Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Market Day In Old Pocomoke City
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
2 New Stop Signs Added in Pocomoke
And this one:
And if you don't notice them....It could cause some serious issues. Stay Safe!
Friday, September 16, 2011
9-Time Convicted Pocomoke Felon Is Sentenced
The sentence was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Theresa R. Stoop of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - Baltimore Field Division; Worcester County Sheriff Reggie T. Mason, Sr.; and Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby.
“With today’s sentencing, we are demonstrating to our citizens on the eastern shore the result of outstanding partnerships. ATF works in conjunction with our state and local counterparts in putting the most violent offenders in jail for significant periods of time,” says ATF Special Agent in Charge Theresa R. Stoop. “This alliance promotes ATF’s mission to reduce violent crime by keeping these criminals out of our communities for decades, as in the case of Skyy Townsend. It is our expectation that our combined efforts will result in safer communities.”
“Today’s sentencing speaks volumes about how strong partnerships, regional coalitions and unwavering resolve can achieve harsher penalties for local offenders,” said Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby.
According to Townsend’s plea agreement, on December 18, 2008, members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at an apartment on Bonneville Avenue in Pocomoke. As the Sheriff’s Tactical Armed Response Team entered the apartment, Skky Townsend, and co-defendant Omar Williams, jumped out of the second story window. Because two WCSO Deputies were located at the rear of the building, Townsend and Williams were quickly apprehended. During the search of the apartment, Deputies recovered 14.3 grams of crack cocaine, a Colt .45 auto caliber pistol, and an RG Industries .22 LR caliber revolver.
Townsend admits that he conspired with Omar Williams, to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute the crack cocaine recovered from the apartment.
Williams pleaded guilty to the drug conspiracy and was incarcerated for over two years when he was sentenced to time served.
United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein commended the ATF, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office for their work in this investigation and prosecution. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorney John W. Sippel, who prosecuted the case.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
~This Weekend At The MARVA THEATER~

Fri, April 1st
Rated PG
Friday, July 16, 2010
~~ Smile....It's Friday~~

Monday, April 19, 2010
Missing Kristen Shockley

missing since April 6/10. last seen in salisbury area on route 50. her name is kristen shockley. age.19 ht 5'3 wt. 145 lbs. long red hair please help find her and bring her home to her 1 year old son and family. if seen call theresa parks at 4106035146. beverly northam @ 4109572496. pocomoke police department at 4109571600. or any local police department. PLEASE FOWARD THIS TO EVERY1 IN YOUR CONTACTS LIST PLEASE.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
HELP! MISSING Kristen Shockely
Pocomoke resident Teresa Shockley needs help finding her missing daughter Kristen Shockley missing since April 6th.
This is a missing person case not unlike the Christine Sheddy case.
I have spoken to the mother and in her view of things she is not getting the cooperation and attention of the police agencies that a missing person case deserves so lets get her side of the story out in the ‘public eye’ and lets find this missing young lady.
Kirsten is a Worwic college student that would ride the transit bus everyday to get to Worwic. Kristen’s mother Teresa, would take Kristen to Wal*mart every Monday thru Thursday to catch the transit bus to Worwic, this was a daily routine that began in November of this year.
April 6th 2010 Kristen’s mother Teresa dropped Kristen off at the transit bus stop as usual and Kristen got on the bus to travel to Worwic just like any other day but on the day April 6th 2010 Kristen did not come home. We do not know if Kristen made it to the Worwic stop or got off the bus somewhere in-between Pocomoke and Worwic college but we do know Kristen did not go to class and did not come home, Kristen’s mother has not seen her daughter since that day, April 6th 2010.
When Kristen did not return home the mother (Teresa) tried to contact Kristen with no luck at that point Teresa contacted the Pocomoke Police, Kristen’s mother Teresa Shockely says she got the run-around and the police acted as though they felt that Kristen was just off having fun and has simply run away. When Kristen’s mother reported Kristen missing she was told that Kristen had to be missing for 24 hours before she would be considered a missing person. 24 hours pass and Kristen’s mother Teresa makes the official missing persons report, the Pocomoke city police still will not right up the missing persons report and tells Kristen’s mother that Kristen is “just off playing and partying” and brushed it off as not being serious. After Teresa presses the issue the Pocomoke city police finally file a missing persons report after Kristen had been missing for 3 days. According to Kristen’s mother Teresa she was not even referred to a detective, the report was taken by a patrol officer.
