Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pocomoke City Police Department 2014 End of Year Stats

Pocomoke City Police Department 2014
End of Year Stats

       CRIME          YEAR  2013     ARREST
Murder                  0                  0
          Armed Robbery           3                  2
          Rape                    0                  0        
Assault                 65                 55
          Theft/Wal-Mart          174                96
          Burglary                8                  2

          CRIME          YEAR 2014      ARREST
       Murder                  0                  0
          Armed Robbery           2                  2
          Rape                    0                  0
          Arson                   2                  2
          Assault                 44                 44
          Theft/Wal-Mart          199                184
          Burglary                27                 14**

              **4 arrested responsible for 10 incidents

Arrest    Warrants  Patrol Checks      Foot Patrols
2013/ 498     2013/ 81      2013/ 6,928        2013/ 3,668
2014/ 745      2014/ 99      2014/ 10,435       2014/ 5,791

Assist Other Agencies
2013/  185
2014/  104

1944 --- 2014
This is an interesting use of technology---like traveling back in time! 1944-2014
Left click and hold on each photo, and then drag your mouse gently from  left to right. The  original photograph will be become a photo of the exact same location as viewed today - drag it back to the left and you are back in 1944!
It works both directions

Scroll down for more of the same. Just fascinating!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1828, 1902, 1996, 1959, 1974, circa early 1960's.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

May, 1828

A new weekly newspaper to be published in Princess Anne was to be entitled "The Somerset Iris And Messenger Of Truth." According to the publisher "The proposed periodical will be chiefly devoted to Politics, General Literature, and Morality.  It will review with temperance and candour the effusions of contemperaneous writers, and will apply the laws of criticism, or appropriate reprehension, to every lurking sophistry, insideous deception, and unveied or wanton falsehood."

"The Iris will be printed on a super-royal sheet, with entire new type, at Three Dollars for a whole year, to be satisfied by Two Dollars if paid within thirty days, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if paid within six months.  A subscription will be taken for six months after which it will cease upon the order of the subscriber."  

January, 1902
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House)

Regardless of the snow storm, dark night and other difficulties in the way, the marriage of Mr. Thomas Chandler, a prosperous young man of upper Accomac, and Miss Margaret Bloxom, the beautiful, and accomplished daughter of Mr. C.W. Bloxom. of Parksley, was solemnized at Zion Baptist Church, Wednesday, Jauuary 20th, 1902.

The bridal party entered the church, beautifully decorated with festoons and arches of evergreen, one arch bearing the letter B and another the letter C, with a large bell suspended from centre of main arch, at 8 o'clock to the strains of Mendelssohns wedding march, skillfully rendered by Mrs. Florence Rew, preceded by the ushers, Harry Gillespie and Woods Garland, James Abbott and Willie Marsh up opposite aisles, followed by four of the bride's little Sunday school scholars, Mary Parks and Sarah Core, Mary Wessells and Sadie Parks, each carrying pink satin ribbon, which reached from the door to the arch in the centre of the church which the little girls attached to the arch with long bows of pink satin ribbon. Next came the bride with maid of honor, Miss Elizabeth Mason, up one aisle and the groom with his best man, Prof. V.S. Deitrick, up the other, and were met at the altar by their pastor, Rev. M. F. Sanford, who gracefully performed the ceremony, while "Eventide" was softly and sweetly played, which made them man and wife. Alter the ceremony, while Lohengrins wedding march was being played and amid showers of rice, the bride and groom retired from the church to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. W. Parks where an elegant supper was served to them and numerous guests with old time Virginia hospitality. 
The presents were numerous and valuable. 

Mr. and Mrs Chandler will be at home to their friends at their beautiful new home at Mappsville which has just been completed, after the 15th of February. 
May long life and happiness attend them. 

November, 1996
The Capital (Annapolis, Md.)

Church bell back after 100 years

Salisbury-  St. Peter's Episcopal Church finally got its bell back- after 108 years.

