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Monday, October 7, 2013
Pocomoke Christmas Parade Has NEW Website
It's not too soon to begin planning on being a participant in the 41st annual Christmas Parade in Pocomoke City.
The brand new website is up and running and has ALL the information you need to enter the parade for this year.
Just go to the website:, select the proper area as it applies to your group or organization and fill out the application.
This years nighttime Christmas parade will be held on December 2, 2013!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Pocomoke City Christmas Parade Winners

Grand Champion Band $100 & Trophy Snow Hill HS
1st Place Div I Band - L$150 & Trophy Snow Hill HS
2nd Place Div I Band - L$100 & Trophy N. Dorchester HS
1st Place Div 2 1st Place Div Band- S$150 & Trophy Washington HS
2nd Place Div 2 Band - S $100 & Trophy Crisfield HS
1st Place Div 3 Band - M$125 & Trophy Salisbury Middle School
2nd Place Div 3 Band - M$100 & Trophy None
1st Place Comm. Float Plaque Lowes of Pocomoke
2nd Place Comm. Float Plaque TNT Construction
1st Place Non-Com Adult Float $150 & Plaque Acts Apostolic Church
2nd Place Non-Com Adult Float $125 & Plaque Bethel Baptist Church
1st Place Non-Com Youth Float $150 & Plaque Cub Scouts Troop 143
2nd Place Non-Com Youth Float $125 & Plaque Girls Scouts Troop 137
1st Place Dance Units Plaque Dance Loft
2nd Place Dance Units Plaque Dance Dynamics
1st Place Marching Units Plaque Snow Hill HS
2nd Place Marching Units Plaque Pocomoke HS
Best Appearing Fire Co. Plaque Greenbackville VFD
2nd Appearing Fire Co. Plaque Parsonsburg VFD
Best Fire Co Marching Plaque Newark Cadets
Best Antique Equipment Plaque Greenbackville VFD
Best Modern Equipment Plaque Salisbury Station 2
Equestrian Unit Plaque Chincoteague Drill Team
Monday, November 22, 2010
Get Ready For Delmarva's Largest Nighttime Christmas Parade !

Also featured will be beautifully decorated and lighted floats entered by schools, civic organizations, churches and commercial enterprises. Clowns, marching units, fire departments, equestrian units, and of course the one and only "Santa Claus" will round out the two-hour event, slated to kick-off at 7:00 pm. sharp. Also as tradition the blowing of the fire siren will signal the starting of the parade. The route will take the parade North on Market Street beginning at 14th Street and ending at the Pocomoke River. Professional Judges, from the National Judges Association (NJA), will score entries in 10 different categories. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded immediately following the event to the top entries in each category. A special thanks to the community of Pocomoke City and Surrounding areas for the recent support given to us to continue this great tradition that has been a part of the town of over 30 years. If you would like to enter the parade please fill out the appropriate judging form on the applications page. If you do not want to be judged but still enter please use the Miscellaneous form.
If you have any questions you can contact Mike Shannon at 410-957-0802 and leave a message with your name, address and telephone number and type of entry, or fill out our contact form in the Contact Us section of this website.
*New for 2010, The Pocomoke City Parade Association is currently seeking new members to join our parade committee. If you are interested please contact us by email ONLY.
For more info go to their website: