Long- time Pocomoke City Police Chief Juergen D. (J.D.) Ervin has announced his retirement effective November 30, 2011. Prior to assuming his position in Pocomoke City in 1995, Chief Ervin served two years as the Chief of the Elkton, Maryland Police Department and 28 years with the Laurel, Maryland Police Department including 12 years as Deputy Chief.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011
News From Pocomoke City ~
Long- time Pocomoke City Police Chief Juergen D. (J.D.) Ervin has announced his retirement effective November 30, 2011. Prior to assuming his position in Pocomoke City in 1995, Chief Ervin served two years as the Chief of the Elkton, Maryland Police Department and 28 years with the Laurel, Maryland Police Department including 12 years as Deputy Chief.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Professional Standards Evaluation For Pocomoke City Police Dept.

PCPD employees and citizens are invited to comment on the department's professional standards as part of a commission evaluation of compliance in four categories. Findings from the evaluation will determine whether the police department qualifies for a program upgrade recognition, according to Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin.
Areas of evaluation are policy and procedures, administration, operations and support services, the chief said.
An assessment team will field public comments on May 2 between 2 and 4 p.m. Comments can be made by calling 410-422-3451.
Telephone comments are limited to 10 minutes, and must address the police department's ability to comply with CALEA standards. A copy of the standards is available at the police department, at 300 Second St.
Written comments can be forwarded to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320, Gainesville, Va. 20155, or CALEA@calea.org.
For more information, call Shawna Gammino at 410-957-1600.