Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator
Chapter 6 - Three Card Monte
OE has been very quiet since the release of Chapter 5. Now I know that some of you thought that I had gone away for good. Sorry to disappoint you, I’m still here.
OE has let the groupies run roughshod over the blogs and chats. It was OE’s intention to sit back and see where things went. Wow, things have the appearance of animals in a zoo going berserk from being in their cages too long. Who or what rattled their cage?
We left off writing about what happened during the spree of fires on Byrd Road. For whatever reasons, it sent the groupies into an attacking frenzy. Providing the truth for readers from solid sources and eyewitness accounts along with a picture of an actual Byrd Road fire has the pesky little spiders spinning webs of deception.
Along came a spider called Nictitate spinning tales of greatness. From her nest hang pesky little groupies who spin their own tales

The reaction from the groupies after the release of Chapter 5 was to attack. Obviously, when OE wrote it, people who witnessed the terror spree had talked to OE. No big secret! What OE wonders is “why” attack people for telling the truth?
PPE had “anonymous” groupie bloggers who said that some peoples “hands” were all over an attack to trash Christine’s family. Nowhere has it ever been stated that anyone wants to or is attacking Christine’s family. If the truth hurts……..
On another blog a post was made by a self proclaimed fire fighter from Delaware who was suggesting that people were burning down their chicken houses because of no longer having a contract. What? An FYI for the blogging fire fighter – the neighbors tell OE that they did not stop raising chickens until July of 2008 and their chicken houses are still standing. Hello, the burning spree occurred from September – November 2007.
Tales of Clarence Jackson aka JR, have spilled forth from Nictitates nest. It was clear from a newspaper article that JR was arrested in Tennessee. The tales now say that he was charged with attempted murder. Other sources tell OE that JR has been recently spotted in Pocomoke. We all know that his love Tia has returned to Pocomoke and is back working at Walmart. Maybe we should invent a game – Where in the World Is JR? Carmen Sandiego doesn’t have anything on him!
A very strange posting appeared on a local blog from the Great One herself. One could say that it was the mindless babbling of someone who had a few too many and one would have to be in the same state of mind and on the same planet to understand it’s cryptic message. OE supposes it was another ploy at being “oh so mysterious”. If anything the free entertainment was worth the read.
A recent “conversation” on a chat roll repeats a story about Nik, a “good friend” of the Burke family, who befriended someone that told him a story about what happened to Christine. Old news folks. This same story was going around back in March. Sources tell OE that to further add to the plot of Nictitates tale the person whom this character Nik befriended has a relative who supposedly gave the same information to Lynn. As the tale goes, the relative then took back the story.
So many stories! We don’t need to worry though. If LE was given this information, as the tale goes, they were able to sort through it and throw out the BS.
The character Nik now has the Great One to thank for putting a big red X on his back. How stupid can anyone be? Is it any wonder that people do not want to talk to her? Someone gave the Nik story to the Great One and it can be deduced that is was one of two sources. This is another example of Nictitates tale being more important than information that does not need to be plastered all over the internet.
A recent Boss Hog post on PPE accused and blamed PE for derailing the involvement by 3 View Search Services in Christine’s case. This appeared to be more senseless babbling by someone who had a few too many. Thankfully it wasn’t an “oh so mysterious” post. No sir, he got right to the point.
The real story behind 3 View not coming to Pocomoke is that LE has not invited them to come. We have to remember that the Great One promised she could get 3 View to do a search. It’s clear that she didn’t and can’t deliver what she promises. Question is – why does Boss Hog have a need to cover this up by blaming PE?
Most entertaining of all is a conversation between the Great One and Christine. It starts out oh so sweet and then spews forth evil calling others haters and riff raff. The Great One claims to have “felt” Christine’s presence at the farm. A prayer to Saint Anthony follows and it’s expected by the Great One that Saint Anthony will “obtain” for her the whereabouts of Christine from the Lord. She even says “pretty please”. What? Sorry folks OE is speechless!