Kristen has a boyfriend that has been abusing her, he has beat Kristen a number of times to the point that Kristen had to visit the ER. Kristen’s mother says that charges were pressed but each time Kristen dropped the charges.
Near the date that Kristen went missing her boyfriend beat her again, sending Kristen to the ER for the 4th time, Kristen pressed charges, this time Kristen did not drop the charges and the boyfriend was arrested. Kristen’s boyfriend made bail after a few days in incarceration, 3 days later Kristen went missing.
Kristen’s mother received an anonymous phone call Thursday the 8th saying that they saw Kristen walking the streets in
At the police station Kristen told the Baltimoe police that she was going to go get a pack of cigarettes, there was a store almost in sight of the police station. The store and the police station are near the intersection of
Kristen’s mother Teresa and Kristen’s brother took off to
Teresa has the tracking feature on Kristen’s cell phone and it’s showing up in
If anyone knows the whereabouts of Kristen Shockely please contact the Pocomoke city police @ (410) 957-1600 or email me at this blog. We need to bring Kristen home.
Friday, February 12, 2010
At the Mar-Va TONIGHT!

7 PM Admission: $10.00
Don't miss out on this love story.
Wine and chocolates will be available!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
~~~The Mar-Va This Weekend~~~
The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family. Starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw.
If you call please leave a message!
Get your tickets now! We expect a great turnout!
**Sponsorships are available for this movie. Email Emily for details.**
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Mar-Va Theater
Mar-Va Theater has been
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Mar-Va Theater

I've been doing alot of thinking about the Mar-Va Theater lately, Especially after the response Mr. Torres made concerning the comment in the delmarvaNOW. The Grapevine commentor seemed to have the opinion that our new Mar-Va was still a weekend movie house. Mr. Torres, of course, did not agree. Neither do I and neither do most people.
If you have lived in Pocomoke all or most of your life then you recall vividly the importance of that old musty theater on Friday and Saturday nights for the local kids. For almost two hours our children had a "safe haven" and were left in the hands (whether they liked it or not) of people parents trusted. These people welcomed them back week after week for many years. And these same "babysitters" were the people we would see on the streets, have a conversation with, and they would never mutter a word as to how horrible your child may have been. Miss Hattie, Mr. Dawson, Jeannie, and Roger along with others, were names that everyone knew for years......maybe for a couple of generations.
When the theater closed its doors for a while there was a silence down town on those nights and nothing crowded the Mar-Va doors except dead leaves and old paper cups. Along came Tom and Tom opened those doors and once more the theater was alive. The children came back! And the parents gladly drove them! My daughter got her first job there. She was one of the many projectionists who on open nights sat in that tiny cubicle of a room running the projector. And I am sure in that tiny room she had her first heart attack the first time the film snapped. But she loved it.
Then again the theater stayed empty. Those children grew up. Those children went on to adult hood with those memories of the movies on Friday nights. For years that old theater was under some pretty heavy and extensive changes. What many people don't know is that the people of Pocomoke knew things would be okay and that the end product would be as amazing as it is today! Why? Because we kept hearing the familiar names being linked with handling the process. Names like Glovier, Lippoldt, Blake just to name a few. And I'll even thow in the name Isabelle Leach because I know in my heart that if she were alive she'd be in the mix too. All these names and the ones I can't seem to recall are names that all of us have trusted and looked upon for many years. It's part of that Pocomoke pride we have, I guess.
And look at what we have today! Pocomoke has something to be so very proud of and if you don't believe me go to their facebook page and see how many fans there are. Or stand outside of the Mar-Va on a night when it is open. Better still, if you haven't been to the Mar-Va theater yet, by all means go see for yourself how wonderful it is.
What makes this theater MORE than a weekend movie theater is the fact that the generation that once ran the aisles on weekends has grown and those parents that once drove those now grown children can take their grandchildren and talk to them about the "good old days" and watch a show too. I guess it's what could be called a "Pocomoke Moment". Just ask anyone that has grown up in Pocomoke.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
BYE BYE BIRDIE at the Mar-Va
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pocomoke Blogger Billy Burke found guilty of illegally taping mayor
Burke entered an Alford plea this afternoon, conceding that prosecutors had enough evidence to obtain a conviction without admitting guilt.
