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Friday, June 14, 2024
Friday, June 15, 2012
National Flag Week /4
Superintendent Bill East of the Dept. of Public Works for Pocomoke City along with his crew are responsible for the large flag in Cypress Park and the flags displayed along the sidewalk in downtown Pocomoke City.
Bill tries to keep two flags on hand at all times in case one becomes damaged. He tries to make sure the flag has been taken down when high winds are predicted so there will be no damage to the flag or the pole. But Eastern Shore weather is not always pretictable and it's not always convenient to lower a 20' x 30' American flag under any circumstances. Flags of this size are pricey Bill and his crew, because of their special care for the flag, are helping to save the city tax dollars and always making sure that we are able to enjoy the greatest symbol of our country.
Thanks Bill! And thank you to your crew of great workers who make sure the American flag is protected. It is always the first thing I look for when I am downtown...before the red light!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
~Francis Scott Key~
Monday, June 14, 2010
100 People Become Official U.S. Citizens Today

More than 100 people will officially become United States citizens. Taylor Reveley, president of the College of William and Mary will be the event's feature speaker.
Federal Judge Mark S. Davis will preside over the ceremony. Jackie Spangler, a direct descendant of John Rolfe and Pocahontas and president of the National Society of the Colonial Dames XVII Century, the Rev. James Blair Chapter, will deliver the Pledge of Allegiance, according to a release.
FLAG DAY - Remember And Honor Our Flag Today

Bernard J. Cigrand Vision of Flag Day
Bernard J. Cigrand /strong>was a young teacher in 1885 who envisioned a day of remembrance and observance for the United States Flag. On June 14, 1885 he put the flag in jar on his desk and asked his class to write an essay about the flag and what it meant to them. Finally, after many years of hard work Bernard J. Cigrand’s vision came true when President Wilson issued a proclamation calling for a nation wide observance of Flag Day on May 30, 1916. Then in 1940 President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating the 14th of June every year as National Flag Day.