Several parishioners were on hand Saturday as the 1,500 pound bronze bell was lifted from the tower at the Wicomico County courthouse where it had rested since 1888. 

It was after the fire of 1886 in Salisbury, which burned down the church and 200 buildings, that the bell was lent to the city. Two years later, the bell was installed in the courthouse, and its ownership forgotten.

The most persuasive evidence in finding the bell was noting its inscription, from Isaiah 51:1- "Hearken unto me, ye that follow after righteousness, yet that seek the Lord."

The bell will be refurbished before returning to the church tower.


The bell, which alerted Salisbury citizens to the 1886 fire, is now back home.

December, 1959
The Cumberland News (Cumberland, Md.)


Tawes May OK Island Bridge

BALTIMORE (AP)-  Gov. Tawes indicated Thursday he will approve a proposal for a public authority to construct a bridge between Worcester County and Assateague Island.

Referring to the plan submitted by an executive study commission, the governor said, "I think we'll be able to go along with it."

The commission, headed by Sen. John L. Sanford (D., Worcester), recommended building a $1,217,000 steel and concrete toll bridge reaching 2,800 feet between the Worcester County mainland on the Eastern Shore and the almost barren island, south of Ocean City. The island is now accessible only by boat.

The bridge would be financed through the sale of revenue bonds.

March, 1974
Marylander And Herald (Princess Anne)


Each year the Somerset County Conservation District honors the farm it feels is outstanding in the field of conservation work completed on the farm.

The 1974 Farmer of the Year, John Murray, Mt. Vernon, was this year's selection.

Mr. Murray's conservation program consists of drainage, ponds, cropland rotations, pasture, hayland and woodland improvement.

Circa early 1960's..  

(Ad courtesy of Choppy Layton.)

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

PPE remembers JMMB.

Friday, January 2, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1828.. News about Princess Anne's new newspaper; 1902.. A beautiful Eastern Shore wedding is described; 1996.. Old bell is back at Salisbury church after more than 100 years; 1959.. Governor may okay a bridge to Assateague; 1974.. Somerset County's farmer of the year is named; Circa early 1960's.. "Chop Hop" ad.

It's all a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to  tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting! 

Would you consider helping The Pocomoke Public Eye as one of our contributors of current local items of interest?  Please contact pcitypubliceye@gmail.com

Sunday, December 28, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... 1930, 1958, 1884, 1896, 1899, 1915

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

January, 1930
Marylander And Herald (Princess Anne)

Somerset County Makes Great Strides In 1929

Following the custom of years, The Marylander and Herald this week publishes a brief summary of important events in the life of Somerset County during the year just closed.

During 1929 the farmers of Somerset enjoyed one of the most prosperous years in the county's history. Crops were good and prices on all farm products were at a high level. Strawberries prices held up well throughout the season, and the prices paid for beans, tomatoes, and potatoes were the best in several seasons.

Roadwork during 1929 was carried on at several places in Somerset, more roads being constructed last year than in any year past- over a mile of concrete was constructed in Mt. Vernon District, a mile at Rehoboth (Rehobeth), a mile at Fairmount; and a mile in East Princess Anne- over four miles of concrete in all. In addition to this the County Road Engineer Robert S. Jones built about two miles of slag road, the longest stretch of which was constructed in the Revell's Neck neighborhood.

In Princess Anne many changes are noted. New business houses were opened and old ones remodeled, new lines added, and the community as a whole greatly benefited.

The Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce sponsored many worthwhile matters, and are responsible for the erection of a public drinking fountain, and for the first concerted effort toward a community Christmas event. 

During the year a Junior Firemen's organization was perfected and band of forty-two pieces organized. Also a Women's Auxiliary of the Firemen was organized and played an important part in the affairs of the Volunteer Fire Company.

Princess Anne and the county as a whole enters the New Year full of confidence in the continued growth and development of this favored section of the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula.

