deaths.
"It was a disaster. I don't ever want to do that again," said Colony, of Stevensville, Md.
The National Weather Service had issued a tornado warning for the area that expired at 9 a.m. Thursday. A team was headed to the site to determine if a twister hit.
"It came in real quick," Eastville volunteer firefighter Brittney Eder told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "The sky turned jet black."
Eder said she left the campground before the full force of the storm hit.
Joe Micucci said he and his wife couldn't escape in their car because of hail the size of softballs, so they rode out the storm in their camper. He said he felt fortunate they weren't hurt.
"We saw at least five (campers) that were flipped over. One was completely gone and only had its wheels left," said Micucci, of Washington Township, New Jersey.
Micucci and others were evacuated from the campground to a nearby high school. He said he wasn't sure when he would be able to go back and survey the damage.
The 50-year-old campground is located on 300 acres in rural Northampton County, according to its website.
Peter Glagola, spokesman for Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital, said the hospital was treating more than two dozen patients as of Thursday afternoon, most of which were in fair condition with injuries ranging from cuts to broken bones.
Glagola said more patients were expected to be brought to the hospital, which is about 30 minutes north of the campground. One patient in critical condition was flown to VCU Medical Center in Richmond, he said.
Hospitals in Virginia Beach and Norfolk had been preparing for mass casualties but had received just three patients, one of which was taken to a nearby children's hospital, said Sentara Healthcare spokesman Dale Gauding
Coast Guard spokesman Petty Officer 3rd Class David Weydert said crews also were responding to reports of boats overturned in the water in the area. Good Samaritans pulled at least three people from the water, he said, though their conditions were unknown.


4ht Friday Art Stroll

Show your support for Pocomoke by being on camera July 25th!

The Maryland Office of Tourism Development will be filming Fourth Friday Downtown on July 25th from 5 pm to 8 pm. Let's give them a good crowd!

Hogan agrees to eighth candidates’ forum as Brown continues to duck debates

ANNAPOLIS – July 23, 2014 – Larry Hogan’s campaign announced that the gubernatorial candidate today has agreed to a fifth televised debate, this one to be co-hosted by NewsChannel 8, WTOP and POLITICO.  This is the eighth overall gubernatorial forum the Anne Arundel businessman has accepted and agreed to participate in.  As of today, Lt. Governor Brown had yet to confirm participation in any televised debates. 

Today’s announcement follows news that Anthony Brown would only agree to participate in the Maryland Association of Counties’ (MACO) candidates forum, with the condition that he not appear on the stage at the same time as Hogan, the GOP nominee.  The Hogan campaign reiterated that it had placed no restrictions on the format of the MACO or other forums and expressed its strong preference to have a moderated back-and-forth exchange between the candidates for governor. 

Larry Hogan said, "As Anthony Brown has ducked questions about his mismanagement of the Health Exchange or any other questions regarding his record, he is apparently continuing to hide in his communication bunker and is trying to duck any serious debates. The voters of Maryland deserve better.  After two terms of O’Malley-Brown, the voters need to hear directly from Brown on why he deserves another four years.  Brown wants a promotion, but he refuses to show up to the interview," Hogan said.  Hogan has accepted invitations from major news stations in both the Baltimore and DC media markets and on the Eastern Shore.  Including today accepting the NewsChannel 8/WTOP/POLITICO debate, Hogan has accepted invitations for candidate debates or forums from:
·         June 26 - Invite received for Maryland Municipal League (MML) Gubernatorial Candidates Forum
·         July 1 – Accepted invitation to MML candidates’ forum and issued statement calling for several TV debates around the state.
·         July 3 – Invite received and accepted for WBFF TV Gubernatorial Debate.
·         July 6 – Invite received and accepted for Maryland Association of Counties candidates’ forum.
·         July 8 – Invite received and accepted for WJZ-TV/Baltimore Sun gubernatorial debate
·         July 8 - Invite received and accepted for WBAL-TV/WBOC/WHAG/MPT – gubernatorial debate
·         Week of July 14 - Agreed to attend a debate to be hosted by WMDT-TV
·         July 14 - Accepted invitation to Maryland Fraternal Order of Police candidates’ forum
·         July 23 - Received and accepted invitation to NewsChannel8-WTOP-POLITICO Debate

#   #   #
For more information and interviews contact Adam Dubitsky (240)625-2683 or

"Drop Dead Juliet" at the MarVa Theater

Join the MarVa Theater and the Advanced Theater Academy students tomorrow at 5:00pm for the comical show "Drop Dead Juliet". Cost is $5 for adults - $3 for children. Certainly a show you won't want to miss. Come out and support the talent of our local students!

