Worcester County Health Department Sponsors
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
LifeStryle Balance/ A "Life Saving" Program
Worcester County Health Department Sponsors
Monday, November 8, 2010
Pocomoke YMCA Names New Director

Prescott comes to Pocomoke City from Hagerstown, Md., where he served as program director and senior director of that YMCA. He also served a stint in Farmville, Va. The new director learned of the opening in Pocomoke City from Rich Stover, CEO of the Mid-Delmarva Family YMCA; they had collaborated on several programs.
Prescott said his first task is to find ways to get more involved with the community. This includes working with organizations in the Pocomoke City area. He's hoping in this way, more people will visit the YMCA to take advantage of the facility.
The Y includes many facilities -- a large indoor pool, three gym courts, a fitness center and an aerobic center -- under its roof. The outdoor facilities include a pond, a ropes course, a paved walking/running track and four bike trails through the forest.
Programs for kids include an after-school program and a day camp during the summer. At present, 34 kids are signed up for the after-school program, which is still not at full capacity. Some of their activities include schoolwork, a fitness program and swimming.
Because Pocomoke High School is being renovated, the sports teams have been using the fields at the YMCA. While using the fields, the school has been maintaining them and has helped in installing lights for nighttime use.
Once the new fields at PHS are completed and the teams return, the YMCA fields will be available for use by the center for such sports as soccer, baseball and softball.
Prescott said all programs at the YMCA are available for members and nonmembers. There are scholarships for people who cannot afford the cost of the membership.
The branch Prescott now manages includes people from southern Worcester County, southern Somerset and northern Accomack County. Anyone who has a membership here is also a member of the Mid-Shore YMCA in Salisbury and the newly-opened branch in Chincoteague.
Two major fundraisers for the local YMCA are the Masquerade Ball in late winter and a triathlon in early June. The branch also plans to begin its annual campaign for funds sometime next month.
The Lower Shore Family YMCA has also been the host for the South Worcester Relay for Life for the past several years, which has attracted hundreds of participants.
"Come talk to us if you have an idea for a program," Prescott said.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity For Pocomoke Citizen

WALLOPS ISLAND -- Surface Combat Systems Center nominated a local citizen for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fly in a United States Navy F/A-18 Hornet Jet. The nomination process began in July 2009 and ended May 12, when Paul Becker of Pocomoke City, Md., flew out of Andrews Air Force Base aboard one of the world-famous Blue Angel Jets. Becker serves as the director of the Lower Eastern Shore YMCA.
The nominees are individuals from local communities who are defined as "people who help to shape attitudes and opinions of youth in their communities. People turn to key influencers for advice and information because they have credibility." The nominees selected could be leaders of youth organizations, guidance counselors, coaches, teachers, etc.
The Blue Angels' purpose for this program is "to maximize the Blue Angels' impact on recruiting by flying the right people who will share their experience and the Navy-Marine Corps message."
The Blue Angels' mission is to enhance Navy and Marine Corps recruiting efforts and to represent the naval service to the United States, its elected leadership and foreign nations. The Blue Angels serve as positive role models and goodwill ambassadors for the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps.
"It is people like Mr. Paul Becker who have a positive impact on youth in our community. Through his experience, we are hopeful that he can now share the Navy-Marine Corps message with them. His hard work within our community has not gone unnoticed," said Cmdr. John J. Keegan, commanding officer, SCSC.