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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Michael Vick's Hand Is Bruised NOT Broken
That's not all of his woes recently.
Vick thinks that referees are calling penalties for hits against him differently than they are for the rest of the football league. Now my guess is that you, Mike Vick, think those other guys are picking on you. Bless your heart. You are out there to play football! Man up. Too many hits?The game is tough and if you can't play with the big boys get out of their way.
Gee, Mr. Big Man, you weren't thinking a few years ago when those pitbulls were fighting and chewing on each other and you were making illegal money. YOU weren't worried about the pain they endured when you tortured them so they would become mean and gnarl another dog half to death and until bloodied so you could have the best fighting dogs! You weren't worried that those poor dogs IN YOUR CARE probably cried all night and slept with one eye open not knowing what was coming next in its horrible life.
You didn't care that those dogs lived a life of HELL while you lived it up. And you aren't the least bit concerned that YOU, along with many others, have given the PITBULL the horrible name it still tries to shed today!
Shame on you Cry Baby!! Maybe it's your conscience that has you in its grip. Rightly so. I sure hope your hand heels. You might need that hand to wipe yourself the next time someone on the opposing team nails your sorry self!
By The Philadelphia Inquirer and Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA — Philadelphia quarterback Michael Vick has a deep bone bruise in his right hand, it was revealed Monday.
On Sunday, Vick and Eagles officials thought the hand — his non-throwing hand — was broken.
Vick's status for Sunday's home game against the San Francisco 49ers is uncertain.
"It all remains to be seen. I've got to take it one day at a time and see how everything unfolds," said Vick, his hand wrapped into a thick club. "It's a little sore. It's still swollen, but I think with rehab we'll see how it recovers and how well it gets."
Coach Andy Reid would not say if Vince Young or Mike Kafka would get the start for the Eagles (1-2) if Vick can't play.
"I haven't even gotten there yet. I'm still on the swelling in Michael's hand and if he'll be ready to play," Reid said. "We'll see if we can get the swelling to where it's manageable and his hand where he feels comfortable."
Vick blasted officials after suffering the injury in Sunday's 29-16 loss to the New York Giants, saying he absorbs too many late hits without getting the benefit of roughing-the-passer penalties.
But on Monday, Vick said he is done complaining about officials.
"I was kind of out of character and being too candid in that aspect," Vick said. "Ultimately, I have respect for the referees and their decision to make calls. You won't hear me complaining about it no more."
Saturday, July 31, 2010
"Earl Weaver" The Family Pet

This is "Earl Weaver" an adopted dog and family pet. Earl Weaver was saved from being put to sleep on the eve of his execution. For many months he did nothing but exist in a kennel at the dog pound. He had no trips out of doors, no fresh air and ate, slept and went to the bathroom all in the same place. He had no family anymore and not even a nibble for a new home.
Well, he found a new home. And for a few short months "Earl Weaver" had the best medical care, the best in food, the softest bed and even received a doggy education. He had others to play with, a park to play in, toys of his own and someone to love. There were road trips and plenty of trips to the store for more toys. All he had to do was provide protection for his owner in which he did. It made him proud and he worked so hard.
Suddenly a few days ago "Earl Weaver" developed an attitude that no one had ever seen in him. His actions and behavior became so untypical of "Earl Weaver" that his owner quickly took him to his doctor for a blood test. It was determined today that "Earl Weaver", when living with his first family, (who lost him to the shelter for mistreating him) had fed him lead. The lead that he had been fed once upon a time was destroying his kidneys and his brain.
Yep, someone gave this animal something harmful that could not be detected until Earl did something BITE! Thank goodness no one was bitten and his attitude was taken seriously by his owner before something unfortunate did happen.
The decisions we have to make in life sometimes seem so unfair. But for the fairness to "Earl Weaver" and so he would never harm a person (not meaning to), the owner, along with Earl's doctor made the hard decision to put "Earl Weaver" to sleep.
So it's a very sad time right now for those that loved him. But on a happy note he got his time to walk free, play in the park, chew bones and do all the things dogs should get to do when they are loved and especially when someone gives them a chance.
We're going to miss that funny, happy dog.
Isn't it odd though if you really give it some thought........ If a dog bites someone, acts unruly, threatens, or even looks mean the first thing to be done is to be put to sleep. Well, my goodness, we can't have an animal running our streets acting like that!!! What if he was to harm someone????? What if some person really got hurt? Dogs have been known to kill!!!
We tolerate bad behavior from humans that can cause us MORE harm than a dog could ever do.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Vick's Family and Friends Sued For Millions In Bankruptcy Court

