Thursday, September 19, 2024

Funds reallocation puts Mayor Nock at odds with Worcester Commissioners.



During Tuesdays County Commissioners meeting, county leaders made a deeply troubling decision that has significant implications for Pocomoke City. The commissioners voted to reallocate infrastructure grant funds intended for our "Safe Paths" Initiative to the newly formed Pocomoke City Development Corporation (PCDC), completely ignoring our formal request.

Let me be clear: these funds were not up for grabs. They were promised to Pocomoke City for the specific purpose of repaving our roads and sidewalks to ensure the safety and mobility of our residents. In a letter dated August 29th, I requested the reallocation of $96,766 in unspent FY23 and FY24 grant funds for this very purpose. To my dismay, our request was barely discussed.

It is deeply disturbing that our commissioner would undermine our city because of personal grievances. As elected officials, we are entrusted with the responsibility to rise above personal conflicts and make decisions that are in the best interests of our communities. Instead, we were completely blindsided by this decision. The PCDC was not working with the city on this project prior to the commissioners' vote, and my office was not aware that they were even in consideration for the grant funds that had been earmarked for our town.

I am extremely disappointed in the county commissioners. This undermining must stop. While this decision is a snag in our road and sidewalk initiative, it will not stop our efforts. We remain committed to improving our city's infrastructure and safeguarding the well-being of our residents.

We will continue to fight for what is rightfully ours and ensure that our infrastructure projects proceed as planned.

Mayor Todd Nock

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