A number of names on this page are familiar to us older Pocomokians, i.e. Pearl Bratten (teacher), G.D. Bull (produce), Lesley Bunting (electrical repair shop), Griffin Callahan (merchant), Godfrey Child (lawyer), J.Dawson Clarke (Marva Theater owner, future mayor), Clinton Duncan (petroleum distributor), Lynwood Duncan (auto dealership).

I can't believe I'm old enough to remember some of these people. Quince Ashburn lumber was a forerunner of Miles Building Supply and Benjamin Dryden owned the farm that later became the site of Roses, Pizza Hut and other businesses. His former house still stands at 514 Market Street.

Dawson Clarke may have been the Marva manager in 1936 and bought it later. And later on he operated WBOC's Pocomoke radio studio on Willow Street.
tk for PPE says: Dawson also was a professional photographer. In the early 1940s's he took separate portrait photographs of my sister and I and they're still displayed in my home. He was a talented piano player and sometimes performed at community functions. As mayor Dawson was an avid and enthusiastic promoter of Pocomoke City.
A number of names on this page are familiar to us older Pocomokians, i.e. Pearl Bratten (teacher), Lesley Bunting (electrical repair shop), Griffin Callahan (merchant),Godfrey Child (lawyer), J.Dawson Clarke (Marva Theater owner, future mayor), Clinton Duncan (petroleum distributor, Lynwood Duncan (auto dealership).
I can't believe I'm old enough to remember some of these people. Quince Ashburn lumber was a forerunner of Miles Building Supply and Benjamin Dryden owned the farm that later became the site of Roses, Pizza Hut and other businesses. His former house still stands at 514 Market Street.
Dawson Clarke may have been the Marva manager in 1936 and bought it later. And later on he operated WBOC's Pocomoke radio studio on Willow Street.
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