A Circuit Court judge pronounced Burke guilty of a misdemeanor wiretapping charge and sentenced him to probation, but did not hand down any jail time.
Burke stood accused of violating state wiretapping laws by recording a conversation with mayor Mike McDermott just before spring elections in 2009 without telling McDermott he was being taped. Burke's wife, Stephanie Burke, was a candidate for city council at the time.
Burke, who runs the blog, had asserted his innocence in a blog posting this morning, saying the Bill of Rights and free-speech laws ought to protect him in the matter.
Bill of Rights/Free Speech and all thatLocal Blogger; Wiretapping Trial
While the trial has been put-off and postponed several times Mr. Burke will today finally know his fate.
The trial was finally set to be a jury trial after the state bussed in a out-of-town judge that would hear the case.
On the Maryland Judicial Case search site Mr Burke's trial again has changed from a "Criminal Jury Trial", to a "Criminal Non-Jury Trial" holding the same date.
Event Type: Criminal Jury TrialNotice Date: Event Date: 11/02/2009Event Time:09:30 AM Result: Postponed/ResetResult Date:10/22/2009
Event Type: Criminal Non-Jury TrialNotice Date: Event Date: 01/05/2010Event Time:09:30 AM Result: Result Date:
Mr. Burke was accused of "illegally recording" the Mayor of Pocomoke during the time that Mrs. Burke had been running for a council seat in Pocomoke and after publishing an out of context clip (posted below for you to hear) of the recording on his blog The Pocomoke Tattler.
The events that followed turned their life upside-down including a "raid" of their home where the PCPD collected most anything electronic that the Burke's owned and possesed, computers, cameras, recording devises, etc.
This case surely lacks in any prosecution;Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 1CJIS Code:1 5705Statute Code:CJ.10.402
Charge Description: Wiretapping
Offense Date From: 03/27/2009To: 03/27/2009 Arrest Tracking No: 08-1002-04545-6Citation: Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class: Disposition
Plea: Plea Date: Disposition: Disposition Date:
1st the recording was made in a public place. (hearsay)
2nd Mr. Burke (IMHO) did not receive a "speedy trial" while the state (for whatever reason) was looking to find an out-of-town robe.
Now of course I'm not an attorney, but I did study and make many phone calls on Mr Burke's behalf in relation to Marylands "wiretapping" laws and if all accounts are accurate he will be acquitted today. (and I did stay at Holiday Inn)
Yes it is immoral, unethical, and just not a nice thing to do while your 'mark' is unaware they are being recorded in what 'they' think to be a private conversation no matter where that conversation takes place. BUT... is it illegal?
We shall see.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bake Sale Today
Saturday, December 12, 2009
sponsored by the Pocomoke Samaritan Shelter will be held at the Heart N Home Gift and Country Store
on Route 13 in Pocomoke City, Maryland.
With every purchase from Heart N Home Country Store and Floors, Decor and More, 10% will be donated to the Samaritan Shelter.
The Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke is a non-profit organization that provides shelter for the needy.
Please help the support the Samaritan Shelter so that they may help those in need this Chirstmas season and any other time of the year.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Pocomoke City Christmas Parade

The 2009 Date Has Been Set!
On November 30, 2009 (Rain date Dec.2) Pocomoke City will be turned into a magnificent winter wonderland with one of Delmarva's largest nighttime Christmas parades. Always held on the first Monday night after Thanksgiving, the Pocomoke parade has become an Eastern Shore tradition and will attract over 100 units from Maryland, Delaware and Virginia along with thousands of spectators. As part of the tradition, parade night is said to be the "coldest night of the year. Each year the parade features marching bands representing middle and high schools from seven co

Also featured will be beautifully decorated and lighted floats entered by schools, civic organizations, churches and commercial enterprises. Clowns, marching units, fire departments, equestrian units, and of course the one and only "Santa Claus" will round out the two-hour event, slated to kick-off at 7:00 pm. sharp. Also as tradition the blowing of the fire siren will signal the starting of the parade. The route will take the parade North on Market Street beginning at 14th Street and ending at the Pocomoke River.
Professional Judges, from the Judges Association, will score entries in 10 different categories. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded immediately following the event to the top entries in each category. A special thanks to the community of Pocomoke City and Surrounding areas for the recent support given to us to continue this great tradition that has been a part of the town of over 30 years. If you would like to enter the parade please fill out the appropriate judging form on the applications page. If you do not want to be judged but still enter please use the Miscellaneous form.
