Her office was closed today so they didn't have to lock us out and call the cops.

Kenneth Gladney was back at the rally today selling his "Don't Tread On Me" flags.

He said his knee was still sore from his beating by the pro-Obama SEIU members. Ken also told us he wasn't going to let that incident keep him from the protests.
Here's video from the protest today complete with fifes and drum playing:
Jim Durbin from 24th State and myself revved up the mob at the protest. Things got so out of hand they started singing "God Bless America."
The ACORN bus did not arrive on time so there were only about 15 pro-Obamacare kids across the street trying to stir things up.

Here are more photos from the rally.
And American Power has several photos from the McCaskill rally.

The St. Louis Tea Party Coalition also held rallies at Rep. Russ Carnahan's offices in St. Louis and Crystal City.
Sharp Elbows has photos from the Crystal City protest.
Catawissa Gazetter has photos from the Brentwood protest at Carnahan's offices.
The Blog Prof has pictures from the Birmingham, MI rally where over 1,000 people showed up.
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