Sunday, April 28, 2024

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke City's newspaper; 1988, 1960, 1887, 1891.


August, 1988
Evening Sun (Baltimore)

January, 1960

Salisbury Times

July, 1887
Peninsula Enterprise
      (Footnote: Wikipedia)

January, 1891
The Weekly Herald (Baltimore)

"Secrets of the Eastern Shore" author Jim Duffy has quite a story to tell about "Pocomoke" the ship.

View WBOC's DelmarvaLife segment:

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Former Shorebird Jackson Holliday back to Norfolk for now.


The Orioles have sent their No. 1 prospect, Jackson Holliday, back to the minor leagues after his struggles to start the season.

Holliday was batting .059 in ten games with only two hits and 18 strikeouts. The 20-year-old phenom finally hit a wall in his pro career, struggling for the first time at the plate since being drafted No. 1 overall in 2022.

The move was announced today by the Orioles who are recalling outfielder Ryan Mckenna from triple-a.

In a corresponding move they also designated catcher David BaƱuelos for assignment. Jordan Westburg and Jorge Mateo are expected to take over at second base, while Ramon Urias will fill in at third.

Holliday was hitting well at triple-a before his major league debut, so if he can find his confidence and begin hitting again, he shouldn’t be in the minor leagues for too long. It may just have been a little early for this Oriole’s No. 1 prospect.

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


The moral aspect of New Town in its early history. 
Although there were some good and holy people in New 
Town, whose lives stood out as burning and shining 
lights, and although the gospel was making successful 
attacks on the fortifications of sin and wickedness, and 
winning many jewels from the rank and file of sinners, 
and presenting them as trophies to the Saviour of men; 
yet the morals of the people, as a whole were compara- 
tively at a low ebb. In order to see more clearly the 
debased state of morals, I will give you some few specifi- 
cations for illustration, for instance: the habit of drunken- 
ness, though it was always condemned by the good and 
true, yet it was winked at, and the votaries of the practice 
moved along in society as though nothing very serious 
had happened. 

Again, the habit of swearing was very common. When 
men would meet in New Town, on Saturdays, on business 
or for social interview, for that was the public day, he that 
could swear the keenest, sharpest oaths, attracted the 
greatest attention, especially from the boys. 

If there was a fray on hand, lie that could use the most 
awful asseverations and foul-mouth imprecations as though 
he were commissioned from the bottomless pit, serpent like 
to infect his poison, was the greatest man of the crowd. 

Again, gambling was much in vogue, gambling socially 
and for money, and many were the times that men would 
lengthen out the midnight taper till the dawn of coming 
day, using all their ingenuity to get each others money. 

Again conjuration, fortune-telling, witchcraft and super- 
stition were all believed to be as true as preaching, by the 
lowest class of society. 

But while conjuration and witchcraft have long since 
disappeared from society, fortune-telling and superstition 
have lingered longer, and there may be some of the old 
folks now living, particularly among the fair sex, who have 
had their fortunes told by the cutting of cards or the 
grounds of a coffee cup, in order to learn who their future 
husbands would be. Perhaps there may be some of those 
already spoken of who have showed the new moon a 
piece of silver in order to have good luck that moon, or 
who believed in sowing certain seeds on certain states of 
the moon as sure, only then of vegetating, or who have 
their pork butchered on the increase of the moon in order 
for it to swell, believing if the moon is on the decrease the 
pork would shrink. But these practices, to some extent, 
have gone into the shades and the people have already 
learned that the only road to success in any enterprise is 
application; that the diligent hand maketh rich, while 
laziness and idleness paves the way to poverty and ruin. 


The temperance cause as a distinct organization was 
unknown in the early history of New Town. The only 
thing bordering on temperance was the denunciations 
against drunkenness from the sacred desk, which declared 
that "drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of God." 
Notwithstanding this first out-beaming of the temperance 
cause from the pulpit, professed Christians would some- 
times be seen with flushed cheeks and tongues unbridled, 
as the result of the too frequent use of the glass. Indeed, 
the habit of drinking spirituous liquors, with the exception 
of a very few, was quite common in families, in social 
gatherings and in business life. In all these relations the 
social glass was indulged in freely. I have already stated 
in another part of this history that to be successful in 
merchandising it was considered absolutely necessary 
to sell liquor. Hence all who engaged in the sale of 
goods, without an exception, sold spirituous liquors. In 
view of this state of things it cannot be wondered at that 
there should be drunkards and a plenty of them too. 
While the vender would fatten upon his ill-gotten gains, 
his victims with their families and children would be left 
destitute, in want and clothed in rags, and sometimes it 
was the case that the wives and little ones would be sitting 
over a few coals of fire contemplating their wretched 
condition, with scarcely a ray of hope for the future, with 
no refuge to fly to except to Him who heareth in secret. 