If you have any questions you can contact Mike Shannon at 410-957-0802 and leave a message with your name, address and telephone number and type of entry, or fill out our contact form in the Contact Us section of this website.
*New for 2009, The Pocomoke City Parade Association is currently seeking new members to join our parade committee. If you are interested please contact us by email ONLY.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Accident @ US 13 and Stockton Rd.
This is and has been a very bad intersection for many years and for some reason, the cries of the people to the state to have a stop light at this intersection have so far gone rejected.
How many injuries and/or fatalities does it take for the state to recognize that this is a dangerous location?
For those of us that are experienced drivers and have crossed that portion of US 13 many times, we realize that when a vehicle pops around that south-bound turn they are on top of us and we don't chance it. To new drivers and/or visitors this optical illusion looks as if they have plenty of time to cross.
This intersection needs attention, lets get it done before someone else is seriously injured or killed.

More pictures HERE VIA PCVFD
Monday, November 23, 2009
Odor on Nictitate (Chapter 6)

Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator
Chapter 6 - Three Card Monte
OE has been very quiet since the release of Chapter 5. Now I know that some of you thought that I had gone away for good. Sorry to disappoint you, I’m still here.
OE has let the groupies run roughshod over the blogs and chats. It was OE’s intention to sit back and see where things went. Wow, things have the appearance of animals in a zoo going berserk from being in their cages too long. Who or what rattled their cage?
We left off writing about what happened during the spree of fires on Byrd Road. For whatever reasons, it sent the groupies into an attacking frenzy. Providing the truth for readers from solid sources and eyewitness accounts along with a picture of an actual Byrd Road fire has the pesky little spiders spinning webs of deception.
Along came a spider called Nictitate spinning tales of greatness. From her nest hang pesky little groupies who spin their own tales

The reaction from the groupies after the release of Chapter 5 was to attack. Obviously, when OE wrote it, people who witnessed the terror spree had talked to OE. No big secret! What OE wonders is “why” attack people for telling the truth?
PPE had “anonymous” groupie bloggers who said that some peoples “hands” were all over an attack to trash Christine’s family. Nowhere has it ever been stated that anyone wants to or is attacking Christine’s family. If the truth hurts……..
On another blog a post was made by a self proclaimed fire fighter from Delaware who was suggesting that people were burning down their chicken houses because of no longer having a contract. What? An FYI for the blogging fire fighter – the neighbors tell OE that they did not stop raising chickens until July of 2008 and their chicken houses are still standing. Hello, the burning spree occurred from September – November 2007.
Tales of Clarence Jackson aka JR, have spilled forth from Nictitates nest. It was clear from a newspaper article that JR was arrested in Tennessee. The tales now say that he was charged with attempted murder. Other sources tell OE that JR has been recently spotted in Pocomoke. We all know that his love Tia has returned to Pocomoke and is back working at Walmart. Maybe we should invent a game – Where in the World Is JR? Carmen Sandiego doesn’t have anything on him!
A very strange posting appeared on a local blog from the Great One herself. One could say that it was the mindless babbling of someone who had a few too many and one would have to be in the same state of mind and on the same planet to understand it’s cryptic message. OE supposes it was another ploy at being “oh so mysterious”. If anything the free entertainment was worth the read.
A recent “conversation” on a chat roll repeats a story about Nik, a “good friend” of the Burke family, who befriended someone that told him a story about what happened to Christine. Old news folks. This same story was going around back in March. Sources tell OE that to further add to the plot of Nictitates tale the person whom this character Nik befriended has a relative who supposedly gave the same information to Lynn. As the tale goes, the relative then took back the story.
So many stories! We don’t need to worry though. If LE was given this information, as the tale goes, they were able to sort through it and throw out the BS.
The character Nik now has the Great One to thank for putting a big red X on his back. How stupid can anyone be? Is it any wonder that people do not want to talk to her? Someone gave the Nik story to the Great One and it can be deduced that is was one of two sources. This is another example of Nictitates tale being more important than information that does not need to be plastered all over the internet.
A recent Boss Hog post on PPE accused and blamed PE for derailing the involvement by 3 View Search Services in Christine’s case. This appeared to be more senseless babbling by someone who had a few too many. Thankfully it wasn’t an “oh so mysterious” post. No sir, he got right to the point.
