Ms. Johnson admitted to helping family and friends steal merchandise from the store and had over a period of two years, faked returns in exchange for money. She also admitted that she would underring some merchandise for her family and friends at check out time. This allowed them to leave without paying for many items.
According to court records, Ms. Johnson is charged with four counts of theft of amounts ranging from $100 to under $10,000, and one count of theft scheme that she had carried out for TWO years.
She was taken before the District Court Commissioner, released on $10,000 bail pending trial. A court date is scheduled for April 12.
Gee, what was she thinking all this time while stealing for her friends and family? How do you walk out of Walmart after stealing something without those annoying beepers going off? And didn't she know that after a time all of this would show up when the books had to be balanced if not at the end of the day certainly at the end of the month? Thieves don't think that far ahead. In fact, thieves don't think at all!
For those of you that don't know, Tia Johnson (along with her boyfriend Clarence Butch Jackson) were the last two people to see Christine Sheddy alive back in 2007 when the young woman went missing.
Her theft scheme probably isn't enough to get her sentenced to jail. Let's just hope this latest incident will make her think back a few years...........
It's on everyone's mind so I may as well say it. After all, we're all wondering the same thing..... where will all this lead and will it lead to anything more?