Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company-


Pocomoke Fire Fighter Bobby Ayers (right) was recognized for 60-years of active service!

Take a few moments to read about Bobby's career with PCVFC and other highlights from the recent company banquet.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Welcome K-9 Bruno!


Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Meet K-9 Bruno! 🐾

The Worcester County Sheriff's Office is thrilled to introduce the newest member of our law enforcement team: Bruno, a highly trained narcotics detection canine!

Bruno, an 18-month-old German Shorthaired Pointer, recently completed an intensive 160-hour handler's course in Belton, South Carolina, alongside his handler, DFC. Austin McGee. This dynamic duo earned high praise for their outstanding performance during training and are now ready to serve our community by detecting and alerting to the odor of illegal narcotics.

Please join us in welcoming Bruno and congratulating DFC. McGee on this incredible achievement!  Together, they are a powerful force in keeping Worcester County safe.

Fire destroys ADKINS Hardware in Berlin; lumber yard not affected.

                         Berlin Fire Co. photo 1/29/25

(View news story:)

Adkins Company Destroyed in Early Morning Fire | Latest News |

Snow days school reprocussions-


Due to school being canceled for a week this month because of snow, the Worcester County Board of Education has waived first-semester final exams, eliminated two days from spring break, and modified virtual day instruction plans. 

(View news article:)

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Input sought for school calendar-


Worcester County Public Schools Families, weigh in now on the different options for the 2025-2026 WCPS calendar. The feedback gathered will be shared both with school system leadership and the Board of Education. Take the survey before it closes on February 7, at:

Snow time over?








But this fella says you better wait 

until April before you bid me goodbye.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Someone will win $10,000 CA$H! Maybe you?


 Message Center - Pocomoke Fire Company - Worcester County, Maryland

Senator Carozza's Weekly Update (1/20-1/24)

 The following are highlights from Senator Carozza's weekly press release from Annapolis.  Additional details are available in her weekly emailed newsletter: Newsletter Sign Up

More news from Annapolis at the General Assembly website:


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Regarding 1962 City Manager article-

I don't remember who the first city manager was for Pocomoke City but somewhere along the line Phillip Ancell filled the position. Along about 1966 or '67 some members of the public began to have suspicions about certain contracts, especially concerning the Neptune Water Meter Company. In late 1967 a public hearing was held in the auditorium of Pocomoke High School, which I attended. The upshot was that there were accusations that Mr. Ancell had taken bribes from Neptune in exchange for his steering business toward their company. Several witnesses presented strong testimony and I especially remember Paul Cunningham, local newspaper editor, expressing his utter and total disgust at what Mr. Ancell had done. Ancell was asked to resign, but I don't remember any actual criminal charges being filed.

In contrast, John Yankus, a West Point graduate and veteran of the Army Corps of Engineers, became city manager sometime in the early 1970s. His tenure was marked by sensible and competent management, but he was eventually hired away when Worcester County adopted the county manager form of government. John had an illustrious career and was well liked among he dealt with. Unfortunately, John developed an aggressive form of cancer and passed away at the height of his career.

It is interesting to note the salaries at the time. I believe John's salary as city manager of Pocomoke was $5,000 or possible $5,500. When he was hired by the County he was granted the magnificent sum of $7,500 per year.

Your friend,


Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1962, 1912, 2006, 1885.



January, 1962

Salisbury Times

June, 1912
Boston Evening Transcript 

November, 2006
Salisbury Daily Times Editorial

*June, 1885

Philadelphia Inquirer
