don’t like kicking a guy when’s he down, but few people deserve it more than Jonathan Taylor, house blogger of Salisbury’s Barrie Comegys party. Still facing criminal charges after being slapped with a judicial order related to his harassment of local resident Donna Ennis, Taylor just can’t shut up and let things blow over.
Taylor is infamous for promising to stop some of his nastier behavior and then simply doubling down. C’mon, when you go after people’s kids (as he has done with the children of Salisbury councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen) we have moved from bad taste to pathology.
Since being slapped by a judge last week, Taylor has since promised that his site would be going “invitation only” (a means of libeling decent folk without them being able to see it) to reneging on that claim and promising that his comments would no longer be moderated and that anonymous comments would no longer be permitted.
This was not true from the start. Any moron can set up an account on Blogger and comment. They can do so anonymously, unless you want to call a handle like “Moron123456” not anonymous. While Taylor certainly has a history of being a liar, and a pretty nasty one at that, I won’t call him a liar on this one. He’s probably just too stupid to understand that commenting as “Moron 123456” is no different than commenting as Anonymous.
Now Taylor claims that he no longer reads SbyNEWS. He’s even gone so far as to claim that he’s locked himself out of his own internet router to keep him from seeing his favorite website. Personally, I could care less. It’s just that Taylor must have a really low opinion of his few readers (most of whom are probably people like me, who only check out to see how low the man can go) to believe that we would believe that he would lock himself out of his own internet router (which can simply be reset back to the original password anyway).
We’ll see if Taylor is even able to stop mentioning SbyNEWS on his site. Given the nasty case of “man-love” Taylor appears to have for SbyNEWS publisher Joe Albero, I doubt it.
As for those of you wondering why I would waste disk space and bandwidth on this guy, the explanation is fairly simple – Taylor is the kind of guy who gives justification to those who want to regulate the blogosphere. In other words, he’s dangerous. We’re seeing that with the filing of civil and criminal complaints against him.
Read more HERE
Ummm... for those that have not figured it out yet.... Oh yes.. In the Famous words of George Lopez... "It's on!!"
Hat Tip G.A.
That's G.A.'s opinion Taylor, you want mine?
bring it big boy..... let's do dis thang!!
no... his head is not too small... that's a 500# body
He doesn't want to mess with us Pocomoke folk!
looks like to me he was just embarrassed... and that's only a start.
Watch out PE I hear he "eats" the competition!
Watch out PE I hear he "eats" the competition!
only if they're glazed
Okay. I will start. Jonathan my dear, Do you think the PCVFD would ignore and walk over skeltal remains in order to protect one of their own? That was insinuated by Shannon Stoy on her blog.
If you are legitimate, you WILL answer these questions, either here or on your blog.
2) Do you believe the farm was NOT "searched" by LE numerous times before the big "community search?"
We are waiting for your answer Big Guy.
ahhh, makes sense now why Blink and Lynn would align themselves with this POS.
Birds of a feather.......
Taylor isn't pro Sheddy - he is just another crap stirrer.
Shannon and Lynn should get along with him just fine. :)
I get the feeling Shannon may be his size too.
Funny that Lynn posted his link, doesn't she get understand that Shannon has lot enough "hits" to her site. lol
Where was JT during the search? lol
The only people posting there will be Lynn, Steve, the Burkes, Blink and her moronic team. Not a place worth reading.
post 9:57 should say LOST - as in LOST enough hits to her site. No one but a few of her idiots associates are even reading or posting there.
I would like to ask Lynn, why do you have Blink doing your dirty work? If you have something to say to somebody, why don't you do it yourself. Anywho, I got your message via Blink. I am not sure why you said those things but I will respect your wishes. I would have appreciated it if you had discussed it with me as I had nothing wrong against you but like I said I will respect your wishes.
I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Billy goat has no one posting at his site. They have even had to pull an old thank you post from Lynn (march 2009). What is the point of that?
Billy Goat has nothing to write about! Pulling out an old letter from Lynn is just an attempt to generate hits on his site. What it really should do is show how two-faced Lynn is. When she is getting what she wants, she is all "hugs and kisses". When she isn't getting what she wants, she will throw you to the wolves.
Thanks for what Lynn? Thanks for leading people to believe the farm hadn't been searched?
I just can't get over how the memebers of that family could say what they did. The sister is especially disgusting. All she ever did was bash LE and say they weren't investigating because of an offensive myspace. I got news for you sweetheart, the myspace is tame, compared to what was going on in that hole of a house on Byrd Rd.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Schizophrenic Salisbury Grinch
I just caught this. Am I missing something? Back to the Future!
1:59 PM
LOL, no you're not missing anything it goes along with theme, you know, physics... crystal balls and all that.
Actually ... I changed the date to a future date to keep the post at the top for a day or so... when I'm ready to let the post drop I'll set the actual date and it will fall in it's perspective order. It's easier for me that way rather than changing the date/time etc. over and over depending on the popularity of the post.
I love how one minute the family says "put yourself in my shoes" then if they don't like a question they say "you could never put yourself in MY shoes."
They are just a bunch of white trailer trash with no class, no integrity, no sense of right from wrong.
Ya know, just like Blink!
Losing a child is a very tragic and sad event in a parents or sister's life.
Having said that, that does not give someone a halo or a make them an automatic good person. Of course, we all want to have empathy and compassion for the family. That goes without saying. However, the Dodenhoff family have made that nearly impossible.
They are the rudest, the most arrogant, nasty and ungrateful people I have seen.
Losing a child does NOT give anyone the permission to treat people the way they have. I have followed this case for sometime and I feel nothing but disgust for this family and Shannon Stoy.
I continue to pray that Chistine is found, that this family seeks professional help and the children are safe from emotional abuse.
My heart sincerely aches for those 3 innocent children.
Anonymous said...
Where was JT during the search? lol
9:59 AM
I heard he was sick. They say he was suffering from Food Stamp Poisoning and had to stay home at his Section 8 housing unit.
yeah tricia, that was the point... he made a website called "Salisbury grinch fans" and had to shut it down from lack of ...erm... "fans" LOL...
nice try dip stick
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