It’s like playing 3 Card Monte. Mix it up and distract people from focusing. Nictitates tale has become very boring and full of old news. The book sure won’t make the New York Times Best Seller list. Fame and fortune does not await Nictitate or the groupies.
November 13th has come and gone and now Christine Sheddy has been missing for over 2 years, her whereabouts unknown. Her family brought in the Great One who was going to solve the mystery of her disappearance in a flash. It’s obvious that the promises are empty and the Great One can’t deliver however the groupies cling to the nest.
Now that the divisionary, not the visionary, has played out her game how has it left everyone?
OE realizes that Chapter 6 is different than the rest of the chapters of Nictitates tale. I suppose that it’s influenced by Thanksgiving being upon us. When thinking about Christine’s disappearance and the evil horrid mess made by Nictitate and the groupies involvement, OE does not find anything from it to be thankful for.
Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.
None of this family's association with Blink has ever made any sense to me. With all the blogs to associate themselves with, they pick the hotdog that calls herself Blink.
Blink's blog serves no pupose other than to speculate. Her "sources" have proven to be not first hand accounts at all, but second hand twisted untruths and in my opinion complete fabrications on the Hotdog's part herself.
Take this new blog that recently has done a post on Christine-motherarevanishing. Atleast this writer Delilah has a goal to try and get legislation passed to aid in the search of missing persons.
How sad. Blink made so many promises for her own personal gain and attention. She has caused Christine's family even more heart ache. Nothing she wrote about ever came to anything. Just a bunch of nonsense with no regard for anyone.
She continues to claim she is a victim's advocate but the only victims are the one who associate with her and actually believe any of her BS.
Yet it appears her blog is still active with many inaccurate "unconfirmed" misinformation about several other victims. All from a bored housewife who couldn't even bother being a mother to her ownn children. Probably a good thing, in all honesty.
My heart breaks for Chritstine's children. They had no say in Blink's involvement. They are now the real victims in this whole mess.
May Blink turn to God and ask for help and forgiveness.
PPE did not prevent 3view from searching. Blink turned off so many people that 3view hardly tried to get LE to give them permission.
Sean (3view) and Tim Miller (Texas Equasearch) want NOTHING to do with Blink.
All Blink has done has hurt this family even further. They lost friends and supporters. Many bridges have burned.
All PPE did is expose the truth. If some find that to be wrong then I don't know what else to say.
May God willing - Christine will be found and laid to rest. May her children never know all that transpired by their own family and Blink.
So, here we are! Christine is still not found. The family has lost so much. ie. friends, supporters (real ones), the respect of many...and for what? Blink, a well known fraud who does nothing but attack and lie about others.
I wish the family came to their senses long before all of this. I can only wish that Scared Monkeys eliminates Blink's abilty to "espouse" her false promises and self importance. They have lost so much respect by many for supporting such a con.
You have to remember too that Blink is also looking for corruption.
Sacred Monkeys is the same wack-o type of mess Blink is.
So far with the truth being told in these chapters I haven't see any corruption....as far as LE is concerned.
It is certainly interesting for me to read that blog. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
Looking back, it is quite humorous how Blink came on so agressively and bragged about how she had "inside information" and about "her sources". She is a big bag of hot air. After looking at her site, it is clear that she has moved on to the next unfortunate. I'm sure that Lynn is hard at work searching for a new Blink though.
Blink's claiming to be a victim's advocate now?
She's done NOTHING more than put a huge red "X" on the backs of many-opening them up to harassment by Jr and creating more victims!
Anon 8:59am, I hope Lynn's not looking for another Blink as the family has lost alot of credibility as it stands by their association with the blink on crime blog.
If at all, they need to associate themselves with a blog with a purpose, like getting laws passed.
I have yet to find the purpose of Blink's blog.
Shannon is a self described victim's advocate, same as she has self described herself as many things.
Victim's advocates work for a particular agency and must have a BS in social work or a related field.
