Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator
Chapter 7 - The Players
The saga continues and this one is a doozie. OE has been reading on a local blog that one of the Detectives involved in Christine’s case has covered up the raping of children. It’s interesting that there are no legal and real charges to be found anywhere or the arrest of the police officer being accused.
Allegedly, and I use the word loosely, this Pocomoke City Police officer has been involved in not only refusing to arrest a rapist but also receiving and keeping pictures on his cell phone of the act. The story gets confusing because it’s alleged that the police officer covered up two separate cases of child rape.
Allegations against the police officer also include tampering of evidence in a separate case against a local blogger going by the name of Boss Hogg. For those of you who have not been keeping up with the drama in this case the owner of the Pocomoke Tattler, Billy Burke is going to stand trial for illegal wiretapping. Soon! The same police officer who served and carried out a warrant on the Burke’s is the police officer now being accused of the cover up of the child rape cases.
The accusers of the stories are of course the Pocomoke Conspiracy Theorist who has been shouting from the roof tops about all kinds of conspiracies going on in Pocomoke. Nictitate has appeared in the mix of things as well as a family member of Christine. Tampering and withholding of evidence has been brought into Christine’s case and this suggestion is spawned by the groupies hanging onto Nictitates nest.

No solid evidence has been forth coming against this police officer by the groupies however they are running like a pack of wild dogs making all kinds of wild accusations.
Sources tell OE that this same police officer hung up the telephone on Christine’s mother Lynn, after telling her that Christine’s case is not his. Apparently,
Along came a spider called Nictitate with a nest full of groupies spinning all kinds of tales.
It’s OE’s belief that this police officer is another victim, in a long line of victims, of Nictitate and the pesky little spiders who hang from her nest. The last victims in this saga were the Pocomoke VFD and for those of us managing to keep up with Nictitates tale, they were accused up covering up for someone in Christine’s disappearance.

Just when OE thought that Nictitates tale had gotten boring and full of old news, out comes this outrageously bizarre story about the Pocomoke police officer. It shouldn’t surprise any of us however one has to admit that the story is a doozie. While we were promised a big news story from local and national news media a week ago, no such news flash has appeared.
One might ask, what does all of this have to do with Christine’s disappearance and her case? Absolutely nothing! What it appears to have to do with is an attempt to keep Billy Burke out of jail for illegal wire tapping and because Christine’s mother, Lynn, is P Oed for being hung up on. If we figure in the Pocomoke Conspiracy Theorist, it’s the Three Card Monte game again and we know who the players are.
Worcester County Sheriff’s Department and Worcester County Bureau of Investigation have always handled Christine’s case. Christine’s case is not and never has been handled by the Pocomoke City Police Department and the fixation by Nictitate and the groupies is puzzling. That is of course if we are supposed to be focusing on Christine.
OE wonders if maybe those of us who’ve always been focused on finding Christine missed the memo about focusing on other issues and OE wishes that Nictitate and the groupies would stop confusing all of us and let us know what it is that we are really supposed to be focusing on.
Early on after the Great One appeared on the scene comments not relevant to Christine’s case were not allowed on her blog. Somewhere along the line a 360 degree turn happened and all out war was declared against the City of

OE thinks that it is safe to say that those who’ve been leading the public effort to find Christine have found other subjects to work on. At this rate we will never find her. It’s way past time to put away all of the evilness and hatred and get back to the real subject. For those of you who have been caught up in the web being spun by Nictitate and the groupies – the subject is finding CHRSITINE.
OE sincerely hopes that the next chapter will be full of positive and true efforts in finding Christine to write about. Forever an optimist OE fears that misplaced hope has been presumed in the thought that Nictitates tale can be ended any time soon.
Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.
The name of the accused "rapist" that's being tossed around in all this is Roy Reed. However, Reed hasn't been charged with rape at all. He also has a court hearing. Soon. As a matter of fact on January 5. Maybe Billy and/or Stephanie can mosey on over to the other courtroom during breaks in Billy's case and get the true story on Reed ;) ;) ;)
I have a question-What in the hell is all this Goat Girl stuff Billy's all worked up over? No one knows what he's talking about.
