February, 2007
The News Journal (Wilmington, De)

I have sailed the Chesapeake Bay for over 60 years and can assure you that mean water levels have not risen. Shorelines may be eroding, land may be subsiding but water level is not rising.
September, 2003
Somerset Herald
(Bobby Wetzel, 6, and his sisters Chelsea, 9, and Rosemary, 11, play Friday Sept. 19 in the flooded area along Maryland Ave. in Crisfield after Hurricane Isabel. The Wetzels, who were staying with friends, were among nearly 300 residents evacuated from their homes on Smith Island.)
May, 1934
Democratic Messenger
1 comment:
I have sailed the Chesapeake Bay for over 60 years and can assure you that mean water levels have not risen. Shorelines may be eroding, land may be subsiding but water level is not rising.
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