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1975.. New school year brings new controversy regarding Snow Hill High School newspaper; 1901.. Soft crabs are scarce, price is as high as $1 a dozen in Crisfield; 1977.. Judge rules no to proposed Ocean City rock festival; 1895.. For another young Virginia couple it's off to Pocomoke City to seek marriage; 1940.. Maryland's "Blue Law" that prohibits Sunday morning swimming is challenged; and the first of several installments of an article from 112 years ago about Tangier Island and its residents.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!   

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.   Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Help Us Save Kids From Heatstroke on July 31st

Problem: As we approach rising summer temperatures, the danger for kids left in hot vehiclesincreases exponentially: at least 17 children have already died this year from vehicular heatstroke. Heatstroke is the leading cause of non-crash vehicle fatalities for children 14 and under. Nearly every 10 days, a child dies from being left in a hot vehicle. More than half (52%) of kids who died from vehicular heatstroke were “forgotten” by their caregiver. This is a 100-percent preventable tragedy.
Action: NHTSA, Safe Kids, and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) are asking you to help us raise awareness about the dangers of kids and cars through a concerted day-long social media conversation. NHTSA, Safe Kids, and ACF are reaching out to State and safety partners to tweet and post on Facebook every 30 minutes from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. @NHTSAgov will be using the hash tags #checkforbaby and #heatstrokekills on all its social media posts, and we’d like you to do the same.
Here are some sample social media posts to get you in the conversation:
  • On a hot day, a child’s temp heats up to 5 times
    faster than an adult’s does. #checkforbaby #heatstrokekills
  • High body temperatures can cause permanent
    injury or even death. Where’s Baby? Look before
    you lock! #heatstrokekills #checkforbaby
  • 52% of kids who died from vehicular heatstroke
    were “forgotten” in the vehicle. #heatstrokekills #checkforbaby
  • Did you know? In more than 29% of cases of fatal heatstroke, a child got into the vehicle on their own. #heatstrokekills #checkforbaby
  • Last year alone, 44 children in the United States
    lost their lives after being left in unattended motor
    vehicles—and an unknown number of others were
    moderately to severely injured. #heatstrokekills
  • No child should die of #heatstroke from
    being left alone in a hot car! Help stop this
    100-percent preventable tragedy. #heatstrokekills
Share this with your followers, readers, family and friends – help us get the word out about vehicular heatstroke. Join us July 31st on Twitter and Facebook to save children’s lives this summer.

Forward this on to your followers/readers and encourage anyone interested in vehicle and child safety to join our conversation on Facebook and Twitter.


SaferCar App Can Help Keep Your Family Safe

Check out our SaferCar app for your mobile device, which gives you immediate access to key safety information to help you make informed decisions, with features including:
Help with car seats: Quickly get driving directions to the nearest child-seat inspection station and get assistance to properly install car seats and boosters.
Information for buying a car: Access our 5-Star Safety Ratings and compare different makes and models before you decide to buy.
Stay connected: Be notified of safety issues for your vehicles. Use the app to register a vehicle and we will notify you if we find it has a safety issue. The SaferCar app also makes it simple to submit complaints to NHTSA regarding possible safety problems with your car.
Safety Headlines and Alerts: Receive important news and information from NHTSA, as well as recall notices and push notices on your vehicles.

NHTSA on YouTube

Teen Youtube
Our "5 to Drive" campaign PSA is in an easy to view place: NHTSA's YouTube channel. Additional videos for multiple campaigns, along with vehicle crash test videos, can be found through our YouTube page.

Larry Hogan statement on loss of Maryland's Beretta factory jobs to Tennessee

For Immediate Release:                                                                                     Contact: Adam Dubitsky
July 22, 2014                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                O:(443)221-4450 x118 M: (240)625-2683
Larry Hogan issues statement on loss of hundreds of jobs at closing Beretta factory in Accokeek.

ANNAPOLIS, MD – July 22, 2014 – Gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan this evening offered the following statement on Beretta’s announced closing of its Accokeek, Md. manufacturing plant.