Oh! how many broken-hearted wives have poured forth 
their bitter cries for help in His Almighty ear and told 
their tale of sorrow and inquired of Him, "How long, O 
Lord, how long shall this state of things last?" Well, 
their prayers have been answered, but not in stopping the 
vender from his wholesale ruin of men, women and chil- 
dren; not in restoring to her former condition of happiness 
and joy that mother who was being murdered by piece 
meal; not in restoring to hope and cheerfulness the 
forlorn condition of the little children. But their prayers 
have been answered in another way. Time rolled on and 
brought its changes. The vender with his victims have 
passed away to a future reckoning, and to that tribunal 
whose decisions are in righteousness. 

If I could, I would call the vender back and inquire of 
him who they are that accuse him before the throne, for 
their name is legion. There was no material change 
in society upon the subject of temperance until 1835, 
when the Rev. Mr. Dorsey of the Baltimore conference 
of the Methodist Episcopal Church came down here and 
lectured upon that subject, and organized a temperance 
society. That society only forbade the use of spirituous 
liquors as a beverage. Up to this time all the stores sold 
spirituous liquors. The first one to break ground and 
give up the sale of it was Rev. John D. Long who was 
at that time but a youth not having arrived to his majority. 
He had but recently joined the Methodist Episcopal 
Church and listening to the lecture became convinced that 
the sale of it was wrong and determined to give up the 
practice forthwith. It is true that Mr. Long sold goods at 
the ferry, now the bridge, on the identical spot where the 
phospate factory now stands, but I associate him, in this 
instance, with New Town, because he was a member of 
the Methodist Episcopal Church here, because his 
associations were here, and because he was identified 
with the temperance movement in New Town. He was 
telling a veteran Methodist of his determination to quit 
selling liquor, when the old soldier said to him "Brother 
Long if it is wrong for you to sell it, it is wrong for me to 
distil it." Forthwith they abandoned the manufacture and 
sale of it. The temperance cause now began to be agitated 
in New Town. 

In 1836, Wm. Townsend opened the first store for the 
sale of goods, without spirituous liquors, in new Town. 
After awhile the old Washingtonian club of reformed 
drunkards, which was organized in the City of Baltimore, 
began to create a stir in favor of temperance. Some of 
their number came down here and lectured. Thus the 
temperance cause progressed until the organization of the 
Sons of Temperance, in 1847. The Sons of Temperance 
was also a beneficial society, it prospered for a while and 
seemed to be well adapted to the circumstances of the 
times. During its palmy days, the society built a fine 
temperance hall, which at present is owned by C. C. Lloyd, 
Esq., and has been occupied by him, as a drug store, for 
several years past. The upper story was in one entire 
room, and was occupied by the society. The lower room 
was fitted for store purposes, and was first occupied by 
Irving Merrill, Esq., who sold goods on strictly temper- 
ance principles. The society had placed in the gable end 
of the building a marble slab, with the following carved 
upon it: "New Town Division, Number 43, Sons of Tem- 
perance, instituted March 29th, 1847." which still exists 
as a monument of the prosperity of the temperance cause 
at that day. This society existed, however, but a few years, 
when it was dissolved and the beautiful temple was sold, 
and went into other hands. 

In 1870, another temperance society was organized in 
New Town, with the name of Good Templars. This society 
was also of short duration, it existed about two years, when 
it also became extinct. 

From 1872 to 1881, there has been no regular temper- 
ance society in New Town, now Pocomoke City. During 
1881, a society was organized in the place, in support of 
Local Option Reform, and the friends of temperance are 
mustering their forces for victory. But while temperance 
societies have been organized and dissolved, it only shows 
that the war for the extirpation of spirituous liquors, in 
Pocomoke City, has been going on without any com- 
promise. The churches also have kept up the war 
cry and are pressing hard upon this demon of de- 
struction, and they are forcing him, by the power of the 
Gospel, to surrender. If the question should be asked by 
a stranger, what are the signs of complete victory for the 
cause of temperance in Pocomoke City? This question 
will be answered in the following way: whereas, in 1836, 
every store in New Town sold spirituous liquors, now in 
1882, there are thirty-two business houses in Pocomoke 
City, and not one of them sells it except the apothecaries 
who sell it as a medicine. So thorough has been the 
revolution in society, upon the subject of temperance, that 
I might venture the prediction that there is no one who 
could, now, succeed in merchandising, in Pocomoke City, 
who would also sell liquor. It is true that there are two 
places in Pocomoke City where spirituous liquors are sold 
as a beverage, one is a saloon the other is the hotel bar, 
but the friends of temperance, I am apprehensive, will not 
cease their efforts until these places will be so restricted by 
legislation that it will not pay to sell it. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

"Old Crisfield" exhibit will be opening.


