Sunday, September 15, 2024

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1834, 1942, 1957, 1923, 2003, 1990.


September, 1834

Boston Post

 October, 1942
Afro American (Baltimore)

July, 1957

Salisbury Times

*October 1923

Baltimore Sun

(Pocomoke Public Eye- We are now more than 50 years beyond that imagined future time.  Anyone want to venture speculation on life 50 years from now?)

So, the Baltimore Sun predicted that the petroleum supply would be exhausted by 1973 but most families will invest in a good car? I'm sure the good cars will be propelled by the hot air that is so typical of the twaddle emanating from the Sun editorial department.

Your friend,

*February, 2003

Salisbury Daily Times

*December, 1990

Baltimore Sun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, the Baltimore Sun predicted that the petroleum supply would be exhausted by 1973 but most families will invest in a good car? I'm sure the good cars will be propelled by the hot air that is so typical of the twaddle emanating from the Sun editorial department.

Your friend,