“I am saddened to learn that the hard working women and men I met at Beretta’s factory in Accokeek in May will now lose their jobs as a direct result of the O’Malley-Brown administration’s high taxes and punitive regulations.   

The dedicated workers at Beretta’s Accokeek factory proudly manufactured the primary sidearm carried by our nation’s servicemen and women around the world.  The loss of these several hundred jobs will tear through the local community, as millions of dollars in economic activity and tax revenue evaporate and numerous small businesses that supported this factory and its employees also suffer.  

Under O’Malley and Brown, Maryland has lost 8,000 businesses and unemployment has nearly doubled.  In fact, 26 percent of our manufacturing base, and with it 25,000 jobs, has disappeared; today, Maryland is dead last in the nation in manufacturing. (Bureau of Economic Analysis
Maryland’s working families can’t afford a third term of O’Malley-Brown; it’s time to bring integrity and common sense fiscal restraint to Annapolis so we can restore Maryland’s once strong economy.”
#   #   #
For more information and interviews contact Adam Dubitsky (240)625-2683 or

Authority: Hogan-Rutherford Committee to Change Maryland.  John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Concert In The Park August 7th


FRIDAY, JULY 25th, 2014 5:00pm – 8:00pm

Artist Name: __________________________________________________________________
Business Name (if any):  ________________________________________________________
Type of Art:  ______________________________________________
Address:  ____________________________________________________________________
Email:  _________________________________Phone: _______________________________
Website/Facebook Page: _______________________________________________________

Please list other art shows & events you’ve exhibited your work: _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

What will be your method for displaying your work?* _________________________________

*Artist must provide their own tables, chairs, etc. Please indicate the amount & sizes of screens, tables, tents, chairs and/or any other necessary display props you may use to help us determine the best location for you to setup. 

Important Information

• In the event of rain, the art stroll will be cancelled & will resume the 4th Friday of the following month. This decision will be made by 2pm the day of the art stroll. Emails will be sent out & updates will be on & our Facebook pages “4th Friday” & “City of Pocomoke”.

• Once your vendor application is received we will reply back with approval. Please allow 3-5 days for responses. Setup information will be sent out the week of the event. It is very important to setup where you are assigned to avoid any confusion or conflict with other artists, vendors & store owners.  

• Setup time is between 3:30pm and 5:00pm. Cars must be moved off Market St. & parked in one of our municipal parking lots due to the streets closing from 5-8pm. When setting up your table/display please make sure not to block the storefront entrances as foot traffic may be trying to go in & out.

• Please keep art PG rated. Original artists only, please no re-sellers or flea-market type items. The City of Pocomoke is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. 

• If you are unable to attend the Art Stroll once you’ve sent in your vendor application please contact Karah Lacey immediately at 410-957-1333 x111 or

• Please fill out vendor application & email it to Karah Lacey at or mail it to City of Pocomoke Attn: Karah Lacey PO Box 29 Pocomoke City, MD 21851.

Hertrich Ford Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Pocomoke

Jennifer Rafter
Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce

For immediate release

Hertrich Ford Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Pocomoke Business After Hours July 24th and DEBUT OF THE NEW 2015 CHRYSLER 200

Join Hertrich and the Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce for a Business After Hours and Grand Re-Opening on July 24 from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.  Have a chance to win exciting door prizes, meet old friends and new, and experience great networking opportunities with local business leaders. Chrysler Representatives will be in attendance for the DEBUT OF THE NEW 2015 CHRYSLER 200, showing from July 24-26. Stop by and join us for the Hertrich of Pocomoke Business After Hours and Grand Re-Opening on July 24 from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.  All are welcome and no RSVP is required.  Please call the Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce at 410-957-1919 for further information.

Monday, July 21, 2014

A waitress in a Chinese restaurant stunned diners


A waitress in a Chinese restaurant stunned diners by picking up a dead cockroach and eating it in front of them.
Jin Kuo, 39, got into a heated row with businessman Zhang Yen, 43, when he complained about finding the insect in a plate of salad.
Jin said it was 'perfectly normal' to find an cockroach in a restaurant and then, to prove her point, she swallowed it.
The bizarre incident happened atthe Jinsha Era Plaza hotel restaurant in Chengdu, the capital of central China's Sichuan province.
Scroll down for video

One of the people who was with Zhang as a guest grabbed his mobile phone and started to video the incident.
The waitress was heard saying: 'No matter which restaurant you go to, you will always find cockroaches in the food. It is very normal.'