The real story behind 3 View not coming to Pocomoke is that LE has not invited them to come. We have to remember that the Great One promised she could get 3 View to do a search. It’s clear that she didn’t and can’t deliver what she promises. Question is – why does Boss Hog have a need to cover this up by blaming PE?
Most entertaining of all is a conversation between the Great One and Christine. It starts out oh so sweet and then spews forth evil calling others haters and riff raff. The Great One claims to have “felt” Christine’s presence at the farm. A prayer to Saint Anthony follows and it’s expected by the Great One that Saint Anthony will “obtain” for her the whereabouts of Christine from the Lord. She even says “pretty please”. What? Sorry folks OE is speechless!
It’s like playing 3 Card Monte. Mix it up and distract people from focusing. Nictitates tale has become very boring and full of old news. The book sure won’t make the New York Times Best Seller list. Fame and fortune does not await Nictitate or the groupies.
November 13th has come and gone and now Christine Sheddy has been missing for over 2 years, her whereabouts unknown. Her family brought in the Great One who was going to solve the mystery of her disappearance in a flash. It’s obvious that the promises are empty and the Great One can’t deliver however the groupies cling to the nest.
Now that the divisionary, not the visionary, has played out her game how has it left everyone?
OE realizes that Chapter 6 is different than the rest of the chapters of Nictitates tale. I suppose that it’s influenced by Thanksgiving being upon us. When thinking about Christine’s disappearance and the evil horrid mess made by Nictitate and the groupies involvement, OE does not find anything from it to be thankful for.
Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pocomoke sweeps Bayside South field hockey awards

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Bayside South field hockey awards and teams have been announced, and Pocomoke swept, winning both Offensive and Defensive Player of the Year and Co-Coach of the Year.
Michelle Roberts was named Offensive Player of the Year, and Taylor West was named Defensive Player of the Year.
Coach Susan Pusey was named co-Coach of the Year along with Parkside head coach Kim Pelot.
Other Warriors making the first team include Annah Brittingham, Bianca Merritt, Kasey Tapman and goal keeper Derian Matthews.
Washington had four players make the first team, including Gracie Daniels, Amanda Muir, Tyler Overholt and Dana Rock.
Parkside had three players make the first team, including Anna Davis, Rachel McCain and Breck Sullivan. Crisfield's Courtney Thomas and Stephen Decatur's Alicia Arrivello rounded out the first team.
Pocomoke also had three players make the second team, which included Skylar Hall, Emily Leonard and Natalie Parks. Washington had three players make the team, which included Amber Baines, Lindsey Lescallett and Kelsey Thornton. Crisfield's Elle Hinman and Kirsten Ward were also named. Parkside's Kari Lamboni and keeper Caroline Carozza, along with Decatur's Gracie Ferber and Wicomico's Megan White, finished the second team.
Read More HERE @
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pocomoke Warriors win 7th straight title
Pocomoke field hockey coach Susan Pusey felt confident coming into the MPSSAA 1A state final, knowing that if the Warriors played their precision passing game, they most likely would be successful in capturing their seventh straight state title.
In the championship tilt Saturday, the Warriors' execution was nearly flawless, as Taylor West scored three goals, with the first tally coming just more than two minutes into the contest, en route to a 5-1 victory over Bohemia Manor, a first-time playoff participant.
"We always talk before the game that we need to come out with a bang," said West, a junior forward. "It catches other teams off guard sometimes, so you always want to come out strong."
West certainly started the game out with a bang, as she rang a laser shot off the back board of the Bohemia Manor cage to give Pocomoke an early 1-0 lead. The Warriors opened the game with possession and worked their way into the Eagles' circle, earning a penalty corner before the game was two minutes old. Pocomoke senior Michelle Roberts sent the ball into play, finding the stick of Kasey Tapman. Tapman then tapped the ball over to West, who unloaded on the ball and sent it into the far corner of the Eagles' cage.
"They wanted to score in the first three minutes. That was there goal," Pusey said. "They came out and did it. Normally, when they set there mind to something, they do pretty well at doing it."
The Warriors were far from finished, as they doubled their lead just six minutes later. Tapman created a turnover 30 yards from goal and weaved around multiple Eagle defenders on her way to the circle. On the junior's first step into the circle, she ripped a rocket shot that went through the wickets of the Bohemia keeper, giving Pocomoke a 2-0 lead.
Read More HERE @