Michael Vick wrongfully transferred millions of dollars to his friends and family in the months before he went to federal prison, Vick's bankruptcy trustee alleges in a lawsuit.
The suit, filed in Newport News U.S. Bankruptcy Court, seeks repayment of at least $2 million from Vick's mother, fiancée, brother Marcus, other family members and friends. Each was served with the court papers this week.
Vick's representatives called the suit misguided.
“He was being generous to his friends and family. He wasn’t trying to do anything illegal,” said Paul Campsen, Vick’s bankruptcy attorney.
Vick’s bankruptcy case, now more than two years old, has been one of the more complicated cases handled in the local bankruptcy courts, attorneys involved have said.
Last summer, after Vick’s release from prison, a bankruptcy judge approved a financial restructuring plan that allowed Vick to keep $300,000 of his salary with the Philadelphia Eagles while most of the rest of his millions go to pay off his creditors.
Vick, who lives in Hampton, served 23 months for bankrolling a dogfighting operation and remains on probation. When he went into prison, he claimed to owe $20 million.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Michael Vick Could Face Parole Violation

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) - What began as a "dress code strictly enforced," star-studded birthday celebration for Philadelphia Eagles quarterback and Newport News native Michael Vick, ended in gunfire, with Vick's name, again, in national headlines.
Media outlets have reported that the victim in the shooting--which took place near Town Center's Guadalajara, where the party was held--was Quanis Phillips, who was one of Vick's co-defendants in his 2007 dog fighting conviction.
"When it comes to federal probation it is always a fluid situation," said local defense attorney Andrew Protogyrou.

Both Vick and Phillips are on federal parole and have strict guidelines on what they can and can not do. Vick's probation officer will now investigate what happened at Guadalajara.
"The fact that two felons are in the same room doesn't mean that they know each other is there," Protogyrou added. "It's a party, it's packed, it's crowded. They may not know the other person was there. On the other hand, if they are in the same place and they are seen associating and seen together, that's a violation."
Virginia Beach police are still working to piece together details from the party and what happened after.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Man Considers Lawsuit After Being Bitten By Dog In His Home

TEMPERANCEVILLE — Continuing a trend of dog attacks that goes back more than a year, an Accomack County man was bitten twice by a neighbor’s pit bull — once in his yard and once in his own home.
Stephen Hopkins has filed a criminal complaint against the owner of the dog, has contacted an attorney and plans to file a civil lawsuit against the owner.
“I’m not going to lay down after getting bitten in the face and on the hand in my own house,” he said.
He thanked Oak Hall Rescue, which arrived at the scene quickly. He was disappointed that it took two hours, by his count, for the sheriff’s department to arrive.
The dog is under quarantine by the Health Department to see if it has rabies. If it shows signs of rabies, Hopkins will have to have post-exposure rabies treatment.
He said several children were in his back yard on the day of the attack and began screaming when the pit bull began to fight his pet beagle.
Hopkins ran out to rescue the beagle, and the pit bull bit him in the face.
“I get my beagle away and I run back in the house,” Hopkins said. ‘The pit bull chases me inside my living room and bites me on the hand.”
Hopkins thanked Supervisor Ron Wolff, who he described as being concerned about the attack and about Hopkins’ welfare.
“He was very, very helpful,” he said.
The beagle was fine afterward, he said.
Hopkins also asked that a photograph of him, bleeding from the face, be published so people would know the dangers of dogs running at large.
“From what I understand, there is a lot of this going on,” he said.
Friday, August 14, 2009

PETA's response to Philadelphia signing Vick
PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Philadelphia Eagles have chosen to sign a man who hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned in his swimming pool, and even threw his own family dogs into the fighting pit to be torn to shreds while he laughed. What sort of message does this send to young fans who care about animals and don't want to see them be harmed? PETA certainly hopes that Vick has learned his lesson and feels truly remorseful for his crimes--but since he's given no public indication that that's the case, only time will tell. At this point, all Eagles fans can do is cross their fingers and hope that they won't ever have to explain to their sons and daughters what a "rape rack" is and why their favorite player was using one, as Falcons fans once had to.