Ms. Johnson admitted to helping family and friends steal merchandise from the store and had over a period of two years, faked returns in exchange for money. She also admitted that she would underring some merchandise for her family and friends at check out time. This allowed them to leave without paying for many items.
According to court records, Ms. Johnson is charged with four counts of theft of amounts ranging from $100 to under $10,000, and one count of theft scheme that she had carried out for TWO years.
She was taken before the District Court Commissioner, released on $10,000 bail pending trial. A court date is scheduled for April 12.
Gee, what was she thinking all this time while stealing for her friends and family? How do you walk out of Walmart after stealing something without those annoying beepers going off? And didn't she know that after a time all of this would show up when the books had to be balanced if not at the end of the day certainly at the end of the month? Thieves don't think that far ahead. In fact, thieves don't think at all!
For those of you that don't know, Tia Johnson (along with her boyfriend Clarence Butch Jackson) were the last two people to see Christine Sheddy alive back in 2007 when the young woman went missing.
Her theft scheme probably isn't enough to get her sentenced to jail. Let's just hope this latest incident will make her think back a few years...........
It's on everyone's mind so I may as well say it. After all, we're all wondering the same thing..... where will all this lead and will it lead to anything more?
looks like wall mart had everything under control all WCBI did was give her a ride.
wcbi had nothing to do with her arrest, it was frank wright of the pocomoke police dept. tia had been under watch for months by walmart's theft prevention.
I've seen those Somerset county "ladies" have been living it up the past couple of weeks-shopping at Walmart and all. Running around with carts, happy as pigs in you know what! You know the 2.......former relative of Tia's, and the other a "baby momma" to brother Steven.
Now I know why there were so happy......they too were probably robbing Walmart blind!
10:26 would the "ladies" be brydie, julie, and crystal?
Byrdie and Julie yes. Don't know any crystal. All walmart's gotta do is check the security cameras real good. Byrdie will stick out like a sore thumb.
Walmart's pretty darn stupid to have employed Tia Johnson to begin with! She was already with Jr when she got hired. I guess it's alright for Walmart to hire girlfriends of convicted felons! What did walmart think. That she was some angel out to get Jr on the right path???? And you know she's probably only admitted to a small fraction of what she really stole. Oh and Walmart's supposed to drug test also. Well it's obvious that's only talk because if that were the case she probaly would have been fired after only 2 days!
4:13 so we have a couple of the women, do you know of anymore. And who are the men involved. I have an idea (family affair if you will). Julie and stephen got married this weekend...how sweet.
No they did NOT get married. Byrdie and Timmy got married a few weeks ago. And not Timmy Johnson but some other Timmy. Tia and CC were there.
This is all very sad to me. Believe it or not Tia was quite pretty a few years ago. Then she hooked up with the 2 bit criminal Clarence and this is what happened. She could have really gone places with her looks when she was younger and still could if she would get her life back in order.
6:04 I stand corrected. You are right. They marry so often I lose track. If Byrdie is involved and tia rats her out....Byrdie will wup tias ass. Not a good place to be.
I have seen byrdie....large woman. Byrdie is a force to be recond with. She WILL wipe up the trailer floor with tia's punk ass. It's like money in the bank. Bet on it.
I think if walmart had everything under control they would have not hired Tia to begin with. She's been stealing from the place way before she's even worked there. The whole time they lived at the Byrd Rd farm they were stealing.
Hey JMMB I thought"that" case was solved and how great the Maryland State police were and yada yada yada! So what are we all supposed to be wondering?????? If that case has been solved by those wonderful "super troopers" who cares where this leads??????
I cannot believe the types of peole Walmart employs!!! Maybe if they would do the slighest background checks on peole they wouldn't have to use the excuse they do to raise prices! And then it took them two years to catch her! She robbed them blind for almost two years and they were totally oblivious to it! And we the consumers are paying the price!
It's pretty bad when an employee can get away with stealing for almost 2 years. I can tell you that will ONLY happen with WalMart. Most other retail stores hire loss prevention with law enforcement background. WalMart hires those they can get cheap.
Guess again, when they are 'writing their statement' that means they are making some kind of deal.
Yeah well wish in one hand and you know what in the other 9:27. Nothing is going to happen to her. Maybe a few months in jail and they will be suspended. She doesn't have a prior theft record. She'll end up maybe with probation and having to pay back Walmart 300 bucks or thereabouts.
And also 9:27 Walmarts all about pleas. They dont' want the expense of having to send a loss prevention rep to court. It would cost them money so much money with all their stores paying a rep to be in court all the time. One thing's for sure Walmart's all about the dollar and they could care less as they will never hire Johnson again.
Walmart was involved in the public search for Christine Sheddy and many at Walmart knew about Tia's connection to Christine's disappearence. Didn't anyone speak up when Tia applied and was interviewed for a job? Or was there someone who got her into Walmart? It makes no sense why both she and her mother were hired. Walmart made their own bed so let them lay in it!
Even more halarious is that a post on another blog goes so far as to say that Walmart had the class to send out 35 managers from around the Eastern Shore and provided food to everyone during the PUBLIC search for Christine ..balh, blah, balh! 35 managers from Walmart and yet they still gave Tia a job. The post goes on to say "where was WCBI'? Well dah, the search was planned and carried out by Stephanie Burke and Lynn Dodo and it was a PUBLIC search which was not organized as a police search. Don't these people get it? Anything that might have been found during this search would have been considered as not being properly recovered and would not have been admissable in a court of law. Besides that... Stephanie's purpose for being there was campaigning for votes.
