Showing posts with label Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Dept.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Dept.. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company-


Pocomoke Fire Fighter Bobby Ayers (right) was recognized for 60-years of active service!

Take a few moments to read about Bobby's career with PCVFC and other highlights from the recent company banquet.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pocomoke Firefighters Honor Colleagues

Another year of great dedication and hard work.  Stan Finch- 30 years and it just seems like yesterday.  Mr. Young- a member since 1950- that's before Eddie was born and almost 62 years ago.  Wonder job!
Congratulations to everyone of you.

Written by
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- Meeting for its annual awards banquet, the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Co. honored Stan Finch for 30 years of service to the fire company and the community.

In addition to the fire company presentation, Finch was given a Senate resolution by Delegate Norman Conway; a House of Delegates resolution by Delegate Michael A. McDermott; a proclamation by County Commissioner Merrill Lockfaw and a certificate by Mayor Bruce Morrison. Conway was acting in place of Sen. James Mathias, who had to leave early for the Crisfield Fire Co. annual banquet.

Fire Chief Dick Gladding presented Chief's Awards to the members who responded to the largest number of alarms during the year. Corey Dean, the assistant Chief, was the top responder, making 185 calls. Others honored were: Tyler Fairman, 180 calls; Mike Dean, 160 calls; Travis Cowger, 151 calls; Choppy Layton, 144 calls; Chris Vieira, 127 calls; Marion Butler Sr., 121 calls; Keven Hall, 112 calls; Paul Taylor, 106 calls; and Billy Sparrow, 104 calls. One of the cadets, Devin Fairman, was recognized for answering 107 calls.

A special award was presented to George Young Jr. for his term of service with the company. He joined the fire company on Oct. 5, 1950.

George E. Young Jr., left, received the President's Award from President Andy Clarke for his 60 years of service to the community and the Pocomoke Fire Company. / CHOPPY LAYTON PHOTO
Gladding also reported on the calls that the company answered during the past year. They were called out to 54 fires, or more than one a week. In addition, they assisted other companies in larger fires. One particular memorable blaze was a 70-acre field fire in which they assisted Stockton. Some other responses included 48 accidents and 10 spills.

Jeff McMahon, the Worcester County Fire Marshal, installed the new officers. They are Andy Clarke, president; Chip Choquette, vice-president; Mike Shannon, corresponding secretary; Merrill Lockfaw, recording secretary; Choppy Layton, treasurer; Mike Dean, chaplain. Line officers include Dick Gladding, Chief; Corey Dean, assistant Chief; Eric Denston, Capt.; Steve Larmore, 1st Lt.; Wade Taylor, 2nd Lt.; Rodney Sharpley, chief engineer; Tom Wall Jr., first asst. engineer; Chris Larmore, second asst. engineer; and Keven Hall, training officer. Directors for the coming year are Jerry Barbierri, Allen Butler, Mike Dean, Danny Miles and Rick Choquette.

Dan Redden announced that the Monsanto Chemical Co. had selected the Pocomoke Fire Co. to receive a $2,500 contribution. Each year the company selects a nonprofit organization in each of the different counties to receive the donation.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene Gives A Preview

Hurricane Irene decides to introduce herself by stirring up her winds causing a large tree to fall onto power lines on Cedar Steet  causing the lines to arc.

The Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company responded to the call on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 11:29 AM.

Hoping the rest of the day into the evening and all night long was uneventful and everyone remained safe.

Just In Time For The Holiday Weekend!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fires Set At Cypress Park

This morning, Sunday, August 21, 2011 the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company responded to a fire in Cypress Park.  Upon their arrival they found  several  small fires.

Small fires were found in the pavillion located towards the back of Cypress Park, the restrooms and the childrens playground!

What a shame! 
If my memory is  correct those restrooms have recently had work done to them.
Regardless, this will take money and someones time to clean this up.  And playground equipment is not cheap. 

According to Dicky Gladding, PCVFC, and officer in charge, the fires were extingquished quckly.

At this time the fires are being investigated by Rodney Sharpley of  The Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office and the Pocomoke City Police Dept.

If you have any information about these fires please contact:

 Rodney Sharpley @ Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office - 410-632-5666
Pocomoke City Police Department - 410-957-1600
Photos- Pocomoke fire department.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Same Great Chicken - Even Without The Holiday!!

~It doesn't have to be July 4th to enjoy that wonderful barbecued Chicken!~

When my daughter and I reached the Pocomoke City fire house this afternoon the chicken had been cooked, clean up done and the cooks were sitting back enjoying the beautiful weather.
And then there were the other great firemen boxing the chicken and getting orders out to hungry customers.

My daughter hasn't been in Pocomoke of the 4th of July (for years)to enjoy the barbeque but she sure did today.  The Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Department barbecued chicken has been her favorite since she was a very little she bought two.
And just so you guys will be boxed up, iced down and return home with her.
    Maybe this is a good way to get her home ONCE a month!

The Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Department will be selling their wonderful and delicious chicken once every month as long as the weather continues.

I will be sure to post the dates here when they do.

So..... if you still missed it you'll get another chance.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Don't Miss The Fireman's Chicken BBQ TODAY

If you missed the chance to buy some of the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Departments delicious barbecued chicken in July  here's another chance!

The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co.


The menu will include: 1/2 a bbq chicken and a roll

 Price  $6.00  ~ Carryout ONLY

Limited number of dinners available so get there early!
NO advanced ticket sales

Friday, June 17, 2011


June 16, 2011 5:33 p.m. The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co. assisted Stockton Vol. Fire Co. with a large field fire on Jones Rd. Extremely dry conditions and high winds caused the fire to spread rapidly.

Smoke from the fire as seen on Stockton Road

 Additional Fire Companies / Departments that helped fight the fire included: Snow Hill, Girdletree, Greenbackville, New Church, and the Forestry Service.

Additionally, Maryland State Police, Trooper 4 (helicopter) was used to help locate the distance the fire was spreading into the woods.

The fire started from a combine that was harvesting the crop.

The burned area of cleared land was harvested wheat and barley. Very little of the unharvested crop was lost. However, all of the harvested crop in the combine, along with the combine,  was lost.

 Approximately 50 to 70 acres of harvested land was burned and less than 50 acres of forest area was involved. One firefighter received an ankle injury. Firefighters were on the scene for about 3 hours.

Stockton Chief Neal Payne was the Officer in charge.
Pocomoke Chief Dicky Gladding was the Operations Officer.

More photos on

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

PCVFD Responds To Electrical Outage

During the high winds  and storm that blew  threw Pocomoke City last Saturday night (April 16, 2011) the Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Department was called to the scene of the Homewood Drive area. 
Due to the high winds in the area a tree limb had fallen onto the power lines causing electrical outages in the area.

The fire department remained on the scene until Delmarva Power arrived to repair the problem.

Photos from Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Department website.