Enraged at her attitude, Zhang told her that if it was so normal, she should eat it to solve the problem, and then there would not need to any need to argue.
But to his amazement, that was exactly what the waitress did, picking the cockroach off the side of the plate and putting it into her mouth before swallowing it.

 Chinese waitress Jin Kuo ate a cockroach that was found by a customer in his salad

One of the people who was with Zhang as a guest grabbed his mobile phone and started to video the incident.
The waitress was heard saying: 'No matter which restaurant you go to, you will always find cockroaches in the food. It is very normal.'

Enraged at her attitude, Zhang told her that if it was so normal, she should eat it to solve the problem, and then there would not need to any need to argue.
But to his amazement, that was exactly what the waitress did, picking the cockroach off the side of the plate and putting it into her mouth before swallowing it.

 Jin grabbed it and ate it to prove that it was perfectly harmless, leaving businessman Zhang Yen, 43, stunned

 The waitress was heard saying: 'No matter which restaurant you go to, you will always find cockroaches in the food. It is very normal'
 The restaurant owner has apologized for the incident and said the waitress had been punished

Shocked Zhang was left speechless by what she had done, and had nothing more to say. Instead he opened up his wallet, paid the bill, and left, still shaking his head in amazement.
The restaurant owner meanwhile has apologised over the incident and said that the cockroach had probably crawled into the dish from outside while cooking.
She added that the waitress had been punished for not accepting the fault, and had been told she was going to get a pay cut for the foreseeable future to teach her lesson.
Commentators however who viewed the video on social media sites said the waitress should have been given a pay rise.
It is not the first time a staff member has tried to defuse a hygiene row by eating the evidence.
In May, a restaurant manager ate a condom after customers found it in their fish dish.
He had rejected their claim it was a condom and insisted it was a ring of calamari and ate it to prove the point.

Senator Jim Mathias "A beautiful day in Crisfield"

Dear Friend,

Wow! Another beautiful day was in store for those who attended the 2014 J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake yesterday. Although it's always quoted as being "the hottest day of the year," yesterday proved to breezy and very enjoyable. It was great to see so many of our friends and neighbors gathering together to talk about politics, the summer, and what's happening on the Eastern Shore as well as throughout Maryland. It was exceptionally great to do this all over crabs, corn, and all things that are truly the best in Crisfield and throughout the Eastern Shore.

Most importantly, I am particularly proud that the 38th Annual J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake is in my district, and that I am able to show all the great things we have to offer to our friends and neighbors from around the state. I'm grateful and I want to say thank you to all my supporters who came out to the event. I truly appreciate Team Mathias and all your efforts and energy as we continue working towards victory in November. Please reach out to your friends and neighbors to join our growing team. We work hard and have a lot of fun as we move our campaign forward.


Jim Mathias

P.S. Don't forget to R.S.V.P to my event August 15th. Information about the event can be found here.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


[Pocomoke City Police Department]

During the month of July 2014, there has been an increase in Theft from vehicles throughout the City of Pocomoke. Pocomoke City Police will be stepping up enforcement daily during the day and evening hours. 

Pocomoke City is a quiet suburban residential community and residents may become complacent about car security. I encourage residents to make sure you do not leave your keys in the ignition, the vehicle running and to keep your loose change, wallets, computers, headsets, etc. in plain view as these will be an enticement for a thief to enter your vehicle.

Often times, your homes' exterior lighting may too be dim or not in use. Overly tall shrubbery and other brush on the premises can provide thieves with the necessary cover they need to steal. Please stay vigilant for suspicious activity in your community and notify the Pocomoke City Police Department of suspicious activity.

Chief Kelvin D. Sewell

July 17, 2014

Pocomoke's Got Talent

If you have talent and would like to participate in our Pocomoke Idol on August 5, 2014 please email Angel Thornes at

Worcester County Maryland Library

Kyra Arnold won the Summer Reading Orioles Essay Contest. She will represent the Worcester County Library on the field at the game on August 3rd.

Costen House Museum

Pocomoke City Girl Scouts at Belle Beach, Public Landing 1936.