February, 1958
Salisbury Times


The following students are spending their vacation between semesters with their parents: Lois Dickerson, James Freeney, Tom Shockley, Spratt Ploxice of the University of Maryland, College Park; Fooks Truitt and James Wasche of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; Peggy White and Phyllis Scarborough of Hood College in Frederick;  Ann Vincent, Ann Grant and William Kerbin of Western Maryland, Westminster; Joan Cowen, Robert Bowen, Albert Cherrix, Michael Coffin, State Teachers College in Salisbury; Others are Carroll Waller from William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia; Paul Cordry, Steve and Allen Boyer, Swarthmore; Carolyn Hottinstein, Emily Brimer, Edgar Dryden, Robert DeVaux from Washington College in Chestertown; John McHale, Drexel Institute in Philadelphia; Albert Blann and Jerry Lank, Goldey-Beacom, Wilmington; and Don Hallet Doughty at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. 

January, 1884 (Time Machine archive)
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather on Monday night (Christmas Eve) it was very lively in this locality. The firing of guns and pistols began at early bedtime, and continued during the night. Many delicious meals were prepared and eaten, and not a few persons participated in drinking eggnog.

June, 1896  (Time Machine archive)
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House, Va.)

Destructive Fire at Parksley.

Most of the Business Houses Destroyed -- Loss About $55,000 -- Small Insurance.

The greater part of the business houses of the thriving town of Parksley was destroyed by fire last Wednesday afternoon. The fire started in the barrel factory of L. F. Hinman on the north side of Bennett street about 3:30 o'clock and in less than an hour the whole block on Dunne Avenue to Cooke street, except the hardware and building material store of E. T. Parks & Co., was in ashes.

The losses heavy as they are, would have been greater but for the hard work done to check its progress. Mr. John D. Johnson and others fought the fire on the roof of his livery stable when it was no longer safe to continue the fight on the ground and saved it -- and the three stores on the south side of Bennett street were only saved by the bucket brigade which kept the houses wet.

The fire was due to the carelessness of a cooper in Hinman's barrel factory and could have been extinguished if he had been in the factory at the time it started.

April, 1899
The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.)

Married Before Daybreak

Pocomoke City, Md., April 5-  Miss Barnes and Mr. Sterling, both of Hunting Creek, Va., came to Pocomoke City on the midnight express Monday night and were married at 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning at Bethany Methodist Protestant parsonage by Rev. J.D. Kinsor. The bride is a beautiful blonde of less than seventeen summers and the groom is about nineteen years of age.

Footnote: Pocomoke City was a destination for many young Virginia couples seeking marriage.  The Virginia age requirements for marriage were stricter than those of Maryland.  

Anticipating the new year a hundred years ago, just as today, it was "out with the old, in with the new" but Word War I was weighing heavy on the new year's prospects.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yaho o.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

PPE remembers JMMB.

Friday, December 26, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1930.. Somerset County makes great strides during 1929; 1958.. These Snow Hill area college students are home for the holidays; 1884.. A lively Christmas Eve on the Eastern Shore of Virginia; 1896.. Destructive fire hits town of Parksley; 1899.. Midnight express is marriage express to Pocomoke City.

And a Saturday Evening Post cover from a hundred years ago..just as today it was out with the old, in with the new for the New Year!

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Last year on 12/24/13, PPE's Brenda (JMMB) sent in a timely Christmas Eve posting for her readers. 

We lost Brenda last June. In tribute to her talent and enthusiasm for communicating with her Pocomoke Public Eye readers in words and pictures, we're republishing her Christmas article from a year ago. 


Christmas Wishes...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of the PPE readers!

As some of you may not know I have been quite ill for a few months. Even though I still posted on the PPE the majority of work was done from my hospital room in Baltimore City as I battled an aggressive form of leukemia.  My posts from the last few weeks came from a borrowed lap top as I rested at the home of my daughter and her boyfriend in Baltimore after treatment at the hospital during the day.

