Becky Bloxom, the mother of Courtney Bloxom, will be interviewed and will explain just exactly what is involved in the life of a patient that suffers from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on a daily basis.
Courtney is the nineteen year old Arcadia High School student still hospitalized from a car accident back in May of 2010. At the present time Courtney is a patient at Shore LifeCare in Parksley, Virginia. Each day she undergoes hours of extensive therapies trying to get her young body back on the right track so that she may live life as she once did.
This young woman has a very long way to go but it has been through prayer, her wonderful medical personnel and the love from family, friends and even strangers that has helped Courtney stay on course.
On her facebook page Courtney has close to 4,000 friends many of them leaving notes of love to her on a daily basis. Each and every day Becky takes the time to give updates on Courtney's progress. The journey has been a long one but each day Courtney's Mother makes sure God knows how thankful she is.
Please say a prayer for Courtney as she continues to recover.