9:40 has a very good point because I can tell you for certain alot of the Walmart employees were shocked, surprised and concerned when Tia was hired. The management knew of her background and also the dark cloud surrounding her and Clarence. Clarence was always hanging around (when he wasn't in jail) and even at one point made a scene outside even theatening an old man and Walmart still kept her around.
Surely if someone hadn't told on her and her admitting the 2 year theft scheme, she would be still at it.
9:40 has a very good point because I can tell you for certain alot of the Walmart employees were shocked, surprised and concerned when Tia was hired. The management knew of her background and also the dark cloud surrounding her and Clarence. Clarence was always hanging around (when he wasn't in jail) and even at one point made a scene outside even theatening an old man and Walmart still kept her around.
Surely if someone hadn't told on her and her admitting the 2 year theft scheme, she would be still at it.
9:40 sounds like a disgruntled walmart employee. Why are you so bitter 9:40? Nobody killed anyone in your family, why all the hate?
One of the decent (and yes some are decent) famity members told me about 6 months ago they don't go in walmart because of Tia. I didn't ask how come but maybe I should have. Maybe this person didn't want to be accused of stealing either.
Someone else said the cops weren't at the search and maybe it's because they had already been at the place when Tia and Jr was still living there. Jr was hot because he said the cops stole or killed his dogs or something like that. the cops knew there was nothing to be found on the farm way early in because no one says Jr is stupid and he would never have said the last place the girl was seen was the farm if she was killed or buried there. That would be like him directly giving up the crime scene and he's not stupid like that.
No one is bitter or a disgruntled employee 10:25. Just pointing out the facts and if we want to talk about hate - let's get all of the hate mongers who put out rubbish about WCBI to tell the truth for a change. Whenever there is anything remotely connected to Christine Sheddy the garbage starts flying.
I don't need to have anyone killed in my family to make a comment. It's sad for anyone to have to have that happen. If you're looking for pity you've got it.
If there is any bitterness going around it comes from those who have a hard time telling the truth about what did and didn't happen. Those who do this have a private agenda or are the type of people who lash out at everyone because of their own self lacking. They are just plain ole miserable people who's entire life is miserable.
Back to the subject of Tia Johnson and Walmart - no one should be surprised and least of all Walmart. It's hard to feel bad for them when they knew what they were getting when she was hired.
10:25 there were quite a few disgruntled Walmart employees when the store choose to hire Tia Johnson. The management knew some of the woman employees were creeped out by Tia and her boyfriend. Their answer was always we can't do anything about it. I just don't know why it took them 2 years to figure out she was stealing. Someone wasn't doing their job to have not noticed this sooner or was it overlooked for some reason?
This chick's been ripping Walmart off for 2 years and they just figured it out? Wow! Walmart better get their stuff together before every thief in Worcester county starts applying for a job at the Pocomoke Walmart.
C'mon now ya all!!!! Give the sistah a brake here. Ya all talking and disrepecting her like she some kinda garbage or sum thing!!! Ain't nobody should be judging her!!! That's up to God!!!! Everybody got sum thing in the past they ain't proud of!! Give the sistah a brake why don't ya!!!!
11:10 I was just curious as to why you would poke fun at the last name of a murder victims mother. Just seems like there is alot of underlying hate there. I am not looking for anything, just curious. You actually sound like you come from a police background. You speak like you have an insight as to what happened in the investigation. Just an observation, nothing else.
She is a theif. She was caught lying to the police regaurding the disapearence, turned murder case, of Christine Sheddy. She puts her criminal boyfriend before her children. These are facts not judgements.
The Pocomoke Walmart really does need to check further into the background of those they hire. I remember a few years back they hired a dude who ended up to be some kind of pervert. He was hired for security of all things.
Blame it on Federal labor law. Prospective employers are forbidden to ask an applicants age, just if they are over 18 or 21 if the job description requires it. When calling for references former employers are only allowed to confirm former employment and wages, nothing more. If they say that the former employee embezzled then the employer is the one in hot water
10:25 -One does not need a police background or have insight into the Sheddy case to know that the people of Worcester County have had it up to their eyeballs with all of the garbage that has come from it. And yes, the victims mother had a lot to do with throwing the garbage around so if she's earned a nickname it's well desrved. Having your loved one murdered does not give you a license to attack the very people who have tried to help.
As for giving sistah Tia a break 11:57 - you can't give something to someone who hasn't earned it. At the very least she is a common thief. Do you think that is the makings of a good role model for her kids? Not to mention her luv, Clarence Jackson who is now sitting in jail for theft. Then we have all of the lies, deception, and covering up surrounding the Sheddy murder. She should be sitting in a jail cell and her children should be somewhere safe far away from her.
I could care less, but if they had the case for 2 years and then the state police had it less then a week and found her body plus an arrest a few days later, that is odd. Maybe she had it up to her eyeballs with all the garbage herself
Wow you sure are gullible 12:23 still believing all that SP stuff. I do believe it was a more localized agency that developed the info that led to an advance in the case. Hmmmmm... maybe WCSO? Not sure if it was the same deputy who also broke the burglary case Clarence was involved in in 2007.....but maybe?
HaHaHaa----Byrdie got arrested!!!!!
You may be right 1:37 like I said could care less either way. Guess we will find out when they convict her killer and all the facts come out. PS I am far from gullible I just like to put myself in the shoes of both sides of the story
How Sweet for the newlyweds! I just saw on case search how Byrdie and Timmy have a court "date" together!
what are the charge's? Is it a domestic?
Look up Byrdie and Timothy Gibbs. The charges are similar too Tia's....do ya think it's related or a coincidence........Hmmmmmm
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