Tawes Museum showcases old

 Crisfield, opens May 4

The Lyric Theater in a 1920s photo. The movie theaters of old Crisfield are one of the new exhibits at the Tawes Museum, opening Saturday May 4, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

 Tawes Museum

Old movies, old guns, and throwbacks to life on the Eastern Shore will be on view at the seasonal grand opening of the Gov. J. Millard Tawes Museum, Saturday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A re-designed, re- stocked gift shop will also be open at the Crisfield museum.

"'Crisfield Goes to the Movies' is an exhibit exploring the old movie theaters that locals once enjoyed. Photos and memorabilia chronicle the Arcade, the Lyric, and the Lee Theaters, as well as the African American movie house, the Lincoln," according to an announcement.

"Antique rifles, fishing gear, and decoys celebrate Crisfield’s hunting legacy. Old photos capture the faces and places associated with life along the Chesapeake Bay, including Old Island, the newest installment in the rotating exhibit, Lost Villages of Somerset County," the announcement continues.

"The first commercial establishment opened on 'Ole Island' in 1854. A fire and decades of erosion diminished the commercial and leisure value of the island, which is located just southwest of Crisfield and is visible from the City Dock. While occasional sunbathers still seek out what is left of the beach, the only permanent reminder of Old Island’s importance is the iconic L.E.P. Dennis and Son factory smokestack."

Local volunteers from the Crisfield 

Local volunteers, the lifeblood of the Crisfield Heritage Foundation, have worked to prepare the museum for its opening event which will live crabs, educational programs and a demonstration from carver Rich Smoker.

Admission is free.

The Tawes Museum is located at 3 9th Street and is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information: 410-968-2501, or  .

Time Machine Preview

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye:


1988  ..

1960  ..

1887  ..


Video feature ..
"Secrets of the Eastern Shore" author Jim Duffy has quite a story to tell about our hometown-built ship "Pocomoke."

Thursday, April 25, 2024

City employees pay raise, other Pocomoke issues addresssed.


(Updated) Redden Road incident-


Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Update to Redden Road incident
Update: The investigation of this incident has been undertaken by the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Detective J. Burns at 410-632-1111 extension 2265. Tips can also be given anonymously via the Worcester County Sheriff's Office APP.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Redden Road Incident 

On April 24 2024 prior to midnight shots were fired into a occupied building in the 3500 block of Redden Rd, Pocomoke, Md.  Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, WCSO and OCPD Forensic Unit are at the location.  No additional information is available at this time.

(Check for updates:)

 Anonymous said...

There are only 2 houses that could be considered in the 3500 block of Redden Road so that kind of narrows it down, doesn't it?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are supposedly 36 bullet holes in it.

What Accomac's mayor told her council members-

   Pocomoke Public Eye 

 -Grimace Alert-

(Eastern Shore Post)

(View full news story:)

20240426_post_up.pdf (

Over 100 drug distribution charges in E.S. Va. police sting.


(Shore Daily News)


(View news story:)

Police make several arrests in Operation Blue Wave sting - Shore Daily News

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Old Shore Memorial Hospital demolition-

 (Shore Daily News)

The demolition of the former Shore Memorial Hospital on Rogers Drive in Nassawadox is continuing, and Riverside reports the main building should be gone by the end of next week.

(View news story:)

Old Shore Memorial Hospital should be down to slab by end of next week - Shore Daily News

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Scam alert-


Phone Scam

Please be advised a report was made to our office, of a subject impersonating a Lieutenant, claiming that they had failed to appear in Federal court. The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office will never contact you by phone to notify you of missing court and/or requesting any payment for doing so. If you receive a call like this and feel like it could be a scam, get the callers information and tell them you will call them back. Contact your local law enforcement agency if you have questions or concerns about call of this nature.

4/29 Pocomoke Mayor and Council Session

(City of Pocomoke Facebook)

The next scheduled meeting of the Mayor and Council will be a FY 2025 Budget Work Session to be held on April 29, 2024 at 6:30 PM.  A closed session will follow under the provisions of § 3-305(b) (1), whereupon the Mayor and Council will immediately entertain a vote to convene a closed session to discuss matters that the open meetings act permits to discuss in closed session to include the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation or performance evaluation of appointee, employees or officials over whom it has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals.




City Hall Council Chambers

101 Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851

April 29, 2024 6:30 p.m.

1. Continued Review of Fiscal Year 2025 Draft Budget

2. Adjournment

3. Closed Session under § 3-305(b)(1)

Agenda items may or may not be considered in sequence.  This agenda is subject to change to include the addition or deletion of items, including executive/closed session.