Blink on Crime is nothing but a sensationalized tabloid type blog. The owners of scared monkeys should be ashamed of themselves for promoting it. Then again, that whole blog for people with no lives, many unresolved issues and just for the gossipers of the world.
Shame on Blink! She has caused more harm then good. Her theories ended up like her life - a big fat zero.
The promises made by Blink to find Christine along with corruption in LE are obvuously just the rantings of a lunatic.
Unfortunately, there are many people out there who prey on distraught families to try and further their self. In this situation we can't say that this is the case because Christine's family and the Pocomoke Tattler were already screaming corruption and Blink fit right into their scheme. It's hard to say who preyed on whom.
There are very few people, if any, out there who will believe anything that comes out of any of their mouths.
How sad is it that all of their self serving stupid games have had a negative impact on finding Christine? She is still missing and presumed dead. The people responsible for her disappearence are still out there instead of being in jail where they belong.
Many people have been hurt by the Blink/Tattler/Christine's family scheme's that have been played out. Still they keep at it and don't see the error of their ways and continue to blame others for obstructing Christine's case.
If anyone is to blame for obstructing Christine's case it is those who have been involved with the many scheme's that have been played out. Sadly, some of Christine's family has been a part of all of the stupid hurtful games being played. I for one wonder about the reasons for them doing it. It appears as if they want to mess up the investigation into Christine's disappearence.
Many have been waiting for each chapter of Nictitate's tale to learn the truth. What surprises will come in future chapters? How much more is out there that Nictitate and the groupies have not told the truth about?
By most accounts, Christine's life appears to have been messed up not only by herself, but by others too. Let's hope that they have not done too much more to mess up finding her. Let's also hope that Christine's children never learn the truth about what they have done to mess up finding their mother.
Blink did not bring any more attention to this case, she just brought adversity and division.
That is her way. It is a repetitive pattern that she had lived her life by.
Although I feel for Christine's family, I am saddened that Lynn and Jennifer continued to they stand by Blink and did not see her for who she truly was.
Lynn and Jennifer are not concerned with the hurt that Blink had caused other yet wants us all to feel her pain.
Sorry Lynn, I treat others how I want to be treated and your lack of concern for others just turned me off.
I pray Christine is found and her kids will have the closure they deserve.
I am capable of caring about people's children and was heart broken to realize Lynn was not.
A question asked in OE's chapter is "Now that the divisionary, not the visionary, has played out her game how has it left everyone?"
Many people have been left with a "bad taste" in their mouth from the ungrateful behavior by Christine's family. They felt it necessary to attack the very people who have tried to help them find Christine.
Bashing of the local VFD, LE, PPE, and anyone who didn't agree with their agenda has been played out. These people are unbelievable. Where has it left them?
Christine is still missing.
I agree Clara Mae. All that finger pointing, all the accusations and all the attempts to find corruption in the case of Christine has had no new leads.
Nothing. Unless you consider the arrest of JR in Tennessee. The only comfort in that was that he was out of the public for a short time.
Next thing to pop up will be JR's Tennessee girlfriend and the fact that she has been found commenting on a forum.
Someday these same people that once searched so hard to help the family find Christine may be called upon again. Those understanding people just might not be there.
What's going on over at Shannon's site these days? Whose tradegy does she claim to have inside sources on now? All the $hit she writes is stuff she finds on the computer. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger BS'er in my life.
Alot of what she wrote about Christine's disappearance was exposed as being untrue.
Enough said-Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
The newest "story" is JR's girlfriend, Kimberly, in TN. She can be found on My Space showing pictures of her and JR. Of course these pictures are 4 yeras old but hey who knows what mysterious information she could have.
Next thing will be Kimberly giving Blink or Lynn vital information about Christine's case and LE not following up on it. Then we will start all over again with the bashing.
Maybe when JR went to TN he hooked back up with Kimberly and kicked Tia to the curb. Is that why Tia came back to Pocomoke so fast because JR was finished with her?
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