Baltimore is a beautiful city...nothing to be compared to our good old Eastern Shore, of course, but still beautiful.  Christmas there is as colorful and magic-like as it is at home- except for one area.

A few days after the first snow fall there I found myself strong enough to venture (with my daughter and her boyfriend) to 34th - The Hampdens.  (hope that is correct)

I don't suppose in my entire life I have EVER seen anything quite like this... One entire block decorated for Christmas!  Lights after lights, open homes to visit and gaze at even more decorations.  The entire block is so brightly lit you can read a newspaper in the middle of the street! 

This street is a special street as indicated by the number of  children, young and old, who walked and oohed and aahed.  Photographs do the yearly event no true justice.  However, in my mind I couldn't help but think about those Pocomoke City Police Officers who once lived in Baltimore.....I'll just bet they know what I'm trying to convey to you.

So, MERRY CHRISTMAS to the Pocomoke City Police Officers- you too Chief Sewell- and all of you there.  Thank you for all you do to keep Pocomoke - the town I love- safe.

 Here is what I found on 34th Street - 2013.

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise
Photo B Wise
Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Monday, December 22, 2014

Pocomoke City Police Department Press Release

On 22 December 2014 at approximately 0544 hours members of the Pocomoke City Police Department new narcotic Special Tactics Operations on Patrol unit, S.T.O.P SQUAD along with The Berlin Police Department S.W.A.T team executed a narcotic search and seizure warrant at 715 8th. Street in Pocomoke City Maryland.

Arrested:        Mr. Charlie McBride, m/b, 62 yoa, dob: 10-02-1952
715 8th. Street
Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851
Charges: Possession W/I to distribute cocaine
   Possession of cocaine
   Possession W/I to distribute cocaine with 1000 ft. of a school
   Possession of paraphernalia to package           

Seized:                                                                                                            Fourteen (14) individual baggies of suspected cocaine         Street value $3,500.00
Approximately 1 2 ounce bag of suspected cocaine                              Street value $2,000.00
A Digital Scale
Cutting agents
One small box of ziplock sandwich bags
$72.00 in U.S. Currency

Pocomoke City Police Department S.T.O.P Squad Unit is attempting to locate additional suspects involved with this investigation. 

Chief Kelvin D. Sewell


Can't make it to New Orleans in early 2015?
Don't fret!

Join us for 
Mardi Gras on Saturday, January 17, 2015!

See flyer below for Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commere's Annual Dinner details!

Make your 
prepaid reservations now!
Don't miss the fun!

The Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce 
wishes you and yours a very
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!


Rescheduled  General Membership Luncheon to be held at Hartley Hall Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 1006 Market Street in Pocomoke City

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM

The menu for this event includes:  Fried Seafood Platter, Baked Chicken Breast, Tossed Salad, Baked Potato, Asparagus, Cornbread & Dessert

There is no charge for this luncheon.  You are asked to bring paper goods, canned foods or any non perishable items for the Hartley Hall Senior Housing tenants. This is an independent living apartment complex located behind the Hartley Hall facility.

Spaces are limited!
Please register online or email Deb at pocomokechamber@gmail .com 
Registration Deadline is Monday, January 19, 2015

Please confirm you can attend the luncheon on January 21 even if you already signed up for the December date.  Thanks!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... Holiday Edition

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archive/historical archive material)

A print ad from Christmas, 1951...

December, 1956 (Time Machine archive)
(The Salisbury Times)


POCOMOKE CITY- During a recent meeting of the Pocomoke City Community Civic Council, the president, Fred Henderson, announced plans for the annual Christmas drive, and called upon the community for cooperation.

The council is made up of representatives from each of the clubs and organizations in Pocomoke, and was set up to serve as a coordinating agency for the charitable activities.

