Jackson has a preliminary hearing set for March 16, 2012. No hearing set for Johnson.
See Below

Christine Sheddy, mother of three children and from Delaware was staying in an old farm house on Byrd Road in Pocomoke City with the couple-Jackson and Johnson where she was murdered. Justin Hadel is currently serving a life sentence with no parole for her murder.
Police say that Tia Johnson transported Sheddy's body in the trunk of her car to the River House Inn, a bed and breakfast located in Snow Hill, Maryland. Court document show that Tia Johnson and boyfriend Clarence Jackson were once employed by the River House. Jackson knew the owners would be gone and entered a guest house with a stolen key. Sheddy's body was buried in a shallow grave on the property of the bed and breakfast.
Johnson was originally being held on $500,000 bond but after a bail review hearing it was decided to hold her without bail.
Crime isn't anything new for Johnson. Also last year she was charged for a series of thefts from Walmart while being employed there at the time.
Ever heard: " Oh, what a tangled web we do weave when first we pratice to deceive"?
I can't say I'm surprised by this; in fact I'm pretty happy. This whole case has been an exercise in sleaze from the very beginning. We had a group of weirdos living in a dump, near the dump, and a woman who voluntarily joined them. We had a crazy lady who associated with Scared Monkeys and who claimed to have inside information, not only about this murder, but about practically every other murder in the United States. We had Flatland search people searching in all the wrong places. And then we had Tia...how does one describe her and her actions? What a mess.
Your friend,
It's about time! Everyone knows that Johnson and Jackson were involved with the murder of Christine Sheddy. Tia belongs exactly where she is for the rest of her miserable sorry a$$ life.
Anyone who helped to bury a body and then for over 2 years insist they knew nothing about the disappearence of Christine Sheddy is the behavior of an animal.
Now all that needs to be done is for Clarence Jackson to be charged!
Chickens always come home to roost don't they?
10:50, I wouldn't compare Tia to an animal as that's an insult to animals. Tia's behaviour can be more compared to exactly what she is-low life trash who by deciding to live the thug life ended up getting in hugh hugh trouble.
Soon her life will be reduced to nothing more than a number within the prison system and it couldn't have happened to a more worthy person.
Just terrible all around and so many lessons. 2 beautiful girls-one paying the ultimate price by losing her life and the other's life is in shambles, all due to the fact they choose to live life on the edge.
At their ages they should be buying their first homes, or planning their wedding or where to go out to dinner on Friday after work and not laying in a grave or sitting in jail.
Please ladies, choose your friends carefully. Hanging around with criminals and drug users will never end nicely.
11:52 couldnt have said it any better...the choices Tia made for her life have certainly been critical..her life is over as she knew it, Justin's is finished and JR is finished as well..then you have a young mother who is gone and 3 children who are without her...how sad a situation..I don't know why they killed her but I sure hope they think it was worth it now...and for as far as Jr goes some how I think he told the story of what really happened and that's why even though he's currently in ECI he HAS NOT been charged...I think he made a deal because of his current crimes and gave Tia and Justin up for a lesser sentence...only time will tell though and now that they have Tia I'd be interested to hear what she has to say...anyone who can kill someone and bury them the way they did were never meant to be among society...they are where they should be...her theft at WalMart was peanuts compared to what's going to happen to her now...
Problem is 12:53, these people have never told the truth and will only tell what they think authorities already know, so whatever Tia has to say can be taking with a grain of salt and she as well as Jr and Justin will likely omit things if they think they are not known by anyone but them.
No one will ever get to the "real story" of that terrible night.
Wow just read that Clarence Jackson has been charged as well...
Another victim in all of this is Tia's young daughter Cierra. That child has not ONE decent person in her life, nor has she ever. Sorry to curse but that BITCH Tia deserves everything she gets for not only this crime but for the crime of surrounding her young daughter around nothing but scum her entire young life.
1:56 your absolutely right...I didn't think about that way...I was thinking they would tell the truth to save their own butts...but I don't have a criminal mind either...
It was brilliant the way Oglesby put Tia to the fire at the 11th hour after the inmate testified. It gave her no time to play around with her story to match his version. She tried to cover herself by saying she didn't find out until Hadel told her 2 or 3 months later what had happened-this after her original story was coming home from picking up kids and missing...
Maybe giving the 2 different versions gives cause to have the use immunity agreement go south.
It must be hell, sitting in a jail cell knowing that there is a heck of a good chance that a penal institution is going to be your home for the rest of your life. No wonder bail was revoked for Tia.
I'm very happy for Clarence and Tia if they are going to spend their life in prison. They must like prison since they keep on committing crimes.
It's rare that the "real truth" emerges from murder cases but this one presents the opportunity.
The State could invite a plea, contingent on Johnson's cooperation, telling the facts and taking a lie detector test in exchange for a reduced sentence recommendation. She fails lie detector, then plea is off.
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