The Blueberry Festival will be held from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. rain or shine. The festival remains the largest fine arts and crafts event on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with exhibitors from 10 states including many excellent local artists. This large exhibit brings a unique Christmas in July shopping atmosphere to Chincoteague. The arts and crafts exhibits are located both inside the Chincoteague Center building and outside on the green space and parking lot.
The fresh gourmet blueberries will once again be provided by Dick's Kitchen. These succulent delicacies are unlike any blueberries that can be found in the grocery store or produce stands and are a huge favorite of festival visitors and sell out every year. For fresh blueberry pre-orders, call Dick Jones at 540-273-2963.
The Blueberry Festivals' net profits from the fresh blueberry sales will be donated to the Chincoteague Police Department's "Ride for Kids" program to benefit local children. Buying fresh blueberries at the festival provides not only a tasty and nutritious treat for the family, but helps the kids in need. Blueberries freeze extremely well and many of the festivals blueberry devotees stock up for the entire year.
For a free pint of fresh blueberries, be one of the first 50 paid adults each day of the festival.
The "ultimate blueberry pies" will once again be made and sold by Sugarbakers Bakery. These offerings also sold out last year and should be pre-ordered. To pre-order blueberry pies, call 757-336-3712.
The blueberry confections continue with blueberry ice cream from the Island Creamery, old-fashioned blueberry shortcake from Diana James, blueberry funnel cakes from Cross Concessions, blueberry pancakes from Pepper Jack Grille and more.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served by Pepper Jack Grille. For a complete menu, visit http://www.chincoteagueblueberryfestival.com/.
The musical offerings are expanding for the 2010 Chincoteague Blueberry Festival to include the Celtic Islanders, the Piped Piper, Mountain Faith, Johnny Mo -- "The Musical Chef," Ron Cole and Wayne Young and Moonstruck Music. Musical performances will continue for the entire event. For a complete musical schedule, visit the website.
Attractions for kids include pony rides from Against the Wind Farms, sand art and face painting.
For directions, discount coupons and more visit www.Chincoteague BlueberryFestival.com or e-mail: samserio@ esva.net.