Clubs and organizations of Pocomoke have responded with gifts of new and used toys, clothing and shoes, canned goods, groceries, meats, and gifts of money. But more is needed , Mr. Henderson said. 

The council has prepared boxes and has placed them in most of the Pocomoke stores to receive donations.

Donations may be left at the Pocomoke Firehouse on Fifth Street, or at St. Mary's Parish House on Third Street.  Those donating money should make checks payable to the Community Civic Council.

For anyone unable to send donations to the firehouse or the Parish House, a pick-up service is available by calling Mrs. Lee Graff, 476-W, or the Rev. Roger C. Jones, 1023, or the Rev. William M. Reed, 967.  

December, 1955
The Crisfield Post

Letters To Santa Claus

Marion Sta., Md., Dec. 12, 1955

Dear Santa:

I just can't wait til Christmas. I hope you will have a very merry Christmas! And I hope Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen and all of your reindeer have a merry Christmas.

And now to get to the point for Christmas. I want a farm set and a Dennis the menace mischief kit, and so a merry, merry Christmas to you and a good night.

Yours sincerely, 

Wayne Connor. 

(For more of the Letters To Santa, click on the address below to access the newspaper page. It might take a minute or so to load. If you get a message that the page is unresponsive just click on the option "Wait"  and the page should soon come up for viewing. Pressing 'Control' and + will enlarge the text on many computer applications.) 


Christmas, 1942...
(Image and text courtesy of Duke University Libraries)

An American looking forward to baking delicious treats for the holidays in 1942 would have been intimately familiar with War Ration Book One. The Office of Price Administration issued Ration Order No. 3 in April of that year, and distributed the ration books via elementary schools in the first week of May. Holders could purchase one pound of sugar every two weeks between May 5 and June 27. By the end of the year, butter, coffee, and other foods joined the list of regulated goods.
As the holidays approached, the newspapers ran articles advising homemakers how to cope with the unavailability of key ingredients. Vegetable shortening could help stretch butter, molasses made cookies prone to burning, and fruit juice was a natural sweetener.

December, 1972 (Time Machine archive)
Pocomoke's annual Christmas concert by the Salem United Methodist Church choir was scheduled with members of other area church choirs also participating. Barry Tull of Pocomoke City would play trumpet and Miss Carol Cherrix of Snow Hill would be flutist.  Choir director Mrs. Naomi Stevenson would be organist. Vocal soloists from Pocomoke would include Miss Julia Ann Ball, Mrs. Betsy C. Massey, Mrs. Peter Thompson, Miss Susan Humphreys, Mrs. Frederick White, and Miss Nancy Henderson, plus Mrs. Elwyn Cooper of Stockton.  

 It's Motorola TV and radio for Christmas, 1950... 
(Ladies Home Journal ad)


Take a journey back to view the pages of Christmas catalogs from the 1930's to the 1980's... Spiegel..Wards..JC Penny..Sears..Lord & Taylor..FAO Schwarz..Eaton's.

Click the address below (and we wish you enjoyable holidays and all the best for 2015!):


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish.  Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Somewhere Over The
Rainbow Bluebirds

Flying On For JMMB.
Her Pocomoke Public
Eye postings (April,
2008 to June, 2014)
kept us informed. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Princess Anne Police Department special request

A special request from our Brothers at the Somerset County (MD) Sheriff's Office. Let's help this good man and his family out!!
We have a Deputy who is in need of our assistance this holiday season. Deputy Chuck Salvas is terminally ill with only a short time. His only wish is to take a trip with his family after the holidays. We need to raise some money so this can happen. Im asking for the community's assistance. Any donations can be dropped off at the Somerset Co. Sheriffs Office. Please make checks or money orders payable to the Somerset Co. Sheriffs Office c/o George Nelson. You can put Chuck Salvas Fund in the memo section of your check. Please help us with this cause.

Somerset County Sheriff's Office
c/o George Nelson
30426 A Sam Barnes Rd.
Westover, MD 21871