I remember "Banana Girl" who worked at the Bata Shoe store about twenty years ago. Goat Girl looks vaguely familiar, but I really can't be sure without seeing her face.
It could be the same girl; the hair color and length are about right, but I think Banana Girl is a little thinner.
Billy is so full of it. It's not a felony for him to post something with the name of a juvenile offender in it. It would be unethical for him to post the name of the victims. It is my understanding that in MD all juvenile proceedings are open to the public if they involve offenses considered felonies when committed by an adult, therefore any info about a juvenile offender who commits a felony isn't confidential.
But do you know what Billy's talking about when he wrote that Mitchell knows where the pictures are of the mayor and council or whoever with Goat Girl, 4:04?
it's a metaphor
wow looks like everyone has gotten tired and bored of this drama. how sad for you
nope not sad,
I'm glad the ignorant ones are gone
Sad indeed 12:25! What is sad is that the ones who should be leading the charge to find Christine have wandered off the path and are focused on spewing forth all of their evilness and hatred toward anyone who doesn't conform to their agenda.
Their agenda is not focused on finding Christine and hasn't been for awhile. They continue to find victims to visit their evilness on. Who will the next victim be?
Not sad for us, sad for you all 12:25. Blink's cock and bull story about being "contacted by the press" and Billy's about this so call scandal being national news by LAST WEEKEND! Everyone's bored with all of your dramas that never pan out anyway! It will be interesting to see what excuses the 2 B's come up with this time when all this fizzles and turns out to be untrue. I guess you all can blame PPE for that too, like you did for the seachers not coming.
Oh my, I misunderstood 12:25's post. I thought it meant that we were all tired and bored with the stupidity of the BBS&L team and that it was sad that they weren't focusing on Christine. My apologies 12:25 for thinking that you were tired of it all and wanted to get back to the real subject.
Maybe all of you could get up off of your smack talking a$$ and find Christine.
Poor Christine will never get justice and her children will never know what happened to their mother because the one's who should care are too busy trashing people. Sad indeed!
The problem is see is the Burk's jump around from perceived conspiracy to perceived conspiracy like a bunch of jackasses. None of these tales amount to anything. The last one was about that book some other jackass wrote about a coverup in Todd's office.
Well it looks like they love Todd now and Mitchell's the bad guy. If they only knew how many times Mitchell had arrested Cane's son they would start loving him again. Oh I forgot, according to Billy no one ever gets arrested in Pocomoke!
Talk about shooting their selves in the foot - An article in Saturday Daily Times says that Mitchell is "accused" of failing to file the necessary documents with the court. It can't be said that he covered anything up because somehow the boy in the case had been finger printed by Mitchell.
Those who are jumping for joy about the aricle fail to realize that they've shot their selves in the foot. Mitchell was the best hope that there was of much being done to find Christine. Now they have nothing and no one who will ever care as much as he did. Way to go BBS&L.
Where have they left Christine? Who will her mother have that will lend a caring ear or even bother to talk to her? Who will follow up on every lead no matter how dumb it might be? One thing for sure, it won't be Mitchell.
The article is very unclear to me. Why would Mitchell have been asked 6 times if he had filed the charges through juvenile services? Whomever was asking the question knew the answer was no, otherwise why keep asking? Could it be the charges were filed in the adult court against the recommendation of the states attorney or was the ball dropped by all and Mitchell is the scrapegoat?
I wish the reported had asked more questions of Mitchell and Sarver. Mitchell claims to have filed charges in August. Where did he file the charges?
Sarver claims that in October charges weren't filed in juvenile services, but didn't say they weren't filed elsewhere.
You people will look for any reason at all to protect Boss Hogg.
And any reason at all to protect firefighter and law enforcement officer child molesters. What's up with you people?
Wymzie said...
You people will look for any reason at all to protect Boss Hogg.
12:54:00 PM
Oh c'mon Steph;
no one is "protecting boss hogg" show me that.
On the other hand y'all will say or do anything to bring him down, and blame it on "the people of Pocomoke"
You and Billy loved Scott until he busted you and now he's suddenly Blake's puppet. Which is it? Does/did he follow the law or not?
You both really need to look in the mirror, you ARE what you hate, sorry if the truth hurts.
You cannot say I didn't tell you and Blink about this early on but I was the nut. Remember? Y'all said it can't be true.
Funny how the truth will bite you in the ass huh?
If you will stop the lies that you think help your agenda people may well believe some of the tripe.
It's NOT "Pocomoke", it's the people like y'all
I may not agree, but I will fight for your right to disagree
Wmyzie, Asking in which court the charges filed by Mitchell in August were filed, is a legitimate question. Not only are IP's over your head, apparently so is reading comprehension.
Neither I nor Billy have ever liked Scott. Never trusted him. You can see my confrontation of him on the tape the night that my home was raided.
Your 'Anonymous' commentor's have tried to defend Mitchell in most of their comments. Not to mention chapter 7.
There is a major organized crime network right here in our little burg, and your accusing us of wearing tin foil hats.
Come on Tom you know that 2 years ago you were all about the corruption here in town and now you act like it doesn't exist.
Everyone in our City Government from Russ on down to Mitchell(except for the girls in the office) knew what happened and they not only covered it up, but they rewarded him to boot.
What truth is it that hurts?
I'm not blaming "The People" I'm blaming those who perpetuate the lies and the cover ups.
see what I mean?
Steph it's right here in this last comment.
I have never accused you of "tinfoil hats"
I know we have corruption, what city or town doesn't? But I do NOT blame the "people of Pocomoke" I blame the corrupt.
As for your last sentence, you consistently blame the "people of Pocomoke"
Sooooo, with your own deduction all my comments are views of myself? Well what does that say for you?
Again I say, look in the mirror, you will find your problems looking back at you.
It's NOT the "people of Pocomoke" it very well may be those that 'think' it is.
Oh for Pete's sake - "Major crime network"? If there is anything, and it's a strong "if", please stop accusing and put forth some solid proof. Bring em down!
Do you honestly think that you would still be around if there were a "major crime network"? I think we all know how "major crime networks" deal with people who bad mouth them and it sure ain't wire tapping charges.
You've managed to put your agenda at the top of the list all the while claiming that it's all for Christine. What a joke you are. You people BBS&E are doing nothing put sitting on your lazy a$$es and playing at being the "puppet masters".
Give it a rest and find Christine. Or don't you want to?
Maybe OE should dig up some facts on all of you who've done absolutely nothing to seriously find Christine except for conjuring up stories to mislead everyone. It's said that there are lots of stories.
OE should start with the great friend of the Burke's who claims to know what happened to Christine. Since he has a big red X on his back anyway, thanks to Blink, maybe he can tell the rest of the story as to Christine's where abouts.
Waiting anxiously to here from Nik and the Burke's for the rest of the story in finding Christine! Or is it made up?
Clara Mae, No one even pays attention to Billy and Stephanie anymore because they are so full of exagerations. THey hear one thing negative about something/someone, especially anything to do with city hall and they think it's gospel. Then they add their take, which they twist into whatever makes things look worse than it is.
what/why does Mitchell have to do with the Sheddy case?
Is/was Mitchell an employee of the PCPD or WCBI?
Pocomoke PD has no jurisdiction on Byrd Rd.
Is the involvement of the local PD normal protocol when dealing with such?
I don't know PE, but Luke-you know the guy with the stick- was over on Tricia's site last week, claiming "news" was coming in that Mitchell had mishandled evidence in the Sheddy case.
And we're all still waiting to hear more from blink about being "contacted by the press."
that's a STRONG allegation that after all this time they are just starting to accuse Mitchell of "mishandling of evidence"
grasping at straws comes to mind, or maybe anything to find an excuse?
Facts be told, Mitchell did more to help Christine's mother than any other LE but you won't hear any of them say it now.
Who in the hell is Luke to determine that Mitchell mishandled evidence? Someone who walks around with a stick having visions wants to say that LE mishandled evidience - what a joke.
BBS&L will grasp at anything to conjure up stories that are always negative toward everyone and anything that has been done to find Christine. So much so that people have turned away from Lynn because they know that sooner or later any effort put forth will be attacked.
The stupididty of the groupies is unbelievable. They are like a feeding frenxy of piranha's but don't realize that once everything is